Will you accept the outcome of this election?

What I find hilarious is all the lefty loons insisting that if the "Democratic" process gives Republicans control "democracy" loses. The mouth breathing base of the Democratic party believes this horse shit.

Republican says party ‘will never lose another election’ in Wisconsin if he wins​

Great point, because there is no way that Joe Biden actually won straight up in an election where so much was at stake.. I would think that even a Democrat moderate had to be thinking "wait what" ??

Trump should have won hands down, and he did until everyone went to sleep.
He didn’t straight up win. It was a blow out.

Yes. Those of us outside the Trump cult.

Liberals, Independents and Conservatives.

I have to explain the simplest things to you people.

That's remarkable, Mac.

So in your view it's the Trump cult against everyone else?

Well, in my opinion and experience that viewpoint doesn't align with reality. That viewpoint is actually leftist propaganda, is what it is.

In reality, libertarians like myself with very few exceptions, are strongly aligned against the behavior put forth by the progressive Democrats, including most specifically the abuses of the law and of public political power.

We (I'll speak for myself - "I") don't care about Trump. I really don't. One way or the other. In my opinion he wasn't up to the task of draining the swamp, and I would probably look for a stronger person who knows the system a little better.

But we ("I") care about the bullshit coming out of the leftards. A lot. That kinda crap is turning a LOT of stomachs. Not just Trumpist stomachs. And not just libertarian stomachs. You've got a lot of Muslims that don't like this one bit, Hispanics are disgusted because these are the conditions a lot of them came from and had to flee from. Even the blacks are saying 'you've got to be kidding" - even though they traditionally vote Democrat because they benefit, they're smart and they're starting to question the benefit.

Mac, ALL of us can see quite clearly, that if the lefties can do it to Trump they can do it to anyone. And it matters NOT one iota what you think of his personality or of him personally, what matters is the lengths to which the left is willing to go to heap scorn on this person.

The pretense that this is about Trump is leftist propaganda. It isn't about Trump. Not at all.

Leastwise, not to any clearly thinking human being who hasn't been brainwashed by the leftist propaganda.
Not a lot of Republicans willing to accept the results regardless of the outcome. It’s almost always conditional with you guys. “I will only accept the results if…”

You either accept our democratic process and the will of the people or you don’t. You can’t pick and choose to believe in our democracy only when your side wins. It doesn’t work that way.

You’re making a mockery of one of our most cherished traditions that this nation is built upon, and a crucial component needed for the peaceful transition of power.

Well gee look, a rocket scientist! :p

All right, you're halfway there. Now play the tape all the way through. Complete the picture.

Because.... because why?

Because CONFIDENCE, that's why.

Politics is exactly like economics. Confidence is the currency of the realm. As long as you have that, you don't have things like people questioning elections even to the point of rioting.

Reality check: you're not going to change the confidence level by denying the problem exists.

Another reality check: if anything you're going to make the confidence problem WORSE by denying it exists.

These truths should be plainly self evident.

But the left has been REPEATEDLY told about this situation and educated about it as much as possible, and yet the entire left half of the spectrum insists on pushing bullshit talking points instead of actually addressing the problem. Much less looking at it squarely in the face.

The INEVITABLE conclusion is that the left is acting in its own partisan self interest


Not the interest of the country, not the interest of the people they claim to want to unite, but their own power and their own control.

Any further words are pointless until the behavior changes. Which means the Democratic party leadership needs to change. You lefties need to demand better from your leaders. If you don't you'll keep getting trounced at the polls.
Well gee look, a rocket scientist! :p

All right, you're halfway there. Now play the tape all the way through. Complete the picture.

Because.... because why?
Because you guys are conspiracy theorist retards who will only accept the results of the election when your side wins.
That's remarkable, Mac.

In reality, libertarians like myself with very few exceptions, are strongly aligned against the behavior put forth by the progressive Democrats, including most specifically the abuses of the law and of public political power.
In reality, libertarians, unlike yourself, are also strongly aligned against the behavior put forth by Trump and his authoritarian "conservatism".
Because you guys are conspiracy theorist retards who will only accept the results of the election when your side wins.
See? ^^^ :p

This kinda stupid shit is losing them both houses of Congress and yet they keep doing it.

I guess the leadership is too panicked to communicate with the rest of the hive right now, tell them they're supposed to stop.

Oh well.... :popcorn:
That's remarkable, Mac.

So in your view it's the Trump cult against everyone else?

Well, in my opinion and experience that viewpoint doesn't align with reality. That viewpoint is actually leftist propaganda, is what it is.

In reality, libertarians like myself with very few exceptions, are strongly aligned against the behavior put forth by the progressive Democrats, including most specifically the abuses of the law and of public political power.

We (I'll speak for myself - "I") don't care about Trump. I really don't. One way or the other. In my opinion he wasn't up to the task of draining the swamp, and I would probably look for a stronger person who knows the system a little better.

But we ("I") care about the bullshit coming out of the leftards. A lot. That kinda crap is turning a LOT of stomachs. Not just Trumpist stomachs. And not just libertarian stomachs. You've got a lot of Muslims that don't like this one bit, Hispanics are disgusted because these are the conditions a lot of them came from and had to flee from. Even the blacks are saying 'you've got to be kidding" - even though they traditionally vote Democrat because they benefit, they're smart and they're starting to question the benefit.

Mac, ALL of us can see quite clearly, that if the lefties can do it to Trump they can do it to anyone. And it matters NOT one iota what you think of his personality or of him personally, what matters is the lengths to which the left is willing to go to heap scorn on this person.

The pretense that this is about Trump is leftist propaganda. It isn't about Trump. Not at all.

Leastwise, not to any clearly thinking human being who hasn't been brainwashed by the leftist propaganda.
A lot of nebulous nonsense intended to make up ground you can’t account for.

Stank ass shit.
See? ^^^ :p

This kinda stupid shit is losing them both houses of Congress and yet they keep doing it.
They’ll lose the House. Possibly the Senate. But it’s not because you guys are conspiracy theorist retards.
Well gee look, a rocket scientist! :p

All right, you're halfway there. Now play the tape all the way through. Complete the picture.

Because.... because why?

Because CONFIDENCE, that's why.

Politics is exactly like economics. Confidence is the currency of the realm. As long as you have that, you don't have things like people questioning elections even to the point of rioting.

Reality check: you're not going to change the confidence level by denying the problem exists.

Another reality check: if anything you're going to make the confidence problem WORSE by denying it exists.

These truths should be plainly self evident.

But the left has been REPEATEDLY told about this situation and educated about it as much as possible, and yet the entire left half of the spectrum insists on pushing bullshit talking points instead of actually addressing the problem. Much less looking at it squarely in the face.

The INEVITABLE conclusion is that the left is acting in its own partisan self interest


Not the interest of the country, not the interest of the people they claim to want to unite, but their own power and their own control.

Any further words are pointless until the behavior changes. Which means the Democratic party leadership needs to change. You lefties need to demand better from your leaders. If you don't you'll keep getting trounced at the polls.
Confidence is knowing the problems and addressing them. Not that you can reliably keep people pissed off about nonsense so they accept you as a savior .
You’re playing the cynical game. The cynicism that is malignant to our system. You’re using people who don’t know better to further your own cause.


Republican says party ‘will never lose another election’ in Wisconsin if he wins​

That one guy, but every dumb ass lefty loon is repeating what the handlers are telling them. If Republicans win then Democracy loses. Even if the US was a Democracy people voting to put Republicans in charge is the very fucking meaning of Democracy. If the GOP wins the people spoke.

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