Wisconsin man, 50, wearing KKK robe and hood shocks neighbors walking dog

KKK attire is provocative, to say the least. Wearing Nazi uniforms and displaying insignia is similar. When someone so clearly declares their separation from the principles for which Americans have fought and died, they declare themselves an enemy. Seeing a swastika tattooed on a person's head looks an awful lot like a target.
Free speech is necessary to a democratic republic, and attire should be considered speech generally. Everything has limits, just the same.
Would I attack this person? No, not just like that.
Would I find someone who did guilty of assault? Probably not.
This post may not be popular, but it is just stating an opinion about today's social situation and is not intended to promote any political or social movement.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
BLM doesn’t do peaceful protests. They deface and vandalize property, intimidate and attack people. I’d certainly have my sights on them for that second they step out of line.
Do they burn crosses and lynch people? Are they listed by the DOJ as a terrorist organization?
So you’re an unstable violent criminal that wants to kill people.
The desire to kill is growing stronger on the left

Asclepias is unfortunately typical of the hoodlums running wild in the streets

and as we see here every day there are more where he came from

theres a real sickness running through our country and its no the chinese disease
It's hard to take this guy seriously. Not because he's wearing a robe and hood in June, but because his sneakers are showing. Are those Air Jordans?
Its all fun and games until you wake up in the middle of the night with a cross burning on your lawn. My mom told me all about it back in Mississippi.
and yet you still kiss the ass of democrats the very people who burned those crosses
Stupid people support other stupid people
It's hard to take this guy seriously. Not because he's wearing a robe and hood in June, but because his sneakers are showing. Are those Air Jordans?
Its all fun and games until you wake up in the middle of the night with a cross burning on your lawn. My mom told me all about it back in Mississippi.
and yet you still kiss the ass of democrats the very people who burned those crosses
Stupid people support other stupid people
Go read up on the Southern Strategy and educate yourself.
No such thing it's a myth pushed by democrat controlled and maintained mainstream media
KKK attire is provocative, to say the least. Wearing Nazi uniforms and displaying insignia is similar. When someone so clearly declares their separation from the principles for which Americans have fought and died, they declare themselves an enemy. Seeing a swastika tattooed on a person's head looks an awful lot like a target.
Free speech is necessary to a democratic republic, and attire should be considered speech generally. Everything has limits, just the same.
Would I attack this person? No, not just like that.
Would I find someone who did guilty of assault? Probably not.
This post may not be popular, but it is just stating an opinion about today's social situation and is not intended to promote any political or social movement.
"Would I attack this person? No, not just like that." I agree; 100%

"Would I find someone who did guilty of assault? Probably not"....I disagree 100%. The Law applies to EVERYONE; motherfukkers as well as saints!!!!

LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
BLM doesn’t do peaceful protests. They deface and vandalize property, intimidate and attack people. I’d certainly have my sights on them for that second they step out of line.
Do they burn crosses and lynch people? Are they listed by the DOJ as a terrorist organization?
Burn churches and houses with kids inside them...well...yes.

LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
BLM doesn’t do peaceful protests. They deface and vandalize property, intimidate and attack people. I’d certainly have my sights on them for that second they step out of line.
Do they burn crosses and lynch people? Are they listed by the DOJ as a terrorist organization?
Burn churches and houses with kids inside them...well...yes.


But... RACISM!!!
Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
The robe is a threat? Now sir I think you lay off the crack
Anyone that wears that robe is threat. Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.
You would try to argue with him, he would pull that long rifle out and make you dance before ... lol
I dont argue. Thats for people that like to talk when its time to get busy.
Yea you would try to provoke some reaction,, dance.. Hey why don’t you do us all a favor why don’t you make a video of you dancing say couple funny jokes maybe Dunk a basketball.. entertain us
I'll do that after you go down to the local zoo and send me a selfie with your kinfolk in the chimp exhibit.
Ok that was funny, now dance mofo dance lol
Youre white. No matter how much I dance youre still going to look funny trying to do what I do. All the white girls will be around me and looking at you with disdain. You uncoordinated MF. :lol:
lol fat white girls are all you Shaun king lol hey why is every street named after MLK all crime infested?? Answer that question while dancing OK boy
That must have stung. You actually made 3 deflections in one post. :laughing0301:
What ever makes you feel better ha I’m here for you ha
It's hard to take this guy seriously. Not because he's wearing a robe and hood in June, but because his sneakers are showing. Are those Air Jordans?
Its all fun and games until you wake up in the middle of the night with a cross burning on your lawn. My mom told me all about it back in Mississippi.
and yet you still kiss the ass of democrats the very people who burned those crosses
Stupid people support other stupid people
Go read up on the Southern Strategy and educate yourself.
What do you want to know?
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.
Now that sounds like a good idea!
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.

Just because you disagree with someone doesn't give you the right to attack them and lie about it.

You need to get a better job getting along with people.

I haven't seen them lately, but I've seen Muslims in their white islamic robes hawking their incense and Final Call newspapers on the streets in Ohio. I never thought to run them over or cause them harm. Even though they are required by Muslim doctrine to hate me, I never felt it in my heart.

There is a picture online showing George Rockwell and 2 other National Socialst leaders at a black meeting in Washington DC, and no incivility at all in spite of the official hatred. This was 50 years ago, when life was more civil I guess.

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