Winning! Donald Trump changes the definition of domestic violence.

All of these things can be put right when he is in jail.

It will be difficult now that mere false accusation is not enough, but you actually have to prove that he has committed a crime.

But again, don't let me stop your self-hatred.
Obviously you know a lot more about domestic violence than I do. So does trump I believe.
Just because all you do is cut their heads off doesn't mean squat.
The feminists are pissed as usual.

Trump's decision to change domestic violence and sexual assault definitions 'roll women's rights back 50 years'

The old definition:

"Under President Obama, domestic violence was defined “as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.” According to the Department of Justice, “Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.”

The new "racist" definition:

“felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim”

You mean violence is defined as actual violence now?

So, what you (and Trump) are saying is that abuse can only be physical and nothing that correct?

Did you misread the part, domestic VIOLENCE?

Yes violence is necessarily physical, or perhaps a threat of violence. In any case it's not "economic abuse", whatever that is or "blaming someone".
this is an excellent move - totally ridiculous for a man to be subjected to criminal charges because of MUH FEEWINGS

"manipulation & coercion" as punishable offenses

we had been heading down that "thought crime" road, deeper and deeper everyday

thanks Obama!

but even better, now we have TRUMP and we are walking back down the path of freedom & liberty
we can say with absolute certainty that ANY TIME the progressives are upset about something, that MAGA is doing the right thing!

The Trump administration’s new definition says “the term ‘sexual assault’ means any non-consensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.”

In contrast, the previous definition was more expansive, saying: “Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behaviour that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.”

Behavior? (spelling in article is British spelling)

Trump has walked back subjective definitions of what a felony is - THANK YOU Mr. President!

oh, and look at this gem from the UK - Britain is lost & the damned fool progressives want to march us off the same cliff, Obama was a willing participant to that goal.

Controlling or coercive behaviour in intimate or familial relationships became a new offence n the UK, punishable with a maximum prison sentence of five years, under the 2015 Serious Crime Act.

That bullet we dodged when Hillary almost got elected was bigger than may of us even knew.

All of these things can be put right when he is in jail.

It will be difficult now that mere false accusation is not enough, but you actually have to prove that he has committed a crime.

But again, don't let me stop your self-hatred.
I want to go to the mountains

SHE wants to go to the beach

my attempts to change her mind are a felony because I have a penis & she bleeds once a month

sound reasonable...
Gosh, you poor victimized white men need all the legal protection you can get.

The extremist feminists, extremist gays, extremist minorities and extremist progressive socialist sell outs that spout this everyday have taught you well. you should at least look at real demographics.
The feminists are pissed as usual.

Trump's decision to change domestic violence and sexual assault definitions 'roll women's rights back 50 years'

The old definition:

"Under President Obama, domestic violence was defined “as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.” According to the Department of Justice, “Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.”

The new "racist" definition:

“felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim”

You mean violence is defined as actual violence now?

So if the wife wont give me any loven I could have reported her to the police?
this topic is not as easy to wrap your head around as a wall or tax cuts

but it's every bit as important

we are good and truly talking about thought crimes & the elimination of due process

it is the little things like THIS that make what Trump is doing so important; taking away a tool in the feminist arsenal to subjectively destroy any man they want

and the judges; Trump has given our country a chance for my children and grandchildren

haven't won the war; but we still have a chance
Trump forgets mental cruelty is a far more effective means of subjugation , and doesn't leave marks! ~S~
Do you want Trump to apologize for your suffering and that of your fellow snowflakes?

Trumps the king of snowflakes....


Didn't take long for the projection to arrive.

Just because you are a snowflake doesn't mean Trump is. In fact, we all know he has huge ballsack. Beat the entire establishment alone.

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