Wilson Thinks She's A Rock Star Now

The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But I can keep my doctor. I can keep my insurance. Bhengazi was caused by a video tape. Please...tell us about lying again.......

You are still on Benghazi, time to get into Niger, those seals lost their life's due to T's travel ban on Chad. His fault that is why he ignored it. Of course unlike McCain who is a captured loser, they are just dead losers to Trump.

PS: Stevens refused to leave.

Twit....how is a travel ban to Chad in any way part of a military operation in Niger? Moron.
Omg these fucking liberals are doubling down.

They really don't know when to quit. The media is even worse...CNN is in spaz mode over this....smh

Anyone with any sense knows that Trump's intentions were good, regardless of his wording and for them to make this a political issue is shameful.

No he did it to pat himself on the back. He doesn't do for others without recognition. He is all about Trump.
John Kelly is now Officially a "Trump Holster"...you are a Moron Kelly for giving your screech on Female s while working for the Orange Harvey Weinstein..


John Kelly Implies America Doesn’t Respect ‘Sacred’ Women Anymore In Press Briefing

Then attacks a Black Female Congresswoman with utter lies


The Latest: Wilson says Kelly 'needs to stop telling lies' |
Miami Herald John Kelly gets facts wrong in attack on Frederica Wilson |
Miami Herald Wilson Says Kelly Lied, Used 'Racist Term' in His Emotional Briefing ...
See how Tyrone insults a Gold Star father? Just like every other liberal does, fuck you tyrone, worthless piece of excrement.
Look, you filthy little lying bastard, a lie is a lie is a lie. Even when a Marine General states the lie. You are just a little asshole, reveling in the daily lies that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown spews.
The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But I can keep my doctor. I can keep my insurance. Bhengazi was caused by a video tape. Please...tell us about lying again.......

You are still on Benghazi, time to get into Niger, those seals lost their life's due to T's travel ban on Chad. His fault that is why he ignored it. Of course unlike McCain who is a captured loser, they are just dead losers to Trump.

PS: Stevens refused to leave.

Twit....how is a travel ban to Chad in any way part of a military operation in Niger? Moron.

Read about Chads military, their military protects all the countries there, and they pulled out of Niger.
The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But I can keep my doctor. I can keep my insurance. Bhengazi was caused by a video tape. Please...tell us about lying again.......

You are still on Benghazi, time to get into Niger, those seals lost their life's due to T's travel ban on Chad. His fault that is why he ignored it. Of course unlike McCain who is a captured loser, they are just dead losers to Trump.

PS: Stevens refused to leave.

Twit....how is a travel ban to Chad in any way part of a military operation in Niger? Moron.

Read about Chads military, their military protects all the countries there, and they pulled out of Niger.

Please...you are going to hurt yourself as you grasp for those straws....
The usual suspects reacted predictably.

Just plain despicable.


But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But I can keep my doctor. I can keep my insurance. Bhengazi was caused by a video tape. Please...tell us about lying again.......

You are still on Benghazi, time to get into Niger, those seals lost their life's due to T's travel ban on Chad. His fault that is why he ignored it. Of course unlike McCain who is a captured loser, they are just dead losers to Trump.

PS: Stevens refused to leave.

Twit....how is a travel ban to Chad in any way part of a military operation in Niger? Moron.

Read about Chads military, their military protects all the countries there, and they pulled out of Niger.

Do you even know who and what the Special Forces are, and what they actually do? You should do some research before you post....
I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Actually he spends a lot of time talking about making America great...:ahole-1:
LOL Make America great for the upper 1/10 of one percent. Price tens of millions of Americans out of health care. Arrange the taxes so the poor can pay the rich to keep the poor flat on their asses. Accuse anyone that disagrees with the treasonous fat senile old orange clown of treason, while the clown is colluding with the Russians to swing an American election. And lie at least 10 times a day to keep the hillbillies out there happy.
I find it hilarious how you Trumpsters are at outraged at this but have no issue with Trump holding rallies where he brags about his electoral votes and crowd size. He's used serious events to talk about himself.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Your signature show exactly how much Democrats do exactly the opposite of what they say.
The criticism of Gen John Kelly is a perfect example of this.
This is why you Democrats are losing elections all over this country.
Because you're all despicable liars.
Kelly told the lie. The videos of the speech that Wilson gave is out there, and proves that Kelly lied. I don't care what the man's title is, when he lies to protect a worthless asshole, in my book, he becomes a worthless asshole. That you defend those lies, is simply proof that you are the same.
But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But I can keep my doctor. I can keep my insurance. Bhengazi was caused by a video tape. Please...tell us about lying again.......

