Wisconsin's Walker leads possible recall opponents; job approval up

My favorite team is the one who plays the packers. I loved watching the Giants stick it to em. To think I was born in the state and have lived in it my whole 74, make that 75 in 3 days life. And I could care less about the money it brings in. So YES I do root against the Pack. Its all in fun though.
Walker's reforms are working. That will make it harder for the Union thugs to win. I am sending Walker a check...
MADISON – Gov. Scott Walker collected campaign cash from every state in the union and Washington, DC, during the past two months, compiling $4.5 million, campaign finance reports released this week show.

Big money, nationwide: Walker raises $4.5M recall cash in 50 states

Ahhh money. More class warfare. The super rich against the middle class. The middle class loses again and the Republican base cheer, not knowing they are also "middle class" ---> or lower.
I voted for walker. Its going to take me time to determine if I will vote for him again. Tough decision for me. In the end I think he will survive but the senate will tip the other way which is the best for the check of power. If they control everything the average working person will be asked to give more so that the corporations have to contribute less. That does not work either.
Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker, who is the target of an election recall effort, leads all of his possible Democratic opponents in a special election expected later this year, according to a new opinion poll.

Wisconsin's Walker leads possible recall opponents: poll | Reuters

Slightly more Wisconsin voters approve than disapprove of the job Republican Gov. Scott Walker is doing as he prepares for an expected recall election, according to a poll released Wednesday.

Walker also showed a slight lead or a lead when compared to four potential Democratic opponents, according to a Marquette University Law School poll.

It showed 51 percent of 701 registered voters polled approve of Walker’s performance while 46 percent disapprove. The poll has a margin of error of 3.8 percentage points. The telephone poll was conducted Jan. 19-22, just days after recall organizers turned in a million signatures to possibly force a recall election against Walker.

Poll shows slightly more voters approve than disapprove of Wisconsin governor ahead of recall - The Washington Post

p.s. lol @ "slightly more approve than disapprove". If the numbers were not in Walker's favor, I suspect there would have been a different headline. If a Democrat had seen a turnaround in the polls like that, chances are good the story would have been "so-and-so's approval rising". Yup. Check out this headline about Obama from December:

Obama’s job-approval rating is highest since summer, Post-ABC poll finds

Obama's job-approval rating is highest since summer, Post-ABC poll finds - The Washington Post

That's what Obama gets for a dismal 49% approval rating to 47% disapproval.

/end rant at media :)

back on topic .... Yay for Governor Walker. Yay for Wisconsin!

In 2010, Walker won by 5 percentage points, 52% to 47%, so if anything he looks stronger now than when he was elected.
As long as there is an election I will be satisfied, no matter who wins or loses. It helps the state.
My favorite team is the one who plays the packers. I loved watching the Giants stick it to em. To think I was born in the state and have lived in it my whole 74, make that 75 in 3 days life. And I could care less about the money it brings in. So YES I do root against the Pack. Its all in fun though.

Happy Birthday ( :
MADISON – Gov. Scott Walker collected campaign cash from every state in the union and Washington, DC, during the past two months, compiling $4.5 million, campaign finance reports released this week show.

Big money, nationwide: Walker raises $4.5M recall cash in 50 states

Ahhh money. More class warfare. The super rich against the middle class. The middle class loses again and the Republican base cheer, not knowing they are also "middle class" ---> or lower.

And you don't think the unions aren't pouring in gobs of money from everywhere on the other side? You ever get tired of all the hypocrisy you spew all the time?
Corporations spend much more than unions(30-50x). Don't you get tired of being brainwashed?
MADISON – Gov. Scott Walker collected campaign cash from every state in the union and Washington, DC, during the past two months, compiling $4.5 million, campaign finance reports released this week show.

Big money, nationwide: Walker raises $4.5M recall cash in 50 states

Ahhh money. More class warfare. The super rich against the middle class. The middle class loses again and the Republican base cheer, not knowing they are also "middle class" ---> or lower.

