Without crazy Cali... Hildabeast loses the popular vote too

Without crazy Cali... Hildabeast loses the popular vote too
Without Florida, Trump loses the electoral vote.

Your point?
Trump won the popular vote and the electoral vote in 30 states… This is a republic not a shit eating democracy.
Thems the rules... uummmmk...

Why can't you count to 50? Did you run out of fingers, toes, and warts?

Another far left drone showing they are a sore looser!
Without crazy Cali... Hildabeast loses the popular vote too
Without Florida, Trump loses the electoral vote.

Your point?
Trump won the popular vote and the electoral vote in 30 states… This is a republic not a shit eating democracy.
Thems the rules... uummmmk...

Why can't you count to 50? Did you run out of fingers, toes, and warts?
30 is more than 20, that's why this is a republic not a shit eating a democracy.

We get it. You support undemocratic government. So did Hitler. So did Stalin.
Actually Hitler and Stalin were socialists...
A pure democracy is pure shit… fact :cuckoo::lmao:
Not only did Hildabeast loss electoral college(losing 30 states) - the Loopy kunt thought she won months ago... :cuckoo::lmao:

Two weeks later, Hillary Clinton's popular vote lead grows as vote count continues

Reagan won california. Today, he couldn't do it due to the massive invasion from Mexico that's happened over the last 30 years. Some democrats think that this is great, having a huge number of third worlders stuff the ballot box, but what has it done to improve America? Not much. More jails, prisons, and cops, which cost lots of money. Having to build more schools for mostly Hispanics that under perform on scholastic ability. Costs lots of money nevertheless. But the vote, the vote, the vote. This is all that seems to count for today's new democrats who don't give a damn for their country. Maybe they do though. They're told that this type of diversity makes us stronger and maybe they believe this nonsense.
With out California you have to change your eating habits, & figure out where to get the tax money to help out the poor red states.
With out California you have to change your eating habits, & figure out where to get the tax money to help out the poor red states.

California has little money. We have a governor who wants to spend billions on a bullet train to nowhere.
Say what?!?

In 2015-

California pension debt worse than acknowledged
The organization identified $150 billion in unfunded retirement obligations, including $63 billion in pension benefits and $87 billion in retiree health care benefits. But $111 billion of this amount was not reported on the state’s balance sheet, buried, instead, in actuarial schedules. “Because the state government uses outdated accounting methods, a vast majority of liabilities are excluded from its financial reporting,” a TIA press release stated.

The TIA report, further, found that California has $94 billion in assets to cover $328 billion of liabilities, resulting in a long-term deficit of $235 billion.

In Sept 2016-
Understanding California's public pension debt

How much is it?

According to the state controller’s office, the unfunded liability of California’s 130 state and local government pension plans stood at $241.3 billion as of 2014, the most recent year for which figures are available.

In addition to pensions, an analysis of state and local government financial reports representing 90% of public workers uncovered $125 billion in unfunded retiree healthcare costs.

This brings the public retirement debt to at least $366 billion.

With out California you have to change your eating habits, & figure out where to get the tax money to help out the poor red states.
Her lead is over a million and a half votes. The electoral college gave the presidency to the person the American PEOPLE didn't want.

59% of voters in 1992 didn't want her husband either, but he still became president. Such is life

Clinton, Bill, won the majority vote and the college in 92 and 96.

He did not win a majority of the popular vote in either election. He won a plurality.

Your right

Plural voting is distinguished from a majority voting system, in which, to win, a candidate must receive an absolute majority of votes — i.e. more votes than all other candidates combined

Plurality voting system - Wikipedia

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