Will Weinstein commit suicide before going to jail?

Will he off himself or face jail?

  • He's a coward so he'll take the easy way out.

  • He will face the music & his victims

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has he been charged yet? I know he's been accused with some real damning evidence, but has any justice dept prosecutors charged him? IF NOT, WHY NOT????
He needs only give more money to the D Party, then all is forgiven.
There is no way in hell he's getting off. The left have run around for over a year now calling for Trumps head at the very "thought" he did these kinds of things. This man will take the fury that is intended for Trump otherwise their cover is blown.

Ben Affleck needs to bite the bullet too
has he been charged yet? I know he's been accused with some real damning evidence, but has any justice dept prosecutors charged him? IF NOT, WHY NOT????
Why do you think he didn't get out of the country as he had planned? So far 3 women have accused him of rape and another 30 or so of other sexual misconduct of some type. HIGH PROFILE women to boot.
This man has no idea of the thunder he is about to face.
He was going to leave the country. I'm a bit surprised that he hasn't left yet. He will leave the country and recreate a little media empire someplace else.
He was going to leave the country. I'm a bit surprised that he hasn't left yet. He will leave the country and recreate a little media empire someplace else.
Naw, he's toast and I guarantee you authorities are watching him. The first sign he shows of splitting and his passport will be revoked.
The things I've seen and read, he's acting like he thinks he's going to get away with it all....a little this... a little that... a little therapy and it will all go away...? Scary!
Weinstein is rich, he'll never see the inside of a jail cell.

If all else fails, he'll make a contribution to the trump campaign and get a pardon in return. What else are twin brothers for...
has he been charged yet? I know he's been accused with some real damning evidence, but has any justice dept prosecutors charged him? IF NOT, WHY NOT????

Is Bill Cosby in jail yet? I don't know what the big deal is with this guy anyways it seems Bill Clinton did the same and remained president..
Weinstein is rich, he'll never see the inside of a jail cell.

If all else fails, he'll make a contribution to the trump campaign and get a pardon in return. What else are twin brothers for...
More likely he gives millions to Big Ears and Cankles, who then pull some strings.
We don't need the politics in this thread guys. Let him stand on & defend his actions without blurring the lines
I'll take option C) He'll not work 'publicly' ever again, but nothing will happen to him legally (I don't think they've got a case for him doing anything illegal here.)
Until everyone deduces that there is an obvious separation in the criminal justice system, the wealthy and powerful will always get by with maybe just a slap on the their dirty little hands...

I'll take option C) He'll not work 'publicly' ever again, but nothing will happen to him legally (I don't think they've got a case for him doing anything illegal here.)
Rape is illegal

It's not rape if they consent, even if they kind of didn't want to but felt they had to for their careers. Unless there's a woman who says that he told her she had to fuck him for a job there's not really any legal standing. At best, harassment? (but it sounds like it was a one time deal for those who've come forward so far) and assault would be harder to pin on him given the ladies tales I've heard. Then there's the statute of limitations and shit to deal with.

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