Within black families, hard truths told to sons amid Ferguson unrest

They way you racists and bigots talk, you try to take a minority of a minority and make it seem like they are all the same..Most illogical and untrue.

So you've noticed that racists are prejudice?

See what happens if you stop watching SpongeBob Square-pants for an entire day.


What a shame that black people are expected to act like everyone else.

They do.

They just get the shit beaten out of them when they do.

After A Traffic Stop, Teen Was 'Almost Another Dead Black Male' : NPR

You pretty much take your life in your own hands when dealing with the cops as a Black male. Thats why when I get around them I pull out the best weapon money can buy. A mobile phone with your attorney on speed dial.

I saw cops do so much crooked crap as a kid where I grew up its extremely hard for me to trust them. My two family members that are cops have done nothing but reinforce that distrust.

The Cell Phone Video Camera is your friend, no matter what gender or race.
What a shame that black people are expected to act like everyone else.

Everyone else isnt getting racially profiled by the police. So if a cop racially profiles me for no other reason than my skin color, and asks to pat me down, im not within my rights to refuse and keep walking? Does that mean they should be allowed to shoot me in the back? You know if this happened once, no big deal, but when stuff like this frequently happens only as a result of being born a black man it starts to not only piss off individuals but an entire community. Michael Brown was shot because he was racially profiled by the police. Meaning the entire event happened because the officer racially profiled a black man. If they want people to quit rioting, then stop fucking racially profiling black people. Because we sure the hell are not gonna stop rioting if were being mistreated. If this keeps up, its gonna continue escalating to the point where I think people in the hood are going to start passing around mac 10s to anyone who wants to shoot at the police. Then what are they gonna do? Rednecks seem to be confident that theyre the ones with most of the guns, but we got guns in the hood that they only ever see in magazines and on TV, or in the military. Glock 18Cs/Uzis/Mac 10s, etc, etc. I know a nigga that has an M16 with a 12 gauge attachment and all the tactical stuff on it. Fully automatic too. Most rednecks would give their left nut for a gun like that. So I say to White people - keep thinking Black people don't have guns. Because if riots do come to White people's neighborhoods, every nigga is gonna be packing heat. Believe that.

I can only speak for what its like growing up as a Black man, and when Black people feel like they are being disrespected they arent gonna show any respect in return. We dont care if its a cop or not.

We read the news about blacks shooting blacks all over the country. I doubt anyone would think that blacks don't own guns.

Well, the good news is that no black-on-black murder or attempted murder is a hate crime.
They do.

They just get the shit beaten out of them when they do.

After A Traffic Stop, Teen Was 'Almost Another Dead Black Male' : NPR

You pretty much take your life in your own hands when dealing with the cops as a Black male. Thats why when I get around them I pull out the best weapon money can buy. A mobile phone with your attorney on speed dial.

I saw cops do so much crooked crap as a kid where I grew up its extremely hard for me to trust them. My two family members that are cops have done nothing but reinforce that distrust.

The Cell Phone Video Camera is your friend, no matter what gender or race.

They tend to confiscate those if they see you video taping them. I agree otherwise that the camera can come in handy. Your attorney on loud speaker seems to have a calming affect on cops while the camera seems to enrage them.

I dont think non Black/Latino people get what we go through. I've seen some of my white friends say and do stuff to cops that they would have shot me for. There is definitely a racial bias. You cant ignore that or pretend it doesnt exist.
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What a shame that black people are expected to act like everyone else.

They do.

They just get the shit beaten out of them when they do.

After A Traffic Stop, Teen Was 'Almost Another Dead Black Male' : NPR

You really believe this ridiculous story?

The cops used excessive force, but I don't believe it was because the black guy said, "Can I please see a warrant before you continue the search?"

Cop wants to look in MY car, I say, "Yes sir, go right ahead, I have nothing to hide."
You pretty much take your life in your own hands when dealing with the cops as a Black male. Thats why when I get around them I pull out the best weapon money can buy. A mobile phone with your attorney on speed dial.

I saw cops do so much crooked crap as a kid where I grew up its extremely hard for me to trust them. My two family members that are cops have done nothing but reinforce that distrust.

The Cell Phone Video Camera is your friend, no matter what gender or race.

