Winning: Trump To Allow Americans To Access Lower-Cost Drugs From Canada

I thought Canada's low cost drugs were because of socialism. So it appears that the OP is claiming that the solution to high costs in capitalism is to go find socialism.

Yet another example of how Donald has turned his cult inside out.

You lefties are so retarded it's not even funny. This is a brilliant way to get Big Pharma to lower their costs. The drugs are made here, dummies.

You are missing something big there Mario.

Americans has been buying drugs from Canada and Mexico for a long time. Some are already coming from India and Asia.
So there’s nothing spectacular here. NOTHING.

And it took him more than 2 years to accomplish that? WOW. While he is so busy with his buddies Putin and Kim Jung? Give us a break.

But at least he has to do something. Rather than sending those irresponsible tweets.
If it was so fucking obvious why wasn’t it in obiecare?
Our fucked up healthcare and insurance system? Could that be it?
If you mean government intervention then yes.

By law, our government can't negotiate drug prices. Those unfairly high prices are set by pure capitalism.
How do you figure? Capitalism is all about making a good product cheap enough to sell millions of them. By law we must have worse laws than all of those other countries. Why else would a capitalist sell there? It’s not like they’re taking a loss. If it wasn’t profitable to sell in Canada they wouldn’t do it. Yet it is profitable. Maybe you should be asking why it’s profitable to sell in Canada but it is only profitable in the US at twice that price.

For those who do not know the answer to that question, it lies in the fact that Canada and every other country in the world that sells our drugs at a big discount to what we do here in the US, doesn't have to pay for the time and effort it takes to develop and test everything for years before it finally goes on the market. And that includes all the failures that occurred before the successful drug came to be. That's where all the cost is, the actual ingredients and the process to produce the drug isn't that expensive in most cases.

But they still have to buy them from the same companies that we are buying them from. Why do they get them so much cheaper?

Health insurance and Medicare and comptrollers here.
Our fucked up healthcare and insurance system? Could that be it?
If you mean government intervention then yes.

By law, our government can't negotiate drug prices. Those unfairly high prices are set by pure capitalism.
How do you figure? Capitalism is all about making a good product cheap enough to sell millions of them. By law we must have worse laws than all of those other countries. Why else would a capitalist sell there? It’s not like they’re taking a loss. If it wasn’t profitable to sell in Canada they wouldn’t do it. Yet it is profitable. Maybe you should be asking why it’s profitable to sell in Canada but it is only profitable in the US at twice that price.

For those who do not know the answer to that question, it lies in the fact that Canada and every other country in the world that sells our drugs at a big discount to what we do here in the US, doesn't have to pay for the time and effort it takes to develop and test everything for years before it finally goes on the market. And that includes all the failures that occurred before the successful drug came to be. That's where all the cost is, the actual ingredients and the process to produce the drug isn't that expensive in most cases.
While I agree that’s true it doesn’t explain the difference. Those costs would be spread out evenly. That isn’t the sole reason it costs this much. True to start for sure. But after that?

Because they line "our" politicians' pockets so they can reap massive profits here.
So much for Trump's buy American campaign! :21::21::21::21:

Oh. My. Word. If Trump cured cancer, you'd post an idiotic reply that said, "Trump just put 20,000 cancer research specialists out of work. So much for jobs, jobs, jobs!"

Anyway, moving on from this guy's petty reply, if you read the article, you learn that Trump has not yet allowed Americans to buy drugs from Canada but that he has initiated a process by which it could be done **if** the process meets federal regulatory standards.

We should not need to take months to study this. Canada is not some third-world country. Americans should be able to buy drugs directly from Canada anytime they want, starting immediately.
It would be profitable in the US at a much lower price than they have now. just not as profitable as they want.

It doesn't address "shareholder value".

Fuck shareholder value.
Well then fuck your future advancements. There won't be any.

Wrong. That excuse just doesn't make sense. It's easy enough to find out how much profit drug companies make in the US. If you can add and subtract, you can see they wouldn't be hurting too bad with a much smaller profit margin.
I think with some simple math you will find the profits here aren’t much different than anywhere else.

Pfizer made 42% profit in 2013. They spend more on marketing than on R&D.
So much for Trump's buy American campaign! :21::21::21::21:

Oh. My. Word. If Trump cured cancer, you'd post an idiotic reply that said, "Trump just put 20,000 cancer research specialists out of work. So much for jobs, jobs, jobs!"

Anyway, moving on from this guy's petty reply, if you read the article, you learn that Trump has not yet allowed Americans to buy drugs from Canada but that he has initiated a process by which it could be done **if** the process meets federal regulatory standards.

