woman beheaded in north LONDON garden

what , now he's psychotic rather than people saying that he appeared psychotic . I don't care if he is psychotic or has a head cold . Guy practices a religion associated with the practice of beheading and that's good enough fer me . At best , he is a psychotic muslim if reports are true that he is a muslim convert .

Obviously Muslims cutting off heads because they claim they are oppressed, hate the USA, hate France, Germany, England, Denmark, Norway, hate their non - Muslim neighbors in the nation that is hosting them with a new life and picking up the tab for it in the taxes in many cases, or they hate the McDonalds on the corner or the neighbors cat - that is a pyschotic mindset to begin with - you cannot make excuses for this! It is what it is - when you follow a doctrine of murder and hatred towards all that are not of your religion - have radicals screaming kill the infidel from their mosques on Friday prayer day - blocking streets with their prayer meetings - disregarding the opinions and rights of any one else - that is the result. Sad but true. The soldier that was beheaded in broad daylight in the middle of the street over there in England by a Muslim immigrant ( from Somalia I believe ) was a shocking story too. It is truly a disturbing trend and far too much of it being reported in the news lately. Voicing our opinion about such atrocities is only natural. We know what it is. It is Muslims who have been radicalized. That is what it is.
Why is it, boyo, ya never hear about Christian suicide bombers? Or JEWS crashing commercial airliners into unsuspecting civilians? Islam, the new outlet for homicidal psychopaths. Don't give me this genocide stuff, Islam is the new KKK. A neo fascist quasi religious hate group.

I totally agree with you, Mary. The truth is the truth. Of course it is Islam. These people are being brainwashed in the name of religion - to do violence against innocent human beings! It is high time it get confronted!
By the by, Islam is a religion, not a race, so strictly speaking, genocide is racial based, so...being against ISLAM isn't racist. Remember Reverend Jim Jones? Most of his followers that drank the kool aid, they were black. Take a deep draught of that kool aid, dude..

Nope. Sorry lady. Genocide is not necessarily racially based. Look at the groups that have suffered genocide - most aren't "race". Just being accurate here....like I said, a good couse in remedial history might help you out :)

Denial is not a river, Coyote. Look that up while you are at it.
In Europe, they banned Nazisis, no swastikas, they cracked down on hate groups. In America, they banned the Klu Klux Klan, the law took to their heels and practically took away their funding and all else. I would like the west to make Islam just another mindless hate group, and treat them like the KKK or neonazis.Scrutinize their funding, and hound them to hell. And don't let them spread their hate as a religion.
Current event in England , --- Woman beheaded in north London garden - Telegraph --- who would do such a thing ehh ??
A year or so ago, a woman who had been an actress on one of the BBC's longest running soap operas was murdered and beheaded, and dismembered, by her brother and the body parts thrown in the river. They were both white, 'Christian', English people.

Based on the history of murder in the UK, it is not unusual for the victim to be beheaded and dismembered. So, who would do such a thing? Lots of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

In another case, also a couple of years ago, in the Spanish island of Tenerife, a man followed a woman in a shopping are, chased her down and cut off her head. He was Spanish, 'Christian.' There was also the case of the man on the bus in Canada who cut someone's head off.

These people are crazy people, mentally ill people. It is not a Muslim thing: it is a crazy person thing.

This thread is ridiculous and disgusting because it attempts to be a Muslim bashing thread. You are pathetic.

I still despise Islam. It asserts a fascistic, theocratic form of govenment. What do you have to say about that?

Don't worry, she'll have some ready to post as soon as she comes back on line.
Beheading is not unique to Muslim fanatics (Google will help you there).

I'm trying to figure out what difference it makes when someone has been brutally killed by a man running around looking for cats to chop up and scything way at the roses?

Sad situation.

He may have been psycho, he may have been just a brutal murderer, but isn't it interesting when you consider that Muslims only make up 5% of the UK population, that most of us were nearly certain the instant this story hit the newsrooms, that the guy would turn out to be a fucking Muslim ?

