Without Islam

If you want to stay in the 21st century, then leave alone the KKK in the 1860s, or the NAACP a GOP organized entity, or the Southern Strategy.

You will be held accountable to your own standards, Jroc.
Imagine there is no heaven, above us only sky. Muslims would have had John Lennon stoned to death. Imagine THAT.
If you want to stay in the 21st century, then leave alone the KKK in the 1860s, or the NAACP a GOP organized entity, or the Southern Strategy.

You will be held accountable to your own standards, Jroc.

Please... stay on topic fake. History is History. Judaism, and later Christianity have went through a reformation islam has not. That's the problem

Without Islam, Brussels, Belgium would not be mourning the deaths of 31 people and the sufferings of 271 more injured in yesterday's terror attack. Without Islam, New York's Twin Towers would still be standing and 3,000 Americans would still be alive. Without Islam the French terror attack would not have happened. Without Islam there would be no conflict in the middle east. Israel would be at peace and Europe would still be a beautiful place to visit.

Without Islam, Norway could reduce their rape crimes by 100%. Without Islam, Sweden wouldn't be the rape Capitol of Europe. Without Islam the women of Germany could walk down the street without fear of being physically assaulted or raped. Without Islam little girls could be little girls and not live in dread of the day they are married off to a grown man 6 times their age. Without Islam there would be no such thing as honor killings.

Without Islam women in the middle east would have the same rights as men do. Without Islam people could vote by the ballot instead of the bullet. Without Islam there would be no need for foot baths, separate quarters for gyms and swimming pools.

Without Islam there would be no pilgrimage to Mecca where people are sometimes trampled to death or seriously injured. Without Islam there would be no religious conquest for world domination. Without Islam there would be no such thing as Sharia law.

Without Islam there would be no burka, hijab, or Koran. Without Islam there would be no one praying in the middle of the street blocking traffic. Without Islam there would be no terror attacks on synagogues, churches and other places where people congregate together.

Without Islam a man would have one wife as God intended rather than four wives which is open adultery.

Without Islam criminals would not be called heroes and dead murderers would not be hailed as martyrs. Without Islam jihad would not exist and terrorism would end.

Without Islam 1.5 billion souls wouldn't be headed for hell right now.

Without Islam over 270 million people would still be alive, multiple wars would have been prevented and billions of dollars saved. Without Islam, Hitler would not have had an ally.

Without Islam, Europe would still have freedom of speech. Without Islam, America wouldn't be fighting to keep 1st & 2nd amendment rights.

Without Islam black slavery would really be history.

Without Islam mass murder, rape, beheading, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, forced prostitution and genocide would be greatly reduced.

Without Islam - Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria wouldn't have become the hell-holes they are today. Without Islam life would be better for everyone.

It's hard to believe that prior to Sept. 11, 2001 most of us had never heard of Islam. Today it's all we hear about. The first word that comes to my mind when I hear the word Islam is “trouble.” That is all Islam has brought us. Trouble.

I'd like to live in a world "without Islam."

You get paid for this dreamscape? Islam is not the problem, humans are, without Islam, it would still occur, just with a different name, like it was der nazi's and Japanese several years back, then the Communist..I mean, how daft does one need to be to not understand human nature...??
Islam is not the problem, humans are
arabs are the problem
If you want to stay in the 21st century, then leave alone the KKK in the 1860s, or the NAACP a GOP organized entity, or the Southern Strategy.

You will be held accountable to your own standards, Jroc.

Please... stay on topic fake. History is History. Judaism, and later Christianity have went through a reformation islam has not. That's the problem
You will be held to the standard. Yes, we live in the 21st century, and your crap about the past of KKK, or NAACP, or the Southern strategy no longer ever counts again. You are on notice
If you want to stay in the 21st century, then leave alone the KKK in the 1860s, or the NAACP a GOP organized entity, or the Southern Strategy.

You will be held accountable to your own standards, Jroc.

Please... stay on topic fake. History is History. Judaism, and later Christianity have went through a reformation islam has not. That's the problem
You will be held to the standard. Yes, we live in the 21st century, and your crap about the past of KKK, or NAACP, or the Southern strategy no longer ever counts again. You are on notice
Deflection means you have no argument...stay on topic fake:slap:
Imagine there is no heaven, above us only sky. Muslims would have had John Lennon stoned to death. Imagine THAT.
So would have the local SBC congregation at the time.
Islam IS terrorism, in a nutshell, ISLAM literally stones people to death. Literally. They are absolutist in the extreme. They organize attacks on the non Muslims BECAUSE they are not Muslims, then they cook up a whole litany of slights real or imagined to justify such attacks. Islam would have stoned John Lennon to death for the lyrics in his song if they could. Imagine that.
If you want to stay in the 21st century, then leave alone the KKK in the 1860s, or the NAACP a GOP organized entity, or the Southern Strategy.

