With 94 million Americans Out of the Work Force, Why Do We Have 25 Million Foreign Guest Workers?

How does the federal government control your local schools? They don't! Outside of funds for poor students and special education, there is very little that the feds have to do with the day to day instruction in any school. Perhaps if you ever attended one, you would have known that.

Lol, I am not that stupid that you can push that bullshit off on me, bubba.

When you can assplain how the unelected wife of the President can dictate school lunch menus without having any authority, then lets discuss this some more. Till then you just dont have a clue.
That's not a fact. SOME have quit looking, but most don't want a job.

There is a documented number of about 20 million that want a job but cannot find a job and have either taken a part time job, or have given up, or look for work infrequently. Some are people just off disability and trying to regain work (but now I have given up too and am trying to start my own business instead).

This idiotic response to defend Obama's economic policy in the face of plain facts are part of the reason so many in this country are sick to death of professional political whores playing partisan games while the middle class in this country suffers.

Fuck you.
I've known two gay teenagers who commited suicide due to the humiliation and rejection they encountered from peers and the community in general. People with views like yours. I don't find it ridiculous to broaden young people's minds so that they can allow others different from them to co-exist, peacefully. That doesn't make it a government indoctrination center; it makes for good citizens. You may not like LGBT's. You don't have to. You do have to leave them alone. That's all kids are being taught.

There is alot more to why those kids killed themselves, I'm sure, than just the words coming out of the mouths of people that dont like them.

There is no moral right for you to be liked, nor do homos have such a right. They are for pushing a degenerate life style is the 'new normal' and people are going to push back, no matter how many degenerate rocks stars or movie stars or TV stars (who decides who is a star anyway?) boycott/demonstrate/throw a hissy fit about it.

It wouldnt be such a hnateful thing were it not for the leadership of the homo community pushing this stuff in the most aggravating way in the faces of the rest of the public.

It is outrageous when the public school system abuses the trust many parents place in it to push these degenerate and evil agendas behind parents backs.

And just because some kid gets confused into think that there is no such thing as evil doesnt make them a 'good citizen'; it only makes them gullible morons.
You can take yourself "off the hook" if you like, Jim, but don't start owning terms like "evil" as if you're an expert on goodness with an attitude like that.
That's not a fact. SOME have quit looking, but most don't want a job.

There is a documented number of about 20 million that want a job but cannot find a job and have either taken a part time job, or have given up, or look for work infrequently.
Part time workers are employed. People looking for work are unemployed. We weren't talking about them. We're talking about those not in the labor force. A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex Of the 94.5 million not in the labor force, 88.8 million do not want a job. Only 695,099 "gave up."

Some are people just off disability and trying to regain work (but now I have given up too and am trying to start my own business instead).
then you would be unemployed, and in the labor force because you are doing something about work.
It's not the schools job to push social issues...Period!!!
But it is the Republican Party's?

Pushing back on a social agenda handed down from DC is not 'pushing an agenda'.
The people in DC elected to be there by the majority you mean? I'm not so sure DC came up with that agenda without reason. Too much discrimination against the LGBT community, perhaps? Sure sounds like an agenda to me, in NC, MS, wherever Republican governors can get away with it. If there's one good thing about Trump being the Republican candidate, it's that he is leaving the LGBT community alone. None of those revolting "Family Values" speeches.
How about Apple, Droid, and the remaining auto industry that is still loyal to the American people?

We STILL have the highest production of any nation on Earth and Americans are THE most efficient work force in the world also.

The problem with both examples is they are not the norm.
Public education centers are nothing but indoctrination centers for the left,they dont teach anything useful.

What a ridiculous claim.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.

Explain this indoctrinating. Shouldn't they be able to pass performance tests?

Passing a performance test has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the indoctrination from government schools.

People from other lands know how to think. Americans don't know how to think anymore. They have been intellectually neutered. This makes them useless to industry and top management.

The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America
The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America
What do Google’s Sergey Brin, eBay’s Pierre Omidyar, and Tesla Motors’s Elon Musk all have in common? Each of these serial entrepreneurs who founded companies that have market caps in the tens or hundreds of billions—employing tens of thousands of workers—were born outside the U.S. From Yahoo to Facebook and LinkedIn, each of these innovative companies that have played such a large role in the U.S. economy had at least one founder that was born abroad and then emigrated to the United States.

