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With all the GOP cuts to education, Republicans put the future of our country at risk.

The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money. The government gets their money from the people that create wealth. The government doesn't produce products or services for a profit, that's why they can never make money.

Not true . The gov leases land oil etc... Just an example.

But you are right that gov is not a business . It's not allowed to be .
Not only that. NASA sells patents and licenses.
Notice I said, "Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. " and tards say, "The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money." Right wingers hate the country so much, they don't even realize the citizens ARE the country.

Yeah, well when the Supreme Court ruled that citizens are also corporations, you leftists nearly blew a gasket.
Go ahead. Marry one. Have a kid with it. Do that and I promise to send money.

You have to be a totally brainwashed fucking moron to believe corporations are human beings.

So what are corporations, machines?

Only a liberal would believe government should tax an entity to death and not allow them any representation.

Hey Ray, how about an example of a corporation "taxed to death".

What cemetary is it buried in?

Do the executives of a corporation get to vote? Are the executives not able to make campaign contributions?

Why did we need to have the SCOTUS make the ridiculous claim that corporations are people. When in fact they are not.

What was the purpose of that ruling?
You ever had sex with a corporation? Had a corporation get married? Divorced? Have family reunions?

You right wrongers are weird.
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?
You " heard " a bunch of crap from Fox and other right winger bloviators and never question what they tell you.
You just accept it as " truth " because you WANT it to be true.

Yes teachers don't teach classes during the summer but most of them go back to school themselves because they have to get more degrees if they want a raise. Most districts require continuing education for their teachers. AND THE DISTRICT DOESN'T PAY FOR IT.

So the teachers have to save up to pay for their continuing education and then they have to work on designing their lesson plans and tests etc. etc. for the next school year.

I doubt very much that a beginning teacher in Chicago gets 75K. Perhaps so if you include all the benefits such as health care and pension contributions.

So what if they get a 75 K package?

Jealous much?

The green ink drops from your post in great big globs.

Grow a pair and join a union yourself. If your workplace has no union --- call a union representative and they will be happy to help you.

Why be jealous of union people because they get a better deal than YOU do?

It's YOUR FAULT you don't have a union to negotiate for you.

It's funny right wingers hate unions, mostly because the union members get a better deal than the non-union do, but they worship pro athletes who all belong to unions and have agents negotiating those fantastic contracts for playing a fucking game.

They admire them because they are making so much money --- DUE TO THEIR AGENTS AND THEIR UNION..

Yet they refuse to have an agent negotiate for them. They would rather take the shit wages their boss grudgingly offers and hate people who have the guts to get someone to help them.
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?

People like Deanie Weanie haven't the most basic understanding of pretty much anything. They think money grows on the magical tax tree.
Not true . The gov leases land oil etc... Just an example.

But you are right that gov is not a business . It's not allowed to be .
Not only that. NASA sells patents and licenses.
Notice I said, "Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. " and tards say, "The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money." Right wingers hate the country so much, they don't even realize the citizens ARE the country.

Yeah, well when the Supreme Court ruled that citizens are also corporations, you leftists nearly blew a gasket.
Go ahead. Marry one. Have a kid with it. Do that and I promise to send money.

You have to be a totally brainwashed fucking moron to believe corporations are human beings.

So what are corporations, machines?

Only a liberal would believe government should tax an entity to death and not allow them any representation.

Hey Ray, how about an example of a corporation "taxed to death".

What cemetary is it buried in?

Do the executives of a corporation get to vote? Are the executives not able to make campaign contributions?

Why did we need to have the SCOTUS make the ridiculous claim that corporations are people. When in fact they are not.

What was the purpose of that ruling?
You ever had sex with a corporation? Had a corporation get married? Divorced? Have family reunions?

You right wrongers are weird.

Corporations are by law artificial "people". You learn this in any basic business law course.

Geeze you liberals are ignoramuses.
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?

And the chicago fucking teachers union is threating another strike...

Something Rderp who claims to live across from Wrigley field always fails to mention

So you think it is Teachers Unions... Does the countries with the top education standards have unions?

Actually they have not only unions but they embrace them
Lessons From Finland: Teachers And Unions In The World's Best Education System

The stupid thing about the right is that they keep on trying to to do the exact opposite to what more successful education systems do...

