With a Dimocrat in the WH say goodbye to 'America First'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
As we all know the American left has always hated their country and everything it has always stood for, and likewise we all know how that foundation has found it's way into today's Dimocrat party.
'Nationalism' is evil to these Dimocrats of today, if you even give the impression today that you favor your country over other countries, these assholes will call you names, and designate you as a 'white nationalist', a 'nazi', a 'KKK' member.

Trumpā€™s ā€œAmerica Firstā€ Foreign Policy Faces an Unceremonious Burial

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 11 2020 (IPS) - The ouster of Donald Trump from the US presidency last week may well be the dawn of a new era for multilateralism ā€“ and perhaps for a besieged United Nationsā€” after nearly four years of misguided political rhetoric emerging from the White House.

As a hard-core unilateralist, Trump was openly antagonistic towards multilateral institutions and contemptuous of the world body.

In a front-page story November 10, the New York Times said President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. ā€œmakes no secret of the speed with which he plans to bury ā€˜America Firstā€™ as a guiding principle of the nationā€™s foreign policy.ā€

The proposed reversal of Trumpā€™s edictsā€”largely against all norms of international diplomacyā€“ is being described as ā€œThe Great Undoing.ā€

There is no justification for america to be able to exploit the rest of the world.
True. There is also no justification for the rest of the world to exploit America's generosity for endless foreign aid, cheating on trade and global agreements, and non citizens raiding our country for health and financial benefits.
Just remember, you're just a inconsequential ball of cells, a shyte stain on the world. Nobody important. Neither your ideals, principles or values. Let the "important ones" do the hard work, you just stay in line and let the global leaders take care of you (for a price, of course).

If you don't know it from listening to the "elite" and MSM in your nation, the Communists will soon remind us all.
ā€œWith a Dimocrat in the WH say goodbye to 'America First'ā€

And thankfully so.

ā€˜America firstā€™ was an unmitigated failure that rendered America last.

Gone will be the coddling of dictators, going to war with our allies, and a failed isolationist policy that only diminished Americaā€™s standing in the world.
I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but his policies undermined the ability of the UN to establish itself as the leader of the world, he was successful making our so called allies more militant and marginalized our capacity to make peace by opening up back doors for Israel to keep their foot on the necks of the Palestinians. He went to war in the middle east against dictators and freedom fights alike, emboldened the Saudis and gave them more weapons while turning the world against Iran.

Trump's success was to the detriment of nations that have been exploited by europeans for centuries and made ameica look like a peaceful referee on the Korean peninsula. He played the world for fools, apparently you bought his shtick too.
I do believe the fat lady is singing so.......be prepared. Unless, of course, a miracle happens.
Meanwhile...sometimes God says no. And if He did in this case..well...maybe He has bigger plans in store.
As we all know the American left has always hated their country and everything it has always stood for, and likewise we all know how that foundation has found it's way into today's Dimocrat party.
'Nationalism' is evil to these Dimocrats of today, if you even give the impression today that you favor your country over other countries, these assholes will call you names, and designate you as a 'white nationalist', a 'nazi', a 'KKK' member.

Trumpā€™s ā€œAmerica Firstā€ Foreign Policy Faces an Unceremonious Burial

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 11 2020 (IPS) - The ouster of Donald Trump from the US presidency last week may well be the dawn of a new era for multilateralism ā€“ and perhaps for a besieged United Nationsā€” after nearly four years of misguided political rhetoric emerging from the White House.

As a hard-core unilateralist, Trump was openly antagonistic towards multilateral institutions and contemptuous of the world body.

In a front-page story November 10, the New York Times said President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. ā€œmakes no secret of the speed with which he plans to bury ā€˜America Firstā€™ as a guiding principle of the nationā€™s foreign policy.ā€

The proposed reversal of Trumpā€™s edictsā€”largely against all norms of international diplomacyā€“ is being described as ā€œThe Great Undoing.ā€

It was "code for right wing bigotry" anyway.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Oh...and border states? Be extra ready. That wall will be torn down and we will be invaded by the enemy. So...prepare for that too.
Is Alaska a border state? We're stuck between Canada on the east, and Russia on the west, across the International Date Line.
Oh...and border states? Be extra ready. That wall will be torn down and we will be invaded by the enemy. So...prepare for that too.
Is Alaska a border state? We're stuck between Canada on the east, and Russia on the west, across the International Date Line.
Any border. Biden will give an open invitation to all. No skills necessary. No ability to pay for their own healthcare. Truck loads of trafficked kids ready to be sold to the highest bidder. Leprosy and other diseases slimeing in along with their hosts. Party time in the USA! Come on over where everything will be free except for its citizens that will be footing the bill.
Any border. Biden will give an open invitation to all. No skills necessary. No ability to pay for their own healthcare. Truck loads of trafficked kids ready to be sold to the highest bidder. Leprosy and other diseases slimeing in along with their hosts. Party time in the USA! Come on over where everything will be free except for its citizens that will be footing the bill.

It's time you paid for what you've stolen.
I'm thankful I'm old. Hopefully I won't still be alive to see the total and complete downfall of rome..er...the USA.
Any border. Biden will give an open invitation to all. No skills necessary. No ability to pay for their own healthcare. Truck loads of trafficked kids ready to be sold to the highest bidder. Leprosy and other diseases slimeing in along with their hosts. Party time in the USA! Come on over where everything will be free except for its citizens that will be footing the bill.

It's time you paid for what you've stolen.
Really. um. ok. but meanwhile...go fuck yourself and I hope your house is the first one they take so all those poor diseased immigrants have a roof.
Any border. Biden will give an open invitation to all. No skills necessary. No ability to pay for their own healthcare. Truck loads of trafficked kids ready to be sold to the highest bidder. Leprosy and other diseases slimeing in along with their hosts. Party time in the USA! Come on over where everything will be free except for its citizens that will be footing the bill.

It's time you paid for what you've stolen.

LULZ. She's Native American, dumbass.
As we all know the American left has always hated their country and everything it has always stood for, and likewise we all know how that foundation has found it's way into today's Dimocrat party.
'Nationalism' is evil to these Dimocrats of today, if you even give the impression today that you favor your country over other countries, these assholes will call you names, and designate you as a 'white nationalist', a 'nazi', a 'KKK' member.

Trumpā€™s ā€œAmerica Firstā€ Foreign Policy Faces an Unceremonious Burial

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 11 2020 (IPS) - The ouster of Donald Trump from the US presidency last week may well be the dawn of a new era for multilateralism ā€“ and perhaps for a besieged United Nationsā€” after nearly four years of misguided political rhetoric emerging from the White House.

As a hard-core unilateralist, Trump was openly antagonistic towards multilateral institutions and contemptuous of the world body.

In a front-page story November 10, the New York Times said President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. ā€œmakes no secret of the speed with which he plans to bury ā€˜America Firstā€™ as a guiding principle of the nationā€™s foreign policy.ā€

The proposed reversal of Trumpā€™s edictsā€”largely against all norms of international diplomacyā€“ is being described as ā€œThe Great Undoing.ā€

This OP starts out with an idiotic statement ā€œAmerican left has always hated their countryā€.
Huh? Can you get any more STUPID?
Not only is it groupthink, but it is irrational to the extreme.
Anyone taking this crap seriously must be in the twilight zone.

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