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With all the GOP cuts to education, Republicans put the future of our country at risk.

Cutting education is dumb
Cutting infrastructure is dumb
Cutting r&d is dumb
Cutting science is really dumb

All very dumb and a policy for failure! I can't support a party that believes that investing in our own country is evil. The republican party should be disbanded and laughed at as a joke.

The EVIL part is all those GOVT teachers/employess on $4K/mo retirement at age 50 while we are expected to accept $1200/mo at age 67 for 50 years of work AND we pay into the system. Don't get me upset. It is supposed to be Holiday times...........sigh.

Where are these benefits available? Or is it something you "heard" was true?
LOL. Then you should have worked smarter and harder. I get double that on SS and also earn 75K at my job per year. Of course, I have one of those jobs for which industry is begging for people. There are, as one poster already mentioned, 5.4 million jobs going begging in this nation. Jobs in which you get dirty, need a 4 year apprentice program, and often are mentally challenging as well.

That was an example only. Not far off from avg SSI payment I would suspect? Yep, lots of plumbers, welders, electrician, truck drivers needed but College degrees in Poetry don't cut it.

I thought if you made X amount (while on SSI) your payments should be reduced? The maximum benefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if you retire at full retirement age in 2015, your maximum benefit would be $2,663

Not SSI. Try again!
If teaching is so good then give up your earning potential and go teach.

Did you ever try to be a teacher? Good luck trying to get in. It's a job many Americans want which is why we have way more teachers than teaching jobs. It's a job with no heavy lifting, good pay, good benefits, good future, and you get more paid time off than any other career in the country.
If that's how you think teaching is, I suspect you were home schooled.

I worked with an optics engineer who taught high school math and physics while working for his masters. When he graduated, he got a job where I work. He said teaching high school was the hardest thing he ever did. He said the kids mouthed off and the parents defended them. He said parents asked why he gave out so much homework. He said the building was cold in the winter and hot in the summer. He said he spent more time putting together a curriculum and grading papers than being in class. He said some of the kids had really unfortunate home lives and it was difficult facing kids with such tragic lives (That's something Republicans would never have to worry about. They don't like kids anyway, only the fetus.) He said many times he paid for supplies out of his own pocket because the kids didn't have the money and neither did the school.

I believe him over you because I don't believe you ever went to school.

Besides, he told me he was a Republican. So I asked him how could he be a Republican when he knows what they are doing to the schools. He said he isn't a "one issue" voter. So I said not funding schools is a pretty big issue. He said he couldn't vote for tax and spend Democrats. So I said yea, but you are paying for school supplies out of your own pocket. And how is that tax and spend working out. He said he didn't want to talk politics anymore at work. We never discussed it again.

Oh my, what a hard life.

I would guess he couldn't take one day on my job or most jobs in America today. Maybe that's why we have over 93 million Americans no longer looking for work.

But you can take that story vs mine where I have a close personal friend that's a teacher. We became friends because he rented a house from me for about seven years.

He loved to taunt his time off. In the summer, he used to sit on his porch to meet me going to work when I walked to my car. He would say "So, you're going to work today; on such a beautiful summer day? LOL. Do you know what I'm doing today? I'm going to my camper for the week; drinking all day, fishing all day, and ride around on my golf cart."

Yes, it was a big joke to him. And yes, he too spent his own money for his students. He used to grade papers at home. He had to learn new computer programs so he could teach his students how to use them. But even with all that, he admitted he had the easiest and best job in the world and wouldn't trade it for anything else.

A good teacher accepts doing things on their own time. When I used to teach music, I would often use my own printer, create charts, learn songs I couldn't stand, all in effort to keep students going to my employers music store. I enjoyed it actually, but never made the kind of money and benefits of my friend.
No one should pay attention to anything said about education from a man who is so ashamed of his own grades that he seals his own records off from the entire world...

All educational records are sealed by federal law called FERPA. Try to get someone's high school or college transcript without their permission and you will be beating your head against a brick wall. I don't care for the President at all, but we shouldn't lie about him sealing records when he did no such thing.
If teaching is so good then give up your earning potential and go teach.

Did you ever try to be a teacher? Good luck trying to get in. It's a job many Americans want which is why we have way more teachers than teaching jobs. It's a job with no heavy lifting, good pay, good benefits, good future, and you get more paid time off than any other career in the country.

