Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was a Home Invasion’

Whats funny is liberals saying this didnt happen and its made up. Yet...believing as gospel the claims of police wrong doing from ghetto career criminals.
Speaking of that... WHY DO YOU HATE POLICE??? They're just people Bucs!!! That woman is GUUUIIILLLTTTYYYY!!!!!

Well...did it happen or not?? You believe ghetto trash when they claim police wrongdoing. Why dont you believe this story?
Find a second article about this Bucs. I challenge you.

And btw I'm still waiting for an explanation about how an overwhelmingly republican state had an issue and it was all the left's fault.

I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Wow what a bullshit article. I wonder if conservatives will pour into this thread defending the police?

I can't help but notice the woman was defiant against the police a few times. I wonder what would've happened if she'd been black?

I smell the funkiest kind of bullshit all over this story. :cool:

Let's see what other sources have to say.

Sad response
Yea let's just accept this ENORMOUSLY biased article. The ONLY article about this btw.

How about we wait to see what the real story is? Though I doubt we'll hear about this again.

And if confirmed?

Yeah, let's wait before declaring it, and I quote.......

Yeah let's wait. Oh WHOOPS this story is 3 days old and there hasn't been a SINGLE other article about it!

Oh the outrage! :cool:
Apparently liberals believe a tree falling in a forest with no one around makes no noise. Same for liberal news agencies not reporting news embarrassing to liberals. No report means it never happened.

Repeal the Freedom of the Press clause!
Wow what a bullshit article. I wonder if conservatives will pour into this thread defending the police?

I can't help but notice the woman was defiant against the police a few times. I wonder what would've happened if she'd been black?

I smell the funkiest kind of bullshit all over this story. :cool:

Let's see what other sources have to say.
I trust you won't complain when we send jack-booted thugs into your LibDem home at 2AM and ramsack your kids bedroom while your ass is cuffed to a telephone pole outside.
Yeah please don't "ramsack" my LibDem home.

Jackass! Typical lib not caring because it didn't happen to your side.
Whats funny is liberals saying this didnt happen and its made up. Yet...believing as gospel the claims of police wrong doing from ghetto career criminals.
Speaking of that... WHY DO YOU HATE POLICE??? They're just people Bucs!!! That woman is GUUUIIILLLTTTYYYY!!!!!

Well...did it happen or not?? You believe ghetto trash when they claim police wrongdoing. Why dont you believe this story?
Find a second article about this Bucs. I challenge you.

And btw I'm still waiting for an explanation about how an overwhelmingly republican state had an issue and it was all the left's fault.

I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:
Wow what a bullshit article. I wonder if conservatives will pour into this thread defending the police?

I can't help but notice the woman was defiant against the police a few times. I wonder what would've happened if she'd been black?

I smell the funkiest kind of bullshit all over this story. :cool:

Let's see what other sources have to say.
I trust you won't complain when we send jack-booted thugs into your LibDem home at 2AM and ramsack your kids bedroom while your ass is cuffed to a telephone pole outside.
Yeah please don't "ramsack" my LibDem home.

Jackass! Typical lib not caring because it didn't happen to your side.
I've yet to see any evidence that it happened AT ALL! And YOU won't find any you dumb fuck. Get your shit together.
Whats funny is liberals saying this didnt happen and its made up. Yet...believing as gospel the claims of police wrong doing from ghetto career criminals.
Speaking of that... WHY DO YOU HATE POLICE??? They're just people Bucs!!! That woman is GUUUIIILLLTTTYYYY!!!!!

Well...did it happen or not?? You believe ghetto trash when they claim police wrongdoing. Why dont you believe this story?
Find a second article about this Bucs. I challenge you.

And btw I'm still waiting for an explanation about how an overwhelmingly republican state had an issue and it was all the left's fault.

I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
Speaking of that... WHY DO YOU HATE POLICE??? They're just people Bucs!!! That woman is GUUUIIILLLTTTYYYY!!!!!

Well...did it happen or not?? You believe ghetto trash when they claim police wrongdoing. Why dont you believe this story?
Find a second article about this Bucs. I challenge you.

