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With the 4th largest proven oil reserves what is Iran's need for "peaceful purposes" nuclear program

Canada is not on the terrorist list.

What does being on a 'terrorist' list have to do with oil reserves?

Canada has the 3rd largest proven oil reserve in the world. And yet they have a dozen nuclear plants that account for about 20% total electricity.

Are those crafty Canucks up to something?

Don't be a shithead! You idiots that seem to be so ready to accept anything Obama says is ok are to be really pitied!
Two selfish entities here. Obama... he wants something to show for his idiot administration and Iran...they want to destroy Israel/USA.
Only ignorant naive people like you come up with stupid comments like yours.
It is truly sad that people like me have to look out for you naive, ignorant FFOs!
Uh oh, You didn't mention China, Russia, Great Britain, Germany or France. Guess that makes you the shithead, Shithead. God your kind is dumb.
If that were the real reason, then all of the other OPEC nations would have already built nuclear so they could have more oil to sell.

Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia plans to construct 16 nuclear power reactors over the next 20 years at a cost of more than $80 billion, with the first reactor on line in 2022.

Kuwait planned on going nuclear, but then abandoned the idea after the meltdown in Japan.

Nigeria Planning Country’s First Nuclear Power Plant | OilPrice.com

Other explorations by OPEC countries to go nuclear: http://www.qatartodayonline.com/the-middle-easts-nuclear-dream-far-from-reality/
[Based on Iran's consumption per year of 3.6 trillion cubic feet Iran has 330 years of natural gas.
Which is exactly why they are a big exporter. If they don't use it, they can sell it.

So tell me again why with the 4th largest oil and the largest gas is Iran needing nuclear utilities.

Okay. The less oil and gas they burn, the more they can sell to other countries. For money.

I thought I used the smallest words possible, so even you could understand.

Let me know which words you do not understand.
Then why don't they use "Thorium" if it is more efficient but ONLY drawback is it can't be used for bombs?
Is that simple enough for you???
Here get some nuclear education...
Thorium Power Is the Safer Future of Nuclear Energy

I used to work in the nuclear power field. There is nothing you can teach me, dumbass.

And you once again demonstrate you have not read the agreement.

One of the terms of the agreement is for Furdow to be converted to peaceful nuclear power use.
The anti Iran nutters want a war with Iran..

No dumbass, we don't want to be nuked by them. Pull your head out of your ass.
Wait, they have! LOL
America has huge oil, natural gas and renewable "reserves", but I'd be happy if we built 40 more nuclear plants. ;)
And I would have NO PROBLEM with Iran building nuclear plants WITH THORIUM!!!! Because Thorium can't be used to build bombs!
Uranium can!
Why is it so hard to comprehend?
Iran is NOT to be trusted! IRAN can afford to build ALL their electric generation with their natural gas do it 5 times cheaper then nuclear.
SO WHY do they want nuclear development especially with uranium???
Please answer that! OK??
Thorium is very expensive since that path was abandoned a long time ago, and only recently has interest been re-aroused. It is not a proven means of electricity generation.

There isn't a single thorium nuclear power plant on Earth. Okay?

Your willful obtuseness is getting really tiring at this point. Your OP has been addressed. Over and over.

RUBE: What is 2 + 2?


RUBE: Dammit, why won't someone tell me what 2 + 2 is?

RESPONSE: Asked and answered. It is 4.

What purpose is Iran's nuclear program?

Under the deal, Iran will maintain the ability to enrich uranium but only for peaceful purposes.
Iran’s Nuclear Program - Bloomberg QuickTake

IRAN has the world's largest
proven oil reserves: 154.58B. Total oil supply in 2012 (thousand barrels per day): 3,538.4M
International sanctions have drastically impacted Iran’s energy sector – the country’s oil production fell dramatically in 2012, from over 35 million barrels per day in 2011 to just over 3.5 million bpd in 2012.

Top 10 Countries With The World’s Biggest Oil Reserves | GEAB

while oil and hydroelectricity accounted for 42 and 2 percent respectively.
It is estimated that some 18.5 percent of electricity generated in Iran are wasted before it reaches consumers due to technical problems.
Energy in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So a simple mind like mine asks a simple question:
1) why is there ANY need for nuclear research for "peaceful purposes" if Iran as the 4th largest proven oil reserves.
2) Why is there any need to spend $100 billions on nuclear research when 18.5% of their electricity generated is wasted before it reaches consumers?