They tend to confiscate those if they see you video taping them. I agree otherwise that the camera can come in handy. Your attorney on loud speaker seems to have a calming affect on cops while the camera seems to enrage them.

Just calling a friend, who SAYS he's your legal advisor is cheaper.

The point is that regardless of race, this is a good plan.
What a shame that black people are expected to act like everyone else.

They do.

They just get the shit beaten out of them when they do.

After A Traffic Stop, Teen Was 'Almost Another Dead Black Male' : NPR

You really believe this ridiculous story?

The cops used excessive force, but I don't believe it was because the black guy said, "Can I please see a warrant before you continue the search?"

Cop wants to look in MY car, I say, "Yes sir, go right ahead, I have nothing to hide."

Why wouldnt you believe it? I've seen the same thing myself many times. You live in a different reality.
(CNN) -- From parent to son, uncle to nephew, grandparent to grandson, there's a raw, private conversation being re-energized in America in the wake of violence in Ferguson, Missouri.

As challenging as parenting is, black families in particular are assuming more burdens: At kitchen tables and in living rooms, they hold honest talks with their boys about how life can be different for them and what they ought -- and ought not -- to do in public, especially near police.

Think twice about wearing a hoodie. Pull up your pants. Shut your mouth around police. Swallow your pride. Don't drive with more than three friends. And keep your hands where they can be seen.

"I've had this conversation with my son since middle school on how to behave," said Knox, 46, of Inglewood, California. "When the police come, this is what you do. This is how you speak to them. Do not get into a power struggle. Listen to them. If they are trying to give you a ticket, get the ticket. Because it's not worth it. It's just not worth it."

Ferguson unrest: What black families tell sons - CNN.com

How about "Don't act like a bully and steal cigars and slam a store clerk into the shelves?"
We can say we don't allow racial profiling but its a fact of life for some. Blacks and Hispanics get stopped much more often than whites. They have no way of knowing what kind of cop is topping them and they don't dare give the cops any excuse.

Mainly because there's a culture within Black and Hispanic communities whereby gang culture is emulated by young men and, to a lesser extent, women. Common sense 101: if you want to dress and act like a felon, don't complain when you're treated like one. Furthermore, in the case of young Hispanic males who are recent arrivals from Central America, law enforcement has to take into account the fact that life is a lot cheaper in these people's native countries, so they have to be prepared to confront extreme casual violence at the drop of a hat. That kind of behaviour is not accepted of overlooked in Anglo-Saxon culture (which is undeniably the United States' prevailing culture), so ghetto Mestizos need to take that into consideration before they leave their homes.

You obviously have never been to the US. Whites (not Anglo-Saxon) are 75% of the population. Bulk of the white population in the US is made up of Jews, Italians, Greeks, Turks, Armenians, Iranians and other assorted eastern Europeans and Mediterraneans. My wife has Anglo-Saxon ancestry but that is very rare and you could say that I hit the jackpot. Also Irish folks make up a large portion of the US's white population and they are very sure that they are not Anglo-Saxon. I just came back from Los Angeles yesterday and boy you will be hard pressed to find a white person there, forget about Anglo-Saxon. All you see there is people with Mongoloid or Hispanic features as far as your eyes can see. The closest you will come to seeing an Anglo-Saxon would be an English waiter working in Malibu restaurant with dreams of becoming a Hollywood star. I hope this puts things in perspective for you.

Now let us talk about Anglo-Saxon culture. Are you talking about gassing millions of people in Europe? Or, are you talking about killing millions by stealing their grains in Asia? Or are you talking about genocide in Africa (I am not even including what you did to Boers. That was white on white genocide.)? Or, are you talking about all the looting you guys did throughout Asia? Let us talk about your 'superior' Anglo-Saxon culture.
Now let us talk about Anglo-Saxon culture. Are you talking about gassing millions of people in Europe? Or, are you talking about killing millions by stealing their grains in Asia? Or are you talking about genocide in Africa (I am not even including what you did to Boers. That was white on white genocide.)? Or, are you talking about all the looting you guys did throughout Asia? Let us talk about your 'superior' Anglo-Saxon culture.