You are still on Benghazi, time to get into Niger, those seals lost their life's due to T's travel ban on Chad. His fault that is why he ignored it. Of course unlike McCain who is a captured loser, they are just dead losers to Trump.

PS: Stevens refused to leave.

Twit....how is a travel ban to Chad in any way part of a military operation in Niger? Moron.

Read about Chads military, their military protects all the countries there, and they pulled out of Niger.

Do you even know who and what the Special Forces are, and what they actually do? You should do some research before you post....

Chad Removes Hundreds of Soldiers From Nigerien Region Affected by Boko Haram

of course you are not going to read it, but someone else might.
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Your signature show exactly how much Democrats do exactly the opposite of what they say.
The criticism of Gen John Kelly is a perfect example of this.
This is why you Democrats are losing elections all over this country.
Because you're all despicable liars.
Kelly told the lie. The videos of the speech that Wilson gave is out there, and proves that Kelly lied. I don't care what the man's title is, when he lies to protect a worthless asshole, in my book, he becomes a worthless asshole. That you defend those lies, is simply proof that you are the same.

Moron...this is what she actually said...

Did John Kelly Lie About Frederica Wilson's FBI Building Dedication? Not Really.

Here’s what she said about her own contributions to naming the building:

Consider this scenario. The brand new federal buiding that will house the FBI has been built, and the FBI approaches my office. “Congresswoman Wilson, the ribbon-cutting has been scheduled in four short weeks. The dedication is on the government’s calendar and cannot be changed. One problem: the FBI wants to name this gorgeous edifice at the same time in four weeks.” Everyone said, ‘That’s impossible. It takes at least eight months to a year to complete the process through the House, the Senate, and the president’s office.” I said, “I’m a school principal,” and I said, excuse my French, “Aw hell no. We’re gonna get this done.” Immediately, I went into attack mode. I went to the Speaker, Speaker Boehner, and I said, “Mr. Speaker, I need your help. The FBI needs your help, and our country needs your help. And we have no time to waste.” He went into attack mode and in two days pulled it out of committee, brought it to the floor for a vote. … We all voted and I dashed it over to the Senate, and put our Senators on notice, “Put it on your radar.” Senator Nelson and Senator Rubio, who have representatives here today, they hotlined it to the Senate floor in just two days. And guess what, the president signed it into law this past Tuesday, April 7, 2015 with a BANG, BANG, BANG!

She continued:

You know what, I will be presenting a copy of the bill that was signed into law to the FBI and also the pen that the president used to sign that hallowed document. It is a miracle to say the least, but it speaks to the respect that our Congress has for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the men and women who put their lives on the line every single day. …

Does that sound self-aggrandizing? Does it sound as though Wilson made herself the hero of the story? Does it sound more like a campaign speech than like a somber dedication of a building to two fallen FBI heroes?

So, was Kelly wrong?

Not really. He may have been wrong about the question of Wilson taking credit for the building funding versus the name, but he certainly wasn't wrong about Wilson patting herself on the back in an inappropriate way.
But..........but............but........... you 'Conservatives' just cannot help lying, genetic defect, you know. Kelly, Sanders, and Trump all lied, and now everyone knows it. So do you, but then, you think that lying is the smart thing to do.

But I can keep my doctor. I can keep my insurance. Bhengazi was caused by a video tape. Please...tell us about lying again.......