Think about that will you. A murder happened and there was a 95% chance that it was someone other than a Muslim. But the moment we found out the victims head was fucking cut off, we assumed Muslim, even though if the guys religion had nothing to do with it, there should have then been just a tiny chance he was a fucking Muslim. But no, he was Muslim, and not a surprise to someone using odds and logic to arrive at their guess to the killers background.
Geno=race. Cide, loosely, means to kill. By the way, what race is Islam? I will write that down. Arab men crashing planes into buildings, I am sure they observed the difference. What say you? They also stone people to death. Cut off the clitorises of young women, that is some "religion". Wow Middle east and middle ages, damn we need to get rid of these sorry imitations of human beings, Islam is a virus. we need a cure.
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Geno=race. Cide, loosely, means to kill. By the way, what race is Islam? I will write that down. Arab men crashing planes into buildings, I am sure they observed the difference. What say you? They also stone people to death. Cut off the clitorises of young women, that is some "religion". Wow Middle east and middle ages, damn we need to get rid of these sorry imitations of human beings, Islam is a virus. we need a cure.
Muslims are not a race: it is a religion. Muslims are located all over the world, many countries, many nationalities, many races. There are 1.57 Billion Muslims in the world. There are 2.2 billion Christians. Islam is the second largest religion in the world. The very vast majority of Muslims are normal people like you or me, living a quiet, peaceful, ordinary life, or trying to. The people you read about in the news are nut cases, fundamentalists, and terrorists. They represent a miniscule amount of the Muslim population world wide. Thinking all Muslims think like them is like thinking all Americans think like the Westboro Baptist Church or the KKK.
Muslims are not a race: it is a religion. Muslims are located all over the world, many countries, many nationalities, many races. There are 1.57 Billion Muslims in the world. There are 2.2 billion Christians. Islam is the second largest religion in the world. The very vast majority of Muslims are normal people like you or me, living a quiet, peaceful, ordinary life, or trying to. The people you read about in the news are nut cases, fundamentalists, and terrorists. They represent a miniscule amount of the Muslim population world wide. Thinking all Muslims think like them is like thinking all Americans think like the Westboro Baptist Church or the KKK.
You wear blinders when thinking about Islam. Most aren't violent but a small percentage of a huge number is a lot of people. And I'm not so sure it's such a small percentage. Muslims are involved in just about every war on Earth, if not all. There has to be a reason so many Muslims worship a death cult, there's something inherently flawed with a belief system that leads so many to do so much wrong.

Obfuscating it with a handful of nuts on the western side just shows that you don't have the ability of discernment.
By the by, Islam is a religion, not a race, so strictly speaking, genocide is racial based, so...being against ISLAM isn't racist. Remember Reverend Jim Jones? Most of his followers that drank the kool aid, they were black. Take a deep draught of that kool aid, dude..

Nope. Sorry lady. Genocide is not necessarily racially based. Look at the groups that have suffered genocide - most aren't "race". Just being accurate here....like I said, a good couse in remedial history might help you out :)

Denial is not a river, Coyote. Look that up while you are at it.

What's being denied?

Psychotic is a symptom of mental illness Jeremiah. Look it up while your at it.

Genocide: As a crime, the UHCG defined genocide as the intention to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.

Beheadings occur around the world - by a variety of groups.

The man may or may not be Muslim - but what does that have to do with anything Jeri?
Geno=race. Cide, loosely, means to kill. By the way, what race is Islam? I will write that down. Arab men crashing planes into buildings, I am sure they observed the difference. What say you? They also stone people to death. Cut off the clitorises of young women, that is some "religion". Wow Middle east and middle ages, damn we need to get rid of these sorry imitations of human beings, Islam is a virus. we need a cure.

Look things up once in a while, before opening your mouth and making your ignorance obvious. Look up genocide.

In the meantime, what does this have to do with the facts actually available concerning this crime?

I think your more concerned with demonizing Muslims then you are with the act that has occurred here. If this person is mentally ill, it's a real tragedy that could possibly have been prevented. People seldom snap without warning signs. What was missed? Mental health issues are traditionally underfunded, stigmatized and particularly so in certain communities like immigrant communities.

Or, is this just another vehicle for you to air your misogynist view points?

Now be a good girl and look up "genocide".
He may have been psycho, he may have been just a brutal murderer, but isn't it interesting when you consider that Muslims only make up 5% of the UK population, that most of us were nearly certain the instant this story hit the newsrooms, that the guy would turn out to be a fucking Muslim ?

Chances are it is a Muslim because that area is an area with a huge portion of Pakistani immigrants. Not 5%.

What you're implying seems to be that Muslims make up 5% of the UK population but..what...they make up a substantially bigger portion of brutal crimes? Got any actual statistics to back that up, if that is what you are implying?

