Wisconsin man, 50, wearing KKK robe and hood shocks neighbors walking dog

Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.

Go ahead and assault him and wind up back in jail.
Its going to be self defense.

Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.

Now a 90 year old in a wheelchair would be a threat to you?
You’re just proving the KKK types correct, you’re like a baboon out of control.

Primates in a race with the vet!!!


Good for those primates! Outrun those bastards.................
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
Again, the only threat is the one you are making here
Again the the threat is the KKK. So if you feel threatened tell us why?
Why do you feel this innocent man threatens you?
That MF is the kkk. Thats a direct threat.
Nope. Indirect at best and a skylark most likely. They've succeeded in proving the KKK right about YOU!! I am glad you are NOT representative of other Americans.

Did your silly ass just say proving the kkklowns right?
Yes; in YOUR case. Your first thought is VIOLENCE!!! It's morons like you Biden made the 1994 Crime act for., asshole!!! But you'll still vote for the shithead!!

BTW: just so you trigger up some more, you are one of the few they WERE right about!!!

Get it, fool!!!

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Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.

Go ahead and assault him and wind up back in jail.
Its going to be self defense.

Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.

Now a 90 year old in a wheelchair would be a threat to you?
You’re just proving the KKK types correct, you’re like a baboon out of control.
Yep. Them inbred chimps could be carrying a knife or a gun under them klown robes.

Would you pay your respects to a dead KKK, like Biden did?

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[12][20]
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
Again, the only threat is the one you are making here
Again the the threat is the KKK. So if you feel threatened tell us why?
Why do you feel this innocent man threatens you?
That MF is the kkk. Thats a direct threat.
Nope. Indirect at best and a skylark most likely. They've succeeded in proving the KKK right about YOU!! I am glad you are NOT representative of other Americans.

Did your silly ass just say proving the kkklowns right?
Yes; in YOUR case. You first thought is VIOLENCE!!! It's morons like you Biden made the 1994 Crime act for., asshole!!! But you'll still vote for the shithead!!

BTW: just so you trigger up some more, you are one of the few they WERE right about!!!

Get it, fool!!!

What do you think my first thought should be? Hold hands and sing kumbaya with the inbred mother fucker? You think I'm stupid enough to give them time to grow bolder? Fuck that.
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
Again, the only threat is the one you are making here
Again the the threat is the KKK. So if you feel threatened tell us why?
Why do you feel this innocent man threatens you?
Because the KKK uniform represents hatred toward blacks. Exactly how the BLM kkk exists in the name of hatred of white people.
Neither justifies the other.
The KKK uniform is Democrat history.
I’m aware. The democrat party is nothing but dichotomies.
Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.

Go ahead and assault him and wind up back in jail.
Its going to be self defense.

Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.

Now a 90 year old in a wheelchair would be a threat to you?
You’re just proving the KKK types correct, you’re like a baboon out of control.
Yep. Them inbred chimps could be carrying a knife or a gun under them klown robes.

Would you pay your respects to a dead KKK, like Biden did?

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[12][20]
Obama eulogized him.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
If he had Skittles, it would be justifiable homocide and dismissed as a 'stand your ground' offense.
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
Again, the only threat is the one you are making here
Again the the threat is the KKK. So if you feel threatened tell us why?
Why do you feel this innocent man threatens you?
That MF is the kkk. Thats a direct threat.
Nope. Indirect at best and a skylark most likely. They've succeeded in proving the KKK right about YOU!! I am glad you are NOT representative of other Americans.

Did your silly ass just say proving the kkklowns right?
Yes; in YOUR case. You first thought is VIOLENCE!!! It's morons like you Biden made the 1994 Crime act for., asshole!!! But you'll still vote for the shithead!!

BTW: just so you trigger up some more, you are one of the few they WERE right about!!!

Get it, fool!!!

What do you think my first thought should be? Hold hands and sing kumbaya with the inbred mother fucker? You think I'm stupid enough to give them time to grow bolder? Fuck that.
Firstly mock the stupid twit; the KKK is SOOOOOO yesterday!!! I consider him being a wanker; you are presenting as a violent thug. There is a BIG difference!!!

Wow, that's a genuine grand dragon robe. Very rare. This guy is a patriot. He can't be a racist because he has a black dog, yes it's on a chain but that's a minor detail.

Drunk meatspace trollin rules

Just dont spraypaint any monuments
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
The robe is a threat? Now sir I think you lay off the crack
Anyone that wears that robe is threat. Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.
You would try to argue with him, he would pull that long rifle out and make you dance before ... lol
I dont argue. Thats for people that like to talk when its time to get busy.
Yea you would try to provoke some reaction,, dance.. Hey why don’t you do us all a favor why don’t you make a video of you dancing say couple funny jokes maybe Dunk a basketball.. entertain us
I'll do that after you go down to the local zoo and send me a selfie with your kinfolk in the chimp exhibit.
Ok that was funny, now dance mofo dance lol
Youre white. No matter how much I dance youre still going to look funny trying to do what I do. All the white girls will be around me and looking at you with disdain. You uncoordinated MF. :lol:
After that we can get dressed in black robes and burn a Scuzweiser truck on his front lawn..........

If things keep going as bad as they are in another month crosses will be burned on lawns.
I hope not.
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
Again, the only threat is the one you are making here
Again the the threat is the KKK. So if you feel threatened tell us why?
Why do you feel this innocent man threatens you?
That MF is the kkk. Thats a direct threat.
Nope. Indirect at best and a skylark most likely. They've succeeded in proving the KKK right about YOU!! I am glad you are NOT representative of other Americans.

