With 94 million Americans Out of the Work Force, Why Do We Have 25 Million Foreign Guest Workers?

What a ridiculous claim.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.

Explain this indoctrinating. Shouldn't they be able to pass performance tests?

There have been countless posts on this board showing the means of indoctrination.
What is it with liberals and information retention?

Where did this indoctrination occur?

I will bet you a horse turd to a doughnut and let you hold the stakes in your mouth if the vast majority occurred outside of the cities of NYC, Boston, D.C., Philly, Chicago, or anywhere in the great mistake of Californication.

I got something for you to hold in your mouth....

Nah! Something that small might get lost easily.
The software engineers who built IBM, MS and Oracle were burger flippers?

Ya got anything more current?
How about Apple, Droid, and the remaining auto industry that is still loyal to the American people?

We STILL have the highest production of any nation on Earth and Americans are THE most efficient work force in the world also.

The problem with both examples is they are not the norm.
Public education centers are nothing but indoctrination centers for the left,they dont teach anything useful.

Are you bashing education because you didn't get one?

This bullshit about liberal indoctrination really pisses me off because it simply does not exist in the vast majority of this country.

My education sucked.
But I did manage to retire at 46 regardless of how crappy it was.
It was pure hard work and dedication.

Probably your fault.
How does the federal government control your local schools? They don't! Outside of funds for poor students and special education, there is very little that the feds have to do with the day to day instruction in any school. Perhaps if you ever attended one, you would have known that.

Lol, I am not that stupid that you can push that bullshit off on me, bubba.

When you can assplain how the unelected wife of the President can dictate school lunch menus without having any authority, then lets discuss this some more. Till then you just dont have a clue.

She never did any such thing. So, go with that and prove me wrong.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.
So you decided to provide an example in your post of the inability to think critically?

Nah, I just leave that to you liberals to exemplify, which NEVER fails to manifest itself in almost every thread. :p

First, I am not a liberal. That should take care of any other items. You are simply ignorant about education in this country whereas I do it for my vocation and have the education to back it up. What have you got? Chain e-mails?
You can take yourself "off the hook" if you like, Jim, but don't start owning terms like "evil" as if you're an expert on goodness with an attitude like that.

I dont have to be an expert on evil, which is why God gave us the Bible and the church Magisterium..
When you can assplain how the unelected wife of the President can dictate school lunch menus without having any authority, then lets discuss this some more. Till then you just dont have a clue.
She never did any such thing. So, go with that and prove me wrong.

Lol, sure she did. She somehow has the status to push for legislation through the Democrat controlled Senate and House in 2010 to pass the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, which included strict guidelines on school lunches..

She dictated what the nutritional standards were as some freaking committee rubber stamped her goals for the school lunches in coordination with her 'Get off Your Dead Ass and Bust a Move' campaign. And she refuses to discuss changes to the menu Michelle Obama: Changes to School Lunch Menu 'Unacceptable' - Breitbart

Who elected her to push legislation? Who ever gave Washington DC bureaucratic pin heads any authority over school lunches?

The case illustrates the fundamental problem with our public school system in straight forward terms; DC gets its hands in on running the schools or any aspect of it, and everything goes to shit.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.
So you decided to provide an example in your post of the inability to think critically?

Nah, I just leave that to you liberals to exemplify, which NEVER fails to manifest itself in almost every thread. :p

First, I am not a liberal. That should take care of any other items. You are simply ignorant about education in this country whereas I do it for my vocation and have the education to back it up. What have you got? Chain e-mails?

I have read published reports on the steadily lowering SAT and ACT test scores over the last 540 years. I have the complaints of our military and colleges that graduating students dont have basic math and reading skills.

I've got the fact that teachers today are dominated by unions and they are led by idiots.
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We have over 94 million Americans out of the work force.
Labor Force Participation Rate Dropped to 62.8% In April: 94,044,000 Out

The number of Americans not in the labor force last month totaled 94,044,000, 562,000 more than in March -- and the labor force participation rate dropped to 62.8 percent (near a 38-year low), following four straight months of slight improvement.