To me a simple minded person the only answer is : Nuclear weapons!

You smarter people on this forum then me explain why there is a need for "Peaceful purposes"
to do nuclear research from a country that wastes 18% of it's electricity and has 4th largest oil reserves?

Has any of the brilliant Obama intelligentsia answered that question?

Again my conclusion is nuclear weapons!

Make alot of electricity from crude?

Are you a grade school student?

Can't answer the question, I see. Let me help you along.

Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) | Data | Table

Based on the data, it would appear that Iran makes roughly 27% of it's electricity from oil. Thus, they have alternative methods they use to produce electricity. According to your rationale, shouldn't they be getting all of their electricity from oil? Why should they use anything else?

The answer, which is obvious to anyone with more than a grade school education (though evidently not you) is that different sources of energy are more and less beneficial, and more and less expensive, based on what resources are available.

Contrast this with US production[/quote] which sources only 1% of our electricity from oil. The United States is the world's largest oil producing country, so by your rationale we should be sourcing much more of our electricity from oil.

You'll notice that the US sources 19% of our electricity from nuclear power, and the biggest source is coal. [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal#World_coal_reserves"]The United States does indeed have the largest coal reserves in the world
. So why do we need nuclear power for electricity?

The answer is very simple. We choose to use nuclear energy. Every source of electricity has it's own tradeoffs and benefits. Nuclear energy requires larger capital investments, but is cheaper to fuel. Coal requires less capital investment, but is more expensive to fuel. Oil also requires a relatively low capital investment, but is very expensive to fuel. Coal and oil produce pollution, and nuclear produces its own environmental hazards.

But the costs aren't a simple matter of direct fuel costs. For a country like Iran whose economy is heavily driven by oil exports, it makes perfect sense that they would not want to use their oil for electricity if they don't have to. It's more profitable to export that oil and rely on cheap nuclear power for domestic electricity. It's just good business.

It's no different than a cattle rancher who sells his product and then turns around to buy chicken, potatoes, and carrots. Just because his ranch might be one of the largest sources of food in the country that doesn't mean that he's going to rely on his own ranch for 100% of his nutritional needs.[/url]
Canada is not on the terrorist list.

What does being on a 'terrorist' list have to do with oil reserves?

Canada has the 3rd largest proven oil reserve in the world. And yet they have a dozen nuclear plants that account for about 20% total electricity.

Are those crafty Canucks up to something?

Don't be a shithead! You idiots that seem to be so ready to accept anything Obama says is ok are to be really pitied!
Two selfish entities here. Obama... he wants something to show for his idiot administration and Iran...they want to destroy Israel/USA.
Only ignorant naive people like you come up with stupid comments like yours.
It is truly sad that people like me have to look out for you naive, ignorant FFOs!

I'm using your standards. Why would Canada need nuclear power if they have the world's 3rd largest proven oil reserves.

Even you reject your standards as meaningless bullshit. As when confronted with them, you dismiss your standards completely and start babbling about something else entirely.

If even you don't take your standard seriously, why would we?
Burning oil for electricity is like burning cash. I have no doubt that they wanted a Bomb but nuclear power makes sense for anyone that can build the plant and maintain it. In our own country when we are being charged peak rates during periods of high demand they are burning oil.

Actually, no, they are burning coal or natural gas for "peaking" power.
What purpose is Iran's nuclear program?

Under the deal, Iran will maintain the ability to enrich uranium but only for peaceful purposes.
Iran’s Nuclear Program - Bloomberg QuickTake

IRAN has the world's largest
proven oil reserves: 154.58B. Total oil supply in 2012 (thousand barrels per day): 3,538.4M
International sanctions have drastically impacted Iran’s energy sector – the country’s oil production fell dramatically in 2012, from over 35 million barrels per day in 2011 to just over 3.5 million bpd in 2012.

