woman beheaded in north LONDON garden

Why is it, boyo, ya never hear about Christian suicide bombers? Or JEWS crashing commercial airliners into unsuspecting civilians? Islam, the new outlet for homicidal psychopaths. Don't give me this genocide stuff, Islam is the new KKK. A neo fascist quasi religious hate group.

Christian suicide bombers - they're too cowardly to kill themselves in the process, they just kill others.

Crashing commercial airliners yada yada - you guys bring that up a lot. However - it was one terrorist event. Not a pattern. I haven't heard of Muslims routinely doing this have you?

Wow...the shear bigotry is mind blowing when it comes to Muslims. However, I get that it is culturally acceptable to hate them and not other groups. Go figure.

"Too cowardly to kill themselves"

Fucking amazing. So now you're demonstrating respect for someone who would kill themselves for their cause.

Liberals never fail to amaze.

Respect? Hell no. But if terrorists are going to kill innocent people they may as well kill themselves in the process so we're spared the expense and uncertainty of man hunt and trial where the death penalty is unlikely.
Geno=race. Cide, loosely, means to kill. By the way, what race is Islam? I will write that down. Arab men crashing planes into buildings, I am sure they observed the difference. What say you? They also stone people to death. Cut off the clitorises of young women, that is some "religion". Wow.
Stop telling the truth
He may have been psycho, he may have been just a brutal murderer, but isn't it interesting when you consider that Muslims only make up 5% of the UK population, that most of us were nearly certain the instant this story hit the newsrooms, that the guy would turn out to be a fucking Muslim ?

Chances are it is a Muslim because that area is an area with a huge portion of Pakistani immigrants. Not 5%.

What you're implying seems to be that Muslims make up 5% of the UK population but..what...they make up a substantially bigger portion of brutal crimes? Got any actual statistics to back that up, if that is what you are implying?

Think about that will you. A murder happened and there was a 95% chance that it was someone other than a Muslim. But the moment we found out the victims head was fucking cut off, we assumed Muslim, even though if the guys religion had nothing to do with it, there should have then been just a tiny chance he was a fucking Muslim. But no, he was Muslim, and not a surprise to someone using odds and logic to arrive at their guess to the killers background.

In that neighborhood it was not a 95% chance it was someone other than a Muslim. You're misusing demographics.

And, if he was mentally ill - what does his religion have to do with anything?

I'm implying that if it's a beheading it was likely perpetrated by a Muslim. Mentally ill or not, I'm betting his religion did affect his thinking.
A beheading occurs in the UK, only 5% of the population is Muslim, and yet the guy turns out to be a Muslim.
Please stop working so hard to deflect problems inside of this religion.

yet he wasn't....
Geno=race. Cide, loosely, means to kill. By the way, what race is Islam? I will write that down. Arab men crashing planes into buildings, I am sure they observed the difference. What say you? They also stone people to death. Cut off the clitorises of young women, that is some "religion". Wow.
Stop telling the truth
He may have been psycho, he may have been just a brutal murderer, but isn't it interesting when you consider that Muslims only make up 5% of the UK population, that most of us were nearly certain the instant this story hit the newsrooms, that the guy would turn out to be a fucking Muslim ?

Chances are it is a Muslim because that area is an area with a huge portion of Pakistani immigrants. Not 5%.

What you're implying seems to be that Muslims make up 5% of the UK population but..what...they make up a substantially bigger portion of brutal crimes? Got any actual statistics to back that up, if that is what you are implying?

Think about that will you. A murder happened and there was a 95% chance that it was someone other than a Muslim. But the moment we found out the victims head was fucking cut off, we assumed Muslim, even though if the guys religion had nothing to do with it, there should have then been just a tiny chance he was a fucking Muslim. But no, he was Muslim, and not a surprise to someone using odds and logic to arrive at their guess to the killers background.

In that neighborhood it was not a 95% chance it was someone other than a Muslim. You're misusing demographics.

And, if he was mentally ill - what does his religion have to do with anything?

I'm implying that if it's a beheading it was likely perpetrated by a Muslim. Mentally ill or not, I'm betting his religion did affect his thinking.
A beheading occurs in the UK, only 5% of the population is Muslim, and yet the guy turns out to be a Muslim.
Please stop working so hard to deflect problems inside of this religion.

yet he wasn't....