When President Obama took office in Janaury 2009, the labor force partipation rate was 65.7 percent, after hovering in the 66-67 percent range for much of the George W. Bush presidency.

The recession inherited by the Obama administration officially ended in June 2009, but the labor force participation rate continued to drop during Obama's two terms, hitting 62.4 percent in September 2015, its lowest point in 38 years.

While 25 million foreign born workers are here on guest worker visas, and this includes the illegal black market labor.
Foreign-Born Employment in U.S. Dips Slightly from Record, Still At 25,460,000 - Breitbart
The number of foreign-born people employed in the United States dipped slightly last month compared to the record high set in March, but remained above 25 million mark, according to data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The BLS reports that 25,460,000 foreign-born people had a job in the U.S. during the month of April, a decrease of 281,000 compared to the month of March when a record 25,741,000 foreign-born people were employed in the U.S.

The BLS does not distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants, defining the foreign-born as:

Those residing in the United States who were not U.S. citizens at birth. That is, they were born outside the United States or one of its outlying areas such as Puerto Rico or Guam, to parents neither of whom was a U.S. citizen. The native born are persons who were born in the United States or one of its outlying areas such as Puerto Rico or Guam or who were born abroad of at least one parent who was a U.S. citizen.

And in this situation, we have declining job growth.
U.S. jobs growth slows down in April
Companies scaled back hiring in April, adding just 160,000 new jobs, in a sign the U.S. economy still hasn’t recovered from an early-year chill.

The April jobs report was well below Wall Street’s expectations. Economists polled by MarketWatch had forecast a 203,000 increase in nonfarm jobs.

The unemployment rate, meanwhile, was flat at 5%. More people dropped out of the labor force and the so-called participation rate fell for the first time in seven months. That could mean people find it a bit harder to get a job.



We gave $5 trillion to the banks, huge bailouts to various corporations and debt simply wiped off the books, and yet where are the bailouts for regular Middle Class Americans? We are paying these predatory mortgages still today, while the predators are still snorting coke and buying whores on Wall Street with that tax payer money that was then doled to them in huge million dollar bonuses. And it is wrong to raise their taxes, why? So they drug dealers and whores can stay in ridiculous wealth?

Where are the protesting Libertarian Traitors who throw a snit fit every time anyone proposes helping Americans? They love give a-ways to corporate America, because they are wannabe corporate pirates who hope one day to feast on the carcasses of their fellow Americans also, just like they see corporations doing today.

This has to end, folks. And if neocons like 'Paul Ryan the Sellout' dont like it, then throw the bastards out.


I'm wondering with that wall he's gonna build, how the hell is he gonna get his shit lines back into this country? Got any ideas, you fuckin Trump loving moronic simp?

Tell ya what nigga. When the manufacturing playing field is leveled get back with me....

The person you call a nigga today....will be the black grand babies you shop for 2mar...remember, dark meat is a delicacy with yo women, just sayin

What the hell is a 2mar?
I dont have any children but I do know my 13 year old Niece is way too smart to date/marry a nig.
IT is so weird how the media keeps pushing interracial marriage in these 'Big Cocks for Small *****' stereotype.

White guys with Asian women, and black guys with white women as if there is an ascending order of asian, white and black men in penis size and the same order for vagina size with the women. And of course all women want a guy that is as big as they can handle in the copulation department, right?

It is so shallow and so freaking wrong it would be just hilarious were it not so tragic.

Marriage is built on love, not Donkey Kong sexual stereotypes.
How does the federal government control your local schools? They don't! Outside of funds for poor students and special education, there is very little that the feds have to do with the day to day instruction in any school. Perhaps if you ever attended one, you would have known that.

Lol, I am not that stupid that you can push that bullshit off on me, bubba.

When you can assplain how the unelected wife of the President can dictate school lunch menus without having any authority, then lets discuss this some more. Till then you just dont have a clue.