Top 10 Countries With The World’s Biggest Oil Reserves | GEAB

while oil and hydroelectricity accounted for 42 and 2 percent respectively.
It is estimated that some 18.5 percent of electricity generated in Iran are wasted before it reaches consumers due to technical problems.
Energy in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So a simple mind like mine asks a simple question:
1) why is there ANY need for nuclear research for "peaceful purposes" if Iran as the 4th largest proven oil reserves.
2) Why is there any need to spend $100 billions on nuclear research when 18.5% of their electricity generated is wasted before it reaches consumers?

To me a simple minded person the only answer is : Nuclear weapons!

You smarter people on this forum then me explain why there is a need for "Peaceful purposes"
to do nuclear research from a country that wastes 18% of it's electricity and has 4th largest oil reserves?

Has any of the brilliant Obama intelligentsia answered that question?

Again my conclusion is nuclear weapons!

Make alot of electricity from crude?

Are you a grade school student?

Can't answer the question, I see. Let me help you along.

Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) | Data | Table

Based on the data, it would appear that Iran makes roughly 27% of it's electricity from oil. Thus, they have alternative methods they use to produce electricity. According to your rationale, shouldn't they be getting all of their electricity from oil? Why should they use anything else?

The answer, which is obvious to anyone with more than a grade school education (though evidently not you) is that different sources of energy are more and less beneficial, and more and less expensive, based on what resources are available.

Contrast this with US production
which sources only 1% of our electricity from oil. The United States is the world's largest oil producing country, so by your rationale we should be sourcing much more of our electricity from oil.

You'll notice that the US sources 19% of our electricity from nuclear power, and the biggest source is coal.
The United States does indeed have the largest coal reserves in the world. So why do we need nuclear power for electricity?

The answer is very simple. We choose to use nuclear energy. Every source of electricity has it's own tradeoffs and benefits. Nuclear energy requires larger capital investments, but is cheaper to fuel. Coal requires less capital investment, but is more expensive to fuel. Oil also requires a relatively low capital investment, but is very expensive to fuel. Coal and oil produce pollution, and nuclear produces its own environmental hazards.

But the costs aren't a simple matter of direct fuel costs. For a country like Iran whose economy is heavily driven by oil exports, it makes perfect sense that they would not want to use their oil for electricity if they don't have to. It's more profitable to export that oil and rely on cheap nuclear power for domestic electricity. It's just good business.

It's no different than a cattle rancher who sells his product and then turns around to buy chicken, potatoes, and carrots. Just because his ranch might be one of the largest sources of food in the country that doesn't mean that he's going to rely on his own ranch for 100% of his nutritional needs.

OK idiot!
Then if Iran with the world's largest supply of gas and 4th largest supply of oil and 18% wasted electric transmission so desperately needs
nuclear power for "peaceful purposes" WHY the f..k don't they use thorium instead of uranium?
AGAIN uranium is used for weapons as well as fuel.

If Iranians are so peacefully motivated why the f...k are they going after uranium????
GEEZ you guys will totally ignore the simply fact THEY WANT an atomic bomb!
If Iranians are so "peaceful" why does Iran ishave the largest strategic missile force in the Middle East, producing short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, a long-range cruise missile, and long-range rockets. Although all of its missiles are conventionally armed at present, its medium-range ballistic missiles could deliver a nuclear weapon if Iran were to build such a device.

Early in the P5+1 negotiations, US officials stated that "every issue," including the missile program, would be on the table. In February 2014, however, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman stated,
"If we are successful in assuring ourselves and the world community that Iran cannot obtain a nuclear weapon," then that "makes delivery systems ... almost irrelevant."
Iran's ballistic missile program is the most important part of the country's nuclear program that nobody is talking about - Business Insider

Thorium Power Is the Safer Future of Nuclear Energy
Conventional nuclear power using a fuel cycle involving uranium-235 and/or plutonium-239 was seen as killing two birds with one stone: reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil, and creating the fuel needed for nuclear bombs. Thorium power, on the other hand, didn’t have military potential. And by decreasing the need for conventional nuclear power, a potentially successful thorium program would have actually been seen as threatening to U.S. interests in the Cold War environment.
Thorium Power Is the Safer Future of Nuclear Energy
Canada is not on the terrorist list.

What does being on a 'terrorist' list have to do with oil reserves?

Canada has the 3rd largest proven oil reserve in the world. And yet they have a dozen nuclear plants that account for about 20% total electricity.

