Will you accept the outcome of this election?

I'll accept them as long as there is no invalid, undated, etc ballots counted.

I'll accept it as long as no one says "oh we found 10,000 ballots that fell behind a file cabinet last night at 3am" at the last minute.

I'll accept as long as no one says "it's been 4 days since the election was over but we forgot to count these ballots over here".

I really don't want democrats to be the majority because 95% of them are just shitty people who don't care about America or Americans but unless there is some big discrepancy then like it or not if everything is on the up and up I'll accept them winning. I won't like it, but I'll accept it.
I’ll let the process work this stuff out and determine the winner.

I trust our election process.
I'll accept them as long as there is no invalid, undated, etc ballots counted.

I'll accept it as long as no one says "oh we found 10,000 ballots that fell behind a file cabinet last night at 3am" at the last minute.

I'll accept as long as no one says "it's been 4 days since the election was over but we forgot to count these ballots over here".

I really don't want democrats to be the majority because 95% of them are just shitty people who don't care about America or Americans but unless there is some big discrepancy then like it or not if everything is on the up and up I'll accept them winning. I won't like it, but I'll accept it.
250,000 unverified ballots out in PA. Cheat is on
What I find hilarious is all the lefty loons insisting that if the "Democratic" process gives Republicans control "democracy" loses. The mouth breathing base of the Democratic party believes this horse shit.
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There’s a lot of “I’ll accept the results if…”.

What that ultimately boils down to is B. Implementing subjective conditions that you’re only going to take a hard stance against the opposing party in the event that your side loses.

“I’ll only accept that my football team loses if the referees call a fair game.”

If your team wins, the referees were fair. If your team loses, then the referees were not fair. Subjective. Stop that shit. Grow up. You win some and you lose some. I’ll accept the results regardless of the outcome. Period.

Who‘s with me?
Pointless with you.

Get me out of your head. It's boring in there.
You are not in my head. Your posts are predictable and lies. You have done nothing to change my opinion and never will. Also I could care less you are bored. Selfish people are bored much easier so I understand completely why you are.
The election-denying has gotten out of hand. We’ve turned into a nation of sore losers who will throw a temper tantrum and make up ridiculous conspiracy theories if our side doesn’t win.

I swear that, regardless of who wins the election, I will accept the results. Can you say the same?

I’m not optimistic about our chances of winning. But it is what it is. You win some and you lose some. It’s that simple.

Yes, even if I don't like it.
Wtf? You don't like voters electing people and want some other system?
If the voters are electing shitty leaders, yeah. Fuck that.
That doesn't start with rejection of legitimate election outcome. That starts with electing people who agree with you.
I was clear, I'm not rejecting election outcomes. I'm rejecting a system that repeatedly produces shitty outcomes. We can do better.
Hmmm... I answered "other". It's not cheating I'm concerned with. It's the fact the voters keep voting for, and electing, bad leaders. All in the name of fear. That's what I can't accept. We can do better.
I see that as a different issue.

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