This is not happening now.
"You guys"? Are we doing this today?
Now let us talk about Anglo-Saxon culture. Are you talking about gassing millions of people in Europe? Or, are you talking about killing millions by stealing their grains in Asia? Or are you talking about genocide in Africa (I am not even including what you did to Boers. That was white on white genocide.)? Or, are you talking about all the looting you guys did throughout Asia? Let us talk about your 'superior' Anglo-Saxon culture.

This is not happening now.
"You guys"? Are we doing this today?

Ask Iraq. We attacked them for no reason and destabilized the area.
Within Muslim families, hard truths told to sons and fathers

You can't kill the women because you are pissed at them
Now let us talk about Anglo-Saxon culture. Are you talking about gassing millions of people in Europe? Or, are you talking about killing millions by stealing their grains in Asia? Or are you talking about genocide in Africa (I am not even including what you did to Boers. That was white on white genocide.)? Or, are you talking about all the looting you guys did throughout Asia? Let us talk about your 'superior' Anglo-Saxon culture.

This is not happening now.
"You guys"? Are we doing this today?

Ask Iraq. We attacked them for no reason and destabilized the area.

How is this Anglo culture? It was our government, comprised of more than Anglos. You cannot blame an entire race on the actions of a few.
This is not happening now.
"You guys"? Are we doing this today?

Ask Iraq. We attacked them for no reason and destabilized the area.

How is this Anglo culture? It was our government, comprised of more than Anglos. You cannot blame an entire race on the actions of a few.

I'm not blaming the entire race. I know some extremely aware white people. I have white people in my family even. Something is wrong with the culture though. Its Anglo culture because that's what as a group Anglos have done throughout history. Of course its not everyone that is Anglo but historically the actions have been to cause wars, strife, and genocide. This culture has resulted in all of the major wars, the colonization and oppression of other countries, and the ability to probably wipe our planet from the galaxy.
The War on drugs and the war on terror are one of the main reasons on why we have a standing army instead of a police force. But even though the War on drugs and terror have hurt many a american citizen. There as to be some said about how most black people are more prone to violence than other races though.
The War on drugs and the war on terror are one of the main reasons on why we have a standing army instead of a police force. But even though the War on drugs and terror have hurt many a american citizen. There as to be some said about how most black people are more prone to violence than other races though.

Has a lot to do with the war on drugs. After the Civil Rights the police presence was stepped up in the Black communities and later the Latino ones. The reason? There was no other legal way to keep Black/Latino people under control. Nixon said it best when he said the problem is the Blacks. We need to find a way to control them without appearing to do so. why do more Black people go to jail over drugs than white people and more white people by far are involved in drugs?
Now let us talk about Anglo-Saxon culture. Are you talking about gassing millions of people in Europe? Or, are you talking about killing millions by stealing their grains in Asia? Or are you talking about genocide in Africa (I am not even including what you did to Boers. That was white on white genocide.)? Or, are you talking about all the looting you guys did throughout Asia? Let us talk about your 'superior' Anglo-Saxon culture.

This is not happening now.
"You guys"? Are we doing this today?

My post was in a response to Swagger's post which claimed that Latinos were more violent than Anglo-Saxon. I simply gave him a rundown on his cultural heritage which as you can see is much more violent than Latinos.

To answer your question, UK is still in the business of robbery. What did you think just happen in Libya? It was UK lead operation to rob Libyan oil. Even today, their main source of income is money laundering. They still have not caught on with the concept of hard work and fair play.
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What a shame that black people are expected to act like everyone else.

They do.

They just get the shit beaten out of them when they do.

After A Traffic Stop, Teen Was 'Almost Another Dead Black Male' : NPR

You really believe this ridiculous story?

The cops used excessive force, but I don't believe it was because the black guy said, "Can I please see a warrant before you continue the search?"

Cop wants to look in MY car, I say, "Yes sir, go right ahead, I have nothing to hide."

I totally believe it.

They were sued and lost.
Blacks kill each other in HUGE numbers, white cops aren't a threat to them, not the honest law abiding blacks. There is a spirit, a zeitgeist, in poor black neighborhoods, of domination, violence and disregard for law. If you have lived in poor black communities, you know what I am saying. Fear, and distrust of police. The law. I know how deluded that mindset is, They basically hate all whites. And, unfortunately, they don't care or want to be apart of this "culture". Ironically enough, we end segregation. People just aren't logical sometimes, laws don't factor that in.

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