Will you concede the election if your person loses?

What will be your attitude if your candidate doesn't win November 8th?

Will you give the president-elect your backing and hope for the best for America or do you plan to spend the next four years pouting? Which side do you see would have the most trouble coping if their person does lose?

As for me it'll be a bit easier because those that I would have preferred didn't make it through the GOP primaries. So I've had time to ease into defeat. But generally I look forward to change and will wish the winner well and give them the benefit of doubt. At least for their first 18 months generally, then they all pretty much turn into a horse's butt in my eyes.

As for who would cope best I think it would be Trump supporters, but that's because I find liberals annoying rain or shine.

My person isn't running.

However, I have never agree with people who say...."He's not my president".

If Hillary wins, she is my president. I don't like her, but she will still be my president.

Same with Trump. I don't like him.....
Whoever wins will be the president, not my president. I'm not taking the credit or blame one way or another.

By association they are the president of the country you belong to.

That does not mean you have to like them.

Unless, the senator from your state is not "your senator" (which is how most refer to them).

As a young man, entering the US Army, I took an oath, to defend the Constitution; a.k.a. The Will of the People of the United States, expressed as the nation's supreme law.

Years later, I still stand with The People, and will abide by their decision.
Democrats reject you now....

Maryland cop suspended over Oath Keeper hat seen in his ride (VIDEOS)
I have very little by way of what you would call Party Loyalty... I'm a Centrist, and my vote varies, from candidate to candidate, issue to issue, and election to election.

I vote for whomever I see as likely to either (a) provide the most progress in the coming cycle or (b) do the least damage during the coming cycle.

I'm not overly fond (nor do I have any particular expectations of reciprocal love) of either Dimwitcrats nor Republipukes.
What will be your attitude if your candidate doesn't win November 8th?

Will you give the president-elect your backing and hope for the best for America or do you plan to spend the next four years pouting? Which side do you see would have the most trouble coping if their person does lose?

As for me it'll be a bit easier because those that I would have preferred didn't make it through the GOP primaries. So I've had time to ease into defeat. But generally I look forward to change and will wish the winner well and give them the benefit of doubt. At least for their first 18 months generally, then they all pretty much turn into a horse's butt in my eyes.

As for who would cope best I think it would be Trump supporters, but that's because I find liberals annoying rain or shine.

My person isn't running.

However, I have never agree with people who say...."He's not my president".

If Hillary wins, she is my president. I don't like her, but she will still be my president.

Same with Trump. I don't like him.....
Whoever wins will be the president, not my president. I'm not taking the credit or blame one way or another.

By association they are the president of the country you belong to.

That does not mean you have to like them.

Unless, the senator from your state is not "your senator" (which is how most refer to them).
I don't refer to "my" senator and they are extreme leftists. I wouldn't call on them for anything.
Will you concede the election if your person loses?


Will honest people concede the mainstream media is the most vile, dishonest, unscrupulous institution in this nation?
All six networks wet their pants because Trump made that virtually innocuous comment to an ASININE question from the MSM. But this was the MSM's opportunity to spring into action once again to focus on something Trump said and totally ignore the main issues of the debate and those issues of which this nation suffers.

My main lament is that Trump went far too easy on the witch of endor, and so did the moderator's questions. She avoided discussing her sins even when directly asked and they let her get away with it.
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Republicans have been pouting for the past 8 years, there's no reason to think they'll stop now
Not all Republicans, but some Tea Partyers have been pouting for 8 years that America will become an Islamic fundamentalist state. Now they think it's closer than ever with a woman president. They cannot explain why it hasn't happened yet.
Yes, we are worried you are infesting your plantation with your beloved radical Islamic terrorists.....
You have proven that Trump supporters are dangerous by their spreading of lies, and Tea Partiers in particular.

You don't even know if I am Muslim or not, but have no shame to carry out totally unsubstantiated attacks. Shame does not exist to you, your whole purpose in life is to lie.

