With Trump we are fighting fire with fire.

With Trump, we are fighting fire with fire. The US's biggest enemies over the past 40 years have been ruled with unpredictable, untrustworthy, ruthless and despicable governments: North Korea, Russia, Iran, China, Iraq, Libya etc.
The US always took the high road while these countries took the low road.
A Trump led US government is at least equal, if not more, unpredictable, untrustworthy, ruthless and despicable as our current key adversaries governments.

We will see how that works out.
There we go again with "The high road". You know what taking the high road really means? It means acting like a big, stupid patsy and allowing lesser more evil nations take advantage of us and grow more dangerous. Now we have a leader who understands how to use the power of unpredictability, the power of words and when necessary the power of the military.
Democrat icon Harry Truman left us at a state of war in Korea after losing anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 American lives in a criminally mismanaged campaign. No other president other than Trump has tried to engage NK in a rational dialog. China has taken advantage of the U.S. for decades in foreign trade and only President Trump has tried to level the playing field so it seems that President Trump has been taking the high road while the TDS left wing angry mob apparently thought Obama's extortion racket was the solution.
How is Trump's North Korea strategy working as we speak.
The following has happened since Trump took office. Their nuclear capabilities have not been diminished. Their delivery capabilities have been increased. Their relations with China and Russia have improved.
Trump is Making North Korea Great For The First Time
With Trump, we are fighting fire with fire. The US's biggest enemies over the past 40 years have been ruled with unpredictable, untrustworthy, ruthless and despicable governments: North Korea, Russia, Iran, China, Iraq, Libya etc.
The US always took the high road while these countries took the low road.
A Trump led US government is at least equal, if not more, unpredictable, untrustworthy, ruthless and despicable as our current key adversaries governments.

We will see how that works out.
There we go again with "The high road". You know what taking the high road really means? It means acting like a big, stupid patsy and allowing lesser more evil nations take advantage of us and grow more dangerous. Now we have a leader who understands how to use the power of unpredictability, the power of words and when necessary the power of the military.
Trump knows how to take a lower road than anyone around him in an attempt to defeat them. Sometimes he is successful, sometimes he is not.
In the long run when you take the lowest road possible you lose.
My vote is take the middle road and you will always win.

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