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With all the GOP cuts to education, Republicans put the future of our country at risk.

That's still not SSI. Try OASDI.

Feel free to Spin it anyway you like. It is well known that CA state employees retirement benefits are generous (5X?). Other states and Fed are similar. I am not going to keep posting links, not necc.

I am not spinning anything other than telling you that you cannot compare your tiny little world to the the rest of America.

You really should do some research to find out how wrong you are.

Did you know that my social security benefits I earned in the military and working in the private sector before I became a teacher will be reduced because I am eligible for a state retirement plan, which I pay for out of my own pocket?

Does your social security get reduced because you have a 401K?
Teachers do not work 9 months and they are not eligible for unemployment. You heard someone spreading misinformation.
The US is #56 in education spending on a list of nearly 200 countries. And a good part of the reason why your education spending is that high is because health insurance for school board employees is the most expensive in the world.

Americans have gutted their public education system in favour of charter schools and it's not working. It's time to pay teachers a living wage, buy computers and adequate supplies for all schools, not just those in wealthy areas, and stop blaming teachers. If you want good people, you need to pay them.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows

How does that study account for costs such as transportation, (which most countries do not provide), compensation of teachers, retirement plans, healthcare costs, administrative costs, etc.?

You cannot get a much worse apples to oranges comparison than what happens when you try to compare the US to any other country. We are usually 15 to 50 times larger by comparison.

Cost per student.

So, if I compare my school in the backwoods of a flyover state to a school in Berlin, are we going to get a valid comparison?

If you think you will, you have not studied enough statistics to formulate a reasonable response.

That you actually believe thats how the study was conducted tells me a lot.

I didn't say that is how the study was conducted, now did I?

I am saying that there is no valid comparison.
The EVIL part is all those GOVT teachers/employess on $4K/mo retirement at age 50 while we are expected to accept $1200/mo at age 67 for 50 years of work AND we pay into the system. Don't get me upset. It is supposed to be Holiday times...........sigh.

Where are these benefits available? Or is it something you "heard" was true?

ain't nobody got time fo dis crap!

Average CalPERS Pension Up To 5 Times Greater Than Comparable Social Security Payouts - California Policy Center

So what does that have to do with teachers like me in the rest of the country, some of which are required to fund their entire retirement out of our paychecks?

Comparing California, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. Boston. and Atlanta to public schools nationwide is a farce.

You have to fund your own retirement?
Oooooohhhh Nooooooosssse!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the real world that a lot of Americans live everyday.
What makes you so special that you deserve retirement on the backs of the tax payer?

Looking at the reduced paycheck I get and then having to pay for my own retirement, those wonderful benefits people claim all teachers get starts to look a little more like a fairy tale.

You brought up a retirement plan that is completely out of this world when compared to most teacher's plans and then you deflect when I show how you are dead wrong.

How much do you think I get paid per year after 17 years as a classroom teacher, with a Master's degree? I am betting you will be shocked.

What retirement plan did I bring up?
You chose to be a teacher so you have no one to blame but yourself if you feel you are being underpaid.
If teaching is so good then give up your earning potential and go teach.

Did you ever try to be a teacher? Good luck trying to get in. It's a job many Americans want which is why we have way more teachers than teaching jobs. It's a job with no heavy lifting, good pay, good benefits, good future, and you get more paid time off than any other career in the country.

In all fairness, though, a teacher must be brave to face the danger of being spat on, cursed at, stabbed, punched, beaten, being disrespected and then sued by and lose to "parents" who failed to teach their brood not to do the above-mentioned.
Americans have gutted their public education system in favour of charter schools and it's not working.
Charter schools are working. Ever seen the film 'Waiting For Superman'? If not, do so. The Charter school system in Washington was working SO well that Liberals tried to kill it.

The public school systems are plagued by bureaucracy, unions that pay teachers NOT to teach, standardized testing indoctrination B$, etc. In our kid's school district they brought in the Principal of the school district form Atlanta that was engaged in the largest cheating scandal in US history. He was one of the few that escaped criminal charges and going to jail. The minority board rammed the decision down the throats of the majority opposing community (whites and blacks). Within weeks he began bringing in teachers and administrators from that scandal. He began to abuse teachers, threaten them, and the books showed he and his newly acquired teachers were 'raping' the school treasury/budget.

