Winning Strategies for the GOP: Part 1, Every Vote Counts, Only Once

Good point.
We need to change on some of the social issues but the CORE of our beliefs, fiscal conservatism, will never change.

I agree. The message of lower taxes and less government spending is an appealing message to Americans. But Americans also like social security, medicare and defense, which is 75% of the federal budget. Entitlements have to be reformed, and need to have a serious discussion about how we are going to finance entitlements, because if we don't, they are going to eat us alive, particularly medicare. Unless things change dramatically, that's a mathematical fact. Also, Republicans need to have a serious discussion on defense. It seems that the only posture Republicans take on defense spending is "more is never enough," as if all the criticisms about bloat, waste and inefficiency Republicans say are in the government never occur in the military.

Gay marriage is an absolute loser for the Republican party. It's going to happen. Republicans should just drop it.

I don't think the Republicans are ready to have any of those conversations yet.

There's an old saying, "A man can't understand a problem if his livlihood is linked to him not understanding it."

The GOP is owned by the extreme that will never agree to a tax increase or a defense cut.

yeah yeah, crystal ball again
so a incumbent Democrat wins re-election after only being President for four years so that means Republicans have to change..
Obama won by a very small number of votes yet the Republicans have to change...
this is LAUGHABLE you people believe the country has now turned totally Progressive so we should just give it up and come over to the dark side.

Republicans have lost 4 of the past 6 Presidential elections.
Republicans have lost 5 of the past 6 elections in the Presidential popular vote.
Republicans have lost 5 of the past 6 elections amongst moderates.

So, yeah, the party has to change.

To start, stop calling everyone who doesn't drink the Kool Aid a RINO.

By pandering to the religious right and the extreme wing for the last 12 years, the GOP has lost the middle, the young, and minorities. As well as women. And to move back to the center, they will lose some of the people that have been the biggest supporters. But will not gain from the center for a couple of elections while people watch to see if the move is real, or just a chimera.

This RINO thing is the epitome of the stupidity demostrated by so many that are having a major influence in the GOP at present. The GOP let the Teabaggers dictate kicking out some moderate GOP senators, celebrated it as a great ideological cleansing of the party, then seemed stunned that those seats were taken by Democrats. The majority of American Citizens do not want the extreme ideologues in power, not from the left or the right.

When I became an American, I registered as a Republican, partly because the Republicans are the only game in town in Florida, and partly because Republicans are generally for less government whereas Democrats are generally for more. I consider myself a moderate because I'm generally on the right on economic issues and in the center-left on social issues, which is really more leaning libertarian than conservative.

But when I look and see the Republican party today, I see a base that is way outside the mainstream of American life, and I don't see a party that is particularly hospitable to those who don't toe the party line. Whatever one might think of Bush and Karl Rove, they understand that the party has to appeal to a broader set of voters, and that its better to have, say, a liberal Republican senator in Rhode Island than running an ideologically pure candidate who will take 33% of the vote and lose badly. But instead, the base wants to turn inward and become a Small Tent. I've never understood why a salesperson would want to make their product less appealing to the market, but that's what the base wants.
When I became an American, I registered as a Republican, partly because the Republicans are the only game in town in Florida, and partly because Republicans are generally for less government whereas Democrats are generally for more. I consider myself a moderate because I'm generally on the right on economic issues and in the center-left on social issues, which is really more leaning libertarian than conservative.

But when I look and see the Republican party today, I see a base that is way outside the mainstream of American life, and I don't see a party that is particularly hospitable to those who don't toe the party line. Whatever one might think of Bush and Karl Rove, they understand that the party has to appeal to a broader set of voters, and that its better to have, say, a liberal Republican senator in Rhode Island than running an ideologically pure candidate who will take 33% of the vote and lose badly. But instead, the base wants to turn inward and become a Small Tent. I've never understood why a salesperson would want to make their product less appealing to the market, but that's what the base wants.


Republicans have lost 4 of the past 6 Presidential elections.
Republicans have lost 5 of the past 6 elections in the Presidential popular vote.
Republicans have lost 5 of the past 6 elections amongst moderates.

So, yeah, the party has to change.

To start, stop calling everyone who doesn't drink the Kool Aid a RINO.

By pandering to the religious right and the extreme wing for the last 12 years, the GOP has lost the middle, the young, and minorities. As well as women. And to move back to the center, they will lose some of the people that have been the biggest supporters. But will not gain from the center for a couple of elections while people watch to see if the move is real, or just a chimera.

This RINO thing is the epitome of the stupidity demostrated by so many that are having a major influence in the GOP at present. The GOP let the Teabaggers dictate kicking out some moderate GOP senators, celebrated it as a great ideological cleansing of the party, then seemed stunned that those seats were taken by Democrats. The majority of American Citizens do not want the extreme ideologues in power, not from the left or the right.

