Within black families, hard truths told to sons amid Ferguson unrest

I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.
I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.

Yes keep ignoring the war on drugs because that's not in any way racists or unconstitutional:cool:
I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.

We get that you don't like blacks.

Maybe you need to get over it :eusa_angel:
I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.

You cannot generalize people like that. This is wrong. I have lived in several black neighborhoods. I never had any problem. There are bad elements in every human race.
I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.

We get that you don't like blacks.

Maybe you need to get over it :eusa_angel:

Legal actions needed to be taken against those blacks who went around and robbed the store. There is no ifs and buts about that. But there is no way the entire black race is responsible for the actions of those criminals.
I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.

You cannot generalize people like that. This is wrong. I have lived in several black neighborhoods. I never had any problem. There are bad elements in every human race.

I never hear these chastising words when some women says "Men are violent and we need more more for women's shelters" or when some college chicks are yammering on about "Take Back The Night" marches and how men are not welcome because the march is to focus women's attention on the violence that men do to women.

Go fix those people too.
I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.

You cannot generalize people like that. This is wrong. I have lived in several black neighborhoods. I never had any problem. There are bad elements in every human race.

I never hear these chastising words when some women says "Men are violent and we need more more for women's shelters" or when some college chicks are yammering on about "Take Back The Night" marches and how men are not welcome because the march is to focus women's attention on the violence that men do to women.

Go fix those people too.

You have a habit of finding yourself on the wrong side of every issue. Women are less violent than men for the most part. That is a fact. In my entire life, I never ever had to worry about a woman of any race attacking me or robbing me. That is convincing enough for me at least that the women in general are less prone to violence.

So now, you are against women too. Are you going to expel all women from Europe as well? Are we witnessing the emergence of a gay Nazi party?
You have a habit of finding yourself on the wrong side of every issue. Women are less violent than men for the most part. That is a fact. In my entire life, I never ever had to worry about a woman of any race attacking me or robbing me. That is convincing enough for me at least that the women in general are less prone to violence.

I have a habit of continually catching you in contradictions. That's the thing with being politically correct - every principle and every bit of reason has to be rejected in order to defend the PC position.

You chastise people for generalizing against blacks, but then when women are guilty of generalizing you have to rush forward to defend them by arguing that, in general, women are less violent than men, you know, generalizing (the tactic that your criticize others for employing.)

You cannot generalize people like that. This is wrong.

But there is no way the entire black race is responsible for the actions of those criminals.
You have a habit of finding yourself on the wrong side of every issue. Women are less violent than men for the most part. That is a fact. In my entire life, I never ever had to worry about a woman of any race attacking me or robbing me. That is convincing enough for me at least that the women in general are less prone to violence.

I have a habit of continually catching you in contradictions. That's the thing with being politically correct - every principle and every bit of reason has to be rejected in order to defend the PC position.

You chastise people for generalizing against blacks, but then when women are guilty of generalizing you have to rush forward to defend them by arguing that, in general, women are less violent than men, you know, generalizing (the tactic that your criticize others for employing.)

You cannot generalize people like that. This is wrong.

But there is no way the entire black race is responsible for the actions of those criminals.

Having a negative prejudice is bad.

Having a positive prejudice is good.

I decide what is negative and what is positive.
I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.

In "real life" a mulatto has been President of the USA for about 6 years.
You have a habit of finding yourself on the wrong side of every issue. Women are less violent than men for the most part. That is a fact. In my entire life, I never ever had to worry about a woman of any race attacking me or robbing me. That is convincing enough for me at least that the women in general are less prone to violence.

I have a habit of continually catching you in contradictions. That's the thing with being politically correct - every principle and every bit of reason has to be rejected in order to defend the PC position.

You chastise people for generalizing against blacks, but then when women are guilty of generalizing you have to rush forward to defend them by arguing that, in general, women are less violent than men, you know, generalizing (the tactic that your criticize others for employing.)

You cannot generalize people like that. This is wrong.

But there is no way the entire black race is responsible for the actions of those criminals.

Said while engaging in broad generalizing......... :eusa_whistle:
You have a habit of finding yourself on the wrong side of every issue. Women are less violent than men for the most part. That is a fact. In my entire life, I never ever had to worry about a woman of any race attacking me or robbing me. That is convincing enough for me at least that the women in general are less prone to violence.

I have a habit of continually catching you in contradictions. That's the thing with being politically correct - every principle and every bit of reason has to be rejected in order to defend the PC position.

You chastise people for generalizing against blacks, but then when women are guilty of generalizing you have to rush forward to defend them by arguing that, in general, women are less violent than men, you know, generalizing (the tactic that your criticize others for employing.)

You cannot generalize people like that. This is wrong.

But there is no way the entire black race is responsible for the actions of those criminals.

There is a thing called statistics which clearly shows that women commit less violence then men. Have you not learned statistics in the school? There is a difference between gross generalization and statistics. If I were to say no woman commits violence or if I were to say all men engage in sadistic violence then I would have been wrong. But I did not say that. You need to sharpen up a little bit.
I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.

You cannot generalize people like that. This is wrong. I have lived in several black neighborhoods. I never had any problem. There are bad elements in every human race.

I never hear these chastising words when some women says "Men are violent and we need more more for women's shelters" or when some college chicks are yammering on about "Take Back The Night" marches and how men are not welcome because the march is to focus women's attention on the violence that men do to women.