AFTER A YEAR, The State Board of education was called in - teachers were in tears talking about how they were being treated and being threatened with being fired if they spoke out, the budget was reviewed and 'impropriety' was found. The board was reluctantly forced to fire the teachers he brought in and - under threat of his investigation - was forced to 'retire' him. Out of defiance, however, they hired him for an entire additional year at a huge salary to be the 'advisor' for the next Principal. At the other public school my other child was attending gang activity and drug were being dealt in the bathrooms. And that's just here... There are reports of teachers NOT being able to be fired in New York who sit in rooms and read the paper all day because they are not allowed to teach but have to be paid.

If the government could or wanted to produce a good 'product' then our schools wouldn't be so jacked up, our kids would have a better success rate, the corruption in the administrations wouldn't exist, our kids would have a more educationally conducive SAFE environment, and in a private system useless teacher would be fired. Don't blame charter schools that do offer better education for the Federal Govt's inability to make public schools a success.
When Charters Go Union

Charter schools’ worst nightmare: A pro-union movement may change charters forever

What Happens When Charter Teachers Join a Union?

The ignorant anti education right wingers worst nightmare. Charter school teachers want a voice. They are joining unions. Ooooh, that's gotta hurt.

Notice how the far left drones immediately go fro their far left religious blog sites..

Oh let us have some fun with this:

Campbell Brown: Teachers Unions Go to Bat for Sexual Predators

Mexican teachers' union boss arrested for alleged embezzlement of £100m

Teachers union president arrested at Philadelphia schools protest

Teachers unions turn on Obama
Perfect example of why Republicans are dipshits. Did you think I wouldn't go read those links???? I bet you didn't. Well, let's summarize one at a time:

Teachers unions go to bat for sexual predators - only any proven sexual predator listed in the article is actually out of teaching. And everything else is allegation. Like the teacher that was accused of sending illicit text that no one could find??? Wanna bet the accusation came from a disgruntled student with "too much homework"?
One guy hugged the kids.

The teachers that did this:

• An assistant principal at a Brooklyn high school made explicit sexual remarks to three different girls, including asking one of them if she would perform oral sex on him.

• A teacher in Queens had a sexual relationship with a 13-year old girl and sent her inappropriate messages through email and Facebook.
are gone.

Funny, I have 5 grand nieces, all under 7, from three set of parents who were all visiting at the same time. Four of them picked on one and she started crying. She said they called her ugly. I lifted her up to stand on the bathroom sink and told her to look into the mirror. What there is ugly? I told her they were jealous because she is so cute and I hugged her. I hugged all of them at one time or another. If it were up to you guys, hugging a distressed child is an automatic jail sentence. You guys are the reasons teachers quit the profession. You get what's left over.

The second link happened in Mexico. In MEXICO! And it was someone stealing money. Like that never happens.

Teachers union president arrested. Because he was protesting SHUTTING DOWN SCHOOLS. Is that what you nitwits are angry about? Because he didn't want schools shut down? Seems you do.

Teachers turn on Obama. Yea, over a political dispute. It happens, get over it. And what is it they disagree about? Seems they both like the program, but they feel Obama is rushing. You know, "hurrying too fast". That it. That's why they are mad.


I love it when nitwits post links they haven't read. It's fun laughing.
Where are these benefits available? Or is it something you "heard" was true?

ain't nobody got time fo dis crap!

Average CalPERS Pension Up To 5 Times Greater Than Comparable Social Security Payouts - California Policy Center

So what does that have to do with teachers like me in the rest of the country, some of which are required to fund their entire retirement out of our paychecks?

Comparing California, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. Boston. and Atlanta to public schools nationwide is a farce.

You have to fund your own retirement?
Oooooohhhh Nooooooosssse!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the real world that a lot of Americans live everyday.
What makes you so special that you deserve retirement on the backs of the tax payer?

Looking at the reduced paycheck I get and then having to pay for my own retirement, those wonderful benefits people claim all teachers get starts to look a little more like a fairy tale.

You brought up a retirement plan that is completely out of this world when compared to most teacher's plans and then you deflect when I show how you are dead wrong.

How much do you think I get paid per year after 17 years as a classroom teacher, with a Master's degree? I am betting you will be shocked.

What retirement plan did I bring up?
You chose to be a teacher so you have no one to blame but yourself if you feel you are being underpaid.

