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With all the GOP cuts to education, Republicans put the future of our country at risk.

Obviously from the revenue lost from the millions of jobs lost, the factories closed. The Bush tax cuts Obama was blackmailed into extending.

Republicans say tax cuts must come first

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Think you can figure it out now?

I know, how barbaric. All these awful cuts in spending. Yet somehow the U.S. Government still managed to spend us into a $20 Trillion Debt. Imagine when it comes time to really make cuts? And that is gonna happen at some point. This massive Debt can't be sustained forever.
Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. That's the only way you pare down the debt?
What are Republicans policies on making money? Tax cuts for billionaires? Do you know how tarded that is.

That was a rhetorical question. Obviously you don't.

The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money. The government gets their money from the people that create wealth. The government doesn't produce products or services for a profit, that's why they can never make money.

Not true . The gov leases land oil etc... Just an example.

But you are right that gov is not a business . It's not allowed to be .
Not only that. NASA sells patents and licenses.
Notice I said, "Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. " and tards say, "The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money." Right wingers hate the country so much, they don't even realize the citizens ARE the country.

'Fuck the cuts" won't be an option at some point. $20 Trillion and climbing. A day of reckoning is coming.
Still not seeing the awful 'barbaric cuts' the Communists/Progressives are whining about in this thread. All i've seen with the last two Presidents is massive spending and massive Debt.

What are they gonna say when cuts are actually really made? Because that day is coming. $20 Trillion and climbing can't be sustained. But for now, i'm gonna have to call Bullshite on this thread. There haven't been any cuts. There's only been massive spending and massive Debt.
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?

And the chicago fucking teachers union is threating another strike...

Something Rderp who claims to live across from Wrigley field always fails to mention

So you think it is Teachers Unions... Does the countries with the top education standards have unions?

Actually they have not only unions but they embrace them
Lessons From Finland: Teachers And Unions In The World's Best Education System

The stupid thing about the right is that they keep on trying to to do the exact opposite to what more successful education systems do...

But look at Red States, they are usually along the worst educated...
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?

And the chicago fucking teachers union is threating another strike...

Something Rderp who claims to live across from Wrigley field always fails to mention

So you think it is Teachers Unions... Does the countries with the top education standards have unions?

Actually they have not only unions but they embrace them
Lessons From Finland: Teachers And Unions In The World's Best Education System

The stupid thing about the right is that they keep on trying to to do the exact opposite to what more successful education systems do...

But look at Red States, they are usually along the worst educated...

WTF? You don't have a clue do you? European unions and American unions are almost polar opposites.

European teacher's unions cares about the students and teaching.

American teacher unions care about only two things and two things only power and $$$
Can you explain to us what Republicans were supposed to do when those jobs left this country? We are not a dictatorship (yet).
Republicans supported companies moving jobs to China. After all the links so many people on the USMB posted how can you not know that? There were tax breaks and subsidies. Do you know why the Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 9 to one over Democrats? Do you know who funds the COC? And you guys expect us to link again and again when you refuse to read the links. And they aren't coming from left wing sites. If you notice, I even use the Christian Science Monitor which is hardly left wing. That's how come you guys can't learn. It's truly a determined ignorance.

And I posted FactCheck.org that explained it was all BS. The only tax breaks companies get moving overseas are the same breaks companies get moving from one city or state to another: moving expenses, that's it! I've seen no post from you or anybody else disputing that report. All you complained about is the hyperlinks no longer worked because the sites were not available.

You need to learn what tax write-offs are. Apparently you don't know. They don't amount to that much money--especially something as major as moving a company out of the country.

Ray a major company moves their manufacturing operations overseas.

Their expense is 50 million to move their operation to wherever.

They deduct the 50 million as business expense.

So 50 million is not much to you eh?

What about all the jobs and tax revenus lost when all those jobs go overseas?

The business gets a large write off, the country gets less income and the citizens get to suffer from having lost their jobs.

And you think all this is "good for us" eh?

You (like many leftists) don't understand what a write-off means.

If a company writes off 10 million dollars, it doesn't mean that they don't give the government 10 million dollars. What it means is that they still spend the 10 million dollars, but don't pay any taxes on it as income.

I deal with all kinds of write-offs and I wish everything I wrote off meant that it was money I didn't give to government. But there is no truth to it.