Vote for Trump if you want people like this in the government.

Thanks again for proving what vile vermin Trump supporters are.
you guys are a riot. On one hand you deify trump cause he sez the elections system is rigged and on the other side of your mouth you're ready to go to war with the russians over their interference.
Can't make this stuff up
Will you give the president-elect your backing and hope for the best for America or do you plan to spend the next four years pouting? Which side do you see would have the most trouble coping if their person does lose?

I personally have never considered Barak Obama 'my' President, primarily because I did my homework, I did my research, and he did not let me down. I got everything I expected from Barry...and more. He proved my expectations.

As far as this election, I understand Trump's stance. There exists a legal means for challenging the results of an election and for requesting a re-count. It exists for a reason. To demand a candidate, prior to an election, declare they will forfeit their right to exercise such an existing political tool is beyond ignorant.

Again, America has witnessed and read about how the DNC 'rigged' it's own Primaries and how voter fraud did occur in their primaries. It is ignorant to believe that the DNC would NOT try to do the same for it's preferred candidate in the general election. We have also seen cases of voter fraud leading up to the general election.

As to who would have the worst time accepting defeat?

Last week Hillary did her impersonation of a BOBBLE-HEAD, nodding in agreement as Liberals at a pro-Hillary rally led by Al Gore chanted how the 2000 election was 'stolen'. Liberals have still not moved on past that loss.

Secondly, as much as foreign nations, George Soros, and the majority of the media, and the Clintons themselves have invested in Hillary's victory those with the biggest problem accepting the outcome should Hillary lose will obviously be those already mentioned in this sentence.

Liberals on this board have also already said it themselves, Trump already has his own network / TV supposedly planned and will move on. Winning the Presidency is Hillary's WHOLE WORLD....not to mention she knows if Trump wins she's going to jail. (That fact alone will cause her to pull out all the stops - legal or not - to defeat Trump. If Trump wins, however, you can bet before he leaves office he WILL 'PARDON' Hillary.)
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Republicans have been pouting for the past 8 years, there's no reason to think they'll stop now
Not all Republicans, but some Tea Partyers have been pouting for 8 years that America will become an Islamic fundamentalist state. Now they think it's closer than ever with a woman president. They cannot explain why it hasn't happened yet.
what do you mean why it hasnt happened? have you not read about the towns in the U.S that have become run by the islamics? have you heard about the tens of thousands of the filthy bastards that obama and hillary want to let in to the country? Its happening and you claim you dont see it?
who the hell are you? Helen Keller?
What will be your attitude if your candidate doesn't win November 8th?

Will you give the president-elect your backing and hope for the best for America or do you plan to spend the next four years pouting? Which side do you see would have the most trouble coping if their person does lose?

As for me it'll be a bit easier because those that I would have preferred didn't make it through the GOP primaries. So I've had time to ease into defeat. But generally I look forward to change and will wish the winner well and give them the benefit of doubt. At least for their first 18 months generally, then they all pretty much turn into a horse's butt in my eyes.

As for who would cope best I think it would be Trump supporters, but that's because I find liberals annoying rain or shine.

Won’t need to but I would. HRC is cruising.
Will you give the president-elect your backing and hope for the best for America or do you plan to spend the next four years pouting? Which side do you see would have the most trouble coping if their person does lose?

I personally have never considered Barak Obama 'my' President, primarily because I did my homework, I did my research, and he did not let me down. I got everything I expected from Barry...and more. He proved my expectations.

As far as this election, I understand Trump's stance. There exists a legal means for challenging the results of an election and for requesting a re-count. It exists for a reason. To demand a candidate, prior to an election, declare they will forfeit their right to exercise such an existing political tool is beyond ignorant.

Again, America has witnessed and read about how the DNC 'rigged' it's own Primaries and how voter fraud did occur in their primaries. It is ignorant to believe that the DNC would NOT try to do the same for it's preferred candidate in the general election. We have also seen cases of voter fraud leading up to the general election.

