“Woke” politics: who and where does it come from?

You are forgetting the media ramming that woke shit down America;s throat. How could you miss that?
Like what specific examples are you referring to? Like what examples are there that are repeatedly said by the media?
Think of the more extreme examples like the assertion there are dozens of genders or talk of pregnant men.

Question: Who genuinely believes those things?

Answer: It’s college kids and morons on Twitter.

In other words, Democrat Socialists, like you. If you are that clueless to realize what sort of crowd you run with then you have no business voting.
Think of the more extreme examples like the assertion there are dozens of genders or talk of pregnant men.

Question: Who genuinely believes those things?

Answer: It’s college kids and morons on Twitter.

That’s it. It really isn’t anyone else who talks about such silly things. I mean it isn’t democrats in office who bring this stuff up. As a result of the Twitter backlash to anything remotely politically incorrect, corporations feel the need to go way out of their way to avoid those ridiculous pitfalls. Should they though? If it is just college kids and morons on Twitter, do they really need to try so hard?

You know who brings this subject up the most, though? Republicans. Republicans LOVE to talk about those kinds of examples. It’s an easy thing to ridicule so they milk that shit for all it’s worth. The result is that they bring up the subject up WAY more often than the left actually does.

Now granted how you define “woke” varies.

Republicans think women in action films is “woke”.

Republicans think black people in leading roles is “woke”.

Republicans think gay people doing anything at all in movies is “woke”.

Such things are not “woke”. Gay people exist therefore it makes sense they would be in movies. Good luck explaining that logic though lol

“Woke” politics: who and where does it come from?”​

“Woke” is when the dumbest of dumbfucks fool themselves into believing that black folks are Americas greatest asset and caucasians are Americas greatest threat, woke is allowing a filthy piece of worthless dogshit like George Floyd change anything in America, woke is when statues / monuments depicting major figures from Americas past are desecrated and destroyed, woke is when filthy fucks with blue hair, neck tattoos and nose piercings demand that “Baby It’s Cold Outside” be banned from radio play because whites wrote and performed it while Cardi B’s song “Wet Ass Pussy” is championed by the same filth.
I could go on and on…you starting to get it?

“Woke” politics: who and where does it come from?”​

“Woke” is when the dumbest of dumbfucks fool themselves into believing that black folks are Americas greatest asset and caucasians are Americas greatest threat, woke is allowing a filthy piece of worthless dogshit like George Floyd change anything in America, woke is when statues / monuments depicting major figures from Americas past are desecrated and destroyed, woke is when filthy fucks with blue hair, neck tattoos and nose piercings demand that “Baby It’s Cold Outside” be banned from radio play because whites wrote and performed it while Cardi B’s song “Wet Ass Pussy” is championed by the same filth.
I could go on and on…you starting to get it?
The PC outrage to that Christmas song is pretty fucking stupid, I’ll agree. Of course, whenever outrage like that happens, it’s pretty small in scope. Rightwingers like you exaggerate and blow it way out of proportion because you aren’t smart enough to talk about issues that actually matter. Harping on PC shit, while sometimes understandable, is all you have. It gives you a false sense of intellectual superiority because you’re not smart enough to talk about issues that actually matters like economics.
It gives you a false sense of intellectual superiority because you’re not smart enough to talk about issues that actually matters like economics.
Hahaha….Says the people of the party of social issues / social construct.
Look, “the issues that matter” don’t matter at all to Democrats….you just want your free shit and ‘social juctice’.
Hahaha….Says the people of the party of social issues / social construct.
Look, “the issues that matter” don’t matter at all to Democrats….you just want your free shit and ‘social juctice’.
See even now you’re still making the same point lol. It’s so pathetic lol
Think of the more extreme examples like the assertion there are dozens of genders or talk of pregnant men.

Question: Who genuinely believes those things?

Answer: It’s college kids and morons on Twitter.

That’s it. It really isn’t anyone else who talks about such silly things. I mean it isn’t democrats in office who bring this stuff up. As a result of the Twitter backlash to anything remotely politically incorrect, corporations feel the need to go way out of their way to avoid those ridiculous pitfalls. Should they though? If it is just college kids and morons on Twitter, do they really need to try so hard?

