With just 3 Republican votes the House passes $15 an hour minimum wage bill.

/——/ They say that to distract you libtards. Meanwhile their accountants are working to pay as little tax as is allowed. BTW they can write a check to the Treasury Dept any time they want. But you already knew that.
Being called a Republican really triggers your defense mechanisms doesn't it Huckleberry ?
And if you look at Find all threads by Angelo , I'm clearly not a 'libtard'. Just an American.
it's a message board and you can be anything. intellectually, you're a loser though.

Says the interfering fk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's what happens when you make policy to fit an idea rather than reality
Why are Republicans outraged at low wage workers making more than $7.25 an hour?

We're not.
But we can see how outraged you are thinking we are outraged.
That;s how it works today.
Because today, Disagree = outraged.

Republicans are not counter offering a $12.00 minimum wage. They are offering NOTHING. Nothing after ten years a $7.25 an hour

Republicans demand a low cost workforce to enhance corporate profits

See, I know even you know that isn't true. You are too much like my brother, you just say stuff trying to always fit an idea of your opinions.
Corporations don't make their money today off the backs of AMERICAN low wages.
They make it through share values which are on the backs of GLOBAL extraordinarily low wages.
OK...then show me the Republican sponsored proposal on minimum wage

There doesn't need to be one.
I don't honestly know of a single place here that only pays $7.25. McDonalds here starts out at $9 with a $100 sign on bonus after 60 days employed.
Most grocery stores start out around $10, Walmart last I knew was $11.
It went up on it's own.
The problem RW, as i have said 1,000 times, isn't min. wage jobs. The problem is there isn't enough REAL jobs for the masses. And that problem is flat out not going to be solved by making McDonalds and others increase wages to $15.
And as far as that goes...even at $15 - you can't live on 25-30 hrs a week at $15 an hour! Those jobs are not supposed to support one person by themselves let alone a family!
ALl this is is the Democrat party, again, trying to paint themselves on the moral side of things. Which is bullshit. Democrats are no less bought and paid for by big money and corporations as Republicans.
/——/ They say that to distract you libtards. Meanwhile their accountants are working to pay as little tax as is allowed. BTW they can write a check to the Treasury Dept any time they want. But you already knew that.
Being called a Republican really triggers your defense mechanisms doesn't it Huckleberry ?
And if you look at Find all threads by Angelo , I'm clearly not a 'libtard'. Just an American.
it's a message board and you can be anything. intellectually, you're a loser though.

Says the interfering fk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
calling yourself in the third person. ouch.
With just 3 Republican votes the House passes $15 an hour minimum wage bill, aimed at guaranteeing all American workers a minimum wage of $15.

It's a standard COLA (Cost Of Living Adjustment) for young Democrat labor-union local-yokel town-hall lackeys who still depend on family for housing.

It's a feel-good measure for Democrats that does absolutely nothing to help the rest of us get a job if we are not steadily employed already.
/——/ They say that to distract you libtards. Meanwhile their accountants are working to pay as little tax as is allowed. BTW they can write a check to the Treasury Dept any time they want. But you already knew that.
Being called a Republican really triggers your defense mechanisms doesn't it Huckleberry ?
And if you look at Find all threads by Angelo , I'm clearly not a 'libtard'. Just an American.
/——/ I wouldn’t be a Republican if it triggered me, you big dope. Now respond to my post about the rich paying more tax any time they want.
he still doesn't understand debating. he thinks he can just post and you and I have to accept his nonsense. 15 dollars an hour is poverty waiting to happen, ask any economist especially the CBO. I already posted their view on this. but a leftist can't figure that shit out at all. they also don't know that anyone can pay as much as they want in taxes at any time.
/——-/ kids today are not taught critical thinking. Their debate skills are limited to screaming in your face and calling you names.
It's what happens when you make policy to fit an idea rather than reality
Why are Republicans outraged at low wage workers making more than $7.25 an hour?

We're not.
But we can see how outraged you are thinking we are outraged.
That;s how it works today.
Because today, Disagree = outraged.

