Wisconsin man, 50, wearing KKK robe and hood shocks neighbors walking dog

Wow, that's a genuine grand dragon robe. Very rare. This guy is a patriot. He can't be a racist because he has a black dog, yes it's on a chain but that's a minor detail.

"This guy is a patriot."


a KKK liberal democrat?

you think he is a PATRIOT?

but trump said "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"

how can you oppose trump?
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
Wow, that's a genuine grand dragon robe. Very rare. This guy is a patriot. He can't be a racist because he has a black dog, yes it's on a chain but that's a minor detail.

"This guy is a patriot."


a KKK liberal democrat?

you think he is a PATRIOT?

but trump said "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"

how can you oppose trump?
They recognize their own even though they lie to the public.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
BLM doesn’t do peaceful protests. They deface and vandalize property, intimidate and attack people. I’d certainly have my sights on them for that second they step out of line.
Do they burn crosses and lynch people? Are they listed by the DOJ as a terrorist organization?
They burn crosses, but the lynchings stopped decades ago. And no, they are not a terrorist organization. Quit talking about things you dont understand.
How does your conscience allow you to write in defense of the Ku Klux Klan?
How do you know he is a member of the KKK? Maybe he just wanted to get a rise out of his neighbors and rented the outfit at Costumes R Us
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
BLM doesn’t do peaceful protests. They deface and vandalize property, intimidate and attack people. I’d certainly have my sights on them for that second they step out of line.
Do they burn crosses and lynch people? Are they listed by the DOJ as a terrorist organization?
They burn crosses, but the lynchings stopped decades ago. And no, they are not a terrorist organization. Quit talking about things you dont understand.
How does your conscience allow you to write in defense of the Ku Klux Klan?
How do you know he is a member of the KKK? Maybe he just wanted to get a rise out of his neighbors and rented the outfit at Costumes R Us
You wear the uni then you are kkk.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
Boy, you tell great stories and have such a vivid imagination,
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.

Bravo Hawk!

I think it is GREAT that you stand up for the freedom of speech of KKK DEMOCRATS!
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
It's harder to get away with murder today. Heck, you might even get to enjoy being strapped to the table after a few decades with Bubba.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
It's harder to get away with murder today. Heck, you might even get to enjoy being strapped to the table after a few decades with Bubba.
Its only hard if youre stupid like you. Dont project your limitations onto me. I'm better than you.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.

Bravo Hawk!

I think it is GREAT that you stand up for the freedom of speech of KKK DEMOCRATS!
I stand up for freedom of speech no matter who is speaking or what they are speaking about, May not agree with what you are say but unlike today's liberals I will defend your right to say it.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
Boy, you tell great stories and have such a vivid imagination,
That invitation to come test your theory is still open. You still get a free pickup at the Oakland airport. You coming? :)
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.

Bravo Hawk!

I think it is GREAT that you stand up for the freedom of speech of KKK DEMOCRATS!
I stand up for freedom of speech no matter who is speaking or what they are speaking about, May not agree with what you are say but unlike today's liberals I will defend your right to say it.
Intolerance of intolerance is a virtue. Pro life tip.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
Boy, you tell great stories and have such a vivid imagination,
That invitation to come test your theory is still open. You still get a free pickup at the Oakland airport. You coming? :)
I would not go to California on a bet let alone to Oakland. Hell even your beloved football team had enough and left
Wow, that's a genuine grand dragon robe. Very rare. This guy is a patriot. He can't be a racist because he has a black dog, yes it's on a chain but that's a minor detail.

He's walking all the way from Wisconsin to Tulsa? Better hitch a ride or he's gonna be late! :D

what an absolutely stupid statement given the absolute fact that Trump has done more to improve the lives of black Americans than every single person in Congress and Joe Biden combined.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
Boy, you tell great stories and have such a vivid imagination,
That invitation to come test your theory is still open. You still get a free pickup at the Oakland airport. You coming? :)
I would not go to California on a bet let alone to Oakland. Hell even your beloved football team had enough and left
We already knew you were afraid. I was just checking and making sure you knew you are still invited. I stopped being a Raider fan the first time the left.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
Boy, you tell great stories and have such a vivid imagination,
That invitation to come test your theory is still open. You still get a free pickup at the Oakland airport. You coming? :)

LOL more white boy pretending to be a black guy who can't control his violent tendencies.

Oakland huh? I have a cousin in Alameda. He loves to throw knuckles.

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