Woman assaulted in home invasion in Sanford,Fl

Courageous young fellas. Victims of their surroundings I'm sure. Just some underprivileged boys being boys (oops ... I mean young men). Nothing that a slap on the wrist won't cure.
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Their heinous behavior is reminiscent of white raids on black communities for nearly three hundred years.

300 hundred years eh? Care to show me evidence of some raid back in 1714? I bet you are talking about the slave trade yes? Where the CHIEF of the tribe or better yet warring tribes sold their captured into slavery....proof please....oh and this is totally different. Negro's were property 300 years ago. This is 2014 and we are supposed to live in a civilized society...Can take the negro out of the jungle but can't take the jungle out of the negro.
Their heinous behavior is reminiscent of white raids on black communities for nearly three hundred years.

Wow. I'm glad someone provided them with an excuse. I'm sure they and future gangstas are thankful.

This dude LOVES dudes like you: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D78Hvpd57No]Fox 'The Five' Guy Who Beats Woman in front of Daughter Should Be DEAD by GUN YouTube - YouTube[/ame]
Their heinous behavior is reminiscent of white raids on black communities for nearly three hundred years.

300 hundred years eh? Care to show me evidence of some raid back in 1714? I bet you are talking about the slave trade yes? Where the CHIEF of the tribe or better yet warring tribes sold their captured into slavery....proof please....oh and this is totally different. Negro's were property 300 years ago. This is 2014 and we are supposed to live in a civilized society...Can take the negro out of the jungle but can't take the jungle out of the negro.

:lol: :D :lol: :D Good post.

Some libwits just make crap up as they go.
Their heinous behavior is reminiscent of white raids on black communities for nearly three hundred years.

What a sicking piece of shit you're. The next time I get a chance I am negging you for this.:mad:

White people, of course, have been benevolent saviors of the black savages throughout all of history.

He is far ahead of me. I have much to learn. :) Neg me some more. Show us all how much you love negro on white violence.

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