With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

FOR GOD'S SAKE, you are finally right about something! It HAS hit a new low, but understand the Senate does not represent the people, it represents the STATES, that is what the House is for to represent the people at the local level. And we can see easily at least FIVE CLEAR REASONS for the Senate having reached this new low now:

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Working as intended, the Senate was never supposed to represent the population it was intended to represent the interests of the individual States.

"The equality of representation in the Senate is another point, which, being evidently the result of compromise between the opposite pretensions of the large and the small States, does not call for much discussion.

In this spirit it may be remarked, that the equal vote allowed to each state, is at once a constitutional recognition of the portion of sovereignty remaining in the individual states, and an instrument for preserving that residuary sovereignty. . . ." -- James Madison, Federalist 62

We've been through this. The Founding Fathers had no way of knowing that one day there would be a CA, NY, FL or TX that had 40-60 times the population of MT, WY, AK or the Dakotas. Tens of millions of empty acres not being utilized by anyone are not entitled to vote.

The Founding Fathers had States that were more populous than others, Doc! You think Vermont in the 1700's had the same population as New York? As Virginia? As Pennsylvania? They set up a system of checks and balances to prevent mob rule and they did so deliberately! I'm constantly amused by how you on the left want to get rid of key elements of our governmental structure simply because you can't win elections.

Never EVER was it 40, 50 or 60 to one. In particular, when the constitution was written.
The me too thing is new. But for every future nomination, behavior in college and residential dorm HS matters. But it shouldn't take much to get past it, unless the nominee chooses to paint himself a weightlifting choirboy who never went near hard likker and girls.
The #MeToo movement is a new variation of an old thang.

The Liberal sexist scandal simmering pot has been slowly boiling over for decades now (Clinton, Franken, Jessie Jackson, etc...), but the lid came flying off with Harvey Weinstein, exposing a lot of actual sexual criminal behavior (like John Conyers and the Democrats in the Senate who had been using tax dollars for 20 years to cover up their on-going sex scandals). It also brought about a lot of fake accusations, too.

THIS has NOTHING to do with the 'Politics of Personal Destruction' and the despicable tactic of 'Herman Cain'ing, though, unless one argued that the 'Herman Cain'ing of Conservatives was used as a distraction from the Democrats' own real sexual misconduct. An example of this would be attacking / accusing Kavanaugh while quietly reporting that an INTERNAL DNC investigation swept the accusations against DNC #2 Ellison under the carpet.

Of course, Corey 'Spartacus' Booker had his own '#MeToo' moment when he reminded everyone that he had ADMITTED to sexually assaulting a woman whereas Kavanaugh was only being accused of doing so without evidence to support the claim.
What democratic metric?

That democratic metric that dictates that the left wing dingbats LOVE democracy as long as the vote turns out the way they want it to.

…. when it doesn't go their way, Democracy sucks and it's time to turn to bullying and judicial activism.
McConnell sucked on the Garland thing, but when Hillary imploded it guaranteed the gop would fill two seats ... and maybe more.

The me too thing is new. But for every future nomination, behavior in college and residential dorm HS matters. But it shouldn't take much to get past it, unless the nominee chooses to paint himself a weightlifting choirboy who never went near hard likker and girls.

Uh-huh, both the political Crime Families are locked in a never ending battle to see which one can descend the deepest into the muck, this year the Crime Family-D are winning, I expect it won't take too long for the Crime Family-R to overtake them again... round and round she goes, how deep is the filth? nobody knows.

That being said, I find that the left wingers tend to discard Democracy the quickest when it doesn't suit them, the right wingers do it too but not as reflexively.

As far as the "Me too" thing-a-ma-jig, they lost any credibility with me as soon as they started that whole "Women deserved to be believed" nonsense, they're just another gang looking to revel in their victimhood and will soon be replaced by the next flavor of the month victimhood hashtag.

#QuitWhining :)
What democratic metric?