Go fix those people too.

World class deflection as usual.
I am so tired of this crap. In real life, blacks are the bad guys, they harass, they intimidate and do extreme violence on a large scale. But on this board, if you point that out, you end up the bad guy....Why is that? Are we afraid of reality or what? Let the bloody chips fall where they may, THAT is reality. WOW. This is a fundamental issue, like gravity. Blacks are violent and hateful and they need to get over it. And people notice. White cops...poor old men who's dog got beaten to death...The loud ass radios, the hate directed at whites...we notice little stuff like that.

Let me guess, you're now going to whine like a little girl when the obvious fact is pointed out for you AGAIN that you are a racist old bag of crap, right?

"Tired" indeed...
What a shame that black people are expected to act like everyone else.

Everyone else isnt getting racially profiled by the police. So if a cop racially profiles me for no other reason than my skin color, and asks to pat me down, im not within my rights to refuse and keep walking? Does that mean they should be allowed to shoot me in the back? You know if this happened once, no big deal, but when stuff like this frequently happens only as a result of being born a black man it starts to not only piss off individuals but an entire community. Michael Brown was shot because he was racially profiled by the police. Meaning the entire event happened because the officer racially profiled a black man. If they want people to quit rioting, then stop fucking racially profiling black people. Because we sure the hell are not gonna stop rioting if were being mistreated. If this keeps up, its gonna continue escalating to the point where I think people in the hood are going to start passing around mac 10s to anyone who wants to shoot at the police. Then what are they gonna do? Rednecks seem to be confident that theyre the ones with most of the guns, but we got guns in the hood that they only ever see in magazines and on TV, or in the military. Glock 18Cs/Uzis/Mac 10s, etc, etc. I know a nigga that has an M16 with a 12 gauge attachment and all the tactical stuff on it. Fully automatic too. Most rednecks would give their left nut for a gun like that. So I say to White people - keep thinking Black people don't have guns. Because if riots do come to White people's neighborhoods, every nigga is gonna be packing heat. Believe that.

I can only speak for what its like growing up as a Black man, and when Black people feel like they are being disrespected they arent gonna show any respect in return. We dont care if its a cop or not.

So bring it on. It's one sure-fire way to guarantee a lot a dead bad niggas, something that would benefit decent blacks, whites, and everyone else.
You have a habit of finding yourself on the wrong side of every issue. Women are less violent than men for the most part. That is a fact. In my entire life, I never ever had to worry about a woman of any race attacking me or robbing me. That is convincing enough for me at least that the women in general are less prone to violence.

I have a habit of continually catching you in contradictions. That's the thing with being politically correct - every principle and every bit of reason has to be rejected in order to defend the PC position.

You chastise people for generalizing against blacks, but then when women are guilty of generalizing you have to rush forward to defend them by arguing that, in general, women are less violent than men, you know, generalizing (the tactic that your criticize others for employing.)

But there is no way the entire black race is responsible for the actions of those criminals.

There is a thing called statistics which clearly shows that women commit less violence then men. Have you not learned statistics in the school? There is a difference between gross generalization and statistics. If I were to say no woman commits violence or if I were to say all men engage in sadistic violence then I would have been wrong. But I did not say that. You need to sharpen up a little bit.

You're asking the impossible if you expect the likes of him to "sharpen up."
Black people are 13% of the population. Most of them are very nice peaceable people. If the ones that aren't want some kind of race war, it's going to be a real short war.
This is why Black people have to have a different talk with their kids.

Man accused in 7th Ward shooting rampage was misidentified, police say | NOLA.com

NOPD officers had begun to give chase, and the rampage soon came to an end with a dramatic police standoff. Police said the man stepped out from grassy area on Derbigny and pointed his gun the officers.

They ordered him to drop the weapon, but said he reportedly answered, "No, you drop your (expletive) gun!"

He tried again to flee but was soon arrested after police set up a perimeter in the area and ultimately captured the man near an alley at 1820 N. Derbigny, records show.


If this had been a Black man he would have been exterminated with extreme prejudice.
This is why Black people have to have a different talk with their kids.

Man accused in 7th Ward shooting rampage was misidentified, police say | NOLA.com

NOPD officers had begun to give chase, and the rampage soon came to an end with a dramatic police standoff. Police said the man stepped out from grassy area on Derbigny and pointed his gun the officers.

They ordered him to drop the weapon, but said he reportedly answered, "No, you drop your (expletive) gun!"

He tried again to flee but was soon arrested after police set up a perimeter in the area and ultimately captured the man near an alley at 1820 N. Derbigny, records show.


If this had been a Black man he would have been exterminated with extreme prejudice.

ahhh if you only had proof.
This is why Black people have to have a different talk with their kids.

Man accused in 7th Ward shooting rampage was misidentified, police say | NOLA.com

NOPD officers had begun to give chase, and the rampage soon came to an end with a dramatic police standoff. Police said the man stepped out from grassy area on Derbigny and pointed his gun the officers.

They ordered him to drop the weapon, but said he reportedly answered, "No, you drop your (expletive) gun!"

He tried again to flee but was soon arrested after police set up a perimeter in the area and ultimately captured the man near an alley at 1820 N. Derbigny, records show.


If this had been a Black man he would have been exterminated with extreme prejudice.

ahhh if you only had proof.

Michael Brown. No weapon and 10 yards away.

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