They said from the start it wasn't terrorism related. Supposedly he converted to Islam about a year ago, the article doesn't actually deny that, just that it wasn't terror related.
Geno=race. Cide, loosely, means to kill. By the way, what race is Islam? I will write that down. Arab men crashing planes into buildings, I am sure they observed the difference. What say you? They also stone people to death. Cut off the clitorises of young women, that is some "religion". Wow.
Stop telling the truth
He may have been psycho, he may have been just a brutal murderer, but isn't it interesting when you consider that Muslims only make up 5% of the UK population, that most of us were nearly certain the instant this story hit the newsrooms, that the guy would turn out to be a fucking Muslim ?

Chances are it is a Muslim because that area is an area with a huge portion of Pakistani immigrants. Not 5%.

What you're implying seems to be that Muslims make up 5% of the UK population but..what...they make up a substantially bigger portion of brutal crimes? Got any actual statistics to back that up, if that is what you are implying?

Think about that will you. A murder happened and there was a 95% chance that it was someone other than a Muslim. But the moment we found out the victims head was fucking cut off, we assumed Muslim, even though if the guys religion had nothing to do with it, there should have then been just a tiny chance he was a fucking Muslim. But no, he was Muslim, and not a surprise to someone using odds and logic to arrive at their guess to the killers background.

In that neighborhood it was not a 95% chance it was someone other than a Muslim. You're misusing demographics.

And, if he was mentally ill - what does his religion have to do with anything?

I'm implying that if it's a beheading it was likely perpetrated by a Muslim. Mentally ill or not, I'm betting his religion did affect his thinking.
A beheading occurs in the UK, only 5% of the population is Muslim, and yet the guy turns out to be a Muslim.
Please stop working so hard to deflect problems inside of this religion.

yet he wasn't....

They said from the start it wasn't terrorism related. Supposedly he converted to Islam about a year ago, the article doesn't actually deny that, just that it wasn't terror related.

The article says nothing about him being Islamic at all.
ok - I stand corrected, I found this article gives more background, says his family was from Nigeria and of Muslim background.

Machete murder suspect Nicolas Salvador was jobless loner who killed Palmira Silva Mail Online
Last night Salvador was charged with murdering Mrs Silva and with assaulting a police officer. He is due to appear at Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court in north London later this morning.

Nicknamed ‘Fat Nick’, the would-be cage fighter being held by police left home 11 years ago.

Last night a friend said: ‘Nicholas is an only child and his parents brought him here from Nigeria. But when he was about 13 or 14 he left home.'

'The truth is, he has never felt loved. He has been unlucky all his life.

‘He was always down, he never smiled, he never had any money. He was a known failure.’

Another friend said: ‘He is from a Muslim background but he is not a good Muslim – he gambles, plays roulette.
After reading about this guy, he sure didn't come off as someone who was so seriously mentally ill he didn't know what he was doing.
I still stand by what I've been saying, I think his Muslim background played a role.
of course ' DD ' , of course plus official police [gov] spokesmen doing some lying or obfuscation so they don't stir up a hornets nest . Police are doing some kowtowing I think its called .
After reading about this guy, he sure didn't come off as someone who was so seriously mentally ill he didn't know what he was doing.
I still stand by what I've been saying, I think his Muslim background played a role.

A man is running around yelling incoherently something about "have you seen a cat" - killing cats, whacking away at rose bushes and decapitating an old lady and he's not "seriously mentally ill" :cuckoo"
After reading about this guy, he sure didn't come off as someone who was so seriously mentally ill he didn't know what he was doing.
I still stand by what I've been saying, I think his Muslim background played a role.

A man is running around yelling incoherently something about "have you seen a cat" - killing cats, whacking away at rose bushes and decapitating an old lady and he's not "seriously mentally ill" :cuckoo"
And yet he's been functioning pretty well up until this horrendous episode. Sounds like he's an odd character, but I think he knew what he was doing.

