William Barr and true justice.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There is something going on in the United States that should not be going on. We don’t have royalty here; at least we are not supposed to. So when two former presidents and a presidential candidate all play a role in corrupting government agencies to slander and destroy a presidential contender, fail and then double down, that should be big news.

But instead a prostituted mass media digs in its heels in a herculean effort to defend the perpetrators and cover their malfeasance with counter investigations designed to confuse the masses and shift the blame back onto the original target victim.

The contamination runs straight through the fabric of American society including the body politic, the entertainment industry and the aforementioned mass media. It’s almost as if aliens have been discovered on the Moon and the government has decided that the public can’t be told the truth because it would destroy their faith in government-which it would and should.

We are living in the conspiracy of conspiracies. There is nothing that compares to the premeditated sedition of Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and a rat’s nest of unelected functionaries as they colluded with foreign operatives to hold on to power by using federal agencies to frame and destroy an American running for the highest office in the land.

No one ever would have known save for the fact that the longshot won the race and the election went south so unexpectedly that the lid couldn’t be put back on the lockbox. America is not the UK with kings and queens. We have a Constitution that says the people call the shots here. But when government becomes the deep state, the Stasi come into their own.

William Barr now has the toughest job in the world; he must restore the people’s faith in the government. Just as Mussolini and his mistress met their ignominious fates, Obama and the Clintons must face justice for poisoning the waters of a democracy that came at the price of a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

They will fight to the end and rely on the foolishness of the propagandized multitudes but the truth will finally emerge. Those who would destroy our democracy should spend the remainder of their time on Earth looking through barbed wire. Let’s hope that happens for the sake of true justice.
Peacock of CNN, Jim Acosta, Spreads Misquote on Twitter, Then, When It Is Proven Conclusively That He Is Spreading Fake News, Doubles Down on the Lie
—Ace of Spades
When will Twitter suspend Jim Acosta for deliberately spreading fake news?

Oh, that's right. The Credentialed Media can lie as much as they like. They define reality.

Jim Acosta



Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border: “These are frivolous claims.”


2:44 PM - May 16, 2019
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But what Trump actually said is that frivolous claims clog up the system and prevent the meritorious claims from being processed.

Ryan Saavedra



CNN's @Acosta is a liar.

Trump said: "Unfortunately legitimate asylum seekers are being displaced by those lodging frivolous claims. These are frivolous claims to gain admission into our country. Asylum abuse also strains our public school systems, hospitals, local shelters..."

Jim Acosta


Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border: “These are frivolous claims.”


3:01 PM - May 16, 2019
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3,703 people are talking about this

Official Trump War Room


Replying to @Acosta

You know there's video proving you're lying, right?

Trump: "Our nation has a proud history of affording protection to those fleeing government persecutions. Unfortunately, legitimate asylum seekers are being displaced by those lodging frivolous claims….My plan expedites relief"


3:47 PM - May 16, 2019

3,231 people are talking about this

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Instead of admitting he got it wrong (or deliberately lied), Acosta chooses to argue that he is right... in spirit!

Jim Acosta



Trump has repeatedly questioned the motives of asylum seekers at the border. Last month he described their claims as a “scam” and a “hoax.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/i-know-about-hoaxes-trump-says-some-asylum-seekers-are-a-scam/2019/04/05/d5e540c7-9af8-4636-8d58-3d67a71f0bd4_video.html?utm_term=.83c5dc87aa3d …


6:12 PM - May 16, 2019
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'I know about hoaxes': Trump says some asylum seekers are 'a scam'
President Trump on April 5 said some asylum seekers are "gang members" who are "not afraid of anything."


764 people are talking about this

Trump said some of those claims are hoaxes.

And he's right. If you consider eighty percent to suffice to be called "some."

Ryan Saavedra


Replying to @RealSaavedra

80 percent of asylum cases at southwest border are not legitimate https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/80-percent-of-asylum-cases-at-southwest-border-arent-legitimate-dhs-chief-says …


3:07 PM - May 16, 2019
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80 percent of asylum cases at southwest border aren't legitimate, DHS chief says
Four-in-five asylum seekers at the southwest border do not meet the criteria to enter the United States, according to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.