Now, once again, I present FactCheck.org:


When Democratic presidential candidates talk about tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas and tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies, what are they referring to and are they accurate?


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Three years later, in Dec. 2007, we reported on an ad launched by a labor group in support of John Edwards. The ad implied that corporate tax breaks were responsible for the shipment of jobs overseas from an Iowa Maytag plant. We found that the jobs were actually sent to Ohio and that, again, eliminating such tax breaks would not go far in stanching the flow of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks

SO Ray, you dont think expense write offs reduce taxable income.

If thats what you are saying, you need 1. a new accountant to explain things to you.

And 2. why do companies use the expense write offs.

I mean you say they dont help. SO why do it?

Read slower. What I said is that tax write-offs are not the main culprit behind businesses moving overseas. That's just a liberal wives tale.
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?

And the chicago fucking teachers union is threating another strike...

Something Rderp who claims to live across from Wrigley field always fails to mention

So you think it is Teachers Unions... Does the countries with the top education standards have unions?

Actually they have not only unions but they embrace them
Lessons From Finland: Teachers And Unions In The World's Best Education System

The stupid thing about the right is that they keep on trying to to do the exact opposite to what more successful education systems do...

But look at Red States, they are usually along the worst educated...

WTF? You don't have a clue do you? European unions and American unions are almost polar opposites.

European teacher's unions cares about the students and teaching.

American teacher unions care about only two things and two things only power and $$$

How do you explain states that have no teacher unions?

Why don't the majority of American teacher's unions have the ability to strike for better benefits?
Republicans supported companies moving jobs to China. After all the links so many people on the USMB posted how can you not know that? There were tax breaks and subsidies. Do you know why the Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 9 to one over Democrats? Do you know who funds the COC? And you guys expect us to link again and again when you refuse to read the links. And they aren't coming from left wing sites. If you notice, I even use the Christian Science Monitor which is hardly left wing. That's how come you guys can't learn. It's truly a determined ignorance.

Democrats don't support tax cuts that would prevent these companies from moving out of the country due to high corporate taxes. Why do business here if you can't make a profit?

Do I know who funds the Chamber of Commerce? Businesses. Was there a point to this stupid question?


Why do busines here if you cant make a profit was your question.

Which major American corporation conducting manufacturing operations in this country is struggling? Any come right to mind?

Better question. Why let American companies manufacturing overseas have access to the largest consumer markert in the world, IF the USA isnt a good enough place to produce their product?

Those companies dont seem to have a problem accepting Americna dollars in exchange for their product.

Fuckem if they dont want to manufacture here and PAY Americnas to produce their product.

You claim I asked "why do business here if you cant make a profit"? They build their products elsewhere and then sell them here. Labor is the problem when combined with high corporate taxes.

Why does Ford build F-150 trucks in Mexico? Do you think that Mexicans are in the market for new $30,000 pickups?
Of course not! The build them there because they don't have to pay the UAW minimum wages for jobs like sweeping the floor. Build a truck here and make $2000 profit or build it in Mexico and make $6000 profit. Which is the smart play?

I guess if your POV is centered solely on the benefits to the corporation, moving the the location that has the cheapest labor would be a fine move.

But then I am not as interested in the maximazing of profits for corporations at the expense of my fellow citizens as you and Ray seem to be.

Matter of fact, IF I had my way, the American consumer would be well advised to not buy product produced elsewhere.

You think Ford would bring production back here if all Americans quit buying Fords made in Mexico. And bought nothing but NIssan made in Alabama?

How much profit would Ford make on that truck made in Mexico now sitting unsold on a dealers lot?

Why do you think businesses exist? :oops-28:

Pardon me, but I think you have some liberal ignorance showing!

No, no, pardon me. I thought you were on of those teacher types that didnt buy right wing propaganda wholesale. You know, you might look at issues from a variety of perspectives. Like good teachers do.

I take it you think that there is one reason and one reason only to start a business and that is the pursuit of profit at the expense of others.

I assure you that there is a variety of reasons that people start a business.
Some busienss owners even start their business with a rather altruistic motive in mind.

Crazy eh?
But with you it is only about the profits eh?

Pretty narrow minded thinking IMO.

