woman beheaded in north LONDON garden

Horse puck comment of the page > What's pathetic is you along with all fucking liberals as usual will rush in to the rescue, and attempt to deflect any wrongdoing by someone from your precious Islamic religion.

The point is that ISIL is not representative of Islam as a whole any more than the KKK 'christians' represented American Christianity.
You guys are hopeless.
Current event in England , --- Woman beheaded in north London garden - Telegraph --- who would do such a thing ehh ??
A year or so ago, a woman who had been an actress on one of the BBC's longest running soap operas was murdered and beheaded, and dismembered, by her brother and the body parts thrown in the river. They were both white, 'Christian', English people.

Based on the history of murder in the UK, it is not unusual for the victim to be beheaded and dismembered. So, who would do such a thing? Lots of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

In another case, also a couple of years ago, in the Spanish island of Tenerife, a man followed a woman in a shopping are, chased her down and cut off her head. He was Spanish, 'Christian.' There was also the case of the man on the bus in Canada who cut someone's head off.

These people are crazy people, mentally ill people. It is not a Muslim thing: it is a crazy person thing.

This thread is ridiculous and disgusting because it attempts to be a Muslim bashing thread. You are pathetic.

What's pathetic is you along with all fucking liberals as usual will rush in to the rescue, and attempt to deflect any wrongdoing by someone from your precious Islamic religion.

It doesn't matter in the least whether or not this particular horrific murder was perpetrated by a Muslim, or had anything in the least to do with Islam. The point is there IS A REASON to suspect it was, and that's what you ignorant libs will never concede.
The fact is, when one does not have a bigoted attitude toward Islam, there is NO reason to suspect that the insane, manical attack on this elderly
woman had anything at all to do with religion: it was just a crazy person, period. Only a bigot would assume it must be linked to Islam.
Horse puck comment of the page > What's pathetic is you along with all fucking liberals as usual will rush in to the rescue, and attempt to deflect any wrongdoing by someone from your precious Islamic religion.

The point is that ISIL is not representative of Islam as a whole any more than the KKK 'christians' represented American Christianity.
You guys are hopeless.
He is absolutely correct, and you are the ones who are hopeless.
What matters is that we stay in reality on the excusers on the far left and the abusers on the far right muddle the issue.
Current event in England , --- Woman beheaded in north London garden - Telegraph --- who would do such a thing ehh ??
A year or so ago, a woman who had been an actress on one of the BBC's longest running soap operas was murdered and beheaded, and dismembered, by her brother and the body parts thrown in the river. They were both white, 'Christian', English people.

Based on the history of murder in the UK, it is not unusual for the victim to be beheaded and dismembered. So, who would do such a thing? Lots of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

In another case, also a couple of years ago, in the Spanish island of Tenerife, a man followed a woman in a shopping are, chased her down and cut off her head. He was Spanish, 'Christian.' There was also the case of the man on the bus in Canada who cut someone's head off.

These people are crazy people, mentally ill people. It is not a Muslim thing: it is a crazy person thing.

This thread is ridiculous and disgusting because it attempts to be a Muslim bashing thread. You are pathetic.

What's pathetic is you along with all fucking liberals as usual will rush in to the rescue, and attempt to deflect any wrongdoing by someone from your precious Islamic religion.

It doesn't matter in the least whether or not this particular horrific murder was perpetrated by a Muslim, or had anything in the least to do with Islam. The point is there IS A REASON to suspect it was, and that's what you ignorant libs will never concede.
The fact is, when one does not have a bigoted attitude toward Islam, there is NO reason to suspect that the insane, manical attack on this elderly
woman had anything at all to do with religion: it was just a crazy person, period. Only a bigot would assume it must be linked to Islam.

You people are utterly insane, this has nothing to do with bigotry, it's simply making an educated guess based on past incidents in our recent history.

God what it must be like to be liberal and be incapable of making a decision based on logic.
So apparently he converted to Islam about a year ago.

It's too bad British police do not carry guns, they had a great excuse to not only end the rampage, but make certain this guy never again has an opportunity to terrorize anyone else.
Current event in England , --- Woman beheaded in north London garden - Telegraph --- who would do such a thing ehh ??
A year or so ago, a woman who had been an actress on one of the BBC's longest running soap operas was murdered and beheaded, and dismembered, by her brother and the body parts thrown in the river. They were both white, 'Christian', English people.

