Woke Corporate Hypocrites!

You can't walk into any corporate headquarters without a valid photo I.D. or two or three and passing a metal detector and enough armed and unarmed guards to police a small city. Yet these hypocrites think it's racist to require a simple photo I.D. to vote. What's going on is that corporate America is scared shitless that democrat activists can mobilize a mob or a boycott in an instant so they cave in to left wing policy. The spineless cowards would call their own mothers racist for making sandwiches with white bread if that's what it took to keep selling a product.
It only takes a business card. You clearly dont work in corporate america.
NBC? The network that made the fake George Zimmerman audio?? LOL!

If you don't like selective editing, then don't watch anymore James O'Keefe videos. ;)
Has he apologized to anyone yet?

I like your tacit way of admitting NBC is not a legitimate source. Now run along go suck some billionaire dick.

NOBODY does Slurpy Derpy YumYums like Rump Sycophants! :D

There you go dreaming of Donald again. You just can't stop. He owns you, hard and deep.


Has anyone told you that you're a fucking idiot today?
If not, let me be the FIRST!! :cool-45:

Wow, your first post of the day that didn't mention Donald Trump! How did you manage? I know, you just rubbed another one out to Donald and you have five minutes of post-nut clarity. Good for you!

First responders will pick you up on a STUPID offense -
I'll volunteer a knee on your neck for ten minutes ...

There's no "voter suppression" asswipe.

Grow the fuck up.
Laws that make it harder to vote are voter suppression laws.

This is one reason why corporate America doesn't operate in Red states. My brother can tell you stories about how bad Mike Pence was for business in Indiana when he was Governor. His anti gay agenda did not sit well with corporate America.

Hell even Trump made fun of Pence for his social views.

Making it harder to cheat isn't "voter suppression", dullard,

Oh, and BI is almost as shitty a source as Daily Kooks.
No one is cheating. See what you are doing? Passing laws based on a myth. So you are passing laws to make it harder to vote based on a myth.

Same thing Republicans are doing in Kentucky. Most of the protests were peaceful but Republicans are using the riots to pass laws making it illegal to protest. Now it's illegal to insult a cop? You can be arrested and charged with a felony if you are found camping out overnight more than once? This law is designed to stop protests not riots.
This is the myth. There are a lot of examples of cheating. You have to want to see it, however and no, I am not going to provide you something you should do yourself.

I have been asked to show ID every time I have voted since 1981. Not once did it make it harder to vote.

The argument that people cannot get IDs is a myth. Every person you claim cannot get an ID is on some form of a government program that REQUIRES an ID.

Far more important is that we KNOW who is voting and determining if they are PERMITTED to cast a vote in this country.

That outweighs any other consideration.
People who want to do absentee voting should be allowed. No I’d required. If they are registered voters what’s the problem? Trump absentee voted.
People who want to vote absentee SHOULD be allowed to vote, but the requirement to prove who they are does not change.

It is racist to think that a subset of humanity is too stupid to acquire an ID, even when the ID's are given out for free.

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