You know who brings this subject up the most, though? Republicans. Republicans LOVE to talk about those kinds of examples. It’s an easy thing to ridicule so they milk that shit for all it’s worth. The result is that they bring up the subject up WAY more often than the left actually does.

Now granted how you define “woke” varies.

Republicans think women in action films is “woke”.

Republicans think black people in leading roles is “woke”.

Republicans think gay people doing anything at all in movies is “woke”.

Such things are not “woke”. Gay people exist therefore it makes sense they would be in movies. Good luck explaining that logic though lol
The Davos cabal put women in leading roles in action films to promote the idea that there is no difference between the sexes. The cabal also use black leading actors in order to give non-blacks the impression that blacks are just as capable as everybody else. The idea is to cause as much chaos as possible in order to destroy the family. Remember the motto "Order from Chaos".
The Davos cabal put women in leading roles in action films to promote the idea that there is no difference between the sexes. The cabal also use black leading actors in order to give non-blacks the impression that blacks are just as capable as everybody else. The idea is to cause as much chaos as possible in order to destroy the family. Remember the motto "Order from Chaos".
Lol um okay. So what is the incentive for the “cabal” to destroy the family? What do they get out of doing it? Why would it matter to them to begin with? Can you even answer that question?
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“Woke” is when the dumbest of dumbfucks fool themselves into believing that black folks are Americas greatest asset and caucasians are Americas greatest threat, woke is allowing a filthy piece of worthless dogshit like George Floyd change anything in America, woke is when statues / monuments depicting major figures from Americas past are desecrated and destroyed, woke is when filthy fucks with blue hair, neck tattoos and nose piercings demand that “Baby It’s Cold Outside” be banned from radio play because whites wrote and performed it while Cardi B’s song “Wet Ass Pussy” is championed by the same filth.
I could go on and on…you starting to get it?

I think you are confused as usual.

No one is saying George Floyd is an asset, just that he shouldn't have been murdered in the street over a misdemeanor.

And yes, if those major figures from the past were involved in insurrection, slave holding and genocide, maybe it is time to take their statues down.

The reason why "Baby It's Cold Outside" is considered bad is because it is essentially advocating getting a woman drunk so you can take advantage of her. Today, we call that rape. WAP is a gross and vulgar song, but no one is forcing Cardi B. to have sex.
Think of the more extreme examples like the assertion there are dozens of genders or talk of pregnant men.

Question: Who genuinely believes those things?

Answer: It’s college kids and morons on Twitter.

That’s it. It really isn’t anyone else who talks about such silly things. I mean it isn’t democrats in office who bring this stuff up. As a result of the Twitter backlash to anything remotely politically incorrect, corporations feel the need to go way out of their way to avoid those ridiculous pitfalls. Should they though? If it is just college kids and morons on Twitter, do they really need to try so hard?

You know who brings this subject up the most, though? Republicans. Republicans LOVE to talk about those kinds of examples. It’s an easy thing to ridicule so they milk that shit for all it’s worth. The result is that they bring up the subject up WAY more often than the left actually does.

Now granted how you define “woke” varies.

Republicans think women in action films is “woke”.

Republicans think black people in leading roles is “woke”.

Republicans think gay people doing anything at all in movies is “woke”.

Such things are not “woke”. Gay people exist therefore it makes sense they would be in movies. Good luck explaining that logic though lol
Ah, the ole "its all in your head" routine? Riiiight, Its not like the white house doesnt hire weird trans people not because they are the best for the job, but specifically for being emotionally damaged weirdos who parade around in dresses. You lefties in general (not just the young) shove this bullshit down our throats constantly. Its all of you who defend trans bathrooms and trans men crushing women in sports.

You are crazy if you think the democrat party is going to escape their rightfully earned their woke title. :cuckoo:

Furthmore, this is your post defending trans bathrooms, right? It looks like you covered all the big woke topics in this post.

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Think of the more extreme examples like the assertion there are dozens of genders or talk of pregnant men.

Question: Who genuinely believes those things?

Answer: It’s college kids and morons on Twitter.