But look at Red States, they are usually along the worst educated...

WTF? You don't have a clue do you? European unions and American unions are almost polar opposites.

European teacher's unions cares about the students and teaching.

American teacher unions care about only two things and two things only power and $$$


So your answer to Unions is America sucks... That's a bit harsh... Can you tell why the European Unions are better... Both seem to want conditions for the kids...

Have you a problem with the Teachers Unions wanting Education to better funded and thus supporting candidates that want that....

I will guarantee you if any party in Europe behaved the way the GOP do about Education demanding cuts everywhere then they would ostracized too... GOP are just showing they don't know how to negotiate with the representative body for teachers.
Not true . The gov leases land oil etc... Just an example.

But you are right that gov is not a business . It's not allowed to be .
Not only that. NASA sells patents and licenses.
Notice I said, "Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. " and tards say, "The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money." Right wingers hate the country so much, they don't even realize the citizens ARE the country.

Yeah, well when the Supreme Court ruled that citizens are also corporations, you leftists nearly blew a gasket.
Go ahead. Marry one. Have a kid with it. Do that and I promise to send money.

You have to be a totally brainwashed fucking moron to believe corporations are human beings.

So what are corporations, machines?

Only a liberal would believe government should tax an entity to death and not allow them any representation.

Hey Ray, how about an example of a corporation "taxed to death".

What cemetary is it buried in?

Do the executives of a corporation get to vote? Are the executives not able to make campaign contributions?

Why did we need to have the SCOTUS make the ridiculous claim that corporations are people. When in fact they are not.

What was the purpose of that ruling?
You ever had sex with a corporation? Had a corporation get married? Divorced? Have family reunions?

You right wrongers are weird.

No. Did you ever have sex with a union, get married to a union, or have family reunions with unions?

Yet, unions strongly favor financially support of the Democrat party........but that's okay with you, huh?
Nice try Ray.

Non profits exist to serve a purpose BEYOND the desire to make profit.

Matter of fact, those non profit corporations do in fact make money which they promptly put back into the non profit enterprise.

Thats the law Ray.

You claimed that there was no other motive for corporations other than to make a profit.

You were incorrect. No big deal. I read where you are incorrect on a number of things.

Yes the idea is to make profit. Do you think those non-profits have CEO's that make less money? Do you think those non-profits have cut benefits like other companies?

Those people are probably living higher on the hog than profit companies. That's why they are there. You are confused between non-profit and charity. Those are two entirely separate things. Charities open up for things outside of profit.

No Ray. You are wrong. Non profits are just what it says. NON PROFIT CORPORATIONS.

You want to change the channel to how much non profit executives make. Why?

Then you even get jealous that a non profit CEO makes big bucks.

I thought you were all about not worrying about how much money those CEOs make? Why the change in heart for a non profit CEO?

No Ray, you were wrong about corporations being soley created for the pursuit of profit.

Admit it and move on.

No, I won't move on. Non-profit organizations enjoy big money just like profit organizations. Let me give you an example with one of your own:

The Clinton Foundation is a non-profit, yet the Clintons funneled ridiculous amounts money to themselves based on work they did for their very own foundation. They even included their daughter in in the free for all.

So you tell me, do you really think the Clintons started the foundation other than for making big bucks for themselves? Do you really think those joy rides on private aircraft was something they had to do for their foundation? After all, they are a non-profit, right?
If teaching is so good then give up your earning potential and go teach.

Did you ever try to be a teacher? Good luck trying to get in. It's a job many Americans want which is why we have way more teachers than teaching jobs. It's a job with no heavy lifting, good pay, good benefits, good future, and you get more paid time off than any other career in the country.
If that's how you think teaching is, I suspect you were home schooled.

I worked with an optics engineer who taught high school math and physics while working for his masters. When he graduated, he got a job where I work. He said teaching high school was the hardest thing he ever did. He said the kids mouthed off and the parents defended them. He said parents asked why he gave out so much homework. He said the building was cold in the winter and hot in the summer. He said he spent more time putting together a curriculum and grading papers than being in class. He said some of the kids had really unfortunate home lives and it was difficult facing kids with such tragic lives (That's something Republicans would never have to worry about. They don't like kids anyway, only the fetus.) He said many times he paid for supplies out of his own pocket because the kids didn't have the money and neither did the school.

