Woke U.S. Military Faces 2024 with Smallest Size and Lowest Qualification Levels in 80 Years


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Woke U.S. Military Faces 2024 with Smallest Size and Lowest Qualification Levels in 80 Years — Pentagon Issue “National Call of Service” to Younger Generations

17 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Reports emerging from the Pentagon suggest that the United States military is entering the year 2024 with its smallest size and lowest qualification levels in nearly eight decades. This development raises significant concerns about national security and military readiness in an era of evolving global threats.
According to Daily Mail, the total number of active-duty personnel has dropped to levels not seen since the early 1940s, a period before the U.S. entered World War II.
The emerging challenges in military recruitment are becoming increasingly evident, as seen in this year’s significant shortfall of 41,000 personnel. This gap highlights the widening disconnect between the military establishment and the younger generations.
Recruiting has been hampered by the COVID-19 vaccine mandates as well as an increasingly woke military atmosphere where trans soldiers are give special privileges while Christian soldiers are persecuted, bases host drag shows, and leaders with a history of anti-white statements are hired.
Rep. Matt Gaetz notes that under former President Donald Trump’s 2020-2021 recruitment policies, the military was on point in meeting its staffing and recruitment goals.
The Intelligencer reported:
According to the report, the reasons for military ineligibility are varied and relate to:
  • Physical health factors, including obesity. In Illinois, nearly one-third of young adults are too overweight to qualify for the armed forces. Yet such problems actually begin much earlier in life; the obesity rate among 2- to 5-year-olds in the state is 13%.
  • Academic factors. Military service requires a high school diploma or GED. However, nearly one in eight Illinois students fails to graduate within four years, a figure that increases to one in five among low-income students. Statewide, about seven out of 10 incoming kindergartners are unprepared for school success, according to the report.
  • Social and behavioral factors, such as substance abuse and criminal records. Nearly 9% of Illinoisans aged 12 to 17 report using drugs in the past month. Illinoisans 18 to 24 years of age comprise 15% of the adult population, but 33% of adult arrests.
Daily Mail reported:

In my previous post I remarked that enlistment was down to 1979 levels. Now the Pentagon is painted a worse picture.
Given the Biden dictatorial Covid mandates, the number of forced discharges of career military has decreased, along with the purging of the Officer Corps by Obama all military services were in distress.
This latest report places America in a bad position. Then again it's just more incompetence that projected by the corrupt administration.
Sad to say that Putin sounds more like an average American when he speaks than Biden or Democrat in our government today.

Woke U.S. Military Faces 2024 with Smallest Size and Lowest Qualification Levels in 80 Years — Pentagon Issue “National Call of Service” to Younger Generations

17 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Reports emerging from the Pentagon suggest that the United States military is entering the year 2024 with its smallest size and lowest qualification levels in nearly eight decades. This development raises significant concerns about national security and military readiness in an era of evolving global threats.
According to Daily Mail, the total number of active-duty personnel has dropped to levels not seen since the early 1940s, a period before the U.S. entered World War II.
The emerging challenges in military recruitment are becoming increasingly evident, as seen in this year’s significant shortfall of 41,000 personnel. This gap highlights the widening disconnect between the military establishment and the younger generations.
Recruiting has been hampered by the COVID-19 vaccine mandates as well as an increasingly woke military atmosphere where trans soldiers are give special privileges while Christian soldiers are persecuted, bases host drag shows, and leaders with a history of anti-white statements are hired.
Rep. Matt Gaetz notes that under former President Donald Trump’s 2020-2021 recruitment policies, the military was on point in meeting its staffing and recruitment goals.
The Intelligencer reported:
According to the report, the reasons for military ineligibility are varied and relate to:

Daily Mail reported:

In my previous post I remarked that enlistment was down to 1979 levels. Now the Pentagon is painted a worse picture.
Given the Biden dictatorial Covid mandates, the number of forced discharges of career military has decreased, along with the purging of the Officer Corps by Obama all military services were in distress.
This latest report places America in a bad position. Then again it's just more incompetence that projected by the corrupt administration.
Sad to say that Putin sounds more like an average American when he speaks than Biden or Democrat in our government today.

Legacy military families are looking at the state of our nation and asking: why? Why should my sons and daughters put their lives at risk for THIS?

And I don't blame them. Just left to wonder, though, what our Elite Overlords and their minion bootlickers here will do once the well of soldiers dries up. Good luck with that draft, Bootlickers
Legacy military families are looking at the state of our nation and asking: why? Why should my sons and daughters put their lives at risk for THIS?