Are those crafty Canucks up to something?

Don't be a shithead! You idiots that seem to be so ready to accept anything Obama says is ok are to be really pitied!
Two selfish entities here. Obama... he wants something to show for his idiot administration and Iran...they want to destroy Israel/USA.
Only ignorant naive people like you come up with stupid comments like yours.
It is truly sad that people like me have to look out for you naive, ignorant FFOs!

I'm using your standards. Why would Canada need nuclear power if they have the world's 3rd largest proven oil reserves.

Even you reject your standards as meaningless bullshit. As when confronted with them, you dismiss your standards completely and start babbling about something else entirely.

If even you don't take your standard seriously, why would we?

Canada has NOT announced they want the destruction of the USA!
Canada does not have nuclear weapons.
Canada does not have ballistic missiles.

The point of my thread is why then with all the considerations of plenty of energy fuels, largest gas supplies, 4th largest oil and Iran
wastefully loses 18% of generated electricity...AND with the FACT thorium can supply nuclear fuel but can't be used for weapons WHILE
uranium can be used for weapons is Iran after uranium production???
Burning oil for electricity is like burning cash. I have no doubt that they wanted a Bomb but nuclear power makes sense for anyone that can build the plant and maintain it. In our own country when we are being charged peak rates during periods of high demand they are burning oil.

It is estimated that some 18.5 percent of electricity generated in Iran are wasted before it reaches consumers due to technical problems.
Energy in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How does that compare to the USA???
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that electricity transmission and distribution losses average about 6% of the electricity that is transmitted and distributed annually in the United States.
How much electricity is lost in transmission and distribution in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
USA wastes 1/3 of what Iran is wasting.
So your argument is specious...superficially plausible, but actually wrong!

Again, they want a bomb. They want to destroy any infidel. That is their leadership's objective. Nuclear weapons will do that.
Again I don't you understand their religious leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s speech, we can see that Iran’s leadership expects and hopes for an apocalyptic war leading to Isalmic rule over the remaining population of the world
Iran's Nuclear Apocalypse Plans | Prophecy

The USA is not dealing with a rational Iranian leadership but religious fanatics!
Bullshit, they restarted their program only after they saw what we did in Iraq and figured they were next. Quit listening to the people who lied us into that misguided fuck-up on the Iran nuclear issue, they are telling the same lies and you are buying them again.

So you agree! They want uranium to build nuclear weapons! Thank you !!
If that's the case whether a religious fanatics or not you agree they want nuclear weapons!
If that were the real reason, then all of the other OPEC nations would have already built nuclear so they could have more oil to sell.

Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia plans to construct 16 nuclear power reactors over the next 20 years at a cost of more than $80 billion, with the first reactor on line in 2022.

Kuwait planned on going nuclear, but then abandoned the idea after the meltdown in Japan.

Nigeria Planning Country’s First Nuclear Power Plant | OilPrice.com

Other explorations by OPEC countries to go nuclear: THE MIDDLE EAST’S NUCLEAR DREAM: FAR FROM REALITY? | Qatar Today
But NONE of those countries have announced the destruction of Israel and the USA!
That's the gigantic difference which for the life of me why can't you people see that???
If they want "peaceful purposes' why use antiquated uranium when thorium is safer but can't be weaponized?
What purpose is Iran's nuclear program?

Under the deal, Iran will maintain the ability to enrich uranium but only for peaceful purposes.
Iran’s Nuclear Program - Bloomberg QuickTake

IRAN has the world's largest
proven oil reserves: 154.58B. Total oil supply in 2012 (thousand barrels per day): 3,538.4M
International sanctions have drastically impacted Iran’s energy sector – the country’s oil production fell dramatically in 2012, from over 35 million barrels per day in 2011 to just over 3.5 million bpd in 2012.

Top 10 Countries With The World’s Biggest Oil Reserves | GEAB

while oil and hydroelectricity accounted for 42 and 2 percent respectively.
It is estimated that some 18.5 percent of electricity generated in Iran are wasted before it reaches consumers due to technical problems.
Energy in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So a simple mind like mine asks a simple question:
1) why is there ANY need for nuclear research for "peaceful purposes" if Iran as the 4th largest proven oil reserves.
2) Why is there any need to spend $100 billions on nuclear research when 18.5% of their electricity generated is wasted before it reaches consumers?