You are still on Benghazi, time to get into Niger, those seals lost their life's due to T's travel ban on Chad. His fault that is why he ignored it. Of course unlike McCain who is a captured loser, they are just dead losers to Trump.

PS: Stevens refused to leave.

Twit....how is a travel ban to Chad in any way part of a military operation in Niger? Moron.

Read about Chads military, their military protects all the countries there, and they pulled out of Niger.

Do you even know who and what the Special Forces are, and what they actually do? You should do some research before you post....

Chad Removes Hundreds of Soldiers From Nigerien Region Affected by Boko Haram

of course you are not going to read it, but someone else might.

And this effects that particular mission how? Again, do you understand how the Special Forces work? What they actually do?
What else is a politician supposed to talk about at HIS POLITICAL RALLY????


The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Actually he spends a lot of time talking about making America great...:ahole-1:
LOL Make America great for the upper 1/10 of one percent. Price tens of millions of Americans out of health care. Arrange the taxes so the poor can pay the rich to keep the poor flat on their asses. Accuse anyone that disagrees with the treasonous fat senile old orange clown of treason, while the clown is colluding with the Russians to swing an American election. And lie at least 10 times a day to keep the hillbillies out there happy.

Right, they want the median income to pay the most in taxes, that is how they control. Get rid of all depts. and social programs, all the people he hired to head the programs are cutting them, he wants to be Putin.
You are still on Benghazi, time to get into Niger, those seals lost their life's due to T's travel ban on Chad. His fault that is why he ignored it. Of course unlike McCain who is a captured loser, they are just dead losers to Trump.

PS: Stevens refused to leave.

Twit....how is a travel ban to Chad in any way part of a military operation in Niger? Moron.

Read about Chads military, their military protects all the countries there, and they pulled out of Niger.

Do you even know who and what the Special Forces are, and what they actually do? You should do some research before you post....

Chad Removes Hundreds of Soldiers From Nigerien Region Affected by Boko Haram

of course you are not going to read it, but someone else might.

And this effects that particular mission how? Again, do you understand how the Special Forces work? What they actually do?

Did you read the article? You are not interested in what the cause of this was. Try reading.
Twit....how is a travel ban to Chad in any way part of a military operation in Niger? Moron.

Read about Chads military, their military protects all the countries there, and they pulled out of Niger.

Do you even know who and what the Special Forces are, and what they actually do? You should do some research before you post....

Chad Removes Hundreds of Soldiers From Nigerien Region Affected by Boko Haram

of course you are not going to read it, but someone else might.

And this effects that particular mission how? Again, do you understand how the Special Forces work? What they actually do?

Did you read the article? You are not interested in what the cause of this was. Try reading.

I read the article.....and again...what does that have to do with this particular operation? Again, do you understand what the Special Forces do?
The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Your signature show exactly how much Democrats do exactly the opposite of what they say.
The criticism of Gen John Kelly is a perfect example of this.
This is why you Democrats are losing elections all over this country.
Because you're all despicable liars.
Kelly told the lie. The videos of the speech that Wilson gave is out there, and proves that Kelly lied. I don't care what the man's title is, when he lies to protect a worthless asshole, in my book, he becomes a worthless asshole. That you defend those lies, is simply proof that you are the same.

Moron...this is what she actually said...

Did John Kelly Lie About Frederica Wilson's FBI Building Dedication? Not Really.

Here’s what she said about her own contributions to naming the building:

Consider this scenario. The brand new federal buiding that will house the FBI has been built, and the FBI approaches my office. “Congresswoman Wilson, the ribbon-cutting has been scheduled in four short weeks. The dedication is on the government’s calendar and cannot be changed. One problem: the FBI wants to name this gorgeous edifice at the same time in four weeks.” Everyone said, ‘That’s impossible. It takes at least eight months to a year to complete the process through the House, the Senate, and the president’s office.” I said, “I’m a school principal,” and I said, excuse my French, “Aw hell no. We’re gonna get this done.” Immediately, I went into attack mode. I went to the Speaker, Speaker Boehner, and I said, “Mr. Speaker, I need your help. The FBI needs your help, and our country needs your help. And we have no time to waste.” He went into attack mode and in two days pulled it out of committee, brought it to the floor for a vote. … We all voted and I dashed it over to the Senate, and put our Senators on notice, “Put it on your radar.” Senator Nelson and Senator Rubio, who have representatives here today, they hotlined it to the Senate floor in just two days. And guess what, the president signed it into law this past Tuesday, April 7, 2015 with a BANG, BANG, BANG!