I believe him over you because I don't believe you ever went to school.

Besides, he told me he was a Republican. So I asked him how could he be a Republican when he knows what they are doing to the schools. He said he isn't a "one issue" voter. So I said not funding schools is a pretty big issue. He said he couldn't vote for tax and spend Democrats. So I said yea, but you are paying for school supplies out of your own pocket. And how is that tax and spend working out. He said he didn't want to talk politics anymore at work. We never discussed it again.
a poster here named dean told me your personal experiences dont carry any weight on the internet....sorry thought you should know....
Not only that. NASA sells patents and licenses.
Notice I said, "Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. " and tards say, "The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money." Right wingers hate the country so much, they don't even realize the citizens ARE the country.

Yeah, well when the Supreme Court ruled that citizens are also corporations, you leftists nearly blew a gasket.
Go ahead. Marry one. Have a kid with it. Do that and I promise to send money.

You have to be a totally brainwashed fucking moron to believe corporations are human beings.

So what are corporations, machines?

Only a liberal would believe government should tax an entity to death and not allow them any representation.

Hey Ray, how about an example of a corporation "taxed to death".

What cemetary is it buried in?

Do the executives of a corporation get to vote? Are the executives not able to make campaign contributions?

Why did we need to have the SCOTUS make the ridiculous claim that corporations are people. When in fact they are not.

What was the purpose of that ruling?
You ever had sex with a corporation? Had a corporation get married? Divorced? Have family reunions?

You right wrongers are weird.

No. Did you ever have sex with a union, get married to a union, or have family reunions with unions?

Yet, unions strongly favor financially support of the Democrat party........but that's okay with you, huh?

Unions favor the working man. Like you. And you think that harms you?

My preference would be that there be much less corporate, ultra wealthy and union spending in all types of elections.

But that is not what has happened and it will not be changing.

If you dont mind that our country be bought and paid for by the ultra wealthy and the corporations and unions, that speaks to your education.

Who you think has more money to spend on politics. The ultra wealthy and corporations or the unions?

I read some numbers that said all business spending for politics at the fed and state level at around 9.5 billion.

While the unions spent around 600 million.

Is that equal influence in your world?
Nice try Ray

Non profits exist to serve a purpose BEYOND the desire to make profit.

Matter of fact, those non profit corporations do in fact make money which they promptly put back into the non profit enterprise.

Thats the law Ray.

You claimed that there was no other motive for corporations other than to make a profit.

You were incorrect. No big deal. I read where you are incorrect on a number of things.

Yes the idea is to make profit. Do you think those non-profits have CEO's that make less money? Do you think those non-profits have cut benefits like other companies?

Those people are probably living higher on the hog than profit companies. That's why they are there. You are confused between non-profit and charity. Those are two entirely separate things. Charities open up for things outside of profit.

No Ray. You are wrong. Non profits are just what it says. NON PROFIT CORPORATIONS.

You want to change the channel to how much non profit executives make. Why?

Then you even get jealous that a non profit CEO makes big bucks.

I thought you were all about not worrying about how much money those CEOs make? Why the change in heart for a non profit CEO?

No Ray, you were wrong about corporations being soley created for the pursuit of profit.

Admit it and move on.

No, I won't move on. Non-profit organizations enjoy big money just like profit organizations. Let me give you an example with one of your own:

The Clinton Foundation is a non-profit, yet the Clintons funneled ridiculous amounts money to themselves based on work they did for their very own foundation. They even included their daughter in in the free for all.

So you tell me, do you really think the Clintons started the foundation other than for making big bucks for themselves? Do you really think those joy rides on private aircraft was something they had to do for their foundation? After all, they are a non-profit, right?

Give it up Ray. There are corporations of all types formed under the 501c section of the tax code.

Religious, saving the whales, political, all sorts formed not to make profit but for some other purpose.

Cant you use Google?
Yeah, well when the Supreme Court ruled that citizens are also corporations, you leftists nearly blew a gasket.
Go ahead. Marry one. Have a kid with it. Do that and I promise to send money.

You have to be a totally brainwashed fucking moron to believe corporations are human beings.

So what are corporations, machines?

