Will Weinstein commit suicide before going to jail?

Will he off himself or face jail?

  • He's a coward so he'll take the easy way out.

  • He will face the music & his victims

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Commit sideways ? Sure. If he shows up at the gate to my farm ? He's done.
He was going to leave the country. I'm a bit surprised that he hasn't left yet. He will leave the country and recreate a little media empire someplace else.
Naw, he's toast and I guarantee you authorities are watching him. The first sign he shows of splitting and his passport will be revoked.
Private jet. No problem.Get real
there are plenty of other men out there in CEO positions that are just like Weinstein....maybe not as aggressive as he was crude and lude, but when I was working a long long time ago, in another galaxy far far away :D, there was a huge problem....I faced it myself...

Things and times are changing and more and more of this is being called out....but for decades, women just had to deal with it if they wanted a career... they had to perfect their ways to avoid the bastards....
^ True Care4all Been there myself, though it was going down the tubes fast when I was climbing the ladder. I admit I wore short skirts to get ahead, never took a romp with any of them, but I played them like a cat with string to get a bit higher; flirting... how can you men be so susceptible to being tricked by a smile?!? Still, it's so different now, like polar opposite shit - even a whiff of flirting and half the management staff gets canned heh


Private jets are still under jurisdiction of FAA and thus tracked.

However, it's sounding like it won't matter if he goes to Europe because they're investigating rape charges against him over there as well.

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