742 people are talking about this

Garbage. Absolute garbage. He should be mass-reported to Twitter, just to force Twitter into the position of having to admit that reporters can do anything on Twitter, including spreading complete fictions and unhinged conspiracy theories.
There is something going on in the United States that should not be going on. We don’t have royalty here; at least we are not supposed to. So when two former presidents and a presidential candidate all play a role in corrupting government agencies to slander and destroy a presidential contender, fail and then double down, that should be big news.

But instead a prostituted mass media digs in its heels in a herculean effort to defend the perpetrators and cover their malfeasance with counter investigations designed to confuse the masses and shift the blame back onto the original target victim.

The contamination runs straight through the fabric of American society including the body politic, the entertainment industry and the aforementioned mass media. It’s almost as if aliens have been discovered on the Moon and the government has decided that the public can’t be told the truth because it would destroy their faith in government-which it would and should.

We are living in the conspiracy of conspiracies. There is nothing that compares to the premeditated sedition of Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and a rat’s nest of unelected functionaries as they colluded with foreign operatives to hold on to power by using federal agencies to frame and destroy an American running for the highest office in the land.

No one ever would have known save for the fact that the longshot won the race and the election went south so unexpectedly that the lid couldn’t be put back on the lockbox. America is not the UK with kings and queens. We have a Constitution that says the people call the shots here. But when government becomes the deep state, the Stasi come into their own.

William Barr now has the toughest job in the world; he must restore the people’s faith in the government. Just as Mussolini and his mistress met their ignominious fates, Obama and the Clintons must face justice for poisoning the waters of a democracy that came at the price of a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

They will fight to the end and rely on the foolishness of the propagandized multitudes but the truth will finally emerge. Those who would destroy our democracy should spend the remainder of their time on Earth looking through barbed wire. Let’s hope that happens for the sake of true justice.
Your whole point falls apart becaise it’s been proven beyond doubt that the Russian sabotage campaign that began the investigation happened. You talk about not treating President’s like royalty, but you’ve got a fat idiot in charge demanding exactly that and you want if for him. So go eat a bowl of shit and get over it.
There is something going on in the United States that should not be going on. We don’t have royalty here; at least we are not supposed to. So when two former presidents and a presidential candidate all play a role in corrupting government agencies to slander and destroy a presidential contender, fail and then double down, that should be big news.

But instead a prostituted mass media digs in its heels in a herculean effort to defend the perpetrators and cover their malfeasance with counter investigations designed to confuse the masses and shift the blame back onto the original target victim.

The contamination runs straight through the fabric of American society including the body politic, the entertainment industry and the aforementioned mass media. It’s almost as if aliens have been discovered on the Moon and the government has decided that the public can’t be told the truth because it would destroy their faith in government-which it would and should.

We are living in the conspiracy of conspiracies. There is nothing that compares to the premeditated sedition of Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and a rat’s nest of unelected functionaries as they colluded with foreign operatives to hold on to power by using federal agencies to frame and destroy an American running for the highest office in the land.

No one ever would have known save for the fact that the longshot won the race and the election went south so unexpectedly that the lid couldn’t be put back on the lockbox. America is not the UK with kings and queens. We have a Constitution that says the people call the shots here. But when government becomes the deep state, the Stasi come into their own.

William Barr now has the toughest job in the world; he must restore the people’s faith in the government. Just as Mussolini and his mistress met their ignominious fates, Obama and the Clintons must face justice for poisoning the waters of a democracy that came at the price of a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

They will fight to the end and rely on the foolishness of the propagandized multitudes but the truth will finally emerge. Those who would destroy our democracy should spend the remainder of their time on Earth looking through barbed wire. Let’s hope that happens for the sake of true justice.
Barr's the man for the task.

AG Bill Barr tells Fox News public must know if officials 'put their thumb on the scale' in Russia probe

Attorney General William Barr is trying to get to the bottom of whether or not “government officials abused their power and put their thumb on the scale” during the early stages of the Russia probe.

"I’ve been trying to get answers to the questions and I've found that a lot of the answers have been inadequate and some of the explanations I've gotten don't hang together, in a sense I have more questions today than when I first started."

