With all the talk of gun control, remember the case of Carl Rowan ?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This was one of the most supreme hypocritical stories of all time.
I can't believe it's been over 25 years ago, but in case some of you have never heard it, it goes like this.

Carl Rowan was an activist, a navy veteran, was in Kennedy's cabinet, but more than anything else he was an extreme liberal journalist with an ongoing syndicated column for the Chicago Sun Times, from the 60's until the late 90's.

Oh, and did I mention he was vehemently anti-gun ?

Here's one of his classic remarks regarding guns:

Anyone found in possession of a handgun, except a legitimate officer of the law, [should go] to jail—period! Anyone committing a crime with a handgun [should go] to prison, with 10 years added to his term, without parole—period!

Those words spoken or written in 1981 would sort of, well shall we say come back to haunt old Carl.

On a night in June of 1988, Rowan and his wife were awakened at home and discovered a male teenager ( a teenager mind you ) in his backyard swimming in his pool. He wasn't inside his house, ransacking the place or threatening his daughters virginity, he was just in his backyard.
While Rowan was supposedly awaiting police, he confronted the kid and ended up shooting him. It wasn't life threatening, but it's amazing the guy would have even had a gun, being that he was so outspoken for years against them.

I remember this story well, and smile every time I come across Carl Rowan's name.
Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E ?

Trial Opens for Rowan in Shooting of Trespasser

WASHINGTON, Sept. 26— Carl T. Rowan, the columnist and outspoken advocate of gun control, went on trial here today for possessing the unregistered pistol with which he shot a teen-age intruder at his home June 14.

The case, which touched off a furor that continues in the capital, catapulted the gun control issue once more into the spotlight and revived debate about what is acceptable and moral in dealing with an intruder at one's home.

At issue are the events surrounding a post-midnight swim by 18-year-old Benjamin Smith of Chevy Chase, Md., and several companions who came, uninvited, to the pool at Mr. Rowan's home in Northwest Washington. ''Pool hopping,'' as it is called, is a popular pastime among young people in the Washington area. Shot Called Attempted Warning

The 63-year-old Mr. Rowan, who has said that his life had been threatened in the past, has also said that he was confronted by Mr. Smith. He said that he warned the youth that he had a gun, but that the youth lunged at him. He fired what he said was a warning shot, which struck Mr. Smith in the wrist.

Jury selection in the trial was completed today in District of Columbia Superior Court. Testimony is to begin Tuesday in the trial, which is expected to last for two or three days.

Some Washingtonians have argued that Mr. Rowan, acting out of real fear, was within his rights in trying to defend himself. Others have called the incident an ironic, powerful argument for the strict gun control for which the syndicated columnist and television commentator had long argued. It was lucky, they say, that Mr. Smith was not killed.

Some commentators called it an egregious case of two wrongs adding up to a bigger wrong, while opponents of gun control gleefully accused Mr. Rowan of hypocrisy.

Neither party to the shooting has so far been exonerated in the courts.

Mr. Smith and a companion, Laura A. Bachman, 19, of Bethesda, Md., were charged with unlawful entry. The charges were dropped after the two agreed to perform 40 hours of community service. Law Provides for Jail and Fine

Prosecutors declined to charge Mr. Rowan with assault, but they did charge him with the misdemeanor offenses of possessing an unregistered pistol and ammunition. If convicted, Mr. Rowan could go to jail for up to two years and be fined up to $2,000.

Mr. Rowan has said that the .22-caliber pistol was given to him by his son, Carl T. Rowan Jr., a former agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mr. Rowan and his attorney, Raoul L. Carroll, say that Federal agents are not required to register handguns, and this is expected to be a major element in Mr. Rowan's defense. He has pleaded not guilty.

Judge Arthur L. Burnett Sr., who is conducting the trial, ruled today that evidence of the events of June 14 would be admitted. Both Rowans, senior and junior, will testify, Mr. Carroll told prospective jurors.

The case has achieved high visibility because of Mr. Rowan's long-time advocacy of gun control. It came at a time when Congress was debating a proposal to require a
Trial Opens for Rowan in Shooting of Trespasser
Once again a democrat with a gun proves to be a bad thing. Will the other democrats come here to say that? Of course not.
Never heard of the guy.

What I find hypocritical . Ron Regan is a GOP God . He also backed the Brady bill, which came into being after Ron and Brady were shot by a maniac .

Ronald Regan . GOP hero, fun control advocate !
Once again a democrat with a gun proves to be a bad thing. Will the other democrats come here to say that? Of course not.

Ummm... where's it say "democrat" [sic] in the story, Pinko?

Carl Rowan's been dead 15 years btw. But say OP, whattaya think of this Henry VIII fellow, chopping his wife's head off? Have you heard about that?
Never heard of the guy.

What I find hypocritical . Ron Regan is a GOP God . He also backed the Brady bill, which came into being after Ron and Brady were shot by a maniac .

Ronald Regan . GOP hero, fun control advocate !
I agree. Reminds me of Hillary
"Anyone committing a crime with a handgun [should go] to prison, with 10 years added to his term, without parole—period!"
I agree with that part.
Just shows how many decades democrats have been hypocrites lol
Like michael moore
Once again a democrat with a gun proves to be a bad thing. Will the other democrats come here to say that? Of course not.

Ummm... where's it say "democrat" [sic] in the story, Pinko?

Carl Rowan's been dead 15 years btw. But say OP, whattaya think of this Henry VIII fellow, chopping his wife's head off? Have you heard about that?
Be it a historic example such as this is OR a current example it gives credit to the long history of deception and corruption of members of thee DNC.