I apologize. You were not the one who brought up the retirement plan.

I chose to be a teacher, so I am underpaid. I just don't agree with education bashers spreading bullshit propaganda as though I have it better than most, like certain parties in this thread .
Admiral, I don't doubt you get lowered pay than private in hopes of better retirement. hang in there!

These guys broke the bank. "Chiefs sue for unpaid OT"
Chiefs sue for unpaid OT

In 2011, Bozzo's compensation was $167,386 after furlough pay reduction knocked off $8,077, and King’s was $180,232, which also reflects an $8,077 cut from furlough hours. These numbers reflect total salary packages, including special pay and medical benefits. Bozzo retired in December.

Bozzo receives $10,803 monthly (before taxes) for the rest of his life, said Amy Norris, spokeswoman for the California Public Employees' Retirement System.
Admiral, I don't doubt you get lowered pay than private in hopes of better retirement. hang in there!

These guys broke the bank. "Chiefs sue for unpaid OT"
Chiefs sue for unpaid OT

In 2011, Bozzo's compensation was $167,386 after furlough pay reduction knocked off $8,077, and King’s was $180,232, which also reflects an $8,077 cut from furlough hours. These numbers reflect total salary packages, including special pay and medical benefits. Bozzo retired in December.

Bozzo receives $10,803 monthly (before taxes) for the rest of his life, said Amy Norris, spokeswoman for the California Public Employees' Retirement System.

What does any of that have to do with education? Is it impossible for you to stay even close to the topic?

Better retirement? My retirement sucks compared to what is available in other career fields. Our wonderful Democrats in the state have spent all of the money in the teacher's retirement fund, so unless major tax increases are made, we will probably not have a retirement when I get there in 12 years.
What does any of that have to do with education? Is it impossible for you to stay even close to the topic?

Better retirement? My retirement sucks compared to what is available in other career fields. Our wonderful Democrats in the state have spent all of the money in the teacher's retirement fund, so unless major tax increases are made, we will probably not have a retirement when I get there in 12 years.

The discussion here was Teachers, pay rate, retirement and poor performance. This led to discussions of State Employee retirement pay. You said it was not great. I just linked one state with two employees getting more than $10K/mo forever. Teachers are no different in that state. I don't know about all 50 states.

I do know FED employee retirements are also tremendous compared to private. end of discussion.
take Dizzy Dean with you.
Teachers do not work 9 months and they are not eligible for unemployment. You heard someone spreading misinformation.
The US is #56 in education spending on a list of nearly 200 countries. And a good part of the reason why your education spending is that high is because health insurance for school board employees is the most expensive in the world.

Americans have gutted their public education system in favour of charter schools and it's not working. It's time to pay teachers a living wage, buy computers and adequate supplies for all schools, not just those in wealthy areas, and stop blaming teachers. If you want good people, you need to pay them.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows

How does that study account for costs such as transportation, (which most countries do not provide), compensation of teachers, retirement plans, healthcare costs, administrative costs, etc.?

You cannot get a much worse apples to oranges comparison than what happens when you try to compare the US to any other country. We are usually 15 to 50 times larger by comparison.

Cost per student.

So, if I compare my school in the backwoods of a flyover state to a school in Berlin, are we going to get a valid comparison?

If you think you will, you have not studied enough statistics to formulate a reasonable response.

That you actually believe thats how the study was conducted tells me a lot.
Yea, it tells you how research works.

From the link listed above:

The average first-year high school teacher in the United States earns about $38,000. OECD nations pay their comparable educators just more than $31,000.

That trails Luxembourg, which pays its first year teachers more than $72,000 a year, but far exceeds the $10,000 paid to first-year high school teachers in Slovakia. Among all educators, U.S. payrolls are competitive. The average high school teacher in the United States earns about $53,000, well above the average of $45,500 among all OECD nations.

Considering how expensive it is to live in this country, seems teachers pay is pretty average. We pay more because out kids need heat in the winter. Duh!

Now get a load of this. This is the funniest part of all. Republicans complain that kids doing better on standardized tests over seas proves their schools are better. So we propose "common core" standardized tests over here. See? That's the part that's hysterical. Republicans point to standardized tests as "proof" but don't want standardized tests here. Like I said, "Dipshits and nitwits".