Republicans are not counter offering a $12.00 minimum wage. They are offering NOTHING. Nothing after ten years a $7.25 an hour

Republicans demand a low cost workforce to enhance corporate profits

See, I know even you know that isn't true. You are too much like my brother, you just say stuff trying to always fit an idea of your opinions.
Corporations don't make their money today off the backs of AMERICAN low wages.
They make it through share values which are on the backs of GLOBAL extraordinarily low wages.
OK...then show me the Republican sponsored proposal on minimum wage

There doesn't need to be one.
I don't honestly know of a single place here that only pays $7.25. McDonalds here starts out at $9 with a $100 sign on bonus after 60 days employed.
Most grocery stores start out around $10, Walmart last I knew was $11.
It went up on it's own.
The problem RW, as i have said 1,000 times, isn't min. wage jobs. The problem is there isn't enough REAL jobs for the masses. And that problem is flat out not going to be solved by making McDonalds and others increase wages to $15.
And as far as that goes...even at $15 - you can't live on 25-30 hrs a week at $15 an hour! Those jobs are not supposed to support one person by themselves let alone a family!
ALl this is is the Democrat party, again, trying to paint themselves on the moral side of things. Which is bullshit. Democrats are no less bought and paid for by big money and corporations as Republicans.
If that is the case, there would be no impact if raising it to $15 in six years

I agree. The problem is not minimum wage but ALL wages that have been stagnant for 20 years

The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent
funny how open boarder liberals use the argument you cant deport all that cheap labor it will ruin the economy it will cause inflation prices will increase
then they turn around and claim higher minimum wage is good for the economy
so make up you dam mind brain dead liberals
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The CBO said that for every 1 job at 15 3 will be lost in upper tier jobs not to mention the cost of goods going up! The left have no fking souls
The worksheet or formula should be as is written below maybe.... Now tell me what you all think of this...........Allow every business to set it's own unique start pay in accordance to the skill level of the entrance job or the task at hand it feels justified in setting. Freedom of business act created !!

Ok, then government looks at the revenue generated in the business before taxes, and after cost in order to check for employee affordability issues if something seems wrong or is not working to well. This would be done by the government/IRS right ??

Then look into the turn over rate at the bottom levels of that business (i.e. workers leaving within 6 months to a year time period, and not instead taking higher position's within the company after the 6 months training period ends), otherwise to do this in order to see who is moving out of the beginners pay status to a better position, and who is leaving the company altogether for a specific reason.

Then look at where these people are going, otherwise are they ending up on government assistance, welfare, food stamps instead of finding more employment quickly or are they just finding another job quickly ??

Look at the release info of the employee in order to find out if the employee had a problem or not, and this being in concerns of why he or she was released or quit. Place these employee's into a pile to be counted and studied.

If a huge problem or high turn over rate becomes evident in a specific company of say above 50 employee's, and it is determined that it is because of business practices concerning temporary status of employee's who are possibly being paid way to low in accordance to the job skill requirement, then a letter of recommendation is to be sent out by the government all due to it's interest in keeping men and women working instead of them free loading off of the government/tax payers when leave a company for possible bitter reasoning noted over pay and unsatisfactory conditions....

The letter could recommend that a better percentage or formula should be worked out between company and employee in which could better serve both involved in the beginners or training process. This way individual companies are dealt with instead of attempting to punish all for the acts of a few bad players.

If (the government), would also find out that a company is running a scheme to have their employee's be subsidized by the government indirectly, while still working employee's at a low enough status in said company, and all in order to get that subsidy granted them by the government while they are working, then Houston we have a big problem..... If they are not making enough take home pay during training or entry level positions in order to afford going to that job, and to afford working without the subsidy given them by the government as an add on to that pay, then it should be investigated by government as is noted above..... No illegals should be working in or at these companies.

Government being dragged into the situation that it really wants no part of, and rightly so is the issue... It is where it all goes wrong, and it is where it all gets even dumber when these things happen in these ways for everyone, otherwise instead of just the problems being targeted instead.

It best that the private sector operate above board in order to keep the letters of recommendation out of their mail boxes. Right ???