She continued:

You know what, I will be presenting a copy of the bill that was signed into law to the FBI and also the pen that the president used to sign that hallowed document. It is a miracle to say the least, but it speaks to the respect that our Congress has for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the men and women who put their lives on the line every single day. …

Does that sound self-aggrandizing? Does it sound as though Wilson made herself the hero of the story? Does it sound more like a campaign speech than like a somber dedication of a building to two fallen FBI heroes?

So, was Kelly wrong?

Not really. He may have been wrong about the question of Wilson taking credit for the building funding versus the name, but he certainly wasn't wrong about Wilson patting herself on the back in an inappropriate way.

He got everything wrong. The names of the FBI men and her eavesdropping. She gave a very eloquent speech and she praised some republicans and the speaker and the FBI. Kelly is a trump a.. kisser is all he is now.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Your signature show exactly how much Democrats do exactly the opposite of what they say.
The criticism of Gen John Kelly is a perfect example of this.
This is why you Democrats are losing elections all over this country.
Because you're all despicable liars.
Kelly told the lie. The videos of the speech that Wilson gave is out there, and proves that Kelly lied. I don't care what the man's title is, when he lies to protect a worthless asshole, in my book, he becomes a worthless asshole. That you defend those lies, is simply proof that you are the same.

Moron...this is what she actually said...

Did John Kelly Lie About Frederica Wilson's FBI Building Dedication? Not Really.

Here’s what she said about her own contributions to naming the building:

Consider this scenario. The brand new federal buiding that will house the FBI has been built, and the FBI approaches my office. “Congresswoman Wilson, the ribbon-cutting has been scheduled in four short weeks. The dedication is on the government’s calendar and cannot be changed. One problem: the FBI wants to name this gorgeous edifice at the same time in four weeks.” Everyone said, ‘That’s impossible. It takes at least eight months to a year to complete the process through the House, the Senate, and the president’s office.” I said, “I’m a school principal,” and I said, excuse my French, “Aw hell no. We’re gonna get this done.” Immediately, I went into attack mode. I went to the Speaker, Speaker Boehner, and I said, “Mr. Speaker, I need your help. The FBI needs your help, and our country needs your help. And we have no time to waste.” He went into attack mode and in two days pulled it out of committee, brought it to the floor for a vote. … We all voted and I dashed it over to the Senate, and put our Senators on notice, “Put it on your radar.” Senator Nelson and Senator Rubio, who have representatives here today, they hotlined it to the Senate floor in just two days. And guess what, the president signed it into law this past Tuesday, April 7, 2015 with a BANG, BANG, BANG!

She continued:

You know what, I will be presenting a copy of the bill that was signed into law to the FBI and also the pen that the president used to sign that hallowed document. It is a miracle to say the least, but it speaks to the respect that our Congress has for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the men and women who put their lives on the line every single day. …

Does that sound self-aggrandizing? Does it sound as though Wilson made herself the hero of the story? Does it sound more like a campaign speech than like a somber dedication of a building to two fallen FBI heroes?

So, was Kelly wrong?

Not really. He may have been wrong about the question of Wilson taking credit for the building funding versus the name, but he certainly wasn't wrong about Wilson patting herself on the back in an inappropriate way.

He got everything wrong. The names of the FBI men and her eavesdropping. She gave a very eloquent speech and she praised some republicans and the speaker and the FBI. Kelly is a trump a.. kisser is all he is now.