We should not need to take months to study this. Canada is not some third-world country. Americans should be able to buy drugs directly from Canada anytime they want, starting immediately.

it was a joke


Pull the stick out of your ass
I thought Canada's low cost drugs were because of socialism. So it appears that the OP is claiming that the solution to high costs in capitalism is to go find socialism.

Yet another example of how Donald has turned his cult inside out.

You lefties are so retarded it's not even funny. This is a brilliant way to get Big Pharma to lower their costs. The drugs are made here, dummies.

You are missing something big there Mario.

Americans has been buying drugs from Canada and Mexico for a long time. Some are already coming from India and Asia.
So there’s nothing spectacular here. NOTHING.

And it took him more than 2 years to accomplish that? WOW. While he is so busy with his buddies Putin and Kim Jung? Give us a break.

But at least he has to do something. Rather than sending those irresponsible tweets.
If it was so fucking obvious why wasn’t it in obiecare?

Obama is no longer the potus. Stick with the topic.

So what you're saying is that Capitalist American health care is a failure, and that socialist Canadian health care has succeeded in keeping costs for our citizens reasonable, while Americans continue to be gouged.

Thank you for admitting the inadequacies of your market forces.
Without American capitalism you wouldn’t have the drugs at all. The government is causing the high prices.

Canadian doctors Banting and Best discovered a way to produce insulin to treat diabetes.

Stem cells were discovered in Canada and that lead immediately to bone marrow transplants to treat leukaemia and cancer.

Canadian Jonas Salk discovered the polio vaccine.

Canadians also mapped the genome.

Germans have more drug research than the USA, but patents are filed in the USA because of your patent protections.
And? Have you put any thought into why it is more expensive here?
Mostly because we will pay it.

And because our government negotiated these prices on behalf of all Canadians. The government pays for drugs for children, the elderly and hospitals so they have tremendous buying power and they wield it.

The Medical Industrial Complex gouges Americans at every turn because they can and your government does nothing to stop it. Their lobbies are very powerful.

The current series in the Washington Post on the drug companies and the opioid crisis is a must read on the dangers of “for profit” medicine. Big Pharma has created a nation of addicts, and the are now starting to peddle high priced antidotes to their poisons, and a cure for addiction.
It doesn't address "shareholder value".

Fuck shareholder value.
Well then fuck your future advancements. There won't be any.

Wrong. That excuse just doesn't make sense. It's easy enough to find out how much profit drug companies make in the US. If you can add and subtract, you can see they wouldn't be hurting too bad with a much smaller profit margin.
I think with some simple math you will find the profits here aren’t much different than anywhere else.

Pfizer made 42% profit in 2013. They spend more on marketing than on R&D.
No they didn’t. And you’re an idiot for thinking so.
I thought Canada's low cost drugs were because of socialism. So it appears that the OP is claiming that the solution to high costs in capitalism is to go find socialism.

Yet another example of how Donald has turned his cult inside out.

You lefties are so retarded it's not even funny. This is a brilliant way to get Big Pharma to lower their costs. The drugs are made here, dummies.

You are missing something big there Mario.

Americans has been buying drugs from Canada and Mexico for a long time. Some are already coming from India and Asia.
So there’s nothing spectacular here. NOTHING.

And it took him more than 2 years to accomplish that? WOW. While he is so busy with his buddies Putin and Kim Jung? Give us a break.

But at least he has to do something. Rather than sending those irresponsible tweets.
If it was so fucking obvious why wasn’t it in obiecare?

Obama is no longer the potus. Stick with the topic.
No defense for your stupidity. Noted.

Jack off.
Fuck shareholder value.
Well then fuck your future advancements. There won't be any.

Wrong. That excuse just doesn't make sense. It's easy enough to find out how much profit drug companies make in the US. If you can add and subtract, you can see they wouldn't be hurting too bad with a much smaller profit margin.
I think with some simple math you will find the profits here aren’t much different than anywhere else.

Pfizer made 42% profit in 2013. They spend more on marketing than on R&D.
No they didn’t. And you’re an idiot for thinking so.

Shup Mike.
Pharma industry gets high on profits
So much for Trump's buy American campaign! :21::21::21::21:

Oh. My. Word. If Trump cured cancer, you'd post an idiotic reply that said, "Trump just put 20,000 cancer research specialists out of work. So much for jobs, jobs, jobs!"

Anyway, moving on from this guy's petty reply, if you read the article, you learn that Trump has not yet allowed Americans to buy drugs from Canada but that he has initiated a process by which it could be done **if** the process meets federal regulatory standards.

We should not need to take months to study this. Canada is not some third-world country. Americans should be able to buy drugs directly from Canada anytime they want, starting immediately.

You do realize that this won’t last. Drug companies know the size of the Canadian market and don’t ship more drugs to Canada than we use. Our suppliers will soon be sold out.

