With just 3 Republican votes the House passes $15 an hour minimum wage bill.

Republicans are not counter offering a $12.00 minimum wage. They are offering NOTHING. Nothing after ten years a $7.25 an hour

Republicans demand a low cost workforce to enhance corporate profits

See, I know even you know that isn't true. You are too much like my brother, you just say stuff trying to always fit an idea of your opinions.
Corporations don't make their money today off the backs of AMERICAN low wages.
They make it through share values which are on the backs of GLOBAL extraordinarily low wages.
OK...then show me the Republican sponsored proposal on minimum wage

There doesn't need to be one.
I don't honestly know of a single place here that only pays $7.25. McDonalds here starts out at $9 with a $100 sign on bonus after 60 days employed.
Most grocery stores start out around $10, Walmart last I knew was $11.
It went up on it's own.
The problem RW, as i have said 1,000 times, isn't min. wage jobs. The problem is there isn't enough REAL jobs for the masses. And that problem is flat out not going to be solved by making McDonalds and others increase wages to $15.
And as far as that goes...even at $15 - you can't live on 25-30 hrs a week at $15 an hour! Those jobs are not supposed to support one person by themselves let alone a family!
ALl this is is the Democrat party, again, trying to paint themselves on the moral side of things. Which is bullshit. Democrats are no less bought and paid for by big money and corporations as Republicans.
If that is the case, there would be no impact if raising it to $15 in six years

I agree. The problem is not minimum wage but ALL wages that have been stagnant for 20 years

The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent
The wages are stagnant because of supply and demand.
When literlaly several million jobs were outsourced and replaced by machines... the number people looking for jobs outweigh jobs available, and that began a much - MUCH bigger problem than unemployment - underemployment.
Wages are stagnant because Republicans have suppressed unions and put fear into workers

How much of that $1.5 trillion tax cut made it down to workers?
After minimum wage has been frozen for a decade and they propose a bill that will raise the wage to $15 SIX YEARS FROM NOW

Republicans can still not support it
Not the point really.... We as a government shouldn't be involved in independent companies business when it comes to their entrance pay for training. They are smart enough to know what it takes to start out their employee's with, and to move them on from there after a 6 months to a year training period. The only thing the government should do is insulate itself from companies attempting to get we (the government), to subsidize it's employee's pay by way of government benefits paid for by the taxpayers without our knowledge of such bullcrap that was taking place, and still might be. This should end illegals working for these companies, and it should end companies trying to use government to increase their bottom lines by way of subsidizing cheap labor for them.

Talk about a marriage made in heaven for these two (the government and independent companies in cohoots with each other), while the taxpayers got royally screwed.
Republicans are not counter offering a $12.00 minimum wage. They are offering NOTHING. Nothing after ten years a $7.25 an hour

Republicans demand a low cost workforce to enhance corporate profits

See, I know even you know that isn't true. You are too much like my brother, you just say stuff trying to always fit an idea of your opinions.
Corporations don't make their money today off the backs of AMERICAN low wages.
They make it through share values which are on the backs of GLOBAL extraordinarily low wages.
OK...then show me the Republican sponsored proposal on minimum wage

There doesn't need to be one.
I don't honestly know of a single place here that only pays $7.25. McDonalds here starts out at $9 with a $100 sign on bonus after 60 days employed.
Most grocery stores start out around $10, Walmart last I knew was $11.
It went up on it's own.
The problem RW, as i have said 1,000 times, isn't min. wage jobs. The problem is there isn't enough REAL jobs for the masses. And that problem is flat out not going to be solved by making McDonalds and others increase wages to $15.
And as far as that goes...even at $15 - you can't live on 25-30 hrs a week at $15 an hour! Those jobs are not supposed to support one person by themselves let alone a family!
ALl this is is the Democrat party, again, trying to paint themselves on the moral side of things. Which is bullshit. Democrats are no less bought and paid for by big money and corporations as Republicans.
If that is the case, there would be no impact if raising it to $15 in six years

I agree. The problem is not minimum wage but ALL wages that have been stagnant for 20 years

The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent
/----/ "The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent"
Even with a college degree, folks still need Libtards to negotiate their salary increases? WOWZA - that's saying somethin'
View attachment 270076
Long overdue...