Think about that will you. A murder happened and there was a 95% chance that it was someone other than a Muslim. But the moment we found out the victims head was fucking cut off, we assumed Muslim, even though if the guys religion had nothing to do with it, there should have then been just a tiny chance he was a fucking Muslim. But no, he was Muslim, and not a surprise to someone using odds and logic to arrive at their guess to the killers background.

In that neighborhood it was not a 95% chance it was someone other than a Muslim. You're misusing demographics.

And, if he was mentally ill - what does his religion have to do with anything?
Why is it, boyo, ya never hear about Christian suicide bombers? Or JEWS crashing commercial airliners into unsuspecting civilians? Islam, the new outlet for homicidal psychopaths. Don't give me this genocide stuff, Islam is the new KKK. A neo fascist quasi religious hate group.

Christian suicide bombers - they're too cowardly to kill themselves in the process, they just kill others.

Crashing commercial airliners yada yada - you guys bring that up a lot. However - it was one terrorist event. Not a pattern. I haven't heard of Muslims routinely doing this have you?

Wow...the shear bigotry is mind blowing when it comes to Muslims. However, I get that it is culturally acceptable to hate them and not other groups. Go figure.
Geno=race. Cide, loosely, means to kill. By the way, what race is Islam? I will write that down. Arab men crashing planes into buildings, I am sure they observed the difference. What say you? They also stone people to death. Cut off the clitorises of young women, that is some "religion". Wow.
Stop telling the truth
He may have been psycho, he may have been just a brutal murderer, but isn't it interesting when you consider that Muslims only make up 5% of the UK population, that most of us were nearly certain the instant this story hit the newsrooms, that the guy would turn out to be a fucking Muslim ?

Chances are it is a Muslim because that area is an area with a huge portion of Pakistani immigrants. Not 5%.

What you're implying seems to be that Muslims make up 5% of the UK population but..what...they make up a substantially bigger portion of brutal crimes? Got any actual statistics to back that up, if that is what you are implying?

Think about that will you. A murder happened and there was a 95% chance that it was someone other than a Muslim. But the moment we found out the victims head was fucking cut off, we assumed Muslim, even though if the guys religion had nothing to do with it, there should have then been just a tiny chance he was a fucking Muslim. But no, he was Muslim, and not a surprise to someone using odds and logic to arrive at their guess to the killers background.

In that neighborhood it was not a 95% chance it was someone other than a Muslim. You're misusing demographics.

And, if he was mentally ill - what does his religion have to do with anything?

I'm implying that if it's a beheading it was likely perpetrated by a Muslim. Mentally ill or not, I'm betting his religion did affect his thinking.
A beheading occurs in the UK, only 5% of the population is Muslim, and yet the guy turns out to be a Muslim.
Please stop working so hard to deflect problems inside of this religion.
Why is it, boyo, ya never hear about Christian suicide bombers? Or JEWS crashing commercial airliners into unsuspecting civilians? Islam, the new outlet for homicidal psychopaths. Don't give me this genocide stuff, Islam is the new KKK. A neo fascist quasi religious hate group.

Christian suicide bombers - they're too cowardly to kill themselves in the process, they just kill others.

Crashing commercial airliners yada yada - you guys bring that up a lot. However - it was one terrorist event. Not a pattern. I haven't heard of Muslims routinely doing this have you?

Wow...the shear bigotry is mind blowing when it comes to Muslims. However, I get that it is culturally acceptable to hate them and not other groups. Go figure.

"Too cowardly to kill themselves"

Fucking amazing. So now you're demonstrating respect for someone who would kill themselves for their cause.

Liberals never fail to amaze.

Good article....so....we wait for the facts to come out and there it is...thanks for posting this.

Police insisted that the alleged murder of Silva was not connected to terrorism, but a group monitoring threats against British Muslims said it saw a rise in reports within hours of the news breaking. Fiyaz Mughal, director of Tell Mama, said the incidents included threats in the street to women wearing the hijab in Wales and south London, and threats on social media.

Mughal said of special concern was that the threats had changed to naming specific targets, including a mosque.

Mughal said: "The assumption is 'beheading equals Muslim'. The association, for some, is an automatic response."

He said his organisation had seen three spikes in threats in a fortnight: after an official report into sexual abuse in Rotherham perpetrated by Muslim men; the release on Tuesday of a terrorist murder video showing the beheading by Islamic State (Isis) of an American hostage, and now after the alleged Edmonton attack.

Mughal said the nature of many threats on social media had changed: "They are not saying 'we hate you' or 'we hate Muslims', but [are making] actual threats of attacks against Muslims and mosques."

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