Wilson Thinks She's A Rock Star Now

Omg these fucking liberals are doubling down.

They really don't know when to quit. The media is even worse...CNN is in spaz mode over this....smh

Anyone with any sense knows that Trump's intentions were good, regardless of his wording and for them to make this a political issue is shameful.



I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Obama every few weeks would go out saying how great he was when nothing was being done. The only ego that Barrack had was Michelle's penis up his ass.

John Kelly is now Officially a "Trump Holster"...you are a Moron Kelly for giving your screech on Female s while working for the Orange Harvey Weinstein..


John Kelly Implies America Doesn’t Respect ‘Sacred’ Women Anymore In Press Briefing

Then attacks a Black Female Congresswoman with utter lies


The Latest: Wilson says Kelly 'needs to stop telling lies' |
Miami Herald John Kelly gets facts wrong in attack on Frederica Wilson |
Miami Herald Wilson Says Kelly Lied, Used 'Racist Term' in His Emotional Briefing ...
See how Tyrone insults a Gold Star father? Just like every other liberal does, fuck you tyrone, worthless piece of excrement.
I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.
John Kelly is now Officially a "Trump Holster"...you are a Moron Kelly for giving your screech on Female s while working for the Orange Harvey Weinstein..


John Kelly Implies America Doesn’t Respect ‘Sacred’ Women Anymore In Press Briefing

Then attacks a Black Female Congresswoman with utter lies


The Latest: Wilson says Kelly 'needs to stop telling lies' |
Miami Herald John Kelly gets facts wrong in attack on Frederica Wilson |
Miami Herald Wilson Says Kelly Lied, Used 'Racist Term' in His Emotional Briefing ...
See how Tyrone insults a Gold Star father? Just like every other liberal does, fuck you tyrone, worthless piece of excrement.
You seem surprised. Since when did Libtards have any shame or conscience?! :laugh2:
I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.
Fookin' Hussein Obama is still campaigning, somebody tell him the American people booted him and his incumbent out on their asses last November 8.
I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Really? If anything Trump got elected because he focused on policies and fixing whats wrong with America, while Hillary and the Dems focused on bashing Trump and accusing his supporters of racism. And the country saw right through that.
I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Actually he spends a lot of time talking about making America great...:ahole-1:
I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Your signature show exactly how much Democrats do exactly the opposite of what they say.
The criticism of Gen John Kelly is a perfect example of this.
This is why you Democrats are losing elections all over this country.
Because you're all despicable liars.
Actually, I really like this woman.....her clownish behavior highlights exactly how stupid the democrats really are....I figure she is worth another 3 or 4 republicans taking democrat seats in congress....
Well lets see, T and Kelly do not have their facts right, who is lying. T turned her into a rock star, by his tweets.
He called her a liar, yet Kelly said that is what he told T what was said to him.

Was she suppose to jump out of the car, yet she was eaves dropping on a phone call. Kelly is as uninformed a T.
Join in the attacks. maybe you'll get what you deserve.
Really? And what would that be, my good man? A medal?

What is it about this admin that everybody in it lies like the asshole that heads it? Once I had respect for General Kelly. No more. He knowingly lied about Rep. Wilson. The videos of Willson's speech has been put out there for all to see, proving that Kelly lied.
The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.
I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
I frequently get on YouTube and watch shortened videos of liberal media election night coverage named: CNN Reaction When Trump is Declared Winner, or ABC Reacts to Wisconsin Election Results. The best one is The Young Turks election night coverage. LOL.

So I and my fellow Trump voters don't have any problem hearing President Trump recounting the election results of the States as they fall into his corner.

Nothing you libs can say can cause us to regret our vote. By the Grace of God Almighty this country was spared a bullet to the heart last November.
When we are a third world country and run by the elites you will eat your words.
The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But I can keep my doctor. I can keep my insurance. Bhengazi was caused by a video tape. Please...tell us about lying again.......
Well she ain't lying. Trump's Twitter rants would make anyone a star. An enemy of Trump is alright in my book.
So you say a 4 star general who has served his country with integrity and honor is lying, not some trailer trash bitch whose constituents are dumber than she is, isn't lying?
Because, you lying asshole, the video of her speech shows she said none of the things that Kelly said she said. He lied in front of the camera's on the orders from his boss. I didn't realize that Honor was something you had to put in a box and put up when you serve Trump. Apparently that is what Kelly did, for now he lies as easily as Sanders and Trump.
The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But I can keep my doctor. I can keep my insurance. Bhengazi was caused by a video tape. Please...tell us about lying again.......

You are still on Benghazi, time to get into Niger, those seals lost their life's due to T's travel ban on Chad. His fault that is why he ignored it. Of course unlike McCain who is a captured loser, they are just dead losers to Trump.

PS: Stevens refused to leave.
The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But I can keep my doctor. I can keep my insurance. Bhengazi was caused by a video tape. Please...tell us about lying again.......

You are still on Benghazi, time to get into Niger, those seals lost their life's due to T's travel ban on Chad. His fault that is why he ignored it. Of course unlike McCain who is a captured loser, they are just dead losers to Trump.

PS: Stevens refused to leave.

Moron, they were Special Forces, not SEALs......and it is funny that the actual refusal by clinton to give more security to our Ambassador is the same as men getting killed in a combat operation...

You guys can twist yourselves into yoga pretzels all you want and try to turn Niger into a lie....but it ain't going to work...

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