You will be held accountable to your own standards, Jroc.

Please... stay on topic fake. History is History. Judaism, and later Christianity have went through a reformation islam has not. That's the problem
You will be held to the standard. Yes, we live in the 21st century, and your crap about the past of KKK, or NAACP, or the Southern strategy no longer ever counts again. You are on notice
Deflection means you have no argument...stay on topic fake:slap:
Typical far right deflection: accuse others of what you are doing. You will be judged by the standards you use. You you brand yourself as a loser.:itsok:
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I find it forever fascinating that leftist that support the brutal treatment of Germans after WW1 and WW2 (a people that didn't attack us) never stop in their blind support of a people that will saw their heads off, mount them on pikes and pose for selfies with them.

w/o islam, Bush would have been an one and done

Without Islam, Brussels, Belgium would not be mourning the deaths of 31 people and the sufferings of 271 more injured in yesterday's terror attack. Without Islam, New York's Twin Towers would still be standing and 3,000 Americans would still be alive. Without Islam the French terror attack would not have happened. Without Islam there would be no conflict in the middle east. Israel would be at peace and Europe would still be a beautiful place to visit.

Without Islam, Norway could reduce their rape crimes by 100%. Without Islam, Sweden wouldn't be the rape Capitol of Europe. Without Islam the women of Germany could walk down the street without fear of being physically assaulted or raped. Without Islam little girls could be little girls and not live in dread of the day they are married off to a grown man 6 times their age. Without Islam there would be no such thing as honor killings.

Without Islam women in the middle east would have the same rights as men do. Without Islam people could vote by the ballot instead of the bullet. Without Islam there would be no need for foot baths, separate quarters for gyms and swimming pools.

Without Islam there would be no pilgrimage to Mecca where people are sometimes trampled to death or seriously injured. Without Islam there would be no religious conquest for world domination. Without Islam there would be no such thing as Sharia law.

Without Islam there would be no burka, hijab, or Koran. Without Islam there would be no one praying in the middle of the street blocking traffic. Without Islam there would be no terror attacks on synagogues, churches and other places where people congregate together.

Without Islam a man would have one wife as God intended rather than four wives which is open adultery.

Without Islam criminals would not be called heroes and dead murderers would not be hailed as martyrs. Without Islam jihad would not exist and terrorism would end.

Without Islam 1.5 billion souls wouldn't be headed for hell right now.

Without Islam over 270 million people would still be alive, multiple wars would have been prevented and billions of dollars saved. Without Islam, Hitler would not have had an ally.

Without Islam, Europe would still have freedom of speech. Without Islam, America wouldn't be fighting to keep 1st & 2nd amendment rights.

Without Islam black slavery would really be history.

Without Islam mass murder, rape, beheading, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, forced prostitution and genocide would be greatly reduced.

Without Islam - Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria wouldn't have become the hell-holes they are today. Without Islam life would be better for everyone.

It's hard to believe that prior to Sept. 11, 2001 most of us had never heard of Islam. Today it's all we hear about. The first word that comes to my mind when I hear the word Islam is “trouble.” That is all Islam has brought us. Trouble.

I'd like to live in a world "without Islam."

You get paid for this dreamscape? Islam is not the problem, humans are, without Islam, it would still occur, just with a different name, like it was der nazi's and Japanese several years back, then the Communist..I mean, how daft does one need to be to not understand human nature...??
Islam is not the problem, humans are
arabs are the problem
Iranians are Arabs?
I find it forever fascinating that leftist that support the brutal treatment of Germans after WW1 and WW2 (a people that didn't attack us) never stop in their blind support of a people that will saw their heads off, mount them on pikes and pose for selfies with them. w/o islam, Bush would have been an one and done
You have no evidence of your statement other than you stated it. The fact is that the German u-boat war against us in WWI and WWII pulled us into the wars. Your belief system operates much as does that of the jihadists: no prisoners.
I find it forever fascinating that leftist that support the brutal treatment of Germans after WW1 and WW2 (a people that didn't attack us) never stop in their blind support of a people that will saw their heads off, mount them on pikes and pose for selfies with them. w/o islam, Bush would have been an one and done
You have no evidence of your statement other than you stated it. The fact is that the German u-boat war against us in WWI and WWII pulled us into the wars. Your belief system operates much as does that of the jihadists: no prisoners.
Fake, way off topic, that's he does.
I find it forever fascinating that leftist that support the brutal treatment of Germans after WW1 and WW2 (a people that didn't attack us) never stop in their blind support of a people that will saw their heads off, mount them on pikes and pose for selfies with them. w/o islam, Bush would have been an one and done
You have no evidence of your statement other than you stated it. The fact is that the German u-boat war against us in WWI and WWII pulled us into the wars. Your belief system operates much as does that of the jihadists: no prisoners.
your HS education of facts leaves you ignorant of the truth.