That democratic metric that dictates that the left wing dingbats LOVE democracy as long as the vote turns out the way they want it to.

…. when it doesn't go their way, Democracy sucks and it's time to turn to bullying and judicial activism.
McConnell sucked on the Garland thing, but when Hillary imploded it guaranteed the gop would fill two seats ... and maybe more.

The me too thing is new. But for every future nomination, behavior in college and residential dorm HS matters. But it shouldn't take much to get past it, unless the nominee chooses to paint himself a weightlifting choirboy who never went near hard likker and girls.

Uh-huh, both the political Crime Families are locked in a never ending battle to see which one can descend the deepest into the muck, this year the Crime Family-D are winning, I expect it won't take too long for the Crime Family-R to overtake them again... round and round she goes, how deep is the filth? nobody knows.

That being said, I find that the left wingers tend to discard Democracy the quickest when it doesn't suit them, the right wingers do it too but not as reflexively.

As far as the "Me too" thing-a-ma-jig, they lost any credibility with me as soon as they started that whole "Women deserved to be believed" nonsense, they're just another gang looking to revel in their victimhood and will soon be replaced by the next flavor of the month victimhood hashtag.

#QuitWhining :)
Yes, both parties seek control of the Court, and Trump won. That is the overall "thayng" about this.

But me to is a fundamental shift.
What democratic metric?

That democratic metric that dictates that the left wing dingbats LOVE democracy as long as the vote turns out the way they want it to.

…. when it doesn't go their way, Democracy sucks and it's time to turn to bullying and judicial activism.
McConnell sucked on the Garland thing, but when Hillary imploded it guaranteed the gop would fill two seats ... and maybe more.

The me too thing is new. But for every future nomination, behavior in college and residential dorm HS matters. But it shouldn't take much to get past it, unless the nominee chooses to paint himself a weightlifting choirboy who never went near hard likker and girls.

Uh-huh, both the political Crime Families are locked in a never ending battle to see which one can descend the deepest into the muck, this year the Crime Family-D are winning, I expect it won't take too long for the Crime Family-R to overtake them again... round and round she goes, how deep is the filth? nobody knows.

That being said, I find that the left wingers tend to discard Democracy the quickest when it doesn't suit them, the right wingers do it too but not as reflexively.

As far as the "Me too" thing-a-ma-jig, they lost any credibility with me as soon as they started that whole "Women deserved to be believed" nonsense, they're just another gang looking to revel in their victimhood and will soon be replaced by the next flavor of the month victimhood hashtag.

#QuitWhining :)
In other words the democrats will drive us over a cliff as fast as they can, while the republicans will drive us over a cliff at the speed limit.
We're there kids - Rule by fiat rigged by an autocratic minority. Sad

The disconnect between the United States Senate and the American people has never been greater. If you thought the Senate has gone off its rails, the numbers back you up.

The Senate majority represents a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

Based on a new analysis of Senate votes from 1901 to the present, we found that beginning last year senators voting in the majority represented a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

In yesterday’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, the 50 senators voting yes represent states covering just 44% of the U.S. population or 143 million Americans. That’s less than a majority, less than the 181 million Americans represented by the senators voting no (you might say the “Senate popular vote”). Yet the nomination was confirmed.​

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

Au contraire, it was one of their finest hours. They put down the mob without firing a shot.
We're there kids - Rule by fiat rigged by an autocratic minority. Sad

The disconnect between the United States Senate and the American people has never been greater. If you thought the Senate has gone off its rails, the numbers back you up.