To me a simple minded person the only answer is : Nuclear weapons!

You smarter people on this forum then me explain why there is a need for "Peaceful purposes"
to do nuclear research from a country that wastes 18% of it's electricity and has 4th largest oil reserves?

Has any of the brilliant Obama intelligentsia answered that question?

Again my conclusion is nuclear weapons!

Make alot of electricity from crude?

Are you a grade school student?

Can't answer the question, I see. Let me help you along.

Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) | Data | Table

Based on the data, it would appear that Iran makes roughly 27% of it's electricity from oil. Thus, they have alternative methods they use to produce electricity. According to your rationale, shouldn't they be getting all of their electricity from oil? Why should they use anything else?

The answer, which is obvious to anyone with more than a grade school education (though evidently not you) is that different sources of energy are more and less beneficial, and more and less expensive, based on what resources are available.

Contrast this with US production
which sources only 1% of our electricity from oil. The United States is the world's largest oil producing country, so by your rationale we should be sourcing much more of our electricity from oil.

You'll notice that the US sources 19% of our electricity from nuclear power, and the biggest source is coal.
The United States does indeed have the largest coal reserves in the world. So why do we need nuclear power for electricity?

The answer is very simple. We choose to use nuclear energy. Every source of electricity has it's own tradeoffs and benefits. Nuclear energy requires larger capital investments, but is cheaper to fuel. Coal requires less capital investment, but is more expensive to fuel. Oil also requires a relatively low capital investment, but is very expensive to fuel. Coal and oil produce pollution, and nuclear produces its own environmental hazards.

But the costs aren't a simple matter of direct fuel costs. For a country like Iran whose economy is heavily driven by oil exports, it makes perfect sense that they would not want to use their oil for electricity if they don't have to. It's more profitable to export that oil and rely on cheap nuclear power for domestic electricity. It's just good business.

It's no different than a cattle rancher who sells his product and then turns around to buy chicken, potatoes, and carrots. Just because his ranch might be one of the largest sources of food in the country that doesn't mean that he's going to rely on his own ranch for 100% of his nutritional needs.

Then with a 330 year supply of natural gas that is 5 times cheaper to build gas fired utilities then nuclear AND with thorium being a safer fuel
why else are they demanding uranium when it is used to build nuclear weapons?
Any nation that truly desires a bomb and is willing to do what it takes and costs to get will get one. There is nothing the world can do short of bomb that nation into oblivion.

We dealt with the Soviets and others through the years and they we an existential threat to us as opposed to being an existential threat to say -- uhm -- err -- ah -- Israel?
The Soviet union was supposed to be rational actors. We had bombs, they had bombs, neither side would do anything to the other. It was crazy, but a sensible kind of crazy.

Iran does not have rational actors. Their chief foreign adversary, according to them, is an ity bity country 1080 miles from it. They kill gays by the dozen on a regular basis. They are not rational by any stretch of the imagination. Every other country that hates us, including North Korea, by any stretch of the most irrational besides Iran is more sensible. They want the bomb not to stop us, but to kill jews. If the Jews can kill them, well, thats the breaks. letting them have the bomb is like giving it to Norman Bates
Canada is not on the terrorist list.

What does being on a 'terrorist' list have to do with oil reserves?

Canada has the 3rd largest proven oil reserve in the world. And yet they have a dozen nuclear plants that account for about 20% total electricity.

Are those crafty Canucks up to something?

Don't be a shithead! You idiots that seem to be so ready to accept anything Obama says is ok are to be really pitied!
Two selfish entities here. Obama... he wants something to show for his idiot administration and Iran...they want to destroy Israel/USA.
Only ignorant naive people like you come up with stupid comments like yours.
It is truly sad that people like me have to look out for you naive, ignorant FFOs!

I'm using your standards. Why would Canada need nuclear power if they have the world's 3rd largest proven oil reserves.

Even you reject your standards as meaningless bullshit. As when confronted with them, you dismiss your standards completely and start babbling about something else entirely.

If even you don't take your standard seriously, why would we?

Canada has NOT announced they want the destruction of the USA!

