Willie Brown says Kamala Harris threatened him with indictment after their affair!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
All part of a carefully orchestrated campaign to

1. Lance the boil and get the “she slept her way to the top" story out of the way

2.Make her look honorable and principled despite being an unprincipled whore.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

That’s politics for ya.

Read more at bizpacreview.com ...
I guess the Democrats may have found a woman who is a worse **** than Hillary.
That Harris slut and blowhard-of-another-kind Willie Brown are both the ultimate San Fran whores who deserved each other; it's literally the ultimate match made in heaven. I remember Willie Brown's mayor days in the '90s. After his incompetence flushed one Superbowl down the toilet, he unsuccessfully tried to have the city spend god knows how many taxpayers dollars to build a giant statue of himself in Golden Gate park because he declared himself "the greatest mayor San Francisco has ever had."

Considering the human fecal bacteria ALL San Fran mayor-things have been, that's really not saying much. That's like a molecule of uric acid declaring itself the greatest piss-particle in the toilet bowl. So in a weird way, maybe that pompous little tin god Brown really was the greatest mayor SF ever had.
One credit I will give to San Fran KGO-radio's late black militant radical Ray Taliaferro: he wasn't afraid to bash fellow blacks he didn't like. You should have heard his exploding rants against Willie Brown in the '90s, always calling him, "that lump of fecal matter in the mayor's office," and "this city's ultimate scum of the earth." He used to get so screamingly worked-up about Willie Brown, I thought he was going to have some sort of seizure or heart attack right on the air. Willie Brown used to hear it and considering his ego, their personal feuds were probably better imagined than described.

If you're a native San Franciscan like me, you get to know these little details over the years.

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