That’s it. It really isn’t anyone else who talks about such silly things. I mean it isn’t democrats in office who bring this stuff up. As a result of the Twitter backlash to anything remotely politically incorrect, corporations feel the need to go way out of their way to avoid those ridiculous pitfalls. Should they though? If it is just college kids and morons on Twitter, do they really need to try so hard?

You know who brings this subject up the most, though? Republicans. Republicans LOVE to talk about those kinds of examples. It’s an easy thing to ridicule so they milk that shit for all it’s worth. The result is that they bring up the subject up WAY more often than the left actually does.

Now granted how you define “woke” varies.

Republicans think women in action films is “woke”.

Republicans think black people in leading roles is “woke”.

Republicans think gay people doing anything at all in movies is “woke”.

Such things are not “woke”. Gay people exist therefore it makes sense they would be in movies. Good luck explaining that logic though lol

“Woke” politics: who and where does it come from?​

It comes from white guilt weirdos like JoeB131 and rightwinger
Ah, the ole "its all in your head" routine? Riiiight, Its not like the white house doesnt hire weird trans people not because they are the best for the job, but specifically for being emotionally damaged weirdos who parade around in dresses. You lefties in general (not just the young) shove this bullshit down our throats constantly. Its all of you who defend trans bathrooms and trans men crushing women in sports.

You are crazy if you think the democrat party is going to escape their rightfully earned their woke title. :cuckoo:

Furthmore, this is your post defending trans bathrooms, right? It looks like you covered all the big woke topics in this post.

Lol god you are stupid. Simply defending trans people does not make a person too woke. I get that you’re a moron who never matured past the 8th grade so you like to whine and hate trans people, but simply respecting these people is not woke. Defending them from being ostracized is not woke. It only becomes woke when it is taken to extreme lengths that try to rewrite scientific principles and are arbitrary. I stand by that post and this one 100%. It’s not my fault you’re an 8th grade child with the IQ of a Neanderthal that hates people a little different from you. I guess nuance is too complicated for you.

I hope you don’t consider yourself a libertarian because that would be flat out pathetic lol
Lol god you are stupid. Simply defending trans people does not make a person too woke. I get that you’re a moron who never matured past the 8th grade so you like to whine and hate trans people, but simply respecting these people is not woke. Defending them from being ostracized is not woke. It only becomes woke when it is taken to extreme lengths that try to rewrite scientific principles and are arbitrary. I stand by that post and this one 100%. It’s not my fault you’re an 8th grade child with the IQ of a Neanderthal that hates people a little different from you. I guess nuance is too complicated for you.

I hope you don’t consider yourself a libertarian because that would be flat out pathetic lol
Defending trans bathrooms makes you woke by default. You are one of those annoying woke people that most of the nation finds annoying.
Defending trans bathrooms makes you woke by default. You are one of those annoying woke people that most of the nation finds annoying.
As my post pointed out, more republicans have been involved in bathroom assaults than transgendered people. You’re just whiny little bitch lol
As my post pointed out, more republicans have been involved in bathroom assaults than transgendered people. You’re just whiny little bitch lol
I would imagine that more school teachers attack people in bathrooms too, just based on population statistic alone. There arent that many trans people in the world.
I would imagine that more school teachers attack people in bathrooms too, just based on population statistic alone. There arent that many trans people in the world.
You mindlessly speculating doesn’t make shit real. Transgendered people have been using their preferred bathrooms for DECADES. Republicans arbitrarily decided to start whining about it and pretend it is some crisis. They are absolute whiny little bitch snowflakes.
You mindlessly speculating doesn’t make shit real. Transgendered people have been using their preferred bathrooms for DECADES. Republicans arbitrarily decided to start whining about it and pretend it is some crisis. They are absolute whiny little bitch snowflakes.
Yes, men have been sneaking into ladies rooms for a long time, but we used to kick the shit out of them and put them in jail when we caught them. Now you lefties are on this weird hardcore woke shit, which is annoying EVERYONE. Up to speed now?
Yes, men have been sneaking into ladies rooms for a long time, but we used to kick the shit out of them and put them in jail when we caught them. Now you lefties are on this weird hardcore woke shit, which is annoying EVERYONE. Up to speed now?
Lol whatever you wouldn’t do jack shit if you found one. You’re all talk. That’s how Trumptards are.

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