Immigrants today are more than twice as likely to found businesses as their native-born counterparts and are responsible for more than 25% of all new business creation and related job growth. And while some of these immigrant-led businesses are next-generation startups and small businesses, many actually top the charts when it comes to America’s largest companies. Currently, more than 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or the children of immigrants, according to a study by The Partnership for a New American Economy, a group of governors and business leaders launched by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Australian media heavyweight Rupert Murdoch. Yet today, more than 200 years after the U.S. declared independence and threw open its doors to immigrants looking for freedom and a chance to realize their potential, the land of opportunity has been inching its doors shut.

If you read this book, you will find, Americans have been trained to be useless consumers. This is why we are the top consuming nation. It is also why, as a nation, we will believe the most outlandish lies peddled to us by the government or media. We are a nation of sheep. Government schools have engineered us to be this way.

Our educational system has made Americans only capable of flipping burgers, that's why.
The software engineers who built IBM, MS and Oracle were burger flippers?

Ya got anything more current?
How about Apple, Droid, and the remaining auto industry that is still loyal to the American people?

We STILL have the highest production of any nation on Earth and Americans are THE most efficient work force in the world also.

The problem with both examples is they are not the norm.
Public education centers are nothing but indoctrination centers for the left,they dont teach anything useful.

Are you bashing education because you didn't get one?

This bullshit about liberal indoctrination really pisses me off because it simply does not exist in the vast majority of this country.

My education sucked.
But I did manage to retire at 46 regardless of how crappy it was.
It was pure hard work and dedication.
The problem with both examples is they are not the norm.
Public education centers are nothing but indoctrination centers for the left,they dont teach anything useful.

What a ridiculous claim.
Some hyperbole, but the public educational system spends too much time indoctrinating and teaching to pass performance tests instead of teaching useful facts and how to think critically.

Explain this indoctrinating. Shouldn't they be able to pass performance tests?

There have been countless posts on this board showing the means of indoctrination.
What is it with liberals and information retention?

Where did this indoctrination occur?

I will bet you a horse turd to a doughnut and let you hold the stakes in your mouth if the vast majority occurred outside of the cities of NYC, Boston, D.C., Philly, Chicago, or anywhere in the great mistake of Californication.

I got something for you to hold in your mouth....

I would say it's both parties that try to push social issues.
But by far it's liberal progressives that do it the most.
I've known two gay teenagers who commited suicide due to the humiliation and rejection they encountered from peers and the community in general. People with views like yours. I don't find it ridiculous to broaden young people's minds so that they can allow others different from them to co-exist, peacefully. That doesn't make it a government indoctrination center; it makes for good citizens. You may not like LGBT's. You don't have to. You do have to leave them alone. That's all kids are being taught.

That would be a failing of the parents.
Schools have no business pushing social issues that parents may disagree with....end of story.
We have over 94 million Americans out of the work force.
Labor Force Participation Rate Dropped to 62.8% In April: 94,044,000 Out

The number of Americans not in the labor force last month totaled 94,044,000, 562,000 more than in March -- and the labor force participation rate dropped to 62.8 percent (near a 38-year low), following four straight months of slight improvement.

When President Obama took office in Janaury 2009, the labor force partipation rate was 65.7 percent, after hovering in the 66-67 percent range for much of the George W. Bush presidency.

The recession inherited by the Obama administration officially ended in June 2009, but the labor force participation rate continued to drop during Obama's two terms, hitting 62.4 percent in September 2015, its lowest point in 38 years.

While 25 million foreign born workers are here on guest worker visas, and this includes the illegal black market labor.
Foreign-Born Employment in U.S. Dips Slightly from Record, Still At 25,460,000 - Breitbart
The number of foreign-born people employed in the United States dipped slightly last month compared to the record high set in March, but remained above 25 million mark, according to data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The BLS reports that 25,460,000 foreign-born people had a job in the U.S. during the month of April, a decrease of 281,000 compared to the month of March when a record 25,741,000 foreign-born people were employed in the U.S.

The BLS does not distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants, defining the foreign-born as:

Those residing in the United States who were not U.S. citizens at birth. That is, they were born outside the United States or one of its outlying areas such as Puerto Rico or Guam, to parents neither of whom was a U.S. citizen. The native born are persons who were born in the United States or one of its outlying areas such as Puerto Rico or Guam or who were born abroad of at least one parent who was a U.S. citizen.