And you don't think the unions aren't pouring in gobs of money from everywhere on the other side? You ever get tired of all the hypocrisy you spew all the time?
It's those damn Koch whores/
Corporations spend much more than unions(30-50x). Don't you get tired of being brainwashed?

Got some evidence for that one?

Things go better with Koch.

With big business pushing Republicans nationwide to take on unions – the primary opposition to their pro-business agenda – antiunion measures are getting substantial financial backing. In Wisconsin, the disparities are stark.

In a filing with the state’s election agency Monday, Walker disclosed that he raised about $4.5 million in the five-week period running between Dec. 11 and Jan. 17. During the past year, between Jan. 1, 2011, and Jan. 17, 2012, he raised a total of $12 million.

Walker has been actively campaigning on his record and courting donors since it became apparent last year a possible recall election loomed. In the past five weeks he spent about $4.9 million, leaving about $2.7 million in his campaign coffers.

By contrast, in the same recent five-week period, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin raised $394,213. United Wisconsin, an organization affiliated with labor unions, raised $86,379.

Wisconsin's Scott Walker poised to bury recall foes in money chase - CSMonitor.com
I can't believe the jokers in Wisconsin can't see the Governor is saving them money. No their brains can't wrap themselves around the fact that his policies are working, they will be better in the long run, unemployment is down, way below the national average and taxes are also going down.

It's pure selfishness that they choose to cost the state even more money with this ridiculous recall because a small percentage of the people belong to a Union. There are more people in Wisconsin that don't belong to a Union. (note the language "belong")

MADISON – The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) today released the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) preliminary data for December, showing Wisconsin’s unemployment rate dropped to 7.1
percent from 7.3 percent in November and 7.5 percent in December 2010, as the number of Wisconsinites
working increased by 6,900 over the month and by 21,400 since December 2010.
“Our unemployment rate continues to decline and more Wisconsinites are working,” Secretary Reggie
Newson said. “Challenges remain, but the latest data show we finished 2011 with more Wisconsinites
working, record postings of over 151,500 on JobCenterofWisconsin.com, and higher state sales and
withholding tax collections over the year, all of which point to economic growth for our state.”
The monthly estimated nonfarm employment was revised upward for the month of November for both total
and private-sector jobs. The revised numbers for November show a net 13,600 total nonfarm loss and
10,600 for private sector loss, out of a total nonfarm employment base of 2.74 million jobs:

Just go look at the chart here: http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dwd/newsreleases/2012/unemployment/120119_december_state.pdf
I can't believe the jokers in Wisconsin can't see the Governor is saving them money. No their brains can't wrap themselves around the fact that his policies are working, they will be better in the long run, unemployment is down, way below the national average and taxes are also going down.

It's pure selfishness that they choose to cost the state even more money with this ridiculous recall because a small percentage of the people belong to a Union. There are more people in Wisconsin that don't belong to a Union. (note the language "belong")

MADISON – The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) today released the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) preliminary data for December, showing Wisconsin’s unemployment rate dropped to 7.1
percent from 7.3 percent in November and 7.5 percent in December 2010, as the number of Wisconsinites
working increased by 6,900 over the month and by 21,400 since December 2010.
“Our unemployment rate continues to decline and more Wisconsinites are working,” Secretary Reggie
Newson said. “Challenges remain, but the latest data show we finished 2011 with more Wisconsinites
working, record postings of over 151,500 on JobCenterofWisconsin.com, and higher state sales and
withholding tax collections over the year, all of which point to economic growth for our state.”
The monthly estimated nonfarm employment was revised upward for the month of November for both total
and private-sector jobs. The revised numbers for November show a net 13,600 total nonfarm loss and
10,600 for private sector loss, out of a total nonfarm employment base of 2.74 million jobs:

Just go look at the chart here: http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dwd/newsreleases/2012/unemployment/120119_december_state.pdf

I agree. The folks in WI will be voting with their pocketbooks.

If the folks in WI don't like Walker they could very easily vote him out next election.

The Unions are just wasting loads of their dues payers money on this ridiculous recall bs when they may get the same result with the next election.

They must have millions of dues payers money to waste. Jesus what idiots.

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