Will Weinstein commit suicide before going to jail?

Will he off himself or face jail?

  • He's a coward so he'll take the easy way out.

  • He will face the music & his victims

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He needs only give more money to the D Party, then all is forgiven.

Gee, You're so off here.

Until everyone deduces that there is an obvious separation in the criminal justice system, the wealthy and powerful will always get by with maybe just a slap on the their dirty little hands...


No they just have lawyers who advise them exactly how they can "skirt" the law and never get in trouble for doing things that on the surface sound like they should be illegal, but in reality there is no reasonable way to pass such a law. Its a lot of the reason that lawyers are seen as scum...
I'll take option C) He'll not work 'publicly' ever again, but nothing will happen to him legally (I don't think they've got a case for him doing anything illegal here.)
Rape is illegal

It's not rape if they consent, even if they kind of didn't want to but felt they had to for their careers. Unless there's a woman who says that he told her she had to fuck him for a job there's not really any legal standing. At best, harassment? (but it sounds like it was a one time deal for those who've come forward so far) and assault would be harder to pin on him given the ladies tales I've heard. Then there's the statute of limitations and shit to deal with.
3 actresses have accused him of RAPE.

Get it? Rape, not unwanted sexual advancements.
The things I've seen and read, he's acting like he thinks he's going to get away with it all....a little this... a little that... a little therapy and it will all go away...? Scary!

Bet he does get away with it.

In any event, he will never see jail time because the rape/molestation of women is simply not a noteworthy crime.
I'll take option C) He'll not work 'publicly' ever again, but nothing will happen to him legally (I don't think they've got a case for him doing anything illegal here.)
Rape is illegal

It's not rape if they consent, even if they kind of didn't want to but felt they had to for their careers. Unless there's a woman who says that he told her she had to fuck him for a job there's not really any legal standing. At best, harassment? (but it sounds like it was a one time deal for those who've come forward so far) and assault would be harder to pin on him given the ladies tales I've heard. Then there's the statute of limitations and shit to deal with.
3 actresses have accused him of RAPE.

Get it? Rape, not unwanted sexual advancements.

I have not seen those, just women saying that he made advances on them. I'll read your sources if you'll provide them, though I'm off to make dinner and won't be back until morning most likely.
I'll take option C) He'll not work 'publicly' ever again, but nothing will happen to him legally (I don't think they've got a case for him doing anything illegal here.)
Rape is illegal

It's not rape if they consent, even if they kind of didn't want to but felt they had to for their careers. Unless there's a woman who says that he told her she had to fuck him for a job there's not really any legal standing. At best, harassment? (but it sounds like it was a one time deal for those who've come forward so far) and assault would be harder to pin on him given the ladies tales I've heard. Then there's the statute of limitations and shit to deal with.
3 actresses have accused him of RAPE.

Get it? Rape, not unwanted sexual advancements.

I have not seen those, just women saying that he made advances on them. I'll read your sources if you'll provide them, though I'm off to make dinner and won't be back until morning most likely.
I saw it on ABC but I found this with a quick search.

Three women accuse Weinstein of rape as Paltrow and Jolie allege sexual harassment
Voters are starting to understand just how pathetic and corrupt the democrats really are.
He's in DEEEEEP shit. I think everyone involved would be better off if he just took care of himself.
Not really sure what did it, but I'm so glad to see you FINALLY take interest in a rape story.

I agree, him, and men of his ilk, influential, rich, old men with power, abusing and lording over young beautiful women with little to no power. It's absolutely disgusting, revolting, and has no place in decent society. The perpetrators of such atrocities should be punished to the highest extent of the law.

I hope to see you continue to give stories like this the attention it deserves.

Keep it up bro!

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He's in DEEEEEP shit. I think everyone involved would be better off if he just took care of himself.
Not really sure what did it, but I'm so glad to see you FINALLY take interest in a rape story.

I agree, him, and men of his ilk, powerful rich old men with power, abusing and lording over young beautiful women with little to no power. It's absolutely disgusting, revolting, and has no place in decent society. The perpetrators of such atrocities should be punished to the highest extent of the law.

I hope to see you continue to give stories like this the attention it deserves.

Keep it up bro!

I read about it over on twitter. Seems Crowe was involved in some way of hiding some evidence that was spoken of some years back..or something. Might wanna google RC and Weinstein to see what pops up.
What everyone needs to NOT FORGET is it is not just women being abused by the pervs. It's the child actors as well.
Don't forget Corey Haim
Don't forget Corey Feldman.
I wonder if River Phoenix died from ODing due to it happening to him too?
This is just the tip of the iceberg, people. PEDOPHILES and PERVERTS both are running that entertainment you pay to see.

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