But it even goes deeper than that. Why don't they want standardized tests? Because it would be mandatory for children to learn evolution, climate change and other accepted science. Get it? Got it? Good!
Admiral, I don't doubt you get lowered pay than private in hopes of better retirement. hang in there!

These guys broke the bank. "Chiefs sue for unpaid OT"
Chiefs sue for unpaid OT

In 2011, Bozzo's compensation was $167,386 after furlough pay reduction knocked off $8,077, and King’s was $180,232, which also reflects an $8,077 cut from furlough hours. These numbers reflect total salary packages, including special pay and medical benefits. Bozzo retired in December.

Bozzo receives $10,803 monthly (before taxes) for the rest of his life, said Amy Norris, spokeswoman for the California Public Employees' Retirement System.

What does any of that have to do with education? Is it impossible for you to stay even close to the topic?

Better retirement? My retirement sucks compared to what is available in other career fields. Our wonderful Democrats in the state have spent all of the money in the teacher's retirement fund, so unless major tax increases are made, we will probably not have a retirement when I get there in 12 years.
Oh, it was the Democrats. The only people fighting for you. And no link.
Got it!
If teaching is so good then give up your earning potential and go teach.

Did you ever try to be a teacher? Good luck trying to get in. It's a job many Americans want which is why we have way more teachers than teaching jobs. It's a job with no heavy lifting, good pay, good benefits, good future, and you get more paid time off than any other career in the country.

In all fairness, though, a teacher must be brave to face the danger of being spat on, cursed at, stabbed, punched, beaten, being disrespected and then sued by and lose to "parents" who failed to teach their brood not to do the above-mentioned.
According to Republicans, it's the teachers fault. Besides, that doesn't happen in white schools. Ask them.
Teachers are underpaid while administrators rake in massive bucks.
Government regulations and intervention has resulted in poor schools.
The Department of Education should be eliminated and the running of schools should be delegated at the State level. The Dept of Education is a useless, money-draining, political organization that sells itself - and our kids - like prostitutes.
I hear the so called indoctrination rhetoric here again. Radical rhetoric. Because that kindergarten teacher wakes up and deals with our american messed up kids from messed up parents to indoctrinate them .talk about bs​
Admiral, I don't doubt you get lowered pay than private in hopes of better retirement. hang in there!

These guys broke the bank. "Chiefs sue for unpaid OT"
Chiefs sue for unpaid OT

In 2011, Bozzo's compensation was $167,386 after furlough pay reduction knocked off $8,077, and King’s was $180,232, which also reflects an $8,077 cut from furlough hours. These numbers reflect total salary packages, including special pay and medical benefits. Bozzo retired in December.

Bozzo receives $10,803 monthly (before taxes) for the rest of his life, said Amy Norris, spokeswoman for the California Public Employees' Retirement System.

What does any of that have to do with education? Is it impossible for you to stay even close to the topic?

Better retirement? My retirement sucks compared to what is available in other career fields. Our wonderful Democrats in the state have spent all of the money in the teacher's retirement fund, so unless major tax increases are made, we will probably not have a retirement when I get there in 12 years.
Oh, it was the Democrats. The only people fighting for you. And no link.
Got it!

You want a link to what? It helps if I know what you are referring to?

Yes, Democrats have been governors in my state forever, but we just elected a Republican. Now he is stuck with the mess.
Agreed. But the state governor should have NO influence on ANY decisions made. Our governor saved me$10 on my property taxes. But the cuts are forcing my district to go to referendum which will increase my taxes $30. And any moron with half a brain will not vite to shut down the school. He knows this. Talk about a state going in reverse. On our way to resembling Mississippi and those other regressive backward states.

How does that study account for costs such as transportation, (which most countries do not provide), compensation of teachers, retirement plans, healthcare costs, administrative costs, etc.?

You cannot get a much worse apples to oranges comparison than what happens when you try to compare the US to any other country. We are usually 15 to 50 times larger by comparison.

Cost per student.

So, if I compare my school in the backwoods of a flyover state to a school in Berlin, are we going to get a valid comparison?

If you think you will, you have not studied enough statistics to formulate a reasonable response.

That you actually believe thats how the study was conducted tells me a lot.

I didn't say that is how the study was conducted, now did I?

I am saying that there is no valid comparison.

You can only go by averages unless of course you want to do an individual survey of every school in the nation.

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