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With the 9th circus ruling...Trump's hands are now clean of any immigrant terrorism...

When a foriegn immigrant murders large numbers of people.....Trump's hands are clean...

When the next white supremacist terrorist mows down black church goers - Trump's hands will be clean- because he tried to ban Syrians from coming into the U.S.

What morons.

Asswipe....keep posting........you are the same type of moron who just knew hilary was going to win........and now you say no one from those countries is going to commit a terrorist act here..........get ready.....that blood will be on you.
every extra-Constitutional arrest for our War on Drugs, will also be on Mr. Trumps hands; because he didn't pander to us?
It appears the unanimous court decision was partly based on President Trump's own words:

In ruling, appeals court judges invoke Trump's statements on 'a Muslim ban'
...The suit was filed against Trump by the states of Washington and Minnesota, and in the decision, the judges wrote, "The states argue that the Executive Order violates the Establishment and Equal Protection Clauses because it was intended to disfavor Muslims. In support of this argument, the States have offered evidence of numerous statements by the President about his intent to implement a 'Muslim ban' as well as evidence they claim suggests that the Executive Order was intended to be that ban…"

While on the campaign trail, Trump called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," and in January, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Trump surrogate, told Fox News the president asked him how to "legally" implement a "Muslim ban." Catherine Garcia

Yep, Trump stupidly shot his mouth off. It's not a "Muslim ban", since ALL citizens were to be banned from those seven countries, but Trump definitely didn't help his cause by his own words.
are those the Only Muslim nations that "may have some terror elements"?
Trump is still the so-called President. His number one job is still to protect the American people. He took a pussy like cowards way of trying to evade that responsibility by attempting to put the responsibility on some judges and a court.
The 9th is setting a very interesting precedence of holding candidates to their campaign statements - something that has /never/ been done in the history of the nation. I can't say I'm entirely displeased with the concept. By this new theory, I would assume that Alaskan's could bring some kind of suit against Murkowski for voting against DeVos' nomination since the bitch approved her in the Education Subcommittee...

Though I'm pretty sure that in the end the supreme will uphold the President's authority on the EO.

I think everyone should note that they judge shopped the circuit court as well. It's rather disgusting abuse of the judicial process if you ask me.
just fulfilling a pander pledge?
Allegations of 'Muslim Ban' were leveled by Washington - State, not "the Government" as per the definitions set out by the court in prior pages.

Page 19 - The Government has not shown that it is likely to succeed on appeal on its arguments about, at least, the States’ Due Process Clause claim, and we also note the serious nature of the allegations the States have raised with respect to their religious discrimination claims. We express no view as to any of the States’ other claims.

Re page 25 comment - They should be because that was a false narrative created by the media. Trump's statement and platform was /always/ that a temporary ban should be instated until one can figure out the vetting system that works. This fact is made undeniable by his campaign platform on the subject and as reported widely by the non-msm - "Trump proposed “extreme vetting” of immigrants, a temporary suspension of immigration from “dangerous and volatile” regions, and the creation of new alliances, including with Russia, to combat ISIS." - Trump Targets Terrorism in Latest Campaign Reboot | RealClearPolitics! (just as an example)

Re Page 6 comment - "serious allegations"
Re page 28 &29 comment - "freedom from discrimination"

Those are both direct reflections
I guess an actual, Invasion of the Middle East was a waste of taxpayer monies?
When a foriegn immigrant murders large numbers of people.....

When the foreign immigrant who came here as a child 20 years ago murders large numbers of people- Trump's hands will be clean- because he tried to ban refugees from Syria.

You are a moron.

You keep reminding us of other killings, you bring up a good point, the president should add more countries to the ban, because we have problems here in America we don't have control of yet.
So thanks for pointing this out. 2aguy
Ban everyone till we fix our own killings,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again, listen to General Kelly, I posted the video yesterday.

The reality is you're media /lies/ to you by hiding the facts. The reason these countries are on the 'list' is because they have no infrastructure and thus database upon which to vet the refugees on. It came out in there that we don't even have embassy's in 4 of the 5, Syria is a failed state, and two are active sponsors of terrorists.

General Kelly laid it all out clear as day.
in other words, vetting procedures are just plain useless.
When a foriegn immigrant murders large numbers of people.....Trump's hands are clean...he is trying to stop it....but the morons in this country don't care.....that blood will be on their hands, not his....
Congratulations left wing....you know own any deaths from foreign born terrorists.........good job morons....

Not the right attitude, but I understand your point.

The FBI, NSA and CIA work hard to prevent attacks, regardless of policies, and they will continue to do so. Trump can appeal this, re-write it, use the Boston decision as support, reconsider the language and determining factors etc. There is no imminent threat, or if there was, the argument wasn't made, this was a big issue if I am hearing correctly from different pundits. I posted a link earlier in which the GOP are already looking at a Bill to change the 9th Circuit due to it's unbalanced power at the moment according to many.