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Progressives in Congress were joined by workers, business owners, and labor rights advocates in celebrating the "historic" passage on Thursday of the Raise the Wage Act, aimed at guaranteeing all American workers a minimum wage of $15.

Two hundred thirty House Democrats were joined by only three Republicans—Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Will Hurd of Texas, and Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey—in supporting the Raise the Wage Act (RTWA), which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 and end the use of sub-minimum wages for tipped workers.

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Good old Dems, trying everything they can to destroy the flourishing Trump MAGA economy.
Huge sigh. . . . Would it do any good to point out that even liberal billionaire Warren Buffet has acknowledged that raising the minimum wage to $15 will cause a loss of jobs and will actually hurt many of the people it is supposed to help?

Why Warren Buffett thinks a $15 minimum wage will 'reduce employment in a major way, crushing many workers'
Talking to the wife, and she thinks that it should at least be raised some if not the $15.00 per hour proposal. Said it's been to long now, and it hasn't kept pace. She said she thought that at least to make it $10.00 dollars an hour. I said yeah well maybe so.
Huge sigh. . . . Would it do any good to point out that even liberal billionaire Warren Buffet has acknowledged that raising the minimum wage to $15 will cause a loss of jobs and will actually hurt many of the people it is supposed to help?

Why Warren Buffett thinks a $15 minimum wage will 'reduce employment in a major way, crushing many workers'
Talking to the wife, and she thinks that it should at least be raised some if not the $15.00 per hour proposal. Said it's been to long now, and it hasn't kept pace. She said she thought that at least to make it $10.00 dollars an hour. I said yeah well maybe so.

I don't think most people are thinking of this in terms of whether the minimum wage is at the right level. Each time raising the minimum is proposed, it's just a rehash of the original ideological argument ie most people who oppose raising it simply oppose its existence, the level is irrelevant.
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And yet.... CNN is running a story today talking about how automation and "near employless" stores are crushing the poor.
Well guess what Angelo .... you will see many, many more stores do away with clerks/cashiers and baggers if this actually became law.
Just like in Maine and Washington... the result was less employment for min. wage jobs.
Therein lies our unprecedented dilemma. How to balance a workforce where automation is replacing jobs and overpopulation creating the need for more jobs.
Must figure out a way to slow over population then. The Demon-crats wanting power at all cost is actually defeating any and all rational mindedness concerning such issues needing to be balanced.
Face it

Republicans want minimum wage workers to work for $7.25 in perpetuity

If you proposed a bill to lock minimum wage at $7.25 Republicans would vote for it
/----/ Republicans would vote to eliminate the federal minimum wage. We'd rather everyone earn what they are worth in perpetuity.
View attachment 270079
Republicans would vote for slavery
/——/ DemocRATs were the slave owners and Republicans freed them AND no, they didn’t switch parties in the 1960s.
See, I know even you know that isn't true. You are too much like my brother, you just say stuff trying to always fit an idea of your opinions.
Corporations don't make their money today off the backs of AMERICAN low wages.
They make it through share values which are on the backs of GLOBAL extraordinarily low wages.
OK...then show me the Republican sponsored proposal on minimum wage

There doesn't need to be one.
I don't honestly know of a single place here that only pays $7.25. McDonalds here starts out at $9 with a $100 sign on bonus after 60 days employed.
Most grocery stores start out around $10, Walmart last I knew was $11.
It went up on it's own.
The problem RW, as i have said 1,000 times, isn't min. wage jobs. The problem is there isn't enough REAL jobs for the masses. And that problem is flat out not going to be solved by making McDonalds and others increase wages to $15.
And as far as that goes...even at $15 - you can't live on 25-30 hrs a week at $15 an hour! Those jobs are not supposed to support one person by themselves let alone a family!
ALl this is is the Democrat party, again, trying to paint themselves on the moral side of things. Which is bullshit. Democrats are no less bought and paid for by big money and corporations as Republicans.
If that is the case, there would be no impact if raising it to $15 in six years