As to who would have the worst time accepting defeat?

Last week Hillary did her impersonation of a BOBBLE-HEAD, nodding in agreement as Liberals at a pro-Hillary led by Al Gore chanted how the 2000 election was 'stolen'. Liberals have still not moved on past that loss.

Secondly, as much as foreign nations, George Soros, and the majority of the media, and the Clintons themselves have invested in Hillary's victory those with the biggest problem accepting the outcome should Hillary lose will obviously be those already mentioned in this sentence.

Liberals on this board have already said it themselves, Trump already has his own network / TV supposedly planned and will move on. Winning the Presidency is Hillary's WHOLE WORLD....not to mention she knows if Trump wins she's going to jail. (That fact alone will cause her to pull out all the stops - legal or not - to defeat Trump. If Trump wins, however, you can bet before he leaves office he WILL 'PARDON' Hillary.)

332-206. Obama is the President.
I will never concede to the left, we are at war!!!

“We” are at war and you’re typing at on some obscure message board? I think the General wants you back at your battle station. You’re not doing anything here except embarrassing yourself.
What will be your attitude if your candidate doesn't win November 8th?.

The same as it is now because I am convinced that the criminal Hillary will win. My attitude is resignation. I am preparing to deal with the misery of a Hillary regime, the loss of jobs, the continued economic stagnation, and the loss of many of our rights.

Will you give the president-elect your backing and hope for the best for America or do you plan to spend the next four years pouting.

I will hope for the best for America by NOT giving Hillary my support. Hillary is bad for America. I do not pout, but if you want to call it that to make yourself feel superior well, I don't care.

Which side do you see would have the most trouble coping if their person does lose?.

If Trump loses, the nation will have trouble coping. If Trump wins the left will go bat shit crazy but at least they will be able to get a job. So it's a wash.

As for me it'll be a bit easier because those that I would have preferred didn't make it through the GOP primaries. So I've had time to ease into defeat. But generally I look forward to change and will wish the winner well and give them the benefit of doubt. At least for their first 18 months generally, then they all pretty much turn into a horse's butt in my eyes.

As for who would cope best I think it would be Trump supporters, but that's because I find liberals annoying rain or shine.

Because "change" has been working SO well.
What will be your attitude if your candidate doesn't win November 8th?

Will you give the president-elect your backing and hope for the best for America or do you plan to spend the next four years pouting? Which side do you see would have the most trouble coping if their person does lose?

As for me it'll be a bit easier because those that I would have preferred didn't make it through the GOP primaries. So I've had time to ease into defeat. But generally I look forward to change and will wish the winner well and give them the benefit of doubt. At least for their first 18 months generally, then they all pretty much turn into a horse's butt in my eyes.

As for who would cope best I think it would be Trump supporters, but that's because I find liberals annoying rain or shine.

My Candidate is going to lose ( Johnson ) so no pouting. I might focus more on Rand Paul if Clinton win this November and hope Paul unite the GOP and can win it all in 2020...

Oh, right now I am more focus on if the Cubs can beat Kershaw or Hill the next game or two and get into the damn World Series and will focus on the Presidential nonsense after the Cubs are out or won it all...

I will never concede to the left, we are at war!!!

“We” are at war and you’re typing at on some obscure message board? I think the General wants you back at your battle station. You’re not doing anything here except embarrassing yourself.

Liberals will be CRUSHED!!

You’ll be crushed when Trump loses and the GOP loses the Senate.

Care to make it interesting? It will be the only interesting thing about you….
I will never concede to the left, we are at war!!!

“We” are at war and you’re typing at on some obscure message board? I think the General wants you back at your battle station. You’re not doing anything here except embarrassing yourself.

Liberals will be CRUSHED!!

You’ll be crushed when Trump loses and the GOP loses the Senate.

Care to make it interesting? It will be the only interesting thing about you….

I'll be too busy counting my money to care lib. :itsok:

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