Your standard wasn't 'wants the destruction of the united states'. Its having one of the world's largest proven oil reserves. Canada has that. Thus, what need do they have for nuclear plants?

Your logic doesn't work, does it? In fact, the moment you're challenged on your 'world's largest proven oil reserve' standard, you abandon it. And start babbling about weapons of mass destruction.
Any nation that truly desires a bomb and is willing to do what it takes and costs to get will get one. There is nothing the world can do short of bomb that nation into oblivion.

We dealt with the Soviets and others through the years and they we an existential threat to us as opposed to being an existential threat to say -- uhm -- err -- ah -- Israel?
The Soviet union was supposed to be rational actors. We had bombs, they had bombs, neither side would do anything to the other. It was crazy, but a sensible kind of crazy.

Iran does not have rational actors. Their chief foreign adversary, according to them, is an ity bity country 1080 miles from it. They kill gays by the dozen on a regular basis. They are not rational by any stretch of the imagination. Every other country that hates us, including North Korea, by any stretch of the most irrational besides Iran is more sensible. They want the bomb not to stop us, but to kill jews. If the Jews can kill them, well, thats the breaks. letting them have the bomb is like giving it to Norman Bates

How many Iranian leaders strap on a bomb vest?

Any nation that truly desires a bomb and is willing to do what it takes and costs to get will get one. There is nothing the world can do short of bomb that nation into oblivion.

We dealt with the Soviets and others through the years and they we an existential threat to us as opposed to being an existential threat to say -- uhm -- err -- ah -- Israel?
The Soviet union was supposed to be rational actors. We had bombs, they had bombs, neither side would do anything to the other. It was crazy, but a sensible kind of crazy.

Iran does not have rational actors. Their chief foreign adversary, according to them, is an ity bity country 1080 miles from it. They kill gays by the dozen on a regular basis. They are not rational by any stretch of the imagination. Every other country that hates us, including North Korea, by any stretch of the most irrational besides Iran is more sensible. They want the bomb not to stop us, but to kill jews. If the Jews can kill them, well, thats the breaks. letting them have the bomb is like giving it to Norman Bates

How many Iranian leaders strap on a bomb vest?

They are going to strap the whole country to a bomb vest
Burning oil for electricity is like burning cash. I have no doubt that they wanted a Bomb but nuclear power makes sense for anyone that can build the plant and maintain it. In our own country when we are being charged peak rates during periods of high demand they are burning oil.

It is estimated that some 18.5 percent of electricity generated in Iran are wasted before it reaches consumers due to technical problems.
Energy in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How does that compare to the USA???
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that electricity transmission and distribution losses average about 6% of the electricity that is transmitted and distributed annually in the United States.
How much electricity is lost in transmission and distribution in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
USA wastes 1/3 of what Iran is wasting.
So your argument is specious...superficially plausible, but actually wrong!

Again, they want a bomb. They want to destroy any infidel. That is their leadership's objective. Nuclear weapons will do that.
Again I don't you understand their religious leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s speech, we can see that Iran’s leadership expects and hopes for an apocalyptic war leading to Isalmic rule over the remaining population of the world
Iran's Nuclear Apocalypse Plans | Prophecy

The USA is not dealing with a rational Iranian leadership but religious fanatics!
Bullshit, they restarted their program only after they saw what we did in Iraq and figured they were next. Quit listening to the people who lied us into that misguided fuck-up on the Iran nuclear issue, they are telling the same lies and you are buying them again.

So you agree! They want uranium to build nuclear weapons! Thank you !!
If that's the case whether a religious fanatics or not you agree they want nuclear weapons!
Of course, there is no debate that they have pursued nuclear weapons in the past, It has actually been a rather sporadic effort, but you have missed a lot in the way you perceive them.

If you can forget for a moment the propaganda bullshit they produce mostly for a domestic audience and take a look at how they act you see that they are quite deliberative and pragmatic. In spite of the upheaval and chaos surrounding them they have a level of stability and national cohesion that clearly sets them apart from the other Islamist powers in the region.