The obvious solution is for YOU to stop accepting price gouging by the health care industry.
It should cause some concern when you're wanting cheaper drugs but the only way to get them cheaper is after they ship them to a foreign country first.

Now, this is the post of the week.

If they are indeed being made here, and I do not know that for certain, they do actually manufacture drugs in Canada as well, why are they so much cheaper there?
As a side note it's something I've been watching closely for about six months.

My wife needs medication that costs 15k a month. My company is self insured. They never complained about it but obviously a concern. They offered us a trip to the Cayman's, all expenses paid. Flights, hotel, car rental, food allowance, even some entertainment money and I get paid for the time to go there and get a six month prescription filled. They showed me the total costs. 90k versus all of that for right at 35k. Her doctors were all for it, same drugs, same testing, same everything. She can't fly just yet so we are going to revisit this in six months. But seriously, WTF.

Hi Mike, I know we have political differences but can we set aside that for a while if you don’t mind.

My cousin is a kidney transplant patient from Cedars Sinai for almost 6 years. They prescribe him anti rejection called Belatacept (Nulojix) cost $15k per infusion every month and 30 minutes per session. That doesn’t include the hospital and the doctor. This is not available in other countries or other part of US.

I’m in the medical instruments business and I’ve been to Cayman few times. There’s nothing for me to invest there. No market except very good banking system and tourism.

Your employer is very nice to give you that kind of offer. I’m not sure how big is your employer that they can easily absorb $15k a month.
But I’m just wondering why Caymans? when it’s not the center where unique kinds of medications are available. I didn’t even see that many drug stores and with only few hospitals. If it’s available in Cayman it should be available somewhere. They don’t even manufacture drugs in Cayman. People there with severe sickness flew to Cuba or US for treatment not the other way around.

I think your wife has a very serious kinds of ailments. And I’m very surprised your wife doctor gave you that kind of options. Does he or she have another patient that took that route? How does he/she knows it’s the the same?
Have you research other places where this medication is available? They always say it’s the same but there’s always something different.
I’m not sure if you want to take all that risk.
I thought Canada's low cost drugs were because of socialism. So it appears that the OP is claiming that the solution to high costs in capitalism is to go find socialism.

Yet another example of how Donald has turned his cult inside out.

You lefties are so retarded it's not even funny. This is a brilliant way to get Big Pharma to lower their costs. The drugs are made here, dummies.

You are missing something big there Mario.

Americans has been buying drugs from Canada and Mexico for a long time. Some are already coming from India and Asia.
So there’s nothing spectacular here. NOTHING.

And it took him more than 2 years to accomplish that? WOW. While he is so busy with his buddies Putin and Kim Jung? Give us a break.

But at least he has to do something. Rather than sending those irresponsible tweets.
If it was so fucking obvious why wasn’t it in obiecare?

Obama is no longer the potus. Stick with the topic.
No defense for your stupidity. Noted.

Jack off.

Stick with the topic fuck head.
I thought Canada's low cost drugs were because of socialism. So it appears that the OP is claiming that the solution to high costs in capitalism is to go find socialism.

Yet another example of how Donald has turned his cult inside out.

You lefties are so retarded it's not even funny. This is a brilliant way to get Big Pharma to lower their costs. The drugs are made here, dummies.

You are missing something big there Mario.

Americans has been buying drugs from Canada and Mexico for a long time. Some are already coming from India and Asia.
So there’s nothing spectacular here. NOTHING.

And it took him more than 2 years to accomplish that? WOW. While he is so busy with his buddies Putin and Kim Jung? Give us a break.

But at least he has to do something. Rather than sending those irresponsible tweets.
If it was so fucking obvious why wasn’t it in obiecare?

Obama is no longer the potus. Stick with the topic.
No defense for your stupidity. Noted.

Jack off.

Why the fuck people like you cannot have a decent conversation?
Obviously you are so fucking inhumane that you always have to bring out something that has nothing to do with with the topic?

You are just a poorly informed ignorant Trump supporter. What the fuck do you know anyway?
You adore and gave so much credit for this Trump a racist piece of shit.

Now you can start this war with me if you want. But I’m so sick and tired with low class people like you and others here when nothing to counter act ....... they show their bastard attitude.
No defense for your stupidity. Noted
Why the fuck people like you cannot have a decent conversation?
Obviously you are so fucking inhumane that you always have to bring out something that has nothing to do with with the topic?

You are just a poorly informed ignorant Trump supporter. What the fuck do you know anyway?
You adore and gave so much credit for this Trump a racist piece of shit.

Now you can start this war with me if you want. But I’m so sick and tired with low class people like you and others here when nothing to counter act ....... they show their bastard attitude.

Is that English, bro?

Hilarious how Trump plays the Leftards. They are even attacking Americans being able to buy lower cost prescriptions.

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