And yet ONCE AGAIN it shows the democrat acting ABOVE the law. A practice which still goes on today.
Once again a democrat with a gun proves to be a bad thing. Will the other democrats come here to say that? Of course not.

Ummm... where's it say "democrat" [sic] in the story, Pinko?

Carl Rowan's been dead 15 years btw. But say OP, whattaya think of this Henry VIII fellow, chopping his wife's head off? Have you heard about that?
Be it a historic example such as this is OR a current example it gives credit to the long history of deception and corruption of members of thee DNC.

And yet ONCE AGAIN it shows the democrat acting ABOVE the law. A practice which still goes on today.

Okay, where do you see either "democrat" [sic] or "thee DNC" here, Pinklips?
Once again a democrat with a gun proves to be a bad thing. Will the other democrats come here to say that? Of course not.

Ummm... where's it say "democrat" [sic] in the story, Pinko?
"kennedys cabinet"

That doesn't make a "democrat".

Well, it could make a democrat but doesn't make a Democrat.
" Could make but doesn't make"? Confused much?

So you don't know the difference between democrat and Democrat, Pinkwell?
Once again a democrat with a gun proves to be a bad thing. Will the other democrats come here to say that? Of course not.

Ummm... where's it say "democrat" [sic] in the story, Pinko?
"kennedys cabinet"

That doesn't make a "democrat".

Well, it could make a democrat but doesn't make a Democrat.
Shot a kid, must make you proud!
"The intruder, Chevy Chase, Md., teenager Benjamin Smith, 18, tells a different story. "I was in my underwear," he told a radio interviewer. "I just climbed out of the pool. It was pretty innocent. I never spoke with him. He just shot me and closed the door and went back hiding in his house. I mean, I guess I was trespassing. But that's no reason to shoot a person, is it? For swimming in their pool?"[8]"

Oh the democrat part?
"His name appeared on the master list of Nixon political opponents. Rowan was a 1995 Pulitzer Prize finalist for his commentaries. He is the only journalist in history to win the Sigma Delta Chi medallion for journalistic excellence in three successive years."

Nixon DESPISED democrats. YOU make HIS list YOU are one.
Yo, I have to laugh, at the ""Hypocrites"" in the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party! It`s like Hillary Clinton signing off on loads of guns, rockets, and bombs, being shipped to the Libya Rebels? And then denies it? Can we say the proof is in, Hypocrite!!!

Once again a democrat with a gun proves to be a bad thing. Will the other democrats come here to say that? Of course not.

Ummm... where's it say "democrat" [sic] in the story, Pinko?
"kennedys cabinet"

That doesn't make a "democrat".

Well, it could make a democrat but doesn't make a Democrat.
Shot a kid, must make you proud!

Hard to see how, Pinkitude, since I came to this site exactly on this issue and have been railing at it ever since.

But DO go on.....

"The intruder, Chevy Chase, Md., teenager Benjamin Smith, 18, tells a different story. "I was in my underwear," he told a radio interviewer. "I just climbed out of the pool. It was pretty innocent. I never spoke with him. He just shot me and closed the door and went back hiding in his house. I mean, I guess I was trespassing. But that's no reason to shoot a person, is it? For swimming in their pool?"[8]"

Oh the democrat part?
"His name appeared on the master list of Nixon political opponents. Rowan was a 1995 Pulitzer Prize finalist for his commentaries. He is the only journalist in history to win the Sigma Delta Chi medallion for journalistic excellence in three successive years."

Nixon DESPISED democrats.

Sooo........ Nixon had a list --- 14-plus years before this incident --- and Nixon also "DESPISED democrats" [sic] ....

------ therefore anyone on this list...... must weigh the same as a duck?

That how it works, Pinkfluff?

Dafuck does the Pulitzer Prize have to do with it?

YOU make HIS list YOU are one.

Ummm.....nnnno. I'm a logician. And I just showed you how I work.

That'll be $338.17.
Once again a democrat with a gun proves to be a bad thing. Will the other democrats come here to say that? Of course not.

Ummm... where's it say "democrat" [sic] in the story, Pinko?
"kennedys cabinet"

That doesn't make a "democrat".

Well, it could make a democrat but doesn't make a Democrat.
Shot a kid, must make you proud!

Hard to see how, Pinkitude, since I came to this site exactly on this issue and have been railing at it ever since.

But DO go on.....

"The intruder, Chevy Chase, Md., teenager Benjamin Smith, 18, tells a different story. "I was in my underwear," he told a radio interviewer. "I just climbed out of the pool. It was pretty innocent. I never spoke with him. He just shot me and closed the door and went back hiding in his house. I mean, I guess I was trespassing. But that's no reason to shoot a person, is it? For swimming in their pool?"[8]"

Oh the democrat part?
"His name appeared on the master list of Nixon political opponents. Rowan was a 1995 Pulitzer Prize finalist for his commentaries. He is the only journalist in history to win the Sigma Delta Chi medallion for journalistic excellence in three successive years."

Nixon DESPISED democrats.

Sooo........ Nixon had a list --- 14-plus years before this incident --- and Nixon also "DESPISED democrats" [sic] ....

------ therefore anyone on this list...... must weigh the same as a duck?

That how it works, Pinkfluff?

Dafuck does the Pulitzer Prize have to do with it?

YOU make HIS list YOU are one.

Ummm.....nnnno. I'm a logician. And I just showed you how I work.

That'll be $338.17.
No you are a PRO liberal hack lackey. And now you have come out of the closet begging for hand outs.. {That'll be $338.17}

You will get your welfare check first week of the coming month just like all the other bums.

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