Profits are important. But that snide comment about why business exits (profit as the sole motivation) is just that. Snide. LIke there isnt a variety of reasons. Which there are.
Well, all I have to say is I'll bet you all the Republican candidates are educated enough to handle an email account and know how to wipe a hard drive without a dust cloth.
I've studied history in college and one thing every great civilization has in common is they care about education, invest in science and build great structures. The republican party wants the opposite and wants to turn this country into a backwards shithole.

China is doing exactly what it needs to become the next super power.
I heard AVG CHI teacher pay is like 75K. 9 months work. go on UI for three. School results are dismal. Some areas have two retired.........one working (same for some local police/fire across country). Much of the provided food is thrown out.

How long do you people think this sort of stuff can continue?

And the chicago fucking teachers union is threating another strike...

Something Rderp who claims to live across from Wrigley field always fails to mention

So you think it is Teachers Unions... Does the countries with the top education standards have unions?

Actually they have not only unions but they embrace them
Lessons From Finland: Teachers And Unions In The World's Best Education System

The stupid thing about the right is that they keep on trying to to do the exact opposite to what more successful education systems do...

But look at Red States, they are usually along the worst educated...


There isn't a first world educational system that isn't funded by tax dollars on this entire planet. The private sector is more or less a joke as it isn't 1/20th the size!

What ever we do it is going to have to be reforms of the public educational system.
I've studied history in college and one thing every great civilization has in common is they care about education, invest in science and build great structures. The republican party wants the opposite and wants to turn this country into a backwards shithole.

China is doing exactly what it needs to become the next super power.

Yep, they're doing something we are doing the exact opposite of: building up their military.
Democrats don't support tax cuts that would prevent these companies from moving out of the country due to high corporate taxes. Why do business here if you can't make a profit?

Do I know who funds the Chamber of Commerce? Businesses. Was there a point to this stupid question?


Why do busines here if you cant make a profit was your question.

Which major American corporation conducting manufacturing operations in this country is struggling? Any come right to mind?

Better question. Why let American companies manufacturing overseas have access to the largest consumer markert in the world, IF the USA isnt a good enough place to produce their product?

Those companies dont seem to have a problem accepting Americna dollars in exchange for their product.

Fuckem if they dont want to manufacture here and PAY Americnas to produce their product.

You claim I asked "why do business here if you cant make a profit"? They build their products elsewhere and then sell them here. Labor is the problem when combined with high corporate taxes.

Why does Ford build F-150 trucks in Mexico? Do you think that Mexicans are in the market for new $30,000 pickups?
Of course not! The build them there because they don't have to pay the UAW minimum wages for jobs like sweeping the floor. Build a truck here and make $2000 profit or build it in Mexico and make $6000 profit. Which is the smart play?

I guess if your POV is centered solely on the benefits to the corporation, moving the the location that has the cheapest labor would be a fine move.

But then I am not as interested in the maximazing of profits for corporations at the expense of my fellow citizens as you and Ray seem to be.

Matter of fact, IF I had my way, the American consumer would be well advised to not buy product produced elsewhere.

You think Ford would bring production back here if all Americans quit buying Fords made in Mexico. And bought nothing but NIssan made in Alabama?

How much profit would Ford make on that truck made in Mexico now sitting unsold on a dealers lot?

Why do you think businesses exist? :oops-28:

Pardon me, but I think you have some liberal ignorance showing!

No, no, pardon me. I thought you were on of those teacher types that didnt buy right wing propaganda wholesale. You know, you might look at issues from a variety of perspectives. Like good teachers do.

I take it you think that there is one reason and one reason only to start a business and that is the pursuit of profit at the expense of others.

I assure you that there is a variety of reasons that people start a business.
Some busienss owners even start their business with a rather altruistic motive in mind.

Crazy eh?
But with you it is only about the profits eh?

Pretty narrow minded thinking IMO.

Profits are important. But that snide comment about why business exits (profit as the sole motivation) is just that. Snide. LIke there isnt a variety of reasons. Which there are.

Nope. One reason and one reason only: profit.

Why do busines here if you cant make a profit was your question.

Which major American corporation conducting manufacturing operations in this country is struggling? Any come right to mind?

Better question. Why let American companies manufacturing overseas have access to the largest consumer markert in the world, IF the USA isnt a good enough place to produce their product?

Those companies dont seem to have a problem accepting Americna dollars in exchange for their product.