And in this situation, we have declining job growth.
U.S. jobs growth slows down in April
Companies scaled back hiring in April, adding just 160,000 new jobs, in a sign the U.S. economy still hasn’t recovered from an early-year chill.

The April jobs report was well below Wall Street’s expectations. Economists polled by MarketWatch had forecast a 203,000 increase in nonfarm jobs.

The unemployment rate, meanwhile, was flat at 5%. More people dropped out of the labor force and the so-called participation rate fell for the first time in seven months. That could mean people find it a bit harder to get a job.



We gave $5 trillion to the banks, huge bailouts to various corporations and debt simply wiped off the books, and yet where are the bailouts for regular Middle Class Americans? We are paying these predatory mortgages still today, while the predators are still snorting coke and buying whores on Wall Street with that tax payer money that was then doled to them in huge million dollar bonuses. And it is wrong to raise their taxes, why? So they drug dealers and whores can stay in ridiculous wealth?

Where are the protesting Libertarian Traitors who throw a snit fit every time anyone proposes helping Americans? They love give a-ways to corporate America, because they are wannabe corporate pirates who hope one day to feast on the carcasses of their fellow Americans also, just like they see corporations doing today.

This has to end, folks. And if neocons like 'Paul Ryan the Sellout' dont like it, then throw the bastards out.


I'm wondering with that wall he's gonna build, how the hell is he gonna get his shit lines back into this country? Got any ideas, you fuckin Trump loving moronic simp?

Tell ya what nigga. When the manufacturing playing field is leveled get back with me....

The person you call a nigga today....will be the black grand babies you shop for 2mar...remember, dark meat is a delicacy with yo women, just sayin

What the hell is a 2mar?
I dont have any children but I do know my 13 year old Niece is way too smart to date/marry a nig.
Well that's my question and what I'm looking for info on. How do they get the numbers, off polls, off IRS reports, off what? Like if I fill out some paperwork and check "unemployed" and there's no further question about if I'm looking for work or just a housewife or stay-at-home-mom or w/e, I would think that falls on the "Unemployed" count wouldn't it? I'm just wondering how they do the stats thing for unemployment numbers because it's something I've never actually looked into.
Based on the Decennial Census, the country is divided into Primary Statistical Units. Each PSU is roughly county-sized and entirety in one state. Similar PSUs within a state are grouped together for random selection while bigger or unique PSUs are always selected, the process continues down to a list of addresses. 60,000 houses (including dorms and fraternity/sorority houses, excluding military housing, prisons, nursing homes) are surveyed every month. Each house is in the survey 4 months, then out for 8 months, then back in for 4. A quarter of the sample rotates every month.

Responses are collected for everyone in the house age 15 and older for the week that contains the 12th....the reference week. If someone owned a business/farm, or worked at least one hour for pay, or was temporarily absent from a job due to vacation/weather/strike or worked 15 or more hours unpaid in a family business /farm, they are employed.

Those not employed are asked what they did to find a job in the last 4 weeks. If they did anything at all that could have resulted in a job and they could have started work in the reference week, they are unemployed. Every one else is "not in the labor force.

So like part of the national survey stuff? I've actually /never/ even seen nor heard of a national survey person knocking on doors up here in all of my 42 years, I think they just skip us. Actually, I suppose that makes sense if they're skipping "military housing" - we might as well be considering how many soldier's live in my town hahaha
I dont have any children but I do know my 13 year old Niece is way too smart to date/marry a nig.

Aaaaaaaand...now we know you're as stupid as tigger59.

Nope...she's smart enough to know the social stigma would make life hard on her and her husband and especially any children she'd have.
As do I.
Maybe you're not so smart....
I dont have any children but I do know my 13 year old Niece is way too smart to date/marry a nig.

Aaaaaaaand...now we know you're as stupid as tigger59.

Nope...she's smart enough to know the social stigma would make life hard on her and her husband and especially any children she'd have.
As do I.
Maybe you're not so smart....

You and tigger59 are so smart you both finally got accepted to kindergarten. Too bad the Push/Pull sign on the door prevented either one of you from actually getting inside.

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