Only a liberal would believe government should tax an entity to death and not allow them any representation.

Hey Ray, how about an example of a corporation "taxed to death".

What cemetary is it buried in?

Do the executives of a corporation get to vote? Are the executives not able to make campaign contributions?

Why did we need to have the SCOTUS make the ridiculous claim that corporations are people. When in fact they are not.

What was the purpose of that ruling?
You ever had sex with a corporation? Had a corporation get married? Divorced? Have family reunions?

You right wrongers are weird.

No. Did you ever have sex with a union, get married to a union, or have family reunions with unions?

Yet, unions strongly favor financially support of the Democrat party........but that's okay with you, huh?

Unions favor the working man. Like you. And you think that harms you?

My preference would be that there be much less corporate, ultra wealthy and union spending in all types of elections.

But that is not what has happened and it will not be changing.

If you dont mind that our country be bought and paid for by the ultra wealthy and the corporations and unions, that speaks to your education.

Who you think has more money to spend on politics. The ultra wealthy and corporations or the unions?

I read some numbers that said all business spending for politics at the fed and state level at around 9.5 billion.

While the unions spent around 600 million.

Is that equal influence in your world?

No if those figures are correct. But you over bloated it quite a bit unless you can provide some credible evidence to your claim.

The point is liberals never made an issue with how much unions contribute to Democrat politics. Yet when the SC ruled that corporations are no different, Democrats had a cow.

Unions favor the working man? They did a hell of a job by chasing all those jobs overseas. And by favor the working man, do you mean people in corporations don't work?
Nice try Ray

Non profits exist to serve a purpose BEYOND the desire to make profit.

Matter of fact, those non profit corporations do in fact make money which they promptly put back into the non profit enterprise.

Thats the law Ray.

You claimed that there was no other motive for corporations other than to make a profit.

You were incorrect. No big deal. I read where you are incorrect on a number of things.

Yes the idea is to make profit. Do you think those non-profits have CEO's that make less money? Do you think those non-profits have cut benefits like other companies?

Those people are probably living higher on the hog than profit companies. That's why they are there. You are confused between non-profit and charity. Those are two entirely separate things. Charities open up for things outside of profit.

No Ray. You are wrong. Non profits are just what it says. NON PROFIT CORPORATIONS.

You want to change the channel to how much non profit executives make. Why?

Then you even get jealous that a non profit CEO makes big bucks.

I thought you were all about not worrying about how much money those CEOs make? Why the change in heart for a non profit CEO?

No Ray, you were wrong about corporations being soley created for the pursuit of profit.

Admit it and move on.

No, I won't move on. Non-profit organizations enjoy big money just like profit organizations. Let me give you an example with one of your own:

The Clinton Foundation is a non-profit, yet the Clintons funneled ridiculous amounts money to themselves based on work they did for their very own foundation. They even included their daughter in in the free for all.

So you tell me, do you really think the Clintons started the foundation other than for making big bucks for themselves? Do you really think those joy rides on private aircraft was something they had to do for their foundation? After all, they are a non-profit, right?

Give it up Ray. There are corporations of all types formed under the 501c section of the tax code.

Religious, saving the whales, political, all sorts formed not to make profit but for some other purpose.

Cant you use Google?

Can't you make the distinction between charities and non-profit companies?
Republicans cut education nationwide - Google Search

You can do a simple Google Search "Republicans cut education nationwide" and everywhere Republicans are in charge, education is cut. That's how they pay for tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.

At the same time:

America has 5.8 million job openings

5.8 million jobs? When Republicans are crying and whining about those not counted in the work force? You can't blame that on Obama. Republicans have been carrying on a war on education for decades. They slash and burn funding for education and then complain the money is wasted because education is this country is awful.
Duh! Couldn't part of the reason it's awful is because it's under funded????

If the country keeps voting Republicans into office to destroy American institutions one at a time, then we get what we deserve.

Democrats kept putting more and more money into it and it's still awful.
It is not the money, it is the way they are being taught that needs to change.

You can't change the way children are taught, without spending money. You need resources - books and computers for all students, at all levels, audio visuals and other media setups, and training.

You people can't even agree on Common Core and it's less controversial than changing the way children are taught.