And btw I'm still waiting for an explanation about how an overwhelmingly republican state had an issue and it was all the left's fault.

I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:
I wonder if she was entirely naked. wonder if she is pretty.
Well...did it happen or not?? You believe ghetto trash when they claim police wrongdoing. Why dont you believe this story?
Find a second article about this Bucs. I challenge you.

And btw I'm still waiting for an explanation about how an overwhelmingly republican state had an issue and it was all the left's fault.

I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:

Local prosecutors. Local judges. The GOP took over the state government. Wisconsin has long been a deeply liberal state....and the locals and long time liberals are doing shit out of anger towards the GOP taking over the state government.

The state doesnt dictate local government actions.
Whats funny is liberals saying this didnt happen and its made up. Yet...believing as gospel the claims of police wrong doing from ghetto career criminals.
Speaking of that... WHY DO YOU HATE POLICE??? They're just people Bucs!!! That woman is GUUUIIILLLTTTYYYY!!!!!

Well...did it happen or not?? You believe ghetto trash when they claim police wrongdoing. Why dont you believe this story?
Find a second article about this Bucs. I challenge you.

And btw I'm still waiting for an explanation about how an overwhelmingly republican state had an issue and it was all the left's fault.

I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
The IRS scandal was unthinkable before it happened. This is just a matter of "Who's gonna stop us". This has been in the works for awhile. They try a few of these and see if the public will tolerate it......then if we do.....they start going after everybody they feel like.
Well...did it happen or not?? You believe ghetto trash when they claim police wrongdoing. Why dont you believe this story?
Find a second article about this Bucs. I challenge you.

And btw I'm still waiting for an explanation about how an overwhelmingly republican state had an issue and it was all the left's fault.

I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:
The OP stated it was a renegade prosecutor using the courts and abusing his authority against conservatives. That has nothing to do with the government.
Okay, this is apparently what is called a John Doe subpena that was sent out in 5 counties, 2 of which the subpenas were issued and executed by Republican DAs and Sheriffs. Yes, consultants tied to Scott Walker via Eric O'Keefe of the Wisconsin Club for Growth homes were raided looking for potential incriminating evidence under "pursuing a theory of illegal campaign coordination by independent groups during the recall elections."
Despite the fact two of the subpenas originated from Republican law scores doesn't specifically rule out political collusion in this instance and doesn't mean this isn't being done for purely political retaliation and intimidation. Doesn't mean it is ether.
Hopefully this will get some more light thrown on it and maybe the real truth will come out.

Two different takes on the story:

Review Outlook Wisconsin Political Speech Raid - WSJ

Was John Doe Raid Led by Republicans PR Watch
Pretty sure the hard right will accept the first one and dismiss the second one as the hard left will accept the second one and dismiss the first one....... Such is politics.......
Find a second article about this Bucs. I challenge you.

And btw I'm still waiting for an explanation about how an overwhelmingly republican state had an issue and it was all the left's fault.

I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:

Local prosecutors. Local judges. The GOP took over the state government. Wisconsin has long been a deeply liberal state....and the locals and long time liberals are doing shit out of anger towards the GOP taking over the state government.

The state doesnt dictate local government actions.
Wow Bucs. You just have no credibility with me anymore. Your opinion iss as biased as anyone else's. You don't know shit.
Find a second article about this Bucs. I challenge you.

And btw I'm still waiting for an explanation about how an overwhelmingly republican state had an issue and it was all the left's fault.

I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:
The OP stated it was a renegade prosecutor using the courts and abusing his authority against conservatives. That has nothing to do with the government.
Good lord man do you have any idea how little sense you make?
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:

What I read in another article in a different thread is that these are search warrants that originate with liberal prosecutors and signed by liberal judges.

I'm pretty sure I read the worst of the liberal prosecutors has a spouse who is the union shop foreman for a teachers union.
I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:

Local prosecutors. Local judges. The GOP took over the state government. Wisconsin has long been a deeply liberal state....and the locals and long time liberals are doing shit out of anger towards the GOP taking over the state government.