I agree. The problem is not minimum wage but ALL wages that have been stagnant for 20 years

The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent
The wages are stagnant because of supply and demand.
When literlaly several million jobs were outsourced and replaced by machines... the number people looking for jobs outweigh jobs available, and that began a much - MUCH bigger problem than unemployment - underemployment.
Wages are stagnant because Republicans have suppressed unions and put fear into workers

How much of that $1.5 trillion tax cut made it down to workers?
/——/ How do Republicans stop folks from joining unions? Do you have anything other than Strawman arguments?
Republicans are not counter offering a $12.00 minimum wage. They are offering NOTHING. Nothing after ten years a $7.25 an hour

Republicans demand a low cost workforce to enhance corporate profits

See, I know even you know that isn't true. You are too much like my brother, you just say stuff trying to always fit an idea of your opinions.
Corporations don't make their money today off the backs of AMERICAN low wages.
They make it through share values which are on the backs of GLOBAL extraordinarily low wages.
OK...then show me the Republican sponsored proposal on minimum wage

There doesn't need to be one.
I don't honestly know of a single place here that only pays $7.25. McDonalds here starts out at $9 with a $100 sign on bonus after 60 days employed.
Most grocery stores start out around $10, Walmart last I knew was $11.
It went up on it's own.
The problem RW, as i have said 1,000 times, isn't min. wage jobs. The problem is there isn't enough REAL jobs for the masses. And that problem is flat out not going to be solved by making McDonalds and others increase wages to $15.
And as far as that goes...even at $15 - you can't live on 25-30 hrs a week at $15 an hour! Those jobs are not supposed to support one person by themselves let alone a family!
ALl this is is the Democrat party, again, trying to paint themselves on the moral side of things. Which is bullshit. Democrats are no less bought and paid for by big money and corporations as Republicans.
If that is the case, there would be no impact if raising it to $15 in six years

I agree. The problem is not minimum wage but ALL wages that have been stagnant for 20 years

The wages of college graduates need to go up 20 percent
The wages are stagnant because of supply and demand.
When literlaly several million jobs were outsourced and replaced by machines... the number people looking for jobs outweigh jobs available, and that began a much - MUCH bigger problem than unemployment - underemployment.
Because of illegals
Can't wait to see how much a Big Mac cost when you have to pay the worker at the drive up window $15.00 dollars an hour.
You shouldnt be eating that crap you and donnie.
If people didn’t then there would be no fast food places and those workers would not even have job much less needing to get paid 15 dollars an hour for doing it. FYI I don’t eat Big Macs.
Good excuse to be unhealthy.
Can't wait to see how much a Big Mac cost when you have to pay the worker at the drive up window $15.00 dollars an hour.
You shouldnt be eating that crap you and donnie.
If people didn’t then there would be no fast food places and those workers would not even have job much less needing to get paid 15 dollars an hour for doing it. FYI I don’t eat Big Macs.
Nothing wrong with occasional fast food. People need to stop acting like elitist jerks.
We eat at different places every day depending on where our job takes us in the city.
Nothing wrong with voicing an opinion about something in a public forum.
After minimum wage has been frozen for a decade and they propose a bill that will raise the wage to $15 SIX YEARS FROM NOW

Republicans can still not support it
Not the point really.... We as a government shouldn't be involved in independent companies business when it comes to their entrance pay for training. They are smart enough to know what it takes to start out their employee's with, and to move them on from there after a 6 months to a year training period. The only thing the government should do is insulate itself from companies attempting to get we (the government), to subsidize it's employee's pay by way of government benefits paid for by the taxpayers without our knowledge of such bullcrap that was taking place, and still might be. This should end illegals working for these companies, and it should end companies trying to use government to increase their bottom lines by way of subsidizing cheap labor for them.

Talk about a marriage made in heaven for these two (the government and independent companies in cohoots with each other), while the taxpayers got royally screwed.
Yes we should and have been doing so for 80 years

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