AG Bill Barr tells Fox News public must know if officials 'put their thumb on the scale' in Russia probe
There is something going on in the United States that should not be going on. We don’t have royalty here; at least we are not supposed to. So when two former presidents and a presidential candidate all play a role in corrupting government agencies to slander and destroy a presidential contender, fail and then double down, that should be big news.

But instead a prostituted mass media digs in its heels in a herculean effort to defend the perpetrators and cover their malfeasance with counter investigations designed to confuse the masses and shift the blame back onto the original target victim.

The contamination runs straight through the fabric of American society including the body politic, the entertainment industry and the aforementioned mass media. It’s almost as if aliens have been discovered on the Moon and the government has decided that the public can’t be told the truth because it would destroy their faith in government-which it would and should.

We are living in the conspiracy of conspiracies. There is nothing that compares to the premeditated sedition of Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and a rat’s nest of unelected functionaries as they colluded with foreign operatives to hold on to power by using federal agencies to frame and destroy an American running for the highest office in the land.

No one ever would have known save for the fact that the longshot won the race and the election went south so unexpectedly that the lid couldn’t be put back on the lockbox. America is not the UK with kings and queens. We have a Constitution that says the people call the shots here. But when government becomes the deep state, the Stasi come into their own.

William Barr now has the toughest job in the world; he must restore the people’s faith in the government. Just as Mussolini and his mistress met their ignominious fates, Obama and the Clintons must face justice for poisoning the waters of a democracy that came at the price of a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

They will fight to the end and rely on the foolishness of the propagandized multitudes but the truth will finally emerge. Those who would destroy our democracy should spend the remainder of their time on Earth looking through barbed wire. Let’s hope that happens for the sake of true justice.
You are dreaming if you think Barr gives a shit about the American people or about restoring faith in government.
Trump got himself a new personal lawyer who now runs the entire Federal Justice Department.

What coud possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:
There is something going on in the United States that should not be going on. We don’t have royalty here; at least we are not supposed to. So when two former presidents and a presidential candidate all play a role in corrupting government agencies to slander and destroy a presidential contender, fail and then double down, that should be big news.

But instead a prostituted mass media digs in its heels in a herculean effort to defend the perpetrators and cover their malfeasance with counter investigations designed to confuse the masses and shift the blame back onto the original target victim.

The contamination runs straight through the fabric of American society including the body politic, the entertainment industry and the aforementioned mass media. It’s almost as if aliens have been discovered on the Moon and the government has decided that the public can’t be told the truth because it would destroy their faith in government-which it would and should.

We are living in the conspiracy of conspiracies. There is nothing that compares to the premeditated sedition of Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and a rat’s nest of unelected functionaries as they colluded with foreign operatives to hold on to power by using federal agencies to frame and destroy an American running for the highest office in the land.

No one ever would have known save for the fact that the longshot won the race and the election went south so unexpectedly that the lid couldn’t be put back on the lockbox. America is not the UK with kings and queens. We have a Constitution that says the people call the shots here. But when government becomes the deep state, the Stasi come into their own.

William Barr now has the toughest job in the world; he must restore the people’s faith in the government. Just as Mussolini and his mistress met their ignominious fates, Obama and the Clintons must face justice for poisoning the waters of a democracy that came at the price of a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

They will fight to the end and rely on the foolishness of the propagandized multitudes but the truth will finally emerge. Those who would destroy our democracy should spend the remainder of their time on Earth looking through barbed wire. Let’s hope that happens for the sake of true justice.
Your whole point falls apart becaise it’s been proven beyond doubt that the Russian sabotage campaign that began the investigation happened. You talk about not treating President’s like royalty, but you’ve got a fat idiot in charge demanding exactly that and you want if for him. So go eat a bowl of shit and get over it.
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Trump got himself a new personal lawyer who now runs the entire Federal Justice Department.

What coud possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

Talking point repeated almost word for word from the propaganda mill. I think I hear the lunch buzzer blaring bro.
There is something going on in the United States that should not be going on. We don’t have royalty here; at least we are not supposed to. So when two former presidents and a presidential candidate all play a role in corrupting government agencies to slander and destroy a presidential contender, fail and then double down, that should be big news.