Protect freedom for all.
/-----/ And the Gubmint known for its efficiency wouldn't turn this complex plan of yours into a living nightmare. Back to the drawing board.
Yes a gubermint run by the Demon-crats would love them such a plan or open doorway, because they would use that plan to control everything in which the plans intent would not have been. Same they try to do with our Constitution.
the left are only concerned with killing jobs, IT IS THEIR ONE AND ONLY OBJECTIVE!!!!
I think you're right.
It's what happens when you make policy to fit an idea rather than reality
We're not.
But we can see how outraged you are thinking we are outraged.
That;s how it works today.
Because today, Disagree = outraged.

Republicans are not counter offering a $12.00 minimum wage. They are offering NOTHING. Nothing after ten years a $7.25 an hour

Republicans demand a low cost workforce to enhance corporate profits

See, I know even you know that isn't true. You are too much like my brother, you just say stuff trying to always fit an idea of your opinions.
Corporations don't make their money today off the backs of AMERICAN low wages.
They make it through share values which are on the backs of GLOBAL extraordinarily low wages.
OK...then show me the Republican sponsored proposal on minimum wage

There doesn't need to be one.
I don't honestly know of a single place here that only pays $7.25. McDonalds here starts out at $9 with a $100 sign on bonus after 60 days employed.
Most grocery stores start out around $10, Walmart last I knew was $11.
It went up on it's own.
The problem RW, as i have said 1,000 times, isn't min. wage jobs. The problem is there isn't enough REAL jobs for the masses. And that problem is flat out not going to be solved by making McDonalds and others increase wages to $15.
And as far as that goes...even at $15 - you can't live on 25-30 hrs a week at $15 an hour! Those jobs are not supposed to support one person by themselves let alone a family!
ALl this is is the Democrat party, again, trying to paint themselves on the moral side of things. Which is bullshit. Democrats are no less bought and paid for by big money and corporations as Republicans.
If that is the case, there would be no impact if raising it to $15 in six years

I agree. The problem is not minimum wage but ALL wages that have been stagnant for 20 years

The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent
If you cant make a decent wage with a college degree the problem isnt with the wages but your shitty degree
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It's what happens when you make policy to fit an idea rather than reality
We're not.
But we can see how outraged you are thinking we are outraged.
That;s how it works today.
Because today, Disagree = outraged.

Republicans are not counter offering a $12.00 minimum wage. They are offering NOTHING. Nothing after ten years a $7.25 an hour

Republicans demand a low cost workforce to enhance corporate profits

See, I know even you know that isn't true. You are too much like my brother, you just say stuff trying to always fit an idea of your opinions.
Corporations don't make their money today off the backs of AMERICAN low wages.
They make it through share values which are on the backs of GLOBAL extraordinarily low wages.
OK...then show me the Republican sponsored proposal on minimum wage

There doesn't need to be one.
I don't honestly know of a single place here that only pays $7.25. McDonalds here starts out at $9 with a $100 sign on bonus after 60 days employed.
Most grocery stores start out around $10, Walmart last I knew was $11.
It went up on it's own.
The problem RW, as i have said 1,000 times, isn't min. wage jobs. The problem is there isn't enough REAL jobs for the masses. And that problem is flat out not going to be solved by making McDonalds and others increase wages to $15.
And as far as that goes...even at $15 - you can't live on 25-30 hrs a week at $15 an hour! Those jobs are not supposed to support one person by themselves let alone a family!
ALl this is is the Democrat party, again, trying to paint themselves on the moral side of things. Which is bullshit. Democrats are no less bought and paid for by big money and corporations as Republicans.
If that is the case, there would be no impact if raising it to $15 in six years

I agree. The problem is not minimum wage but ALL wages that have been stagnant for 20 years

The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent
The wages are stagnant because of supply and demand.
When literlaly several million jobs were outsourced and replaced by machines... the number people looking for jobs outweigh jobs available, and that began a much - MUCH bigger problem than unemployment - underemployment.
Face it

Republicans want minimum wage workers to work for $7.25 in perpetuity

If you proposed a bill to lock minimum wage at $7.25 Republicans would vote for it
It's what happens when you make policy to fit an idea rather than reality
We're not.
But we can see how outraged you are thinking we are outraged.
That;s how it works today.
Because today, Disagree = outraged.