Uh, a slight correction. Teachers get zero paid time off! The pay is poor in a lot of places, the benefits are not that great, many teachers pay for their own retirement out of their paycheck (I do) and the hours are incredibly long. I sometimes work 14-16 hour days during the week and many more hours on the weekend.
If teaching is so good then give up your earning potential and go teach.

Did you ever try to be a teacher? Good luck trying to get in. It's a job many Americans want which is why we have way more teachers than teaching jobs. It's a job with no heavy lifting, good pay, good benefits, good future, and you get more paid time off than any other career in the country.

Uh, a slight correction. Teachers get zero paid time off! The pay is poor in a lot of places, the benefits are not that great, many teachers pay for their own retirement out of their paycheck (I do) and the hours are incredibly long. I sometimes work 14-16 hour days during the week and many more hours on the weekend.
You MUST be a teacher in a CHRISTIAN school!
If teaching is so good then give up your earning potential and go teach.

Did you ever try to be a teacher? Good luck trying to get in. It's a job many Americans want which is why we have way more teachers than teaching jobs. It's a job with no heavy lifting, good pay, good benefits, good future, and you get more paid time off than any other career in the country.

Uh, a slight correction. Teachers get zero paid time off! The pay is poor in a lot of places, the benefits are not that great, many teachers pay for their own retirement out of their paycheck (I do) and the hours are incredibly long. I sometimes work 14-16 hour days during the week and many more hours on the weekend.
You MUST be a teacher in a CHRISTIAN school!

No. I have been a public school teacher for 19 years, worked for 2 states and the federal government, and 5 different school districts. I also have a M.Ed.in Educational Leadership so I am familiar with the compensation nationwide.

Teachers in most Christian schools are unqualified and paid accordingly.
If teaching is so good then give up your earning potential and go teach.

Did you ever try to be a teacher? Good luck trying to get in. It's a job many Americans want which is why we have way more teachers than teaching jobs. It's a job with no heavy lifting, good pay, good benefits, good future, and you get more paid time off than any other career in the country.

Uh, a slight correction. Teachers get zero paid time off! The pay is poor in a lot of places, the benefits are not that great, many teachers pay for their own retirement out of their paycheck (I do) and the hours are incredibly long. I sometimes work 14-16 hour days during the week and many more hours on the weekend.
You MUST be a teacher in a CHRISTIAN school!

No. I have been a public school teacher for 19 years, worked for 2 states and the federal government, and 5 different school districts. I also have a M.Ed.in Educational Leadership so I am familiar with the compensation nationwide.

Teachers in most Christian schools are unqualified and paid accordingly.
My wife has her New Jersey State teaching accreditation. She has taught in a Christian school for over 20 years. She is presently a kindergarten teacher. She is salaried at about $25.000 a year. She teaches 16 children, starts at 8:00 AM and gets home at about 6:00 PM most weekdays. She works 2 miles away from home. Her healthcare is presently through my job because she would have to pay $600.00 every month for Blue Cross Blue Shield.

She would rather be able to teach in an environment where Jesus Christ is something other than an expletive. Some of her students have been the children of area "public" school teachers because they agree with my wife and can also afford the tuition.
Logic states that if there aren't enough seats for everyone somehow the seats that are available need to be rationed. We ration them, usually, by a persons ability to pay. If you try to make it affordable for everyone without increasing the number of seats to meet the demand you are spelling disaster.

This though, with internet colleges, is soon to be obsolete.
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?

Education is a bottomless pit and money is sunk into it every year.

We get kids coming out who can't even read.
The education system, from pre-college to college, has been infiltrated by Liberals, and the goal is no longer to provide the best education and the smartest / most prepared students but to indoctrinate them into the Liberal mindset while dumbing them down, making it easier to control and to keep feeding the 'economic slavery class' that is lesser-intelligent, jobless/lob-lite, government benefit DEpendents who will exchange their freedom and votes for handouts.

Anti-American / Constitution domestic terrorists and 'enemies of the state' like Bill Ayers and others figured out they would NEVER change the hearts and minds of older, more intelligent adults and knew those adults would pass that knowledge down to their kids - they knew the importance of the family structure and the morals, ethics, etc that would be passed down.

So they had to get to the kids before the parents did. They simultaneously attacked the family structure, trying to weaken / destroy it, take away power and give more control to the government (abortions without notifying parents, for example) - while infiltrating the classrooms. Bill Ayers, an unrepentant domestic terrorist who bombed his own country, killed cops, & declared he wished he had done more should NEVER been allowed to push his perverted, hate-filled vision / propaganda into the minds of our kids...but he and many more like him have taken over the education system and is indoctrinating our future generations.