And I don't blame them. Just left to wonder, though, what our Elite Overlords and their minion bootlickers here will do once the well of soldiers dries up. Good luck with that draft, Bootlickers
Allow millions of diseased illegals to come across our border, then destroy our once mighty military, and you have a recipe for .....

At one time I considered two years of compulsory .mil service (no college deferments) as the answer but if they are going to be further indoctrinated by the leftists they may as well stay in Mom's basement.
Smart move by the Pantsgon .
It has accepted that their armies never win so they have decided to get others do their dirty work --- proxy forces as per Ukraine and now Israel .

The proverbial pennies finally dropped when the very groups they created , al-Qaeda and ISIS recently , gave their fat overloads repeated good hidings .

Woke U.S. Military Faces 2024 with Smallest Size and Lowest Qualification Levels in 80 Years — Pentagon Issue “National Call of Service” to Younger Generations

17 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Reports emerging from the Pentagon suggest that the United States military is entering the year 2024 with its smallest size and lowest qualification levels in nearly eight decades. This development raises significant concerns about national security and military readiness in an era of evolving global threats.
According to Daily Mail, the total number of active-duty personnel has dropped to levels not seen since the early 1940s, a period before the U.S. entered World War II.
The emerging challenges in military recruitment are becoming increasingly evident, as seen in this year’s significant shortfall of 41,000 personnel. This gap highlights the widening disconnect between the military establishment and the younger generations.
Recruiting has been hampered by the COVID-19 vaccine mandates as well as an increasingly woke military atmosphere where trans soldiers are give special privileges while Christian soldiers are persecuted, bases host drag shows, and leaders with a history of anti-white statements are hired.
Rep. Matt Gaetz notes that under former President Donald Trump’s 2020-2021 recruitment policies, the military was on point in meeting its staffing and recruitment goals.
The Intelligencer reported:
According to the report, the reasons for military ineligibility are varied and relate to:

Daily Mail reported:

In my previous post I remarked that enlistment was down to 1979 levels. Now the Pentagon is painted a worse picture.
Given the Biden dictatorial Covid mandates, the number of forced discharges of career military has decreased, along with the purging of the Officer Corps by Obama all military services were in distress.
This latest report places America in a bad position. Then again it's just more incompetence that projected by the corrupt administration.
Sad to say that Putin sounds more like an average American when he speaks than Biden or Democrat in our government today.

I think they still can beat the reps in a civil war.

civil war navy.jpg
Queer Barry told us that to never underestimate the ability of Joe Potatohead to fuck something up.

The only thing Queer Barry ever got right.

After that warning why should we be surprised that Potatohead has really fucked up the US Military?

It is not like we weren't warned.

You make a moron Commander in Chief and you get a screwed up military.
A disproportionately large portion of the best soldiers in American have always been "white" men from the South. Between O'Bama and Biden, they have done things, and appointed people, who have nauseated this community of possible recruits, turning them permanently away from going into military service.

The only possible solution is Donald Trump. DeSantis would do as well, but that's so unlikely I'd classify it as "not possible." At least in this election cycle.
Legacy military families are looking at the state of our nation and asking: why? Why should my sons and daughters put their lives at risk for THIS?

And I don't blame them. Just left to wonder, though, what our Elite Overlords and their minion bootlickers here will do once the well of soldiers dries up. Good luck with that draft, Bootlickers
Our "overlords" might find out that their 'draft well' is completely empty.
So you support a communist over your President. Got it.
You have reverted to stupidity again Randyporn .

Arguably there is no Communism being practised anywhere on the planet by any important country .
Least of all in Russia .
It has had nothing to do with The Federation for over 30 years and Dear Uncle would laugh in your face if you made your silly suggestion.
As for comparing Presidents , even phoney ones like Piss Pants -- it is like comparing tigers and mice because they are both animals .
Absurd . Which describes your post . .
Only Congress has the right to declare war. It appears that the last time Congress officially did so was on December 9, 1941, December 11, 1941and June 4, 1942.
Any war America has been involved thereafter has never been Constitutionally declared.
Only Congress has the right to declare war. It appears that the last time Congress officially did so was on December 9, 1941, December 11, 1941and June 4, 1942.
Any war America has been involved thereafter has never been Constitutionally declared.
You must have missed 2001...

