Will you take today to celebrate the patriotism, courage and bravery of the Jan 6 protesters? Will you think of Ashli Babbitt’s senseless murder?

They investigated nothing. The vote for an investigation failed and the election was officially stolen after that.
Send more money to Trump. He loves you for it.

Both are ignorant of the Constitution except for your own use, and demand that things be the way YOU command it to be.

Stop stealing your own life by wasting time to something 60 plus courts said NO to, including the Supreme Court with its SIX Republican Judges.
Congress investigated the 2020 election to death. You did not notice it.
Trump went from court to court and did not have anything to show for himself, even to the SC.

But that is ok. People who do not observe things around them, always get confused, just as you continue to be.

That is all completely false.
What a fucking bubble cult idiot
STOP comparing 1/6 to any BLM protests or riots.

They are NOT comparable. Period !!!!
We’re on the same side brother. These things had to be compared because we’re all Americans. Look at the US Civil War it involved Americans fighting each other it’s been so many examples from American history of us having disagreements with each other so we had to figure things out now.

Within BLM and within the January 6 protesters are young men who feel that they have been wronged. And you know what look at how this country is today …we’re not like we used to be where you can get a good job out of high school. There’s a lot of work to be done in America and there’s a lot of poor white and Black people in this country that we can help out.

Here is something that cannot be denied by any logical argument. So whether it’s a January 6 protester or a BLM rioter ….Breaking into private property or breaking windows or damaging private property is all something that is viewed as wrong. And it is also wrong to fight police officers. So that’s something that happened on both sides. The major difference is there are hundreds if not thousands more examples of BLM riots compared to the one single event where the far right or the conservative right was having a riot which was January 6.

You see one group of people allegedly being held accountable. Do you think it’s right for people who entered the Capitol Hill building on Jan 6 to have to sit in jail for multiple years because that’s what the reports are saying? This is against Christianity my friend. At most if somebody enter the capitol building illegally they should have to go to jail for a few weeks I’ll say the same thing about the BLM rioters who illegally entered the police buildings and did all sorts of illegal activities during the summer of 2020. Can you agree with that?

Can you agree that those who use the physical violence can perhaps get more longer prison sentences whether it was BLM rioters attacking cops or the January 6 protesters who attacked the Capitol Hill police?

By the way I am for considering some sort of a forgivness or way forward for far left and far right political violence in America. It’s always unfortunate to see political violence in America so we had to figure out how to address it. We need to have some sort of a coming together for the whole country …But we can recognize that far left violence occurs way more way way way more.
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You think I asked to Mods to ban you. LOLLLOLLLLOOLLL
You ego is out of control. You are nowhere on my list of who I care about.

You think the Devil is real?????
I don't.
I just want you to quit deflecting and tell me your thought on 'this Devil'

Oops. Sorry about my mistake.

Your post wasn't important enough to respond to.

Send more money to Trump. He loves you for it.

Both are ignorant of the Constitution except for your own use, and demand that things be the way YOU command it to be.

Stop stealing your own life by wasting time to something 60 plus courts said NO to, including the Supreme Court with its SIX Republican Judges.
The howling is really raging.
We’re on the same side brother. These things had to be compared because we’re all Americans. Look at the US Civil War it involved Americans funny each other it’s been so many examples from American history of us having disagreements with each other so we had to figure things out now.

Within BLM and within the January 6 protesters are young men who feel that they have been wronged. And you know what look at how this country is today …we’re not like we used to be where you can get a good job out of high school. There’s a lot of work to be done in America and there’s a lot of poor white and Black people in this country that we can help out.

Here is something that cannot be denied by any logical argument. So whether it’s a January 6 protester or a BLM rider. Breaking into private property or breaking glass or damaging private property is all something that is viewed as wrong. And it is also wrong to fight police officers. So that’s something that happened on both sides. The major difference is there are hundreds if not thousands more examples of BLM riots compared to the one single event where the far right or the conservative right was having a riot which was January 6.
Your thinking is way too simple minded.

Protests, no matter how destructive as some of the BLM protests may have turned into by a few is in NO WAY the same as a planned overthrow of a legally elected government so that the previous President could remain as President by force.

As I said before STOP.......comparing both, because on not one planet on the Universe they could possibly EVER be seen as comparable or the same.

Civil War? That was the first attempt to break away from what the founders had created because some people wanted to keep slavery alive. They went to WAR for it, just as Trump and his allies went to WAR against the legitimate election of 2020 because Trump lost.

Sorry, but you are no Philosopher although you keep trying to sound like one.
Send more money to Trump. He loves you for it.

Both are ignorant of the Constitution except for your own use, and demand that things be the way YOU command it to be.

Stop stealing your own life by wasting time to something 60 plus courts said NO to, including the Supreme Court with its SIX Republican Judges.
So they investigated nothing, thanks.
The issue I have is the clear hypocrisy in how the American political system including Republicans treat the January 6 protesters compared to the BLM protesters. There is also an argument to be made that the BLM protesters are worse they went around burning US flags

The Floyd/Race riots were the latest results in the conflict between LEO's and certain communities of color that has been going on for generations. I can't help it if the thugs who took advantage of the protests to start rioting, looting and arson, were better able to hide their identities than the MAGA Rioters who were posting selfies and shit. Those looters were not members of a political cause but lawless thugs seeking meham, def. more violent. The MAGA MOB had a political purpose to try and help install the Don whom they believed had the election stolen from him.
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You think I asked to Mods to ban you. LOLLLOLLLLOOLLL
You ego is out of control. You are nowhere on my list of who I care about.

You think the Devil is real?????
I don't.
I just want you to quit deflecting and tell me your thought on 'this Devil'
Well I knew this nun once, in a carnal sense, and she said say the Devil made her do it!
I mean, isn't it lovely to watch how they tremble and squeal with fear?
No matter how many times you tell this LIE, it still won't be true.
Yeah, and if the slut that got raped had just worn something less revealing.
Idiot, you actually think the rapist in the park, waiting for a victim, has ever cared about what his victim was wearing? Simple minds like yours just don't work correctly.
Because it was not their job to do so.

What in the world did Trump have lawyers for if not to investigate, find evidence and show it to the courts?

Loser Trump. Loser Lastamender.
It was their job when 1/4 of the Congress wanted the election investigated. 147 members voted to investigate. 388 members took the side of the alleged fraud and voted not to.
what does some member supposedly being 'gay' have to do with what was being discussed before you gayly pranced with such perfect, beautiful words?

Ah , the Fake story of Intelligence spook Ashli being shot but without a trace of blood , no autopsy , or burial .

You will be telling us next about the towers that fell down because the metal supports melted .

April Fools Day come early .

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