In pre-college schools, Christianity, prayer, any reference to Christmas, statues/plaques/pictures/etc of the Ten Commandments or other references to Christianity are being removed while prayer rugs and the defense of Islam is being pushed on and in the schools. Americans are paying billions (forced to pay) to fund these new FAILING indoctrination camps. The bottom line is if the school systems were privatized, the vast majority of the schools being run by the government would be shut down for their inability to educate our children, most of the administrators and school boards would be fired, and there would be MASSIVE reform....but we are forced to accept it...and our kids - and nation - are / is forced to live with the failed consequences.

...And the partisan idiots on this board who love to point fingers and declare it is the fault of the 'GOP' or 'DNC" party / elected officials ALONE I can only assume are products of a lifetime of brainwashing or of the failed indoctrination camps we now have. If you haven't figured out that NOTHING in Washington gets done by 1 party alone you need to wake up! Ryan, a Republican, recently screwed the Conservative American 'faithful' (along with the rest of this country), and Harry Reid, one of the top 3 Liberal politicians, danced and bragged on the floor of the Senate about how Ryan/the GOP just HELPED them pass and secure everything the Democrats wanted. They are different branches of the same corrupt party.

If Americans haven't figured out in the last 30 years that the best way to F* something up is to give control of it up to the Federal Govt then I fear they will NEVER learn, until the debris of what was once this country lies around their ankles.
Republicans cut education nationwide - Google Search

You can do a simple Google Search "Republicans cut education nationwide" and everywhere Republicans are in charge, education is cut. That's how they pay for tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.

At the same time:

America has 5.8 million job openings

5.8 million jobs? When Republicans are crying and whining about those not counted in the work force? You can't blame that on Obama. Republicans have been carrying on a war on education for decades. They slash and burn funding for education and then complain the money is wasted because education is this country is awful.
Duh! Couldn't part of the reason it's awful is because it's under funded????

If the country keeps voting Republicans into office to destroy American institutions one at a time, then we get what we deserve.
A simple Google search tells you all you need to know.
democrats are idiots - Google Search
Easy. You were home schooled. Right?
By a two fisted bearded hag? Right?
WR, stick to speaking for yourself because you suck at trying to speak for or labeling me.

Speaking for you??

You stupid shit, I asked YOU a question.

See this mark right here? (?) that thingy is a question mark. I had it right at the end of my sentences.

Your mommy should have sent you to school. That is a statment dude.
Speaking for you??

You stupid shit, I asked YOU a question.

WR, your intent was obvious, but nice try. Your insinuation - not question - was an attack, an attempt to minimize / belittle what I wrote...because it offends / bothers / irks you. That's your problem not mine. Go play your games elsewhere - this is the 'big league' not Jr high.
The fact is the US spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and we have very little to show for it.

Maybe money isn't the problem and union teachers are.

The US is #56 in education spending on a list of nearly 200 countries. And a good part of the reason why your education spending is that high is because health insurance for school board employees is the most expensive in the world.

Americans have gutted their public education system in favour of charter schools and it's not working. It's time to pay teachers a living wage, buy computers and adequate supplies for all schools, not just those in wealthy areas, and stop blaming teachers. If you want good people, you need to pay them.
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?

Teachers do not work 9 months and they are not eligible for unemployment. You heard someone spreading misinformation.
The fact is the US spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and we have very little to show for it.

Maybe money isn't the problem and union teachers are.

The US is #56 in education spending on a list of nearly 200 countries. And a good part of the reason why your education spending is that high is because health insurance for school board employees is the most expensive in the world.

Americans have gutted their public education system in favour of charter schools and it's not working. It's time to pay teachers a living wage, buy computers and adequate supplies for all schools, not just those in wealthy areas, and stop blaming teachers. If you want good people, you need to pay them.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
Republicans cut education nationwide - Google Search

You can do a simple Google Search "Republicans cut education nationwide" and everywhere Republicans are in charge, education is cut. That's how they pay for tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.

At the same time:

America has 5.8 million job openings

5.8 million jobs? When Republicans are crying and whining about those not counted in the work force? You can't blame that on Obama. Republicans have been carrying on a war on education for decades. They slash and burn funding for education and then complain the money is wasted because education is this country is awful.
Duh! Couldn't part of the reason it's awful is because it's under funded????

If the country keeps voting Republicans into office to destroy American institutions one at a time, then we get what we deserve.
When the well is dry, it's dry, the country is broke... dumba$$
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