Republicans are not counter offering a $12.00 minimum wage. They are offering NOTHING. Nothing after ten years a $7.25 an hour

Republicans demand a low cost workforce to enhance corporate profits

See, I know even you know that isn't true. You are too much like my brother, you just say stuff trying to always fit an idea of your opinions.
Corporations don't make their money today off the backs of AMERICAN low wages.
They make it through share values which are on the backs of GLOBAL extraordinarily low wages.
OK...then show me the Republican sponsored proposal on minimum wage

There doesn't need to be one.
I don't honestly know of a single place here that only pays $7.25. McDonalds here starts out at $9 with a $100 sign on bonus after 60 days employed.
Most grocery stores start out around $10, Walmart last I knew was $11.
It went up on it's own.
The problem RW, as i have said 1,000 times, isn't min. wage jobs. The problem is there isn't enough REAL jobs for the masses. And that problem is flat out not going to be solved by making McDonalds and others increase wages to $15.
And as far as that goes...even at $15 - you can't live on 25-30 hrs a week at $15 an hour! Those jobs are not supposed to support one person by themselves let alone a family!
ALl this is is the Democrat party, again, trying to paint themselves on the moral side of things. Which is bullshit. Democrats are no less bought and paid for by big money and corporations as Republicans.
If that is the case, there would be no impact if raising it to $15 in six years

I agree. The problem is not minimum wage but ALL wages that have been stagnant for 20 years

The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent
/----/ "The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent"
Even with a college degree, folks still need Libtards to negotiate their salary increases? WOWZA - that's saying somethin'
catch a democrat.jpg
Can't wait to see how much a Big Mac cost when you have to pay the worker at the drive up window $15.00 dollars an hour.
You shouldnt be eating that crap you and donnie.
If people didn’t then there would be no fast food places and those workers would not even have job much less needing to get paid 15 dollars an hour for doing it. FYI I don’t eat Big Macs.
I know I quit eating McDonald's, but it could be the age thing going on. Every now and then I will try it again, and be disappointed again. Too much salt in the sandwiches (taste it), and prepared badly. Then there is the thing about quality of service. Good grief. Everytime they get my order wrong.

The only thing these types of corporations make it on is convience of location, and young people with iron guts who can stomach that stuff.
Face it

Republicans want minimum wage workers to work for $7.25 in perpetuity

If you proposed a bill to lock minimum wage at $7.25 Republicans would vote for it
7.25 an hour purpose isnt for you to support yourself or family its for high school and college kids to earn some pocket change not to support themselves or family

If your only option is to try to support yourself and or family on a minimum wage job the problem isnt the wage but you for not having an education or learned a skill to get a job that pays above minimum wage
Long overdue...

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Progressives in Congress were joined by workers, business owners, and labor rights advocates in celebrating the "historic" passage on Thursday of the Raise the Wage Act, aimed at guaranteeing all American workers a minimum wage of $15.

Two hundred thirty House Democrats were joined by only three Republicans—Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Will Hurd of Texas, and Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey—in supporting the Raise the Wage Act (RTWA), which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 and end the use of sub-minimum wages for tipped workers.

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

It won't go anywhere from here but with the timeline of 2025 if most are not making $15 an hour then something very wrong.
Face it

Republicans want minimum wage workers to work for $7.25 in perpetuity

If you proposed a bill to lock minimum wage at $7.25 Republicans would vote for it
/----/ “Republicans would vote to eliminate the federal minimum wage.”
We'd rather everyone earn what they are worth in perpetuity.
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Can't wait to see how much a Big Mac cost when you have to pay the worker at the drive up window $15.00 dollars an hour.
You shouldnt be eating that crap you and donnie.
If people didn’t then there would be no fast food places and those workers would not even have job much less needing to get paid 15 dollars an hour for doing it. FYI I don’t eat Big Macs.
I know I quit eating McDonald's, but it could be the age thing going on. Every now and then I will try it again, and be disappointed again. Too much salt in the sandwiches (taste it), and prepared badly. Then there is the thing about quality of service. Good grief. Everytime they get my order wrong.

The only thing these types of corporations make it on is convience of location, and young people with iron guts who can stomach that stuff.
/---/ Then stop in a Pub and get a better burger.

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