When I became an American, I registered as a Republican, partly because the Republicans are the only game in town in Florida, and partly because Republicans are generally for less government whereas Democrats are generally for more. I consider myself a moderate because I'm generally on the right on economic issues and in the center-left on social issues, which is really more leaning libertarian than conservative.

But when I look and see the Republican party today, I see a base that is way outside the mainstream of American life, and I don't see a party that is particularly hospitable to those who don't toe the party line. Whatever one might think of Bush and Karl Rove, they understand that the party has to appeal to a broader set of voters, and that its better to have, say, a liberal Republican senator in Rhode Island than running an ideologically pure candidate who will take 33% of the vote and lose badly. But instead, the base wants to turn inward and become a Small Tent. I've never understood why a salesperson would want to make their product less appealing to the market, but that's what the base wants.

that is not what the base wants, and how can Republicans get their message out with a hostile DNC leaning MEDIA..and then we have the DNC fear mongering machine to deal with..

And then you have Democrats who thinks it's ok to call people in country, teabaggers

this is what we are up against, don't see any reason to bother anymore..
Winning Strategies for the GOP Part 2

At least ACT like you value the brown vote

Acting like it won't do it.
You have to buy the brown vote.


You have to stop telling ‘the brown vote’ you hate them, which is what the GOP does every time it opens its mouth concerning immigration.

Otherwise, can’t wait for the next thread in the series:

Winning Strategies for the GOP: Part 2, Tell It Like it is: All Women Using Birth Control are Sluts
NO ONE I know tell's the brown vote they hate them

You see, this is what I'm talking about...How can you go up against these types of LIES
NO ONE I know tell's the brown vote they hate them

You see, this is what I'm talking about...How can you go up against these types of LIES

So when Mr. "I can't have illegals here, I'm running for Office for Pete's Sake" decided to bash Perry and Gingrich for their immigration stances, he wasn't telling immigrants he hated them?
NO ONE I know tell's the brown vote they hate them

You see, this is what I'm talking about...How can you go up against these types of LIES

So when Mr. "I can't have illegals here, I'm running for Office for Pete's Sake" decided to bash Perry and Gingrich for their immigration stances, he wasn't telling immigrants he hated them?

oh well hell, just open the borders...we wouldn't want people to have to follow our immigration laws, and when someone speaks out about that, it is now called, hating brown votes..

We've pretty much lost the batter for our country anyway, just give it away
If the Republicans ever denounce Trickle Down Voodoo Economics and jettison pretty much their entire social agenda, I'll take a look to the right again at ballot time.

Until then, pass! :eusa_hand:

Reagan's started the greatest peace time expansion of the economy in history.
Which Clinton was able to ride, thanks to a GOP congress, for his whole 8 years. What Clinton did do is f...k the country with free trade agreements. What is happening today was predicted then, there is no denying that the president that has done the most harm to the US economy, or should I say working man, was WJC. To that there is no doubt. At least until we see the full effects of Obamatax. Maybe natural gas will bail out the economy, I am hoping so.
based on arms build-up/showering defense contractors w/ $ (how ironic)
NO ONE I know tell's the brown vote they hate them

You see, this is what I'm talking about...How can you go up against these types of LIES

So when Mr. "I can't have illegals here, I'm running for Office for Pete's Sake" decided to bash Perry and Gingrich for their immigration stances, he wasn't telling immigrants he hated them?

IOW's- Mitt wouldn't hesitate to hire illegals to clean his garage elevator in Cali IF he weren't running for Prez :tongue:
NO ONE I know tell's the brown vote they hate them

You see, this is what I'm talking about...How can you go up against these types of LIES

You tell them you hate them with 1070-type legislation.

You tell them you hate them when you lie about ‘illegal’ immigrants getting ‘welfare,’ when you advocate denying undocumented immigrants private housing or pubic services, when republicans use pejorative terms such as ‘anchor babies,’ and ‘shutting down’ the border with Mexico.

You tell them you hate them when you complain about immigrants receiving information from government sources about their rights and the immigration process, when you try to deny children of immigrants access to public schools, and when you lie about the Administration’s deferred prosecution policy concerning children brought legally to the United States.

The above idiocy and more have had the cumulative effect of creating the perception among Hispanic voters that the GOP is not only irrationally hostile to immigrants from Latin America, but hostile to Hispanics who are citizens and have been American for generations.

The sad irony of this, of course, is none of the above has anything to do with traditional republican policy, it’s a sickness recently acquired by the GOP when it climbed into bed with the social right.
NO ONE I know tell's the brown vote they hate them

You see, this is what I'm talking about...How can you go up against these types of LIES

You tell them you hate them with 1070-type legislation.

You tell them you hate them when you lie about ‘illegal’ immigrants getting ‘welfare,’ when you advocate denying undocumented immigrants private housing or pubic services, when republicans use pejorative terms such as ‘anchor babies,’ and ‘shutting down’ the border with Mexico.