Yes....you avoided answering the actual question...nice job...
Actually, I really like this woman.....her clownish behavior highlights exactly how stupid the democrats really are....I figure she is worth another 3 or 4 republicans taking democrat seats in congress....
Florida needs to gerrymander that black bitch out of her congressional seat.
Actually, I really like this woman.....her clownish behavior highlights exactly how stupid the democrats really are....I figure she is worth another 3 or 4 republicans taking democrat seats in congress....
Florida needs to gerrymander that black bitch out of her congressional seat.

Why gerrymander? Can't you chicken wings find anyone who can beat her on he merits of their ideas? Fuck around and this lady will be a presidential candidate.
The point is you're not. Supposed to hold rallies after you win. And they're are a lot of important issues to discuss other than himself. Rallies are not for ego stroking. We don't do that in America.
Please show me the statute that says the President cannot campaign for his policies the way Obama often did and Trump does.

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have rallies to push his policies. He uses them to talk about himself and" crooked" Hilary.
Your signature show exactly how much Democrats do exactly the opposite of what they say.
The criticism of Gen John Kelly is a perfect example of this.
This is why you Democrats are losing elections all over this country.
Because you're all despicable liars.
Kelly told the lie. The videos of the speech that Wilson gave is out there, and proves that Kelly lied. I don't care what the man's title is, when he lies to protect a worthless asshole, in my book, he becomes a worthless asshole. That you defend those lies, is simply proof that you are the same.

Moron...this is what she actually said...

Did John Kelly Lie About Frederica Wilson's FBI Building Dedication? Not Really.

Here’s what she said about her own contributions to naming the building:

Consider this scenario. The brand new federal buiding that will house the FBI has been built, and the FBI approaches my office. “Congresswoman Wilson, the ribbon-cutting has been scheduled in four short weeks. The dedication is on the government’s calendar and cannot be changed. One problem: the FBI wants to name this gorgeous edifice at the same time in four weeks.” Everyone said, ‘That’s impossible. It takes at least eight months to a year to complete the process through the House, the Senate, and the president’s office.” I said, “I’m a school principal,” and I said, excuse my French, “Aw hell no. We’re gonna get this done.” Immediately, I went into attack mode. I went to the Speaker, Speaker Boehner, and I said, “Mr. Speaker, I need your help. The FBI needs your help, and our country needs your help. And we have no time to waste.” He went into attack mode and in two days pulled it out of committee, brought it to the floor for a vote. … We all voted and I dashed it over to the Senate, and put our Senators on notice, “Put it on your radar.” Senator Nelson and Senator Rubio, who have representatives here today, they hotlined it to the Senate floor in just two days. And guess what, the president signed it into law this past Tuesday, April 7, 2015 with a BANG, BANG, BANG!

She continued:

You know what, I will be presenting a copy of the bill that was signed into law to the FBI and also the pen that the president used to sign that hallowed document. It is a miracle to say the least, but it speaks to the respect that our Congress has for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the men and women who put their lives on the line every single day. …

Does that sound self-aggrandizing? Does it sound as though Wilson made herself the hero of the story? Does it sound more like a campaign speech than like a somber dedication of a building to two fallen FBI heroes?

So, was Kelly wrong?

Not really. He may have been wrong about the question of Wilson taking credit for the building funding versus the name, but he certainly wasn't wrong about Wilson patting herself on the back in an inappropriate way.
Oh, I see now, you are claiming that he lied just a little bit? LOL As for Rep. Wilson's speech, seems she gave buku credit to a lot of Republicans for getting this done. She instigated it, but would have accomplished nothing without their help, and her speech says that. You, and the other 'Conservative' assholes are simply lying about another person that has been unjustly attacked by this lying administration. Apparently Kelly checked in his Honor when he took this job.
LOL Make America great for the upper 1/10 of one percent. Price tens of millions of Americans out of health care. Arrange the taxes so the poor can pay the rich to keep the poor flat on their asses. Accuse anyone that disagrees with the treasonous fat senile old orange clown of treason, while the clown is colluding with the Russians to swing an American election. And lie at least 10 times a day to keep the hillbillies out there happy.
Breaking News for those who only watch Liberal fake news: Clintons were the ones colluding with a Russians.

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