Did your silly ass just say proving the kkklowns right?
Yes; in YOUR case. You first thought is VIOLENCE!!! It's morons like you Biden made the 1994 Crime act for., asshole!!! But you'll still vote for the shithead!!

BTW: just so you trigger up some more, you are one of the few they WERE right about!!!

Get it, fool!!!

What do you think my first thought should be? Hold hands and sing kumbaya with the inbred mother fucker? You think I'm stupid enough to give them time to grow bolder? Fuck that.
Firstly mock the stupid twit; the KKK is SOOOOOO yesterday!!! I consider him being a wanker; you are presenting as a violent thug. There is a BIG difference!!!

You aint been keeping up with current events or you are ignorant. KKK is still alive and well. I'm not out to impress anyone with my presentation. I'm here to eliminate any and all threats. You got me mixed up with somebody else. Peace and holding hands get you killed around these inbreds. You gotta fight fire with fire.
Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
The robe is a threat? Now sir I think you lay off the crack
Anyone that wears that robe is threat. Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.
You would try to argue with him, he would pull that long rifle out and make you dance before ... lol
I dont argue. Thats for people that like to talk when its time to get busy.
Yea you would try to provoke some reaction,, dance.. Hey why don’t you do us all a favor why don’t you make a video of you dancing say couple funny jokes maybe Dunk a basketball.. entertain us
I'll do that after you go down to the local zoo and send me a selfie with your kinfolk in the chimp exhibit.
Ok that was funny, now dance mofo dance lol
Youre white. No matter how much I dance youre still going to look funny trying to do what I do. All the white girls will be around me and looking at you with disdain. You uncoordinated MF. :lol:
After that we can get dressed in black robes and burn a Scuzweiser truck on his front lawn..........

If things keep going as bad as they are in another month crosses will be burned on lawns.
I hope not.
First mofo to try that shit on my lawn gone be the last.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
BLM doesn’t do peaceful protests. They deface and vandalize property, intimidate and attack people. I’d certainly have my sights on them for that second they step out of line.
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
Again, the only threat is the one you are making here
Again the the threat is the KKK. So if you feel threatened tell us why?
Why do you feel this innocent man threatens you?
That MF is the kkk. Thats a direct threat.
Nope. Indirect at best and a skylark most likely. They've succeeded in proving the KKK right about YOU!! I am glad you are NOT representative of other Americans.

Did your silly ass just say proving the kkklowns right?
Yes; in YOUR case. You first thought is VIOLENCE!!! It's morons like you Biden made the 1994 Crime act for., asshole!!! But you'll still vote for the shithead!!

BTW: just so you trigger up some more, you are one of the few they WERE right about!!!

Get it, fool!!!

What do you think my first thought should be? Hold hands and sing kumbaya with the inbred mother fucker? You think I'm stupid enough to give them time to grow bolder? Fuck that.
Firstly mock the stupid twit; the KKK is SOOOOOO yesterday!!! I consider him being a wanker; you are presenting as a violent thug. There is a BIG difference!!!

You aint been keeping up with current events or you are ignorant. KKK is still alive and well. I'm not out to impress anyone with my presentation. I'm here to eliminate any and all threats. You got me mixed up with somebody else. Peace and holding hands get you killed around these inbreds. You gotta fight fire with fire.
The KKK has changed, and opened its doors to Jews and blacks.

Wow, that's a genuine grand dragon robe. Very rare. This guy is a patriot. He can't be a racist because he has a black dog, yes it's on a chain but that's a minor detail.

As far as I'm concerned, he's in the same category as the BLM racists. White trash vs black trash.
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
Again, the only threat is the one you are making here
Again the the threat is the KKK. So if you feel threatened tell us why?
Why do you feel this innocent man threatens you?
That MF is the kkk. Thats a direct threat.
Nope. Indirect at best and a skylark most likely. They've succeeded in proving the KKK right about YOU!! I am glad you are NOT representative of other Americans.

Did your silly ass just say proving the kkklowns right?
Yes; in YOUR case. You first thought is VIOLENCE!!! It's morons like you Biden made the 1994 Crime act for., asshole!!! But you'll still vote for the shithead!!

BTW: just so you trigger up some more, you are one of the few they WERE right about!!!

Get it, fool!!!

What do you think my first thought should be? Hold hands and sing kumbaya with the inbred mother fucker? You think I'm stupid enough to give them time to grow bolder? Fuck that.
Firstly mock the stupid twit; the KKK is SOOOOOO yesterday!!! I consider him being a wanker; you are presenting as a violent thug. There is a BIG difference!!!

You aint been keeping up with current events or you are ignorant. KKK is still alive and well. I'm not out to impress anyone with my presentation. I'm here to eliminate any and all threats. You got me mixed up with somebody else. Peace and holding hands get you killed around these inbreds. You gotta fight fire with fire.
The KKK has changed, and opened its doors to Jews and blacks.

Yeah OK. You can go sell that shit to somebody else.
Wow, that's a genuine grand dragon robe. Very rare. This guy is a patriot. He can't be a racist because he has a black dog, yes it's on a chain but that's a minor detail.

What makes you think he's a patriot? KKK is synonymous with LYNCHINGS, intimidation and intolerance. Everything I don't want in this country whether its from Racial supremists from the right or Communist Facists from the left. They deserve each others company but not in my country please... not in our country.

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