You tell them you hate them when you complain about immigrants receiving information from government sources about their rights and the immigration process, when you try to deny children of immigrants access to public schools, and when you lie about the Administration’s deferred prosecution policy concerning children brought legally to the United States.

The above idiocy and more have had the cumulative effect of creating the perception among Hispanic voters that the GOP is not only irrationally hostile to immigrants from Latin America, but hostile to Hispanics who are citizens and have been American for generations.

The sad irony of this, of course, is none of the above has anything to do with traditional republican policy, it’s a sickness recently acquired by the GOP when it climbed into bed with the social right.

there's your first lie, people are talking about ILLEGAL immigrants, not immigrants..and not only Latinos are here ILLEGALLY
Illegal immigrants are getting our social welfare benefits.Lie number one
They already have accuse to public schools that we get to pay for, lie number two
as for the rest, long winded of lies
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that is not what the base wants, and how can Republicans get their message out with a hostile DNC leaning MEDIA..and then we have the DNC fear mongering machine to deal with..

And then you have Democrats who thinks it's ok to call people in country, teabaggers

this is what we are up against, don't see any reason to bother anymore..

It is what the base wants.

Polls have consistently shown that not only do Americans want to see taxes raised on the wealthiest, but Republicans also want to see taxes go up on the richest Americans. But because the base fiercely says no, it doesn't happen.

Whining about the media is lame. It means Republicans are losing the media battle and don't know how to win it. But I don't believe that anyways, given the rise of Fox News, talk radio et al.
that is not what the base wants, and how can Republicans get their message out with a hostile DNC leaning MEDIA..and then we have the DNC fear mongering machine to deal with..

And then you have Democrats who thinks it's ok to call people in country, teabaggers

this is what we are up against, don't see any reason to bother anymore..

It is what the base wants.

Polls have consistently shown that not only do Americans want to see taxes raised on the wealthiest, but Republicans also want to see taxes go up on the richest Americans. But because the base fiercely says no, it doesn't happen.

Whining about the media is lame. It means Republicans are losing the media battle and don't know how to win it. But I don't believe that anyways, given the rise of Fox News, talk radio et al.

Whining in general is lame.
NO ONE I know tell's the brown vote they hate them

You see, this is what I'm talking about...How can you go up against these types of LIES

So when Mr. "I can't have illegals here, I'm running for Office for Pete's Sake" decided to bash Perry and Gingrich for their immigration stances, he wasn't telling immigrants he hated them?

Naaaah, he was just telling them to self-deport (before he embraced Obama's executive order).
that is not what the base wants, and how can Republicans get their message out with a hostile DNC leaning MEDIA..and then we have the DNC fear mongering machine to deal with..

And then you have Democrats who thinks it's ok to call people in country, teabaggers

this is what we are up against, don't see any reason to bother anymore..

It is what the base wants.

Polls have consistently shown that not only do Americans want to see taxes raised on the wealthiest, but Republicans also want to see taxes go up on the richest Americans. But because the base fiercely says no, it doesn't happen.

Whining about the media is lame. It means Republicans are losing the media battle and don't know how to win it. But I don't believe that anyways, given the rise of Fox News, talk radio et al.

Yep. The right practically has a monopoly on the talk radio market and Fox News is the number one rated cable "news" network; but, somehow the media is against them.
Democrats have a winning strategy, increase government dependency domestically and import, both legally and illegally, huge masses of people anxious to be government dependents. Republicans may never be able to hold a nationally elected office. That was Romney's problem. He stressed jobs, which is like cursing the leeching public. The electrician who comes to fix the electric chair is not going to be well thought of to the death row inmate. We give the poor a level of comfort then suggest that they work! How stupid is that? There's no reason for them to work. We have removed most of the incentives and are removing more.
Democrats have a winning strategy, increase government dependency domestically and import, both legally and illegally, huge masses of people anxious to be government dependents. Republicans may never be able to hold a nationally elected office. That was Romney's problem. He stressed jobs, which is like cursing the leeching public. The electrician who comes to fix the electric chair is not going to be well thought of to the death row inmate. We give the poor a level of comfort then suggest that they work! How stupid is that? There's no reason for them to work. We have removed most of the incentives and are removing more.

Republicans will continue to lose elections as a consequence of the above hate, fear, and contempt for working Americans.
Democrats have a winning strategy, increase government dependency domestically and import, both legally and illegally, huge masses of people anxious to be government dependents. Republicans may never be able to hold a nationally elected office. That was Romney's problem. He stressed jobs, which is like cursing the leeching public. The electrician who comes to fix the electric chair is not going to be well thought of to the death row inmate. We give the poor a level of comfort then suggest that they work! How stupid is that? There's no reason for them to work. We have removed most of the incentives and are removing more.

Republicans will continue to lose elections as a consequence of the above hate, fear, and contempt for working Americans.

In Katzndogz' defense, she just repeats what she hears on Fox/am radio :tinfoil:

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