She never did any such thing. So, go with that and prove me wrong.
Sure, no problem. Why do you think there is a Department of Education?

10 Facts About K-12 Education Funding
Archived: 10 Fact About K-12 Education Funding

There are no unfunded federal education "mandates." Every federal education law is conditioned on a state or other grantee's decision to accept federal program funds.

Federal education program "requirements" are not unfunded mandates because the conditions in federal law apply only when a state (or other grantee) voluntarily chooses to accept federal funds. Any state that does not want to abide by a federal program's requirements can simply choose not to accept the federal funds associated with that program. While most states choose to accept and use federal program funds, in the past, a few states have forgone funds for various reasons.

5) What was the federal government's role in creating the Common Core?

The Common Core FAQ
This is probably the biggest single source of controversy surrounding the Common Core. The truth is, the federal government played no role in creating the standards, nor did it require that states adopt them. But the U.S. Department of Education under President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan did incentivize adoption.

In July 2009, the Education Department created Race to the Top, a $3.4 billion grant competition. States that agreed to adopt the Common Core standards won points on their applications, increasing their eligibility for a share of the money. This carrot, with a deadline attached, helped spur a majority of states to adopt the standards within a few months after they were released in July 2010. The federal government also funded the state-led consortia creating the Common Core-aligned tests.


46 states initially adopted the Common Core State Standards, although implementation has not been uniform. At least 12 states have introduced legislation to repeal the standards outright,[1] and Indiana has since withdrawn from the standards.

Among the territories of the United States, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the American Samoa Islands have adopted the standards while Puerto Rico has not adopted the standards.
Common Core implementation by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.
So you decided to provide an example in your post of the inability to think critically?

Nah, I just leave that to you liberals to exemplify, which NEVER fails to manifest itself in almost every thread. :p

First, I am not a liberal. That should take care of any other items. You are simply ignorant about education in this country whereas I do it for my vocation and have the education to back it up. What have you got? Chain e-mails?

I have published reports on the steadily lowering SAT and ACT test scores over the last 540 years. I have the complaints of our military and colleges that graduating students dont have basic math and reading skills.

I've got the fact that teachers today are dominated by unions and they are led by idiots.

About those SAT scores, see that first video in post #108. More funding does NOT lead to better education.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.
So you decided to provide an example in your post of the inability to think critically?

Nah, I just leave that to you liberals to exemplify, which NEVER fails to manifest itself in almost every thread. :p

First, I am not a liberal. That should take care of any other items. You are simply ignorant about education in this country whereas I do it for my vocation and have the education to back it up. What have you got? Chain e-mails?

I have published reports on the steadily lowering SAT and ACT test scores over the last 540 years. ...

Care to try that again, idiot?
How about Apple, Droid, and the remaining auto industry that is still loyal to the American people?

We STILL have the highest production of any nation on Earth and Americans are THE most efficient work force in the world also.

The problem with both examples is they are not the norm.
Public education centers are nothing but indoctrination centers for the left,they dont teach anything useful.

What a ridiculous claim.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.

Explain this indoctrinating. Shouldn't they be able to pass performance tests?

There have been countless posts on this board showing the means of indoctrination.
What is it with liberals and information retention?

You guys use the word indoctrination as a synonym of education.

Here's the straight line logic of why there are so many illegals working. Let's see if you can follow this.

Corporations are HIRING foreign workers. FOR LESS. Now your next question may be "why would a corporation want to pay less?"

If that is your question, find a rope and a strong tree branch.
I'm an immigrant.

And a proud American.

I love this country.

And I'm better at my job than most Americans.

I have created more value and have paid more taxes than most of you.

And because of it, the 1 million or so Americans whom I work for are better off.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.
So you decided to provide an example in your post of the inability to think critically?

Nah, I just leave that to you liberals to exemplify, which NEVER fails to manifest itself in almost every thread. :p

First, I am not a liberal. That should take care of any other items. You are simply ignorant about education in this country whereas I do it for my vocation and have the education to back it up. What have you got? Chain e-mails?