Germany warned us not to enter those waters, WARNED us CLEARLY

but the left wanted war, so they got civilians killed.

fdr refused to trade with Japan and interfered with them getting supplies. The attack on PH was only a surprise to the citizens. fdr needed war to pull the country out of the depression

do you want to see pics of muslims posing with heads? I can google that in seconds
I find it forever fascinating that leftist that support the brutal treatment of Germans after WW1 and WW2 (a people that didn't attack us) never stop in their blind support of a people that will saw their heads off, mount them on pikes and pose for selfies with them. w/o islam, Bush would have been an one and done
You have no evidence of your statement other than you stated it. The fact is that the German u-boat war against us in WWI and WWII pulled us into the wars. Your belief system operates much as does that of the jihadists: no prisoners.
Fake, way off topic, that's he does.
the man that claims not to be a leftist.....
I find it forever fascinating that leftist that support the brutal treatment of Germans after WW1 and WW2 (a people that didn't attack us) never stop in their blind support of a people that will saw their heads off, mount them on pikes and pose for selfies with them.

w/o islam, Bush would have been an one and done

I see it in psychological terms, myself.

There are large numbers of disgruntled, useless people in this country. They produce nothing of value. They do not contribute to building anything positive in any way. They do not have any sort of positive vision, but merely know what they hate, and do so with great arrogance. Deep down, however, they lack any sort of true sense of worth since they recognize their own worthlessness and so run around with an enormous chip on their shoulder.

Is it any wonder they champion Islam? They are just like it! Islam produces nothing of value, Muslims see themselves as supreme yet when they look around, they see other cultures outperforming them in every conceivable way. They know what they hate and what they hate is anything that isn't Islam. Their chip on the shoulder results in mass murder unlike their leftist supporters, but the similarities abound.

This type of leftist doesn't actually stand FOR anything at all, much less actual liberalism, as they merely channel all their disgruntlement and self-loathing into a hatred of their own culture. It is easier to indulge in projection than it is working to better themselves, so they find common cause with others who hate their culture just as much as they do.

They are the antis. They go through life as if affected by one ginormous oppositional defiant disorder manifested through authoritarian politics. They all walk the same walk and talk the same talk as if this utterly vapid group think was some sort of enlightened world view, but all they really represent are a bunch of nihilistic children acting out against their own in any way they can so to avid taking stock of themselves as human beings and actually dealing with their utter worthlessness. .
If Christians acted like Muslims, the Left would have exterminated Christianity long ago.
I find it forever fascinating that leftist that support the brutal treatment of Germans after WW1 and WW2 (a people that didn't attack us) never stop in their blind support of a people that will saw their heads off, mount them on pikes and pose for selfies with them. w/o islam, Bush would have been an one and done
You have no evidence of your statement other than you stated it. The fact is that the German u-boat war against us in WWI and WWII pulled us into the wars. Your belief system operates much as does that of the jihadists: no prisoners.
Fake, way off topic, that's he does.
Two Thumbs is way off and I corrected him. You are way off, and I have corrected you.
I find it forever fascinating that leftist that support the brutal treatment of Germans after WW1 and WW2 (a people that didn't attack us) never stop in their blind support of a people that will saw their heads off, mount them on pikes and pose for selfies with them. w/o islam, Bush would have been an one and done
You have no evidence of your statement other than you stated it. The fact is that the German u-boat war against us in WWI and WWII pulled us into the wars. Your belief system operates much as does that of the jihadists: no prisoners.
your HS education of facts leaves you ignorant of the truth.

Germany warned us not to enter those waters, WARNED us CLEARLY

but the left wanted war, so they got civilians killed.

fdr refused to trade with Japan and interfered with them getting supplies. The attack on PH was only a surprise to the citizens. fdr needed war to pull the country out of the depression

do you want to see pics of muslims posing with heads? I can google that in seconds
You are deflecting and off topic.

(1) We were trading with Great Britain, Germany had no right; to interfere with our rights to the seas, and so the Germans paid the price.

(2) Your analogy says we should give into the jihadists because they threaten us.

(3) Japan attacked us, not the other way around.

So you want to give up to the jihadists. No.
the man that claims not to be a leftist.....

First, you give him credit for having a high school education, and now you are calling the boy a man?

What's next in your repertoire of overstatements -- saying he is average looking, too?

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