But instead a prostituted mass media digs in its heels in a herculean effort to defend the perpetrators and cover their malfeasance with counter investigations designed to confuse the masses and shift the blame back onto the original target victim.

The contamination runs straight through the fabric of American society including the body politic, the entertainment industry and the aforementioned mass media. It’s almost as if aliens have been discovered on the Moon and the government has decided that the public can’t be told the truth because it would destroy their faith in government-which it would and should.

We are living in the conspiracy of conspiracies. There is nothing that compares to the premeditated sedition of Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and a rat’s nest of unelected functionaries as they colluded with foreign operatives to hold on to power by using federal agencies to frame and destroy an American running for the highest office in the land.

No one ever would have known save for the fact that the longshot won the race and the election went south so unexpectedly that the lid couldn’t be put back on the lockbox. America is not the UK with kings and queens. We have a Constitution that says the people call the shots here. But when government becomes the deep state, the Stasi come into their own.

William Barr now has the toughest job in the world; he must restore the people’s faith in the government. Just as Mussolini and his mistress met their ignominious fates, Obama and the Clintons must face justice for poisoning the waters of a democracy that came at the price of a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

They will fight to the end and rely on the foolishness of the propagandized multitudes but the truth will finally emerge. Those who would destroy our democracy should spend the remainder of their time on Earth looking through barbed wire. Let’s hope that happens for the sake of true justice.
Barr's the man for the task.

AG Bill Barr tells Fox News public must know if officials 'put their thumb on the scale' in Russia probe

Attorney General William Barr is trying to get to the bottom of whether or not “government officials abused their power and put their thumb on the scale” during the early stages of the Russia probe.

"I’ve been trying to get answers to the questions and I've found that a lot of the answers have been inadequate and some of the explanations I've gotten don't hang together, in a sense I have more questions today than when I first started."

AG Bill Barr tells Fox News public must know if officials 'put their thumb on the scale' in Russia probe
The people complaining the most are the people who had their finger on the scale. Comey and Brennan are guilty as sin.
Trump got himself a new personal lawyer who now runs the entire Federal Justice Department.

What coud possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

Talking point repeated almost word for word from the propaganda mill. I think I hear the lunch buzzer blaring bro.

Brilliant retort.

If Barr doesn’t like everyone saying he is Trump’s very own Roy Cohn then maybe he should stop talking and acting like one.

Crazy thought, I know.
There is something going on in the United States that should not be going on. We don’t have royalty here; at least we are not supposed to. So when two former presidents and a presidential candidate all play a role in corrupting government agencies to slander and destroy a presidential contender, fail and then double down, that should be big news.

But instead a prostituted mass media digs in its heels in a herculean effort to defend the perpetrators and cover their malfeasance with counter investigations designed to confuse the masses and shift the blame back onto the original target victim.

The contamination runs straight through the fabric of American society including the body politic, the entertainment industry and the aforementioned mass media. It’s almost as if aliens have been discovered on the Moon and the government has decided that the public can’t be told the truth because it would destroy their faith in government-which it would and should.

We are living in the conspiracy of conspiracies. There is nothing that compares to the premeditated sedition of Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and a rat’s nest of unelected functionaries as they colluded with foreign operatives to hold on to power by using federal agencies to frame and destroy an American running for the highest office in the land.

No one ever would have known save for the fact that the longshot won the race and the election went south so unexpectedly that the lid couldn’t be put back on the lockbox. America is not the UK with kings and queens. We have a Constitution that says the people call the shots here. But when government becomes the deep state, the Stasi come into their own.

William Barr now has the toughest job in the world; he must restore the people’s faith in the government. Just as Mussolini and his mistress met their ignominious fates, Obama and the Clintons must face justice for poisoning the waters of a democracy that came at the price of a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

They will fight to the end and rely on the foolishness of the propagandized multitudes but the truth will finally emerge. Those who would destroy our democracy should spend the remainder of their time on Earth looking through barbed wire. Let’s hope that happens for the sake of true justice.
Wow, you've really invested in the tRumpkin party line haven't you.
Let's see what the wealthy and powerful have brought us in the USA?
Our govt. belongs to big money.
The candidates belong to big money.
Our society is ruled by big money.