The state doesnt dictate local government actions.
Wow Bucs. You just have no credibility with me anymore. Your opinion iss as biased as anyone else's. You don't know shit.

So Wisconsin hasnt been traditionally a liberal mecca? Ever been to Madison?
I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:
The OP stated it was a renegade prosecutor using the courts and abusing his authority against conservatives. That has nothing to do with the government.
Good lord man do you have any idea how little sense you make?
Teaperism is bad for rational thought.
District attorney s wife drove case against Wis. Gov. Walker insider says WashingtonExaminer.com

Now a longtime Chisholm subordinate reveals for the first time in this article that the district attorney may have had personal motivations for his investigation. Chisholm told him and others that Chisholm’s wife, Colleen, a teacher’s union shop steward at a school in St. Francis, which is near Milwaukee, had been repeatedly moved to tears by Walker’s anti-union policies in 2011, according to the former staff prosecutor in Chisholm’s office. Chisholm said in the presence of the former prosecutor that his wife “frequently cried when discussing the topic of the union disbanding and the effect it would have on the people involved … She took it personally.”

Citing fear of retaliation, the former prosecutor declined to be identified and has not previously talked to reporters.


Still, Chisholm’s private displays of partisan animus stunned the former prosecutor. “I admired him [Chisholm] greatly up until this whole thing started,” the former prosecutor said. “But once this whole matter came up, it was surprising how almost hyper-partisan he became … It was amazing … to see this complete change.”

The culture in the Milwaukee district attorney’s office was stoutly Democratic, the former prosecutor said, and become more so during Gov. Walker’s battle with the unions. Chisholm “had almost like an anti-Walker cabal of people in his office who were just fanatical about union activities and unionizing. And a lot of them went up and protested. They hung those blue fists on their office walls [to show solidarity with union protestors] … At the same time, if you had some opposing viewpoints that you wished to express, it was absolutely not allowed.”
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:

Local prosecutors. Local judges. The GOP took over the state government. Wisconsin has long been a deeply liberal state....and the locals and long time liberals are doing shit out of anger towards the GOP taking over the state government.

The state doesnt dictate local government actions.
Wow Bucs. You just have no credibility with me anymore. Your opinion iss as biased as anyone else's. You don't know shit.

So Wisconsin hasnt been traditionally a liberal mecca? Ever been to Madison?
I've been through Madison, Milwuakee, and up to Appleton. And despite all the cows I passed there I never saw anywhere NEAR as much shit as what you regularly post on here.
I dont care that much honestly. In this day in age...when claims of police wrongdoing emerge...I prefer waiting on facts...or just let locals sort it out.

They've cried wolf too many times.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. :cool:

Dodge??? Im simply waiting for facts...or...letting locals sort it out.

But if true...shocking.
I'm still waiting for an explanation about how you blamed this on a leftist government, despite the entire government being dominated by republicans. :cool:
The OP stated it was a renegade prosecutor using the courts and abusing his authority against conservatives. That has nothing to do with the government.
Good lord man do you have any idea how little sense you make?
I remember how so many on the left were screaming about Bush and his Patriot Act, how it was an abuse of authority......

We see examples everywhere of people abusing their authority, and we're seeing the consequences of it. And you, one of the supposed cynics here at USMB acts like nothing wrong is going on here.

Let me tell you, there's something wrong when the folks that usually scream about how our rights are being taken away cannot see it even if it's served up on a silver platter. Perhaps because it's only conservatives getting the shaft it doesn't matter. If it was being done to a NAACP headquarters you'd be the first SOB screaming like a God Damned Banshee.

No, Dude......you're the one that's not making sense. This is all about fundraising and depressing conservatives ability to have fair fundraising under the citizens united ruling. A big issue that communists keep talking about.

You repeatedly claimed I only had one source......

Here's more sources and reports about similar raids over the same issue:

Wisconsin Police Raids On Political Conservatives Stun Anger Observers Videos Globe Tribune.Info

Conservatives targeted by Wisconsin probe raids speak out Fox News

Judge halts raids on conservatives in Wisconsin - BuzzPo

This is what the Fourth Amendment looks like - Watchdog.org

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