Fuckem if they dont want to manufacture here and PAY Americnas to produce their product.

You claim I asked "why do business here if you cant make a profit"? They build their products elsewhere and then sell them here. Labor is the problem when combined with high corporate taxes.

Why does Ford build F-150 trucks in Mexico? Do you think that Mexicans are in the market for new $30,000 pickups?
Of course not! The build them there because they don't have to pay the UAW minimum wages for jobs like sweeping the floor. Build a truck here and make $2000 profit or build it in Mexico and make $6000 profit. Which is the smart play?

I guess if your POV is centered solely on the benefits to the corporation, moving the the location that has the cheapest labor would be a fine move.

But then I am not as interested in the maximazing of profits for corporations at the expense of my fellow citizens as you and Ray seem to be.

Matter of fact, IF I had my way, the American consumer would be well advised to not buy product produced elsewhere.

You think Ford would bring production back here if all Americans quit buying Fords made in Mexico. And bought nothing but NIssan made in Alabama?

How much profit would Ford make on that truck made in Mexico now sitting unsold on a dealers lot?

Why do you think businesses exist? :oops-28:

Pardon me, but I think you have some liberal ignorance showing!

No, no, pardon me. I thought you were on of those teacher types that didnt buy right wing propaganda wholesale. You know, you might look at issues from a variety of perspectives. Like good teachers do.

I take it you think that there is one reason and one reason only to start a business and that is the pursuit of profit at the expense of others.

I assure you that there is a variety of reasons that people start a business.
Some busienss owners even start their business with a rather altruistic motive in mind.

Crazy eh?
But with you it is only about the profits eh?

Pretty narrow minded thinking IMO.

Profits are important. But that snide comment about why business exits (profit as the sole motivation) is just that. Snide. LIke there isnt a variety of reasons. Which there are.

Nope. One reason and one reason only: profit.

Let me help you understand the idea of a non profit corporation;

Try using Google and learn something. It aint always about profits for corporations.
You claim I asked "why do business here if you cant make a profit"? They build their products elsewhere and then sell them here. Labor is the problem when combined with high corporate taxes.

Why does Ford build F-150 trucks in Mexico? Do you think that Mexicans are in the market for new $30,000 pickups?
Of course not! The build them there because they don't have to pay the UAW minimum wages for jobs like sweeping the floor. Build a truck here and make $2000 profit or build it in Mexico and make $6000 profit. Which is the smart play?

I guess if your POV is centered solely on the benefits to the corporation, moving the the location that has the cheapest labor would be a fine move.

But then I am not as interested in the maximazing of profits for corporations at the expense of my fellow citizens as you and Ray seem to be.

Matter of fact, IF I had my way, the American consumer would be well advised to not buy product produced elsewhere.

You think Ford would bring production back here if all Americans quit buying Fords made in Mexico. And bought nothing but NIssan made in Alabama?

How much profit would Ford make on that truck made in Mexico now sitting unsold on a dealers lot?

Why do you think businesses exist? :oops-28:

Pardon me, but I think you have some liberal ignorance showing!

No, no, pardon me. I thought you were on of those teacher types that didnt buy right wing propaganda wholesale. You know, you might look at issues from a variety of perspectives. Like good teachers do.

I take it you think that there is one reason and one reason only to start a business and that is the pursuit of profit at the expense of others.

I assure you that there is a variety of reasons that people start a business.
Some busienss owners even start their business with a rather altruistic motive in mind.

Crazy eh?
But with you it is only about the profits eh?

Pretty narrow minded thinking IMO.

Profits are important. But that snide comment about why business exits (profit as the sole motivation) is just that. Snide. LIke there isnt a variety of reasons. Which there are.

Nope. One reason and one reason only: profit.

Let me help you understand the idea of a non profit corporation;

Try using Google and learn something. It aint always about profits for corporations.

Sure it is, it's just what they do with those profits.

For instance my clinic is non-profit. However the Cleveland Clinic is expanding at an alarming rate. They are building new outlets, buying hospitals that are otherwise being run into the ground, and the CEO makes quite a good living. Now they are even starting to expand to other states besides Ohio.

If you go to the Clinic without insurance, you would think they don't have a penny to their name. They don't even want to look at you if you don't have cash up front. They don't even want you in their waiting room to use a pop vending machine. Just GTF out!