Money is the problem. Middle class and wealthy areas have better schools than low income areas. Most countries have the good sense to give more educational dollars to poor schools to give students with fewer resources at home, a fighting chance of improving their lot in life. Not Americans. The US is the only first world country to spend less educating the children from poor families, than they do educating the children of the wealthy.
Republicans cut education nationwide - Google Search

You can do a simple Google Search "Republicans cut education nationwide" and everywhere Republicans are in charge, education is cut. That's how they pay for tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.

At the same time:

America has 5.8 million job openings

5.8 million jobs? When Republicans are crying and whining about those not counted in the work force? You can't blame that on Obama. Republicans have been carrying on a war on education for decades. They slash and burn funding for education and then complain the money is wasted because education is this country is awful.
Duh! Couldn't part of the reason it's awful is because it's under funded????

If the country keeps voting Republicans into office to destroy American institutions one at a time, then we get what we deserve.

Democrats kept putting more and more money into it and it's still awful.
It is not the money, it is the way they are being taught that needs to change.

You can't change the way children are taught, without spending money. You need resources - books and computers for all students, at all levels, audio visuals and other media setups, and training.

You people can't even agree on Common Core and it's less controversial than changing the way children are taught.

Money is the problem. Middle class and wealthy areas have better schools than low income areas. Most countries have the good sense to give more educational dollars to poor schools to give students with fewer resources at home, a fighting chance of improving their lot in life. Not Americans. The US is the only first world country to spend less educating the children from poor families, than they do educating the children of the wealthy.

And the US also spends the most per capita on education than any industrialized country in the world.
Not only that. NASA sells patents and licenses.
Notice I said, "Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. " and tards say, "The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money." Right wingers hate the country so much, they don't even realize the citizens ARE the country.

Yeah, well when the Supreme Court ruled that citizens are also corporations, you leftists nearly blew a gasket.
Go ahead. Marry one. Have a kid with it. Do that and I promise to send money.

You have to be a totally brainwashed fucking moron to believe corporations are human beings.

So what are corporations, machines?

Only a liberal would believe government should tax an entity to death and not allow them any representation.

Hey Ray, how about an example of a corporation "taxed to death".

What cemetary is it buried in?

Do the executives of a corporation get to vote? Are the executives not able to make campaign contributions?

Why did we need to have the SCOTUS make the ridiculous claim that corporations are people. When in fact they are not.

What was the purpose of that ruling?
You ever had sex with a corporation? Had a corporation get married? Divorced? Have family reunions?

You right wrongers are weird.

Corporations are by law artificial "people". You learn this in any basic business law course.

Geeze you liberals are ignoramuses.

Wrong. Corporations have the same right to own property and engage in commercial activities as a natural born person, but that doesn't make them people.

Corporations exist for reasons other than making a profit. In fact, some corporations exist to lose money as part of an overall wealth management scheme. Real estate holding companies frequently lose money on paper through depreciation and other expenses.
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?
You " heard " a bunch of crap from Fox and other right winger bloviators and never question what they tell you.
You just accept it as " truth " because you WANT it to be true.

Yes teachers don't teach classes during the summer but most of them go back to school themselves because they have to get more degrees if they want a raise. Most districts require continuing education for their teachers. AND THE DISTRICT DOESN'T PAY FOR IT.

So the teachers have to save up to pay for their continuing education and then they have to work on designing their lesson plans and tests etc. etc. for the next school year.

I doubt very much that a beginning teacher in Chicago gets 75K. Perhaps so if you include all the benefits such as health care and pension contributions.

So what if they get a 75 K package?

Jealous much?

The green ink drops from your post in great big globs.

Grow a pair and join a union yourself. If your workplace has no union --- call a union representative and they will be happy to help you.

Why be jealous of union people because they get a better deal than YOU do?

It's YOUR FAULT you don't have a union to negotiate for you.

It's funny right wingers hate unions, mostly because the union members get a better deal than the non-union do, but they worship pro athletes who all belong to unions and have agents negotiating those fantastic contracts for playing a fucking game.

They admire them because they are making so much money --- DUE TO THEIR AGENTS AND THEIR UNION..

Yet they refuse to have an agent negotiate for them. They would rather take the shit wages their boss grudgingly offers and hate people who have the guts to get someone to help them.

What confuses you about public unions and private ones?

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