The Senate majority represents a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

Based on a new analysis of Senate votes from 1901 to the present, we found that beginning last year senators voting in the majority represented a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

In yesterday’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, the 50 senators voting yes represent states covering just 44% of the U.S. population or 143 million Americans. That’s less than a majority, less than the 181 million Americans represented by the senators voting no (you might say the “Senate popular vote”). Yet the nomination was confirmed.​

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

Yea, it’s a real shame you can’t hang a man on allegations with zero evidence. Democrats are nothing without their lynch mob rule.
What may be interesting is that women voters are not monolithic. Of course for us men, that is heresay since god damnit they need to be predicitable. (-:

but seriously, in Tex and Tenn the dems seem to be losing ground over Kavenaugh. It may be about enthusiasm. On the other hand, NJ has women pushing Menendez. In AZ, Trump seems to be a millstone for the gop.

Women are angry at Trump and his party. And it's not just about Kavanaugh

The question may be whether, unless the dems stupidly run someone as toxic as Hillary, this will be a longterm trend. But even so it may just be another incidence of the GOP becoming more irrelevant outside of Jesusland. But given the EC and allocation of senators, a Jesusland vote is worth 2-3 times what an urban vote is.
We're there kids - Rule by fiat rigged by an autocratic minority. Sad

The disconnect between the United States Senate and the American people has never been greater. If you thought the Senate has gone off its rails, the numbers back you up.

The Senate majority represents a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

Based on a new analysis of Senate votes from 1901 to the present, we found that beginning last year senators voting in the majority represented a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

In yesterday’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, the 50 senators voting yes represent states covering just 44% of the U.S. population or 143 million Americans. That’s less than a majority, less than the 181 million Americans represented by the senators voting no (you might say the “Senate popular vote”). Yet the nomination was confirmed.​

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

Au contraire, it was one of their finest hours. They put down the mob without firing a shot.
Oh yeah, the 11 white males really showed women who's boss. LOL, Billy.
What may be interesting is that women voters are not monolithic. Of course for us men, that is heresay since god damnit they need to be predicitable. (-:

but seriously, in Tex and Tenn the dems seem to be losing ground over Kavenaugh. It may be about enthusiasm. On the other hand, NJ has women pushing Menendez. In AZ, Trump seems to be a millstone for the gop.

Women are angry at Trump and his party. And it's not just about Kavanaugh

The question may be whether, unless the dems stupidly run someone as toxic as Hillary, this will be a longterm trend. But even so it may just be another incidence of the GOP becoming more irrelevant outside of Jesusland. But given the EC and allocation of senators, a Jesusland vote is worth 2-3 times what an urban vote is.

We'll see when the Democrats run the Booker/Harris ticket in 2020. :auiqs.jpg:
We're there kids - Rule by fiat rigged by an autocratic minority. Sad

The disconnect between the United States Senate and the American people has never been greater. If you thought the Senate has gone off its rails, the numbers back you up.

The Senate majority represents a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

Based on a new analysis of Senate votes from 1901 to the present, we found that beginning last year senators voting in the majority represented a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

In yesterday’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, the 50 senators voting yes represent states covering just 44% of the U.S. population or 143 million Americans. That’s less than a majority, less than the 181 million Americans represented by the senators voting no (you might say the “Senate popular vote”). Yet the nomination was confirmed.​

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

Au contraire, it was one of their finest hours. They put down the mob without firing a shot.
Oh yeah, the 11 white males really showed women who's boss. LOL, Billy.

Nope. 50 men and women v. 48 men and women.
We're there kids - Rule by fiat rigged by an autocratic minority. Sad

The disconnect between the United States Senate and the American people has never been greater. If you thought the Senate has gone off its rails, the numbers back you up.

The Senate majority represents a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

Based on a new analysis of Senate votes from 1901 to the present, we found that beginning last year senators voting in the majority represented a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

In yesterday’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, the 50 senators voting yes represent states covering just 44% of the U.S. population or 143 million Americans. That’s less than a majority, less than the 181 million Americans represented by the senators voting no (you might say the “Senate popular vote”). Yet the nomination was confirmed.​

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

Au contraire, it was one of their finest hours. They put down the mob without firing a shot.
Oh yeah, the 11 white males really showed women who's boss. LOL, Billy.