I have published reports on the steadily lowering SAT and ACT test scores over the last 540 years. ...

Care to try that again, idiot?

So you decided to provide an example in your post of the inability to think critically?

Nah, I just leave that to you liberals to exemplify, which NEVER fails to manifest itself in almost every thread. :p

First, I am not a liberal. That should take care of any other items. You are simply ignorant about education in this country whereas I do it for my vocation and have the education to back it up. What have you got? Chain e-mails?

I have published reports on the steadily lowering SAT and ACT test scores over the last 540 years. ...

Care to try that again, idiot?


Where's the graph going back to 1476?
When you can assplain how the unelected wife of the President can dictate school lunch menus without having any authority, then lets discuss this some more. Till then you just dont have a clue.
She never did any such thing. So, go with that and prove me wrong.

Lol, sure she did. She somehow has the status to push for legislation through the Democrat controlled Senate and House in 2010 to pass the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, which included strict guidelines on school lunches..

She dictated what the nutritional standards were as some freaking committee rubber stamped her goals for the school lunches in coordination with her 'Get off Your Dead Ass and Bust a Move' campaign. And she refuses to discuss changes to the menu Michelle Obama: Changes to School Lunch Menu 'Unacceptable' - Breitbart

Who elected her to push legislation? Who ever gave Washington DC bureaucratic pin heads any authority over school lunches?

The case illustrates the fundamental problem with our public school system in straight forward terms; DC gets its hands in on running the schools or any aspect of it, and everything goes to shit.

So, despite all of that bullshit you just posted, you essentially proved me right in that she did not dictate the changes.

What a maroon!

The bill was introduced in the US Senate by Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture Committee.[6] It was later approved by the Senate by unanimous voice vote on August 5, 2010. In the U.S. House of Representatives The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act passed with 247 Democrats and 17 Republicans voting for, and 4 Democrats and 153 Republicans voting against it.[7] President Barack Obama signed the bill into law on December 13, 2010. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act took effect in 2014.[8]

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The problem with both examples is they are not the norm.
Public education centers are nothing but indoctrination centers for the left,they dont teach anything useful.

What a ridiculous claim.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.

Explain this indoctrinating. Shouldn't they be able to pass performance tests?

There have been countless posts on this board showing the means of indoctrination.
What is it with liberals and information retention?

You guys use the word indoctrination as a synonym of education.

Here's the straight line logic of why there are so many illegals working. Let's see if you can follow this.

Corporations are HIRING foreign workers. FOR LESS. Now your next question may be "why would a corporation want to pay less?"

If that is your question, find a rope and a strong tree branch.

Trying to brainwash children into accepting gay marriage or politics of any kind is indoctrination.
It has no place in our public education system.
So you decided to provide an example in your post of the inability to think critically?

Nah, I just leave that to you liberals to exemplify, which NEVER fails to manifest itself in almost every thread. :p

First, I am not a liberal. That should take care of any other items. You are simply ignorant about education in this country whereas I do it for my vocation and have the education to back it up. What have you got? Chain e-mails?

I have published reports on the steadily lowering SAT and ACT test scores over the last 540 years. ...

Care to try that again, idiot?

Now, how many kids do NOT take the SAT?

You will also note the changes are about 5 points in math, which is about a 1% change.
What a ridiculous claim.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.

Explain this indoctrinating. Shouldn't they be able to pass performance tests?

There have been countless posts on this board showing the means of indoctrination.
What is it with liberals and information retention?

You guys use the word indoctrination as a synonym of education.

Here's the straight line logic of why there are so many illegals working. Let's see if you can follow this.

Corporations are HIRING foreign workers. FOR LESS. Now your next question may be "why would a corporation want to pay less?"

If that is your question, find a rope and a strong tree branch.

Trying to brainwash children into accepting gay marriage or politics of any kind is indoctrination.
It has no place in our public education system.

Who is doing that? Not in my school.

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