See the pattern here people?

The media is owned by big money...

Big money wants to control everything and everybody. Make no mistake about it. Yet we keep electing big money and buying from big money..

But hey, we do look kewl...
Let's see what the wealthy and powerful have brought us in the USA?
Our govt. belongs to big money.
The candidates belong to big money.
Our society is ruled by big money.

See the pattern here people?

The media is owned by big money...

Big money wants to control everything and everybody. Make no mistake about it. Yet we keep electing big money and buying from big money..

But hey, we do look kewl...
And that's why the Swamp hates Trump and illegally spied on him, but now that The witch Hunt has come up empty, AG Barr is going to get to the bottom of the Obama Administration's illegal spying on Trump.

Brennan and Comey are in spat over who was including the now completely discredited Steele Dossier that was nothing more than Hillary purchased unverified smears.

Brennan briefed then–Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) on this junk dossier and Reid began writing letters urging Comey to investigate the purported Trump-Russia conspiracy. Reid’s August 27 letter, referring to the memos Steele was compiling into a dossier (“a series of disturbing reports”), highlights purported meetings between a “Trump advisor” and “high-ranking sanctioned individuals” in Moscow in July — an obvious allusion to the dossier’s claim that Carter Page met with Putin associates Igor Sechin and Igor Divyekin. (Page has always strenuously denied this allegation, it has never been verified, and the Mueller report implicitly rejects it.)

Brennan, however, is pushing back. Through an unidentified “former CIA official” (wonder who that could be!), he claims it was Comey who tried to force the dossier claims into the ICA. According to this account, Brennan, along with Obama’s national intelligence director, James Crapper, heroically refused Comey’s plea because the dossier had not been corroborated. Comey is said then to have decided unilaterally to brief Trump on part of it.

There are some flaws in this story. For one thing, Brennan and Crapper are both notorious for lying to Congress. Second, Comey has testified a number of times that the other intelligence chiefs wanted him to brief Trump on a portion of the dossier (see, e.g., here), but Brennan and Crapper have not heretofore disputed his testimony. And third, it looks like the extremely abbreviated dossier briefing was little more than a pretext to elevate the dossier into a story the media would report. That is, unlike the Obama Justice Department and the FBI, media outlets that possessed the dossier had been reluctant to use it because it had not been verified. Yet, once it was leaked that intelligence agency chiefs had used it to inform the president-elect, the dossier became news regardless of whether it was true.

Why is that relevant? Because it appears that Crapper is up to his eyeballs in discussions about the dossier with CNN shortly before CNN reported that Trump had been briefed on it.

Steele Dossier: The ‘Verified Application’ That Wasn’t | National Review
Last edited:
Let's see what the wealthy and powerful have brought us in the USA?
Our govt. belongs to big money.
The candidates belong to big money.
Our society is ruled by big money.

See the pattern here people?

The media is owned by big money...

Big money wants to control everything and everybody. Make no mistake about it. Yet we keep electing big money and buying from big money..

But hey, we do look kewl...
And that's why the Swamp hates Trump and illegally spied on him, but now that The witch Hunt has come up empty, AG Barr is going to get to the bottom of the Obama Administration's illegal spying on Trump.

Brennan and Comey are in spat over who was including the now completely discredited Steele Dossier that was nothing more than Hillary purchased unverified smears.

Brennan briefed then–Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) on this junk dossier and Reid began writing letters urging Comey to investigate the purported Trump-Russia conspiracy. Reid’s August 27 letter, referring to the memos Steele was compiling into a dossier (“a series of disturbing reports”), highlights purported meetings between a “Trump advisor” and “high-ranking sanctioned individuals” in Moscow in July — an obvious allusion to the dossier’s claim that Carter Page met with Putin associates Igor Sechin and Igor Divyekin. (Page has always strenuously denied this allegation, it has never been verified, and the Mueller report implicitly rejects it.)