This is not to mention their prices are sky high; much higher than other medical care facilities. Why? Because of the tens of millions of dollars they are using for their expansion.
I know, how barbaric. All these awful cuts in spending. Yet somehow the U.S. Government still managed to spend us into a $20 Trillion Debt. Imagine when it comes time to really make cuts? And that is gonna happen at some point. This massive Debt can't be sustained forever.
Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. That's the only way you pare down the debt?
What are Republicans policies on making money? Tax cuts for billionaires? Do you know how tarded that is.

That was a rhetorical question. Obviously you don't.

The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money. The government gets their money from the people that create wealth. The government doesn't produce products or services for a profit, that's why they can never make money.

Not true . The gov leases land oil etc... Just an example.

But you are right that gov is not a business . It's not allowed to be .
Not only that. NASA sells patents and licenses.
Notice I said, "Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. " and tards say, "The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money." Right wingers hate the country so much, they don't even realize the citizens ARE the country.

Yeah, well when the Supreme Court ruled that citizens are also corporations, you leftists nearly blew a gasket.
Go ahead. Marry one. Have a kid with it. Do that and I promise to send money.

You have to be a totally brainwashed fucking moron to believe corporations are human beings.
Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. That's the only way you pare down the debt?
What are Republicans policies on making money? Tax cuts for billionaires? Do you know how tarded that is.

That was a rhetorical question. Obviously you don't.

The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money. The government gets their money from the people that create wealth. The government doesn't produce products or services for a profit, that's why they can never make money.

Not true . The gov leases land oil etc... Just an example.

But you are right that gov is not a business . It's not allowed to be .
Not only that. NASA sells patents and licenses.
Notice I said, "Fuck the cuts. This country has to make money. " and tards say, "The "country" doesn't make money--citizens and companies make money." Right wingers hate the country so much, they don't even realize the citizens ARE the country.

Yeah, well when the Supreme Court ruled that citizens are also corporations, you leftists nearly blew a gasket.
Go ahead. Marry one. Have a kid with it. Do that and I promise to send money.

You have to be a totally brainwashed fucking moron to believe corporations are human beings.

So what are corporations, machines?

Only a liberal would believe government should tax an entity to death and not allow them any representation.
Nice try Ray.

Non profits exist to serve a purpose BEYOND the desire to make profit.

Matter of fact, those non profit corporations do in fact make money which they promptly put back into the non profit enterprise.

Thats the law Ray.

You claimed that there was no other motive for corporations other than to make a profit.

You were incorrect. No big deal. I read where you are incorrect on a number of things.
Nice try Ray.

Non profits exist to serve a purpose BEYOND the desire to make profit.

Matter of fact, those non profit corporations do in fact make money which they promptly put back into the non profit enterprise.

Thats the law Ray.

You claimed that there was no other motive for corporations other than to make a profit.

You were incorrect. No big deal. I read where you are incorrect on a number of things.

Yes the idea is to make profit. Do you think those non-profits have CEO's that make less money? Do you think those non-profits have cut benefits like other companies?

Those people are probably living higher on the hog than profit companies. That's why they are there. You are confused between non-profit and charity. Those are two entirely separate things. Charities open up for things outside of profit.
Nice try Ray.

Non profits exist to serve a purpose BEYOND the desire to make profit.

Matter of fact, those non profit corporations do in fact make money which they promptly put back into the non profit enterprise.

Thats the law Ray.

You claimed that there was no other motive for corporations other than to make a profit.

You were incorrect. No big deal. I read where you are incorrect on a number of things.

Yes the idea is to make profit. Do you think those non-profits have CEO's that make less money? Do you think those non-profits have cut benefits like other companies?

Those people are probably living higher on the hog than profit companies. That's why they are there. You are confused between non-profit and charity. Those are two entirely separate things. Charities open up for things outside of profit.

No Ray. You are wrong. Non profits are just what it says. NON PROFIT CORPORATIONS.

You want to change the channel to how much non profit executives make. Why?

Then you even get jealous that a non profit CEO makes big bucks.

I thought you were all about not worrying about how much money those CEOs make? Why the change in heart for a non profit CEO?

No Ray, you were wrong about corporations being soley created for the pursuit of profit.

Admit it and move on.

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