With all this going on, where is Barack Obama?

Aside from Michelle's running interference the Ellen DeGeneres show yesterday, has anyone else noticed the absence of Barack Obama? Being the narcissistic bastard he is, you would expect him to be all over the place. But we haven't heard a peep out of him about the FISA abuse memo, about the shadow government he set up, and about how the whole house of cards is coming apart. January 15 was the last time he posted something on Twitter. I wonder why he's keeping such a low profile?

Barack Obama (@BarackObama) | Twitter

Shadow government, DEEP STATE!:113::420::abgg2q.jpg::5_1_12024: seriously, you just can't make this level of delusion up!
The OP was a serious question. Where is he? Why all of a sudden are we not seeing him appear on TV at every opportunity?

Has he started smoking cigarettes again lately or even worse, has he gone back to smoking crack cocaine like he did before he was President?

Inquiring minds want to know these things.
The OP was a serious question. Where is he? Why all of a sudden are we not seeing him appear on TV at every opportunity?

Has he started smoking cigarettes again lately or even worse, has he gone back to smoking crack cocaine like he did before he was President?

Inquiring minds want to know these things.

In all seriousness, Hillary and Obama are probably very busy meeting with Lawyers and trying to cover their guilty asses. Remember, they KNEW Hillary would be in the WH to cover them both.....

If Trumps 2 terms end with Hillary and Obama in prison, I would consider Trump to be the most successful President in US history.

If Trumps 2 terms end with Hillary and Obama in prison, I would consider Trump to be the most successful President in US history.

The day that Crooked Hillary does her Perp Walk will be the most glorious day in the history of this country. If Obama goes to prison then it will be the most glorious day in the history of Western Civilization.
While his administration's treason is exposed Barry is in hiding..

Here's a picture of Obama while "hiding" from Queasy's relentless but accurate inquiry..........................LOL

The day that Crooked Hillary does her Perp Walk will be the most glorious day in the history of this country. If Obama goes to prison then it will be the most glorious day in the history of Western Civilization.

.....and the day that you get a brain, will make history in the transplant annals of medicine.
Remember this ?
Anyone who believed him probably also believes CNN and MSLSD etc
Oh...and ALL those hilarious Lefty fake polls, charts n fake links too


The Great Obama had one of the most scandal free administrations since Jimmy Carter

Fat Donnie did not last a week before he was being investigated
The OP was a serious question. Where is he? Why all of a sudden are we not seeing him appear on TV at every opportunity?

Has he started smoking cigarettes again lately or even worse, has he gone back to smoking crack cocaine like he did before he was President?

Inquiring minds want to know these things.

In all seriousness, Hillary and Obama are probably very busy meeting with Lawyers and trying to cover their guilty asses. Remember, they KNEW Hillary would be in the WH to cover them both.....

If Trumps 2 terms end with Hillary and Obama in prison, I would consider Trump to be the most successful President in US history.

Yet, it is Fat Donnie under investigation by the Justice Dept
Aside from Michelle's running interference the Ellen DeGeneres show yesterday, has anyone else noticed the absence of Barack Obama? Being the narcissistic bastard he is, you would expect him to be all over the place. But we haven't heard a peep out of him about the FISA abuse memo, about the shadow government he set up, and about how the whole house of cards is coming apart. January 15 was the last time he posted something on Twitter. I wonder why he's keeping such a low profile?

Barack Obama (@BarackObama) | Twitter
I heard he was over in Europe getting some Norwegian wood.
Aside from Michelle's running interference the Ellen DeGeneres show yesterday, has anyone else noticed the absence of Barack Obama? Being the narcissistic bastard he is, you would expect him to be all over the place. But we haven't heard a peep out of him about the FISA abuse memo, about the shadow government he set up, and about how the whole house of cards is coming apart. January 15 was the last time he posted something on Twitter. I wonder why he's keeping such a low profile?

Barack Obama (@BarackObama) | Twitter
He's reapplying for Kenyan citizenship. Returning to his roots.
Where is the meat puppet faggot?

Who gives a fuck?

Probably gone back to his old life as a cum dumpster at a Chicago Bath House.

Next time I hear about him I hope it's a eulogy and I can change the channel.
probably because he knows it's delusional bullshit cooked up by fucksticks like you.


Really? Don’t know why he hides. He is America’s show negro. He is proof we don’t hate the colords. Why would he hide?
Obama is the only President in US history to refuse to tell the American people where he was while Americans were under attack.

During the entire Benghazi attack Barry was AWOL. We know that 'skippy' was in the WAR Room, and he 'thinks' Barry might have been asleep in the living quarters of the WH, but neither Obama nor the WH ever said where he exactly was.

And now that his entire criminal administration is crumbling down Barry has gone silent.

Even Hillary doesn't want to pop her head out of her whole sine the fake dossier she bought from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians and used illegally during the election is at the near center of what is about to be released.

And poor Comey, had a melt down and ranted on Twitter. This is not going as he thought it would. He was supposed to be the 'hero' for helping take down Trump, not be exposed as a traitor, which is what is happening now.
probably because he knows it's delusional bullshit cooked up by fucksticks like you.


Then why are we not hearing that from him? He's not trying very hard to defend himself and his legacy, when all he does is send his wife to appear on some TV talk show.
Many people appear on talk shows and no one gives a shit but you...Mr. Obsessed..

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