Brennan, however, is pushing back. Through an unidentified “former CIA official” (wonder who that could be!), he claims it was Comey who tried to force the dossier claims into the ICA. According to this account, Brennan, along with Obama’s national intelligence director, James Crapper, heroically refused Comey’s plea because the dossier had not been corroborated. Comey is said then to have decided unilaterally to brief Trump on part of it.

There are some flaws in this story. For one thing, Brennan and Crapper are both notorious for lying to Congress. Second, Comey has testified a number of times that the other intelligence chiefs wanted him to brief Trump on a portion of the dossier (see, e.g., here), but Brennan and Crapper have not heretofore disputed his testimony. And third, it looks like the extremely abbreviated dossier briefing was little more than a pretext to elevate the dossier into a story the media would report. That is, unlike the Obama Justice Department and the FBI, media outlets that possessed the dossier had been reluctant to use it because it had not been verified. Yet, once it was leaked that intelligence agency chiefs had used it to inform the president-elect, the dossier became news regardless of whether it was true.

Why is that relevant? Because it appears that Crapper is up to his eyeballs in discussions about the dossier with CNN shortly before CNN reported that Trump had been briefed on it.
And Trump was part of that bunch when he an others were Birthers.. Same shit different names...
Let's see what the wealthy and powerful have brought us in the USA?
Our govt. belongs to big money.
The candidates belong to big money.
Our society is ruled by big money.

See the pattern here people?

The media is owned by big money...

Big money wants to control everything and everybody. Make no mistake about it. Yet we keep electing big money and buying from big money..

But hey, we do look kewl...
And that's why the Swamp hates Trump and illegally spied on him, but now that The witch Hunt has come up empty, AG Barr is going to get to the bottom of the Obama Administration's illegal spying on Trump.

Brennan and Comey are in spat over who was including the now completely discredited Steele Dossier that was nothing more than Hillary purchased unverified smears.

Brennan briefed then–Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) on this junk dossier and Reid began writing letters urging Comey to investigate the purported Trump-Russia conspiracy. Reid’s August 27 letter, referring to the memos Steele was compiling into a dossier (“a series of disturbing reports”), highlights purported meetings between a “Trump advisor” and “high-ranking sanctioned individuals” in Moscow in July — an obvious allusion to the dossier’s claim that Carter Page met with Putin associates Igor Sechin and Igor Divyekin. (Page has always strenuously denied this allegation, it has never been verified, and the Mueller report implicitly rejects it.)

Brennan, however, is pushing back. Through an unidentified “former CIA official” (wonder who that could be!), he claims it was Comey who tried to force the dossier claims into the ICA. According to this account, Brennan, along with Obama’s national intelligence director, James Crapper, heroically refused Comey’s plea because the dossier had not been corroborated. Comey is said then to have decided unilaterally to brief Trump on part of it.

There are some flaws in this story. For one thing, Brennan and Crapper are both notorious for lying to Congress. Second, Comey has testified a number of times that the other intelligence chiefs wanted him to brief Trump on a portion of the dossier (see, e.g., here), but Brennan and Crapper have not heretofore disputed his testimony. And third, it looks like the extremely abbreviated dossier briefing was little more than a pretext to elevate the dossier into a story the media would report. That is, unlike the Obama Justice Department and the FBI, media outlets that possessed the dossier had been reluctant to use it because it had not been verified. Yet, once it was leaked that intelligence agency chiefs had used it to inform the president-elect, the dossier became news regardless of whether it was true.

Why is that relevant? Because it appears that Crapper is up to his eyeballs in discussions about the dossier with CNN shortly before CNN reported that Trump had been briefed on it.
And Trump was part of that bunch when he an others were Birthers.. Same shit different names...
Obama was the First Birther, the Hillary Campaign was the second.

Steele identified two of his sources for Kavalec: Russia’s former spy chief Vyacheslav Trubnikov and top Kremlin adviser Vladislav Surkov. This underscores the possibility that Steele was duped, and that the dossier is a Russian disinformation operation that U.S. intelligence agencies fell for. And there’s more: Trubnikov has intriguing ties to Stefan Halper, whom the FBI used as a confidential informant to approach Trump campaign figures Page, George Papadopoulos, and Sam Clovis.