As far as going after cats, I believe they're okay to Muslims. Unlike dogs that they see as unpure and they're not even supposed to touch. Just one of the other things I don't like about Muslims.
I don't think he was functioning "pretty well" - it doesn't sound like it. Taking stuff without paying for it? Jobless? Left his family at a young age? Mentally ill people can more or less hold it together enough to get by for short periods. If they're untreated, at least with the major disorders - they can lose it. Look at the guy that shot up the Colorado theatre...he was able to get by normally quite a bit.
hey Coyote : as far as no job , probably collecting benefits , don't know for sure . Left his family at an early age , what age and I know well integrated people that left home , family at an early age , they were called independent and were emancipated [think its called] in the USA . Taking stuff without paying is simple thievery and is very common all over the world .
what , now he's psychotic rather than people saying that he appeared psychotic . I don't care if he is psychotic or has a head cold . Guy practices a religion associated with the practice of beheading and that's good enough fer me . At best , he is a psychotic muslim if reports are true that he is a muslim convert .

Obviously Muslims cutting off heads because they claim they are oppressed, hate the USA, hate France, Germany, England, Denmark, Norway, hate their non - Muslim neighbors in the nation that is hosting them with a new life and picking up the tab for it in the taxes in many cases, or they hate the McDonalds on the corner or the neighbors cat - that is a pyschotic mindset to begin with - you cannot make excuses for this! It is what it is - when you follow a doctrine of murder and hatred towards all that are not of your religion - have radicals screaming kill the infidel from their mosques on Friday prayer day - blocking streets with their prayer meetings - disregarding the opinions and rights of any one else - that is the result. Sad but true. The soldier that was beheaded in broad daylight in the middle of the street over there in England by a Muslim immigrant ( from Somalia I believe ) was a shocking story too. It is truly a disturbing trend and far too much of it being reported in the news lately. Voicing our opinion about such atrocities is only natural. We know what it is. It is Muslims who have been radicalized. That is what it is.

I get that you hate Muslims. I get that you've lumped them all together into one seriously ignorant stereotype. Let's move beyond that. Can you provide any evidence that this particular man has been "radicalized"?
In Europe, they banned Nazisis, no swastikas, they cracked down on hate groups. In America, they banned the Klu Klux Klan, the law took to their heels and practically took away their funding and all else. I would like the west to make Islam just another mindless hate group, and treat them like the KKK or neonazis.Scrutinize their funding, and hound them to hell. And don't let them spread their hate as a religion.

Don't believe in freedom of religion much do you? Not to mention free speech. Thank god our Constitution prevents people like you from taking away important rights because you don't like a group of people. Hate groups must give you the warm fuzzies. Very similar attitudes.
this guy , just like the Colorado theatre guy murdered people , I don't care if either one murdered because they were sick or normal . PSYCHOTIC , just an excuse imo !! Think the London guy is a converted muslim and he beheaded an old lady , you can draw your own conclusion Coyote .
by the way , just for accuracy , both kkk and Nazi party are legal in the USA . [I THINK] --- And no one , not me anyway hates ALL muslims . At one time I rented a house to a muslim family with 2 little kids . They paid the rent , were clean and personable , caused no problems . Maybe they were normal people that practiced a benign form of islam .
Anorak Edmonton Murder The Bearded Muslim Beheader Is Not A Muslim

This offers a pretty good break down into the many articles on this and...their accuracy.

No evidence that religion of any kind played a role in what happened.

In fact, there appears to be a lot of sensationalism and speculation and biased reporting.

The woman may not even have been beheaded.

The biased reporting has led to a large increase of threats against innocent Muslims.
by the way , just for accuracy , both kkk and Nazi party are legal in the USA . [I THINK] --- And no one , not me anyway hates ALL muslims . At one time I rented a house to a muslim family with 2 little kids . They paid the rent , were clean and personable , caused no problems . Maybe they were normal people that practiced a benign form of islam .

Yes, they are legal. Personally - I don't believe in banning free speech even from hate groups nor do I believe in banning hate groups solely on the basis of what they say. I think it's far better to have it out in the open where it can be countered. Plus...who determines what is or is not?
this guy , just like the Colorado theatre guy murdered people , I don't care if either one murdered because they were sick or normal . PSYCHOTIC , just an excuse imo !! Think the London guy is a converted muslim and he beheaded an old lady , you can draw your own conclusion Coyote .

I disagree - it's not an excuse, it's a disease. That doesn't mean I think they should be allowed to go free.

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