I believe their are 7 Republican women in the Senate at least four of which have legal backgrounds and would be infinitely qualified.
And they ended up with THIS :lol:

We're there kids - Rule by fiat rigged by an autocratic minority. Sad

The disconnect between the United States Senate and the American people has never been greater. If you thought the Senate has gone off its rails, the numbers back you up.

The Senate majority represents a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

Based on a new analysis of Senate votes from 1901 to the present, we found that beginning last year senators voting in the majority represented a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

In yesterday’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, the 50 senators voting yes represent states covering just 44% of the U.S. population or 143 million Americans. That’s less than a majority, less than the 181 million Americans represented by the senators voting no (you might say the “Senate popular vote”). Yet the nomination was confirmed.​

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

Au contraire, it was one of their finest hours. They put down the mob without firing a shot.
Oh yeah, the 11 white males really showed women who's boss. LOL, Billy.

I believe their are 7 Republican women in the Senate at least four of which have legal backgrounds and would be infinitely qualified.
And they ended up with THIS :lol:


That's their business. What's yours, considering the banshee scum on the Democrat side of the committee.?
What may be interesting is that women voters are not monolithic. Of course for us men, that is heresay since god damnit they need to be predicitable. (-:

but seriously, in Tex and Tenn the dems seem to be losing ground over Kavenaugh. It may be about enthusiasm. On the other hand, NJ has women pushing Menendez. In AZ, Trump seems to be a millstone for the gop.

Women are angry at Trump and his party. And it's not just about Kavanaugh

The question may be whether, unless the dems stupidly run someone as toxic as Hillary, this will be a longterm trend. But even so it may just be another incidence of the GOP becoming more irrelevant outside of Jesusland. But given the EC and allocation of senators, a Jesusland vote is worth 2-3 times what an urban vote is.

"To Make Up For Extra Difficult Confirmation Process, Kavanaugh Awarded Two Votes On Supreme Court
WASHINGTON, D.C.—After such an arduous confirmation hearing in which Justice Brett Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault, gang rape, being an alcoholic, and having a really lame high school yearbook, it has been decided that Kavanaugh will get two votes on the Supreme Court, giving him twice as much sway as any other Justice.

"Yeah, it only seemed fair," said Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer. "I mean, we really razzed him good—especially with the gang rape stuff—but he stuck with it, so I guess he deserves a reward. Two votes seems like the least we can do."

"Plus we now know we can really trust his judgment," add Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein. "After all those FBI investigations, technically he's the now the one person in the country we can be most assured never sexually assaulted anyone."

It's unknown if Kavanaugh has any hard feelings, but he says he'll use his increased sway on the Supreme Court to "uphold an originalist interpretation of the Constitution" and to "take vengeance on my mortal foes."

To Make Up For Extra Difficult Confirmation Process, Kavanaugh Awarded Two Votes On Supreme Court

We're there kids - Rule by fiat rigged by an autocratic minority. Sad

The disconnect between the United States Senate and the American people has never been greater. If you thought the Senate has gone off its rails, the numbers back you up.

The Senate majority represents a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

Based on a new analysis of Senate votes from 1901 to the present, we found that beginning last year senators voting in the majority represented a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

In yesterday’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, the 50 senators voting yes represent states covering just 44% of the U.S. population or 143 million Americans. That’s less than a majority, less than the 181 million Americans represented by the senators voting no (you might say the “Senate popular vote”). Yet the nomination was confirmed.​

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

Au contraire, it was one of their finest hours. They put down the mob without firing a shot.
Oh yeah, the 11 white males really showed women who's boss. LOL, Billy.

I believe their are 7 Republican women in the Senate at least four of which have legal backgrounds and would be infinitely qualified.
And they ended up with THIS :lol:


That's their business. What's yours, considering the banshee scum on the Democrat side of the committee.?

Just think Billy - they could have had their token "gal" fetch the coffee! :71:

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