Oh, and did I mention that Steele himself did private-eye work for Oleg Deripaska, the aluminum oligarch known to be a close Putin confidant? And wouldn’t you know it: Steele was also pushing his U.S. government contacts — such as Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — to accommodate Deripaska’s desire to travel to the U.S. The idea was that Deripaska could be a valuable informant. Evidently, the FBI lost interest when Deripaska told agents that Steele’s Trump-Russia conspiracy theory was preposterous.

Steele Dossier: The ‘Verified Application’ That Wasn’t | National Review
Barr is finding that Democrats are far more willing to listen to Russians than to Republicans. Totalitarian Democrats, with their rigged government and immunity from our laws, are about to be exposed for the treasonous bastards they are. This country has never seen such treachery as the Obama-Clinton renegades have brought to our government. Comey, Brennen, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinton, Lynch, Holder and Obama need to be behind bars. The sooner the better. We need this for the preservation of our country and the re education of some of our more gullible people who fell for their illogically corrupt BS.
Let's see what the wealthy and powerful have brought us in the USA?
Our govt. belongs to big money.
The candidates belong to big money.
Our society is ruled by big money.

See the pattern here people?

The media is owned by big money...

Big money wants to control everything and everybody. Make no mistake about it. Yet we keep electing big money and buying from big money..

But hey, we do look kewl...
And that's why the Swamp hates Trump and illegally spied on him, but now that The witch Hunt has come up empty, AG Barr is going to get to the bottom of the Obama Administration's illegal spying on Trump.

Brennan and Comey are in spat over who was including the now completely discredited Steele Dossier that was nothing more than Hillary purchased unverified smears.

Brennan briefed then–Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) on this junk dossier and Reid began writing letters urging Comey to investigate the purported Trump-Russia conspiracy. Reid’s August 27 letter, referring to the memos Steele was compiling into a dossier (“a series of disturbing reports”), highlights purported meetings between a “Trump advisor” and “high-ranking sanctioned individuals” in Moscow in July — an obvious allusion to the dossier’s claim that Carter Page met with Putin associates Igor Sechin and Igor Divyekin. (Page has always strenuously denied this allegation, it has never been verified, and the Mueller report implicitly rejects it.)

Brennan, however, is pushing back. Through an unidentified “former CIA official” (wonder who that could be!), he claims it was Comey who tried to force the dossier claims into the ICA. According to this account, Brennan, along with Obama’s national intelligence director, James Crapper, heroically refused Comey’s plea because the dossier had not been corroborated. Comey is said then to have decided unilaterally to brief Trump on part of it.

There are some flaws in this story. For one thing, Brennan and Crapper are both notorious for lying to Congress. Second, Comey has testified a number of times that the other intelligence chiefs wanted him to brief Trump on a portion of the dossier (see, e.g., here), but Brennan and Crapper have not heretofore disputed his testimony. And third, it looks like the extremely abbreviated dossier briefing was little more than a pretext to elevate the dossier into a story the media would report. That is, unlike the Obama Justice Department and the FBI, media outlets that possessed the dossier had been reluctant to use it because it had not been verified. Yet, once it was leaked that intelligence agency chiefs had used it to inform the president-elect, the dossier became news regardless of whether it was true.

Why is that relevant? Because it appears that Crapper is up to his eyeballs in discussions about the dossier with CNN shortly before CNN reported that Trump had been briefed on it.
And Trump was part of that bunch when he an others were Birthers.. Same shit different names...
Obama was the first birther, the Hillary campaign, the second.
Barr is finding that Democrats are far more willing to listen to Russians than to Republicans. Totalitarian Democrats, with their rigged government and immunity from our laws, are about to be exposed for the treasonous bastards they are. This country has never seen such treachery as the Obama-Clinton renegades have brought to our government. Comey, Brennen, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinton, Lynch, Holder and Obama need to be behind bars. The sooner the better. We need this for the preservation of our country and the re education of some of our more gullible people who fell for their illogically corrupt BS.
I'm not sure they end up behind bars, depends on how well they covered their tracks. Certainly they shredded Administrative Procedure, but that is handled with suspensions and terminations. They might be able to some of them on false statements charges, those can result in charges.

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