Will you accept the outcome of this election?

Some people believe God knocked those flags down. It looks like a sign of some sort, doesn't it?
Conservatives subscribing to this thread – and indeed, throughout USMB – are proof that the Republican/conservative way is the easy way, the lazy way – that Republican governance is either to do nothing about a problem or oppose any effort to resolve the problem.

Proof that Republicans are successful politically because they pander to the most fundamental aspects of human nature – do what’s easy, be lazy, uninvolved, and self-absorbed.
This is the new schtick?

Soccer moms are no longer terrorists, they're just lazy and self absorbed?


Democrats suck. Big time. :p
Another conspiracy theory. Their natural impulse.

The question keeps being asked because Republicans are so loathe to play an honest role in the democratic process. It's clear that you people are so consumed by paranoia and conspiracy theories that you will not accept the result when you lose. That's as anti-democratic as it gets, and the world knows that you know it.

So we're wondering if a democracy is really what you want, or if you want an authoritarian, dictatorial strongman and his willing enablers. We also know how you folks feel about people like Trump, Putin, Orban and Bolsonaro.

So yeah, we're a little curious.
"We" are a little curious?

Oops... busted. :p
What I find hilarious is all the lefty loons insisting that if the "Democratic" process gives Republicans control "democracy" loses. The mouth breathing base of the Democratic party believes this horse shit.
Again they are doing what they point at others for
I swear that, regardless of who wins the election, I will accept the results. Can you say the same?

Sure, the same way Democrats did when Trump beat out your crooked venal traitor felon Hillary, and all your Party's collection of scum announced they were a 'Resistance Movement N Stuff'. This will be over when all your criminal Heroes are in prison jumpsuits picking up trash on a freeway somewhere are better yet deported to Somalia or North Korea, which are still better outcomes than they deserve.
So your argument is that Biden said mean things about big oil, and they whimpered off...

you know, instead of the more logical explanation, that big greedy corporations took advantage of world-wide markets to fleece their customers.

Said, no, did, yes. Look it up bitch.

“Republicans have also been revealed to be three or four more times as likely as Democrats to say voter fraud is a problem in their state, despite such claims being thoroughly debunked” ibid

It’s become an article of religious faith among Republicans that when they lose elections, it’s due to non-existent ‘fraud.’

Republicans will accept election results when they win, whine and lie about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating’ when they don’t.
We'll see about that once the real investigation's get going ... So far your team is batting one hundred when it comes to engaging in proven fraud, and it all starting with everything that leads up to the canceling of vote's before they are given, otherwise all due to your parties lying disengenious bull crap that sways the voter's to not get involved when they should be involved. That's alright though, because nothing you all can say or do will scare or stop the swell of voter's you all have caused to get to the poles come hell or high water, and this in order to counter your parties bull crap and destruction that your team has brought upon this COUNTRY.

Other oil and gas interests aren’t far behind. The American Petroleum Institute, refining and industrial conglomerate Koch Industries Inc. and pipeline company Energy Transfer Partners LP each contributed $2 million to CLF, as did OTA Holdings LLC, a subsidiary of pipeline company Enterprise Products Partners LP, making them among the biggest donors to the organization. Drilling firm Occidental Petroleum Corp. donated $1 million.

Occidental’s $4 million in donations to SLF made it among the top donors to the super PAC — though the No. 1 was One Nation, a nonprofit tied to SLF that can take in contributions without disclosing donors. Chevron gave $2.75 million to SLF, while Koch gave $1.5 million, and OTA and API each gave $1 million.

Drops in the bucket considering commies are dumping 100 million plus in individual senate races. Tell the class where that money is coming from.

Prove it.
This clown occupies the White House, solid proof of a stolen election.


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