I judge them by their actions while you seem to be judging them entirely by the worst bullshit their worst people have to say. They may at times sound crazy but they do not act like it. They have excellent diplomats and have shown a level of restraint and maturity in their international dealings that just does not square with the conservative narrative that they are bent on the destruction of anyone. Rather, they have clearly acted in the interests of national preservation and a continuance of their current power structure.
What purpose is Iran's nuclear program?

Under the deal, Iran will maintain the ability to enrich uranium but only for peaceful purposes.
Iran’s Nuclear Program - Bloomberg QuickTake

IRAN has the world's largest
proven oil reserves: 154.58B. Total oil supply in 2012 (thousand barrels per day): 3,538.4M
International sanctions have drastically impacted Iran’s energy sector – the country’s oil production fell dramatically in 2012, from over 35 million barrels per day in 2011 to just over 3.5 million bpd in 2012.

Top 10 Countries With The World’s Biggest Oil Reserves | GEAB

while oil and hydroelectricity accounted for 42 and 2 percent respectively.
It is estimated that some 18.5 percent of electricity generated in Iran are wasted before it reaches consumers due to technical problems.
Energy in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So a simple mind like mine asks a simple question:
1) why is there ANY need for nuclear research for "peaceful purposes" if Iran as the 4th largest proven oil reserves.
2) Why is there any need to spend $100 billions on nuclear research when 18.5% of their electricity generated is wasted before it reaches consumers?

To me a simple minded person the only answer is : Nuclear weapons!

You smarter people on this forum then me explain why there is a need for "Peaceful purposes"
to do nuclear research from a country that wastes 18% of it's electricity and has 4th largest oil reserves?

Has any of the brilliant Obama intelligentsia answered that question?

Again my conclusion is nuclear weapons!

Make alot of electricity from crude?

Are you a grade school student?

Can't answer the question, I see. Let me help you along.

Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) | Data | Table

Based on the data, it would appear that Iran makes roughly 27% of it's electricity from oil. Thus, they have alternative methods they use to produce electricity. According to your rationale, shouldn't they be getting all of their electricity from oil? Why should they use anything else?

The answer, which is obvious to anyone with more than a grade school education (though evidently not you) is that different sources of energy are more and less beneficial, and more and less expensive, based on what resources are available.

Contrast this with US production
which sources only 1% of our electricity from oil. The United States is the world's largest oil producing country, so by your rationale we should be sourcing much more of our electricity from oil.

You'll notice that the US sources 19% of our electricity from nuclear power, and the biggest source is coal.
The United States does indeed have the largest coal reserves in the world. So why do we need nuclear power for electricity?

The answer is very simple. We choose to use nuclear energy. Every source of electricity has it's own tradeoffs and benefits. Nuclear energy requires larger capital investments, but is cheaper to fuel. Coal requires less capital investment, but is more expensive to fuel. Oil also requires a relatively low capital investment, but is very expensive to fuel. Coal and oil produce pollution, and nuclear produces its own environmental hazards.

But the costs aren't a simple matter of direct fuel costs. For a country like Iran whose economy is heavily driven by oil exports, it makes perfect sense that they would not want to use their oil for electricity if they don't have to. It's more profitable to export that oil and rely on cheap nuclear power for domestic electricity. It's just good business.

It's no different than a cattle rancher who sells his product and then turns around to buy chicken, potatoes, and carrots. Just because his ranch might be one of the largest sources of food in the country that doesn't mean that he's going to rely on his own ranch for 100% of his nutritional needs.

Then with a 330 year supply of natural gas that is 5 times cheaper to build gas fired utilities then nuclear AND with thorium being a safer fuel
why else are they demanding uranium when it is used to build nuclear weapons?[/QUOTE]

Probably because Iran is rich in Uranium, but no so with Thorium?
Countries that are far more technologically advanced (US China Russia Germany India UK etc) with much better infrastructure are only starting to build thorium prototype reactors. So it's basically still in the R&D phase. It seems you still need nuclear reactors and know how to use it anyway. While it is harder to make a weapon with thorium it's not impossible. Short of pulling that technology out of their ass before every other country on the planet that has been researching thorium for decades, nuclear power (uranium) seems the most logical.
What purpose is Iran's nuclear program?