Regardless, this isn't a debate that going to end with just this ruling and possibly even this order. Americans expect the government to protect them from terror and I don't think this obligation is going to be denied simply because of this preliminary ruling. There has been far too many unnecessary attacks of Americans around the world and within its borders for there not to be some concerns and immigration reforms.

The point is that the left wing court has now taken a public stand against Trump's attempt to keep the country safe...he is making the effort, they are blocking it....any deaths are now on them....

Your country is LESS safe because of this attempted ban because Trump is running his mouth against Muslims and calling them terrorists.

Racism and xenophobia is a lousy foreign policy. So is fear and hate.

And that is bullshit....it isn't racism or xenophobia.......it is common sense since these countries are centers for terrorism.........but keep blocking common sense measures for self defense of American citizens..........when the attacks happen, you morons will share some of the blame...and keep in mind....we don't know what the President knows about upcoming attacks. Keep that in mind morons. When it happens, you guys will be as dumb as you were when hilary lost.....
Only the national socialist right wing, thinks that.
When a foriegn immigrant murders large numbers of people.....Trump's hands are clean...he is trying to stop it....but the morons in this country don't care.....that blood will be on their hands, not his....
Congratulations left wing....you know own any deaths from foreign born terrorists.........good job morons....


Because when the guy from France murders some Americans here- Trump won't be to blame because he excluded everyone from Syria.

Good job morons.

Asswipe....the new vetting procedures apply to everyone.......and the terrorists from Iran and Iraq and the training and organizing in the other 7 countries pose an actual threat......you know...moron....like the unknown threat of flying planes into buildings.....we didn't believe in that till after it happened too....

The blood will be on your hands asshole...

And it was Saudis who flew planes into buildings. I guess they are on the... wait... nowhere on the ban list. :dunno:

Yes......so we should wait till someone from these countries is actually successful at slaughtering Americans before we try to stop it....wow, grand fucking strategy genius.....you should be in the CIA or the FBI........
How well did that work, with stop and frisk?
When a foriegn immigrant murders large numbers of people.....Trump's hands are clean...he is trying to stop it....but the morons in this country don't care.....that blood will be on their hands, not his....
Congratulations left wing....you know own any deaths from foreign born terrorists.........good job morons....
No one has as much blood on their hands as those who support the NRA (Nation`s Real Assholes). When someone shoots a classroom full of second graders they glorify that deadly and expensive 2nd do they not? As long as the shooter is a home grown white guy all is well apparently because there is never any outrage from the gun pussies.
This ruling should have been a surprise to no one given the 9th circuits history just as it should be no surprise to anyone if the Supreme Court overturns it.

I doubt the SC will overturn it. They are one member short and they have four libs and four cons.

Trump should kick it back to the district court that filed it and let the chips fall where they may.

He should also toughen all vetting everywhere in America. The 9th better hope and pray that no terrorists get into America and there are no dead Americans because of it because Trump can point the finger right at the looney 9th.
should we institute, stop and frisk, in "black Muslim communities in the US"?
Unfortunately ISIS, who is on record as wanting the same thing as Trump, may drop everything to get a terrorist from one of the banned countries into the U.S. to take advantage of the OP's argument. To sow further division between Muslims and the west, and the Republican and Democrat parties. Part of me wishes the ban was in place because it's a fantastic political tool for pointing out the bigotry of the right, but we can't have the constitution be violated just for political purposes.

The only bigots are democrats.....they are racists and violent....
When a foriegn immigrant murders large numbers of people.....Trump's hands are clean...he is trying to stop it....but the morons in this country don't care.....that blood will be on their hands, not his....
Congratulations left wing....you know own any deaths from foreign born terrorists.........good job morons....


Because when the guy from France murders some Americans here- Trump won't be to blame because he excluded everyone from Syria.

Good job morons.

Asswipe....the new vetting procedures apply to everyone.......and the terrorists from Iran and Iraq and the training and organizing in the other 7 countries pose an actual threat......you know...moron....like the unknown threat of flying planes into buildings.....we didn't believe in that till after it happened too....

The blood will be on your hands asshole...


The blood is on the hands of the terrorist and no one else.

Funny thing the Boston Bombers came in during Bush era. The Orlando shooter and the husband from Califronia shooting were born here...

The 9/11/2001 attackers were from Arab friendly countries ( well most of them )...

So tell me with the ban how will it stop the next attack because as you can see those that have attacked in the past were either born here or from countries not on the ban list!?!

^ He covers it better than I could, it holds true just as much today as it did years ago.

Oh I stumbled on this tidbit where Obama's Homeland Security and State Department say that they are prioritizing Christians over other refugees...


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