Woke U.S. Military Faces 2024 with Smallest Size and Lowest Qualification Levels in 80 Years — Pentagon Issue “National Call of Service” to Younger Generations

17 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Reports emerging from the Pentagon suggest that the United States military is entering the year 2024 with its smallest size and lowest qualification levels in nearly eight decades. This development raises significant concerns about national security and military readiness in an era of evolving global threats.
According to Daily Mail, the total number of active-duty personnel has dropped to levels not seen since the early 1940s, a period before the U.S. entered World War II.
The emerging challenges in military recruitment are becoming increasingly evident, as seen in this year’s significant shortfall of 41,000 personnel. This gap highlights the widening disconnect between the military establishment and the younger generations.
Recruiting has been hampered by the COVID-19 vaccine mandates as well as an increasingly woke military atmosphere where trans soldiers are give special privileges while Christian soldiers are persecuted, bases host drag shows, and leaders with a history of anti-white statements are hired.
Rep. Matt Gaetz notes that under former President Donald Trump’s 2020-2021 recruitment policies, the military was on point in meeting its staffing and recruitment goals.
The Intelligencer reported:
According to the report, the reasons for military ineligibility are varied and relate to:

Daily Mail reported:

In my previous post I remarked that enlistment was down to 1979 levels. Now the Pentagon is painted a worse picture.
Given the Biden dictatorial Covid mandates, the number of forced discharges of career military has decreased, along with the purging of the Officer Corps by Obama all military services were in distress.
This latest report places America in a bad position. Then again it's just more incompetence that projected by the corrupt administration.
Sad to say that Putin sounds more like an average American when he speaks than Biden or Democrat in our government today.
An entire generation grew up with the U.S. military being used for stupid evils and with veterans being abandoned. I can't believe people are actually surprised that recruitment is down.
An entire generation grew up with the U.S. military being used for stupid evils and with veterans being abandoned. I can't believe people are actually surprised that recruitment is down.

Indeed, I served as an enlistee for 5 years.
How anyone that would offer up their children to the whims of a feckless leadership like we see in D.C. is beyond me.

I have a great deal of respect for those in the military, with the exception of clowns like Milley, but have serious reservations about the intentions of those that control them.

My child is not getting blown apart because the war pigs need another theater to pump revenue.

Army Sees Sharp Decline in White Recruits

10 Jan 2024 ~~ By Steve Beynon

The Army's recruiting of white soldiers has dropped significantly in the last half decade, according to internal data reviewed by Military.com, a decline that accounts for much of the service's historic recruitment slump that has become the subject of increasing concern for Army leadership and Capitol Hill.
The shift in demographics for incoming recruits would be irrelevant to war planners, except it coincides with an overall shortfall of about 10,000 recruits for the Army in 2023 as the service missed its target of 65,000 new soldiers. That deficit is straining the force as it has ramped up its presence in the Pacific and Europe: A smaller Army is taking on a larger mission and training workload than during the peak of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- leading to soldiers being away from home now more than ever.
A total of 44,042 new Army recruits were categorized by the service as white in 2018, but that number has fallen consistently each year to a low of 25,070 in 2023, with a 6% dip from 2022 to 2023 being the most significant drop. No other demographic group has seen such a precipitous decline, though there have been ups and downs from year to year.
Meanwhile, the Army is seeking structural changes in how it recruits, including new recruiting career fields for soldiers aimed at putting the right talent into boots to hopefully help fill the ranks. Even with recent attempts to boost its recruiting force and slick new marketing ads, it likely faces an uphill battle to overcome culture war issues that service leaders believe are, at a minimum, exacerbating recruiting problems.
But the drop in white recruitment has baffled Army staff and isn't easily explained by any one particular factor, and no parallel demographic trends in the civilian sector are perfect comparisons.
Without proper context, some officials say, Army marketing efforts face a difficult future as the service continues to face partisan culture war attacks and the pool of eligible recruits continues to shrink.

Why should White guys bear the burden when they are not appreciated, promoted as they should be, respected as they should be....instead, they are treated as pariahs and racists and homophobic with white privilege..
Democrats are hoping that illegal immigrants will fill the holes of those Americans that will not join the military. That is exactly the reason the military has lower intelligence and other standards.
Let’s see how the Democrat Woke Tranny army does. I’m eager to see how Chicks with two moms, sexual deviants, furries, etc., can fight.
Small town and rural America is not welcome in today’s army nor are their morals and customs. Hard to say how the US army will perform without the traditional backbone of recruits —who come from these places.

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