Under the deal, Iran will maintain the ability to enrich uranium but only for peaceful purposes.
Iran’s Nuclear Program - Bloomberg QuickTake

IRAN has the world's largest
proven oil reserves: 154.58B. Total oil supply in 2012 (thousand barrels per day): 3,538.4M
International sanctions have drastically impacted Iran’s energy sector – the country’s oil production fell dramatically in 2012, from over 35 million barrels per day in 2011 to just over 3.5 million bpd in 2012.

Top 10 Countries With The World’s Biggest Oil Reserves | GEAB

while oil and hydroelectricity accounted for 42 and 2 percent respectively.
It is estimated that some 18.5 percent of electricity generated in Iran are wasted before it reaches consumers due to technical problems.
Energy in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So a simple mind like mine asks a simple question:
1) why is there ANY need for nuclear research for "peaceful purposes" if Iran as the 4th largest proven oil reserves.
2) Why is there any need to spend $100 billions on nuclear research when 18.5% of their electricity generated is wasted before it reaches consumers?

To me a simple minded person the only answer is : Nuclear weapons!

You smarter people on this forum then me explain why there is a need for "Peaceful purposes"
to do nuclear research from a country that wastes 18% of it's electricity and has 4th largest oil reserves?

Has any of the brilliant Obama intelligentsia answered that question?

Again my conclusion is nuclear weapons!

Make alot of electricity from crude?

Are you a grade school student?

Can't answer the question, I see. Let me help you along.

Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) | Data | Table

Based on the data, it would appear that Iran makes roughly 27% of it's electricity from oil. Thus, they have alternative methods they use to produce electricity. According to your rationale, shouldn't they be getting all of their electricity from oil? Why should they use anything else?

The answer, which is obvious to anyone with more than a grade school education (though evidently not you) is that different sources of energy are more and less beneficial, and more and less expensive, based on what resources are available.

Contrast this with US production
which sources only 1% of our electricity from oil. The United States is the world's largest oil producing country, so by your rationale we should be sourcing much more of our electricity from oil.

You'll notice that the US sources 19% of our electricity from nuclear power, and the biggest source is coal.
The United States does indeed have the largest coal reserves in the world. So why do we need nuclear power for electricity?

The answer is very simple. We choose to use nuclear energy. Every source of electricity has it's own tradeoffs and benefits. Nuclear energy requires larger capital investments, but is cheaper to fuel. Coal requires less capital investment, but is more expensive to fuel. Oil also requires a relatively low capital investment, but is very expensive to fuel. Coal and oil produce pollution, and nuclear produces its own environmental hazards.

But the costs aren't a simple matter of direct fuel costs. For a country like Iran whose economy is heavily driven by oil exports, it makes perfect sense that they would not want to use their oil for electricity if they don't have to. It's more profitable to export that oil and rely on cheap nuclear power for domestic electricity. It's just good business.

It's no different than a cattle rancher who sells his product and then turns around to buy chicken, potatoes, and carrots. Just because his ranch might be one of the largest sources of food in the country that doesn't mean that he's going to rely on his own ranch for 100% of his nutritional needs.

Then with a 330 year supply of natural gas that is 5 times cheaper to build gas fired utilities then nuclear AND with thorium being a safer fuel
why else are they demanding uranium when it is used to build nuclear weapons?

Probably because Iran is rich in Uranium, but no so with Thorium?[/QUOTE]

Iran does have the world's tenth largest uranium reserves. Mining in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And yes they don't have Monazite the source of thorium.

I would think though if as the preface to the deal states then why not fully prove to us skeptics that they will exchange large quantities of
their natural resources for the peaceful use of thorium? Or better yet, why not simply use a portion of their frozen $150 billion which is
their primary purpose for this "deal"...i.e. dropping sanctions.

Below is directly from the "deal".. which by the way (As US Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged in congressional testimony, US nuclear negotiator Wendy Sherman has seen these side agreements, though he personally has not.) a "side deal !
Iran 'secret' deal's importance - Business Insider

How can any one agree to such a monumental agreement without seeing ALL the components?

From the Preface of the "Iranian Deal"........
The Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this historic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which will ensure that Iran’s nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful, and mark a fundamental shift in their approach to this issue. They anticipate that full implementation of this JCPOA will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security. Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.

NOTE key words.. "fundamental shift"......... from building nuclear weapons to "peaceful"??

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