Will wildfires remind voters that Trump thinks global warming in a Chinese hoax?

The decades of save the forest.........don't burn the brush........Roadless Act and Zombie liberal idiots saying don't control the forests.

Well now Mother Nature is teaching you why you are all idiots.
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.

Have we seen this before, Democraps/LIbtARds using “global warming” as an excuse for ills that any sane person can see are the results of more mundane acts of negligence, incompetence, and malfeasance on their part? The bad season of wildfires is because of a simple failure of Democrap-run state governments to properly maintain wild lands, to keep fuel for such fires from accumulating to this point

Next, I suppose, we'll see you cretins trying to blame “global warming” for the economic disaster caused by your #CoronaHoax2020 shutdowns, or for the violence and destruction of your riots.
We had wild fires, in California, before you idiots thought to use it to try and make political points with.

Exactly the same as how we had routine seasonal flu outbreaks, long before these idiots on the left wrong figured out how they could hyperbolize one into a huge fake crisis, with greatly exaggerated claims as to how deadly and dangerous it was, and use it as an excuse for Democrapic criminals infesting government to seize and abuse unprecedented powers and sabotage their own economies, for political gain.
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.
It will definitely remind them that the people they have elected have utterly failed to manage their state's land resources.
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.

Moron, the fires are not caused by global warming...they are caused by people like you in California and the other states who fight cleaning up the undergrowth in these forests....which then become kindling when it gets too dry out there....you moron....
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.

You are a moron....

Yet many experts and even California’s governor say thinning the forests is an important part of fire mitigation. The Weather Channel (which also connected climate change to the fires), even acknowledged the dry brush consumed by the Carr Fire had not been “cleared by controlled burns or other means.”

In his early August press conference, Brown had promoted the idea of controlled or planned burns in his press conference. The tool has been used much less in recent decades by California.
NewsHour ignored his other remarks, including the forest clearing suggestion that had also been promoted by Trump. NewsHour failed to discuss whether the state’s forestry practices had been inadequate or contributed to the fires. It also never mentioned the problem of property development in forested areas — which limits the ability to clear forest undergrowth through controlled burns.

Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.

No, but it reminds me of how decades ago we had tons of California wild fires, before they knew they could use wildfires to try and support the theory of man-made global warming.

Trump is right. Man-made global warming is a hoax. Complete entirely.

We had wild fires, in California, before you idiots thought to use it to try and make political points with.

Sorry, but out of the top 20 worst fires in CA, 6 of them happened this year. Yes, there have been wildfires in CA, as well as the fact that there was a season for them. Only problem is, that wildfire season is now year round. And yes, it's because of global climate change.

Today's excercise:

Build a fire in your fire pit. Put more wood on it and take note if there is a change.
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.
Umm... Gender parties are bad for the environment too I guess.
There was no gender reveal in Oregon.
That was California. Plus global warming makes things worse.
Try to be less dumb.

How does global warming make things worse? Okay, a person starts a fire and it goes out of control. What does global warming have to do with it? The fire is going to burn with or without global warming, doing the same exact damage.
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.
Is there any point you may come to realize some basic fucking forestry would help. Like cutting down dead trees and cleaning up the brush? Seriously, how fucking stupid are you people?

Yanno, clearing the brush, taking care of the buildup of flammable material was something I did for several years growing up in Montana. We took care of the brush (and all the other flammables) by either raking the stuff up, or setting fires to get rid of it. Only problem is, there are no government agencies or even policies to get rid of it.

That's what local governments and politicians are for.

I have a fireplace in my backyard. Late yesterday afternoon into early evening, we had a nice fire on a bit chilly night. Know how I did it? I used kindling wood which is small branches that died and fell off of my trees. I lit that on fire, and began putting thicker and thicker branches on it. Then I used smaller split logs, and kept building it up.

What I didn't do was put the kindling in the fireplace and wait for global warming to start it. I had to do that myself.

What you have in CA is a bunch of fruits and nuts claiming that removing dead wood would F-up the ecosystem. It would mess with insects, animals like squirrels and birds, mess up the natural fertilizer system. Yet other non-liberal places that don't share those concerns also don't have their forest fire problems.

Now if global warming is to blame, then why don't we have frequent forest fires all across the country? Because we mess with our ecosystem. We remove dead wood, some sell it. It's legal to have wood fires in our fireplaces, and the people here don't feel guilty about having them.

This is my backyard, and we will likely have another fire tonight if it doesn't rain.

Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.
WTF do fires set intentionally by men have to do with the MMGW hoax?
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.

No, but it reminds me of how decades ago we had tons of California wild fires, before they knew they could use wildfires to try and support the theory of man-made global warming.

Trump is right. Man-made global warming is a hoax. Complete entirely.

We had wild fires, in California, before you idiots thought to use it to try and make political points with.

Sorry, but out of the top 20 worst fires in CA, 6 of them happened this year. Yes, there have been wildfires in CA, as well as the fact that there was a season for them. Only problem is, that wildfire season is now year round. And yes, it's because of global climate change.
Say there is global warming. The the argument is that is it man causing global warming? That is where the thieves and parasites that steal from people show up. We have 8 billion people in the world. Living near coastal areas and in heavily forested areas. Hard not to see anything with bad storms and wildfires. But we can improve how we build structures and how we take care of land. The coastal stats are Prog dominated politically. They live with environmentally controlled legislation helping to run their states. Rich states living less then they should.
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.
Only the most gullible among us would believe those wildfires are caused by Globell Warming.
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.

No, but it reminds me of how decades ago we had tons of California wild fires, before they knew they could use wildfires to try and support the theory of man-made global warming.

Trump is right. Man-made global warming is a hoax. Complete entirely.

We had wild fires, in California, before you idiots thought to use it to try and make political points with.

Sorry, but out of the top 20 worst fires in CA, 6 of them happened this year. Yes, there have been wildfires in CA, as well as the fact that there was a season for them. Only problem is, that wildfire season is now year round. And yes, it's because of global climate change.

Actually, it is written in a book. You will never understand and it's not from the global warming hoax.
Recent wildfires have killed 17 people on Oregon as of today. California is on fire.
Climate change makes these wildfires more extreme and frequent.
Does the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming hurt him in the general election, especially if more people die?
Trump hasn't done anything about, or plans to do anything about, combating global warming.
Only the most gullible among us would believe those wildfires are caused by Globell Warming.

Yep. If we told them these wildfires are caused by God for us removing his name from society, they would be laughing so hard their seams would be busting.
AS ALWAYS, LIFE IMITATES IOWAHAWK: ‘Pro-science’ Pelosi Gives Anti-science Explanation For West Coast Fires.

‘I believe in science’ Nancy Pelosi offered a rather anti-science explanation for the wildfires in California during an MSNBC appearance on Thursday.
“Mother earth is angry,” she said. “She’s telling us, whether she’s telling us with hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, fires in the West, whatever it is … the climate crisis is real and has an impact.”
“Top Scientists Warn: Sea Gods Angry,” Iowahawk wrote in 2004. “While most empirical evidence supports the theory of wrathful whale-tail slappings, some scientists are exploring alternative hypotheses for the weekend tsunami. Ecobiologist Jane Geary of UC Santa Cruz points to mounting evidence that the ocean spirit-world may have been driven to gastrointestinal rage by gas-guzzling SUVs. ‘Thunder-wagon make smoke cloud of greenhouse gas,’ explained Geary. ‘hungry Tai-Waku eat smoke from thunder-wagon, pass giant wind with mighty fury.’”

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