Based on the history of murder in the UK, it is not unusual for the victim to be beheaded and dismembered. So, who would do such a thing? Lots of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

In another case, also a couple of years ago, in the Spanish island of Tenerife, a man followed a woman in a shopping are, chased her down and cut off her head. He was Spanish, 'Christian.' There was also the case of the man on the bus in Canada who cut someone's head off.

These people are crazy people, mentally ill people. It is not a Muslim thing: it is a crazy person thing.

This thread is ridiculous and disgusting because it attempts to be a Muslim bashing thread. You are pathetic.

What's pathetic is you along with all fucking liberals as usual will rush in to the rescue, and attempt to deflect any wrongdoing by someone from your precious Islamic religion.

It doesn't matter in the least whether or not this particular horrific murder was perpetrated by a Muslim, or had anything in the least to do with Islam. The point is there IS A REASON to suspect it was, and that's what you ignorant libs will never concede.
The fact is, when one does not have a bigoted attitude toward Islam, there is NO reason to suspect that the insane, manical attack on this elderly
woman had anything at all to do with religion: it was just a crazy person, period. Only a bigot would assume it must be linked to Islam.

You people are utterly insane, this has nothing to do with bigotry, it's simply making an educated guess based on past incidents in our recent history.

God what it must be like to be liberal and be incapable of making a decision based on logic.
He shouted not about Allah, but about cats. He was obviously insane.
One told how he heard him shouting “the cats have stolen my lighter” as he hacked an animal to pieces.
This is the case of someone who is crazy; it has nothing to do with religion.

"God what it must be like to be liberal and be incapable of making a decision based on logic." Digi: It must be awful to be so full of bigotry that you can't even think straight or rationally.
Current event in England , --- Woman beheaded in north London garden - Telegraph --- who would do such a thing ehh ??
A year or so ago, a woman who had been an actress on one of the BBC's longest running soap operas was murdered and beheaded, and dismembered, by her brother and the body parts thrown in the river. They were both white, 'Christian', English people.

Based on the history of murder in the UK, it is not unusual for the victim to be beheaded and dismembered. So, who would do such a thing? Lots of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

In another case, also a couple of years ago, in the Spanish island of Tenerife, a man followed a woman in a shopping are, chased her down and cut off her head. He was Spanish, 'Christian.' There was also the case of the man on the bus in Canada who cut someone's head off.

These people are crazy people, mentally ill people. It is not a Muslim thing: it is a crazy person thing.

This thread is ridiculous and disgusting because it attempts to be a Muslim bashing thread. You are pathetic.

What's pathetic is you along with all fucking liberals as usual will rush in to the rescue, and attempt to deflect any wrongdoing by someone from your precious Islamic religion.

It doesn't matter in the least whether or not this particular horrific murder was perpetrated by a Muslim, or had anything in the least to do with Islam. The point is there IS A REASON to suspect it was, and that's what you ignorant libs will never concede.
The fact is, when one does not have a bigoted attitude toward Islam, there is NO reason to suspect that the insane, manical attack on this elderly
woman had anything at all to do with religion: it was just a crazy person, period. Only a bigot would assume it must be linked to Islam.

You people are utterly insane, this has nothing to do with bigotry, it's simply making an educated guess based on past incidents in our recent history.

God what it must be like to be liberal and be incapable of making a decision based on logic.
He shouted not about Allah, but about cats. He was obviously insane.
One told how he heard him shouting “the cats have stolen my lighter” as he hacked an animal to pieces.
This is the case of someone who is crazy; it has nothing to do with religion.

"God what it must be like to be liberal and be incapable of making a decision based on logic." Digi: It must be awful to be so full of bigotry that you can't even think straight or rationally.

I'm thinking quite rationally, that's exactly why most of us thinkers knew the odds were this subhuman was a Muslim.
Now yes, it's quite likely this particular individual, based on witnesses is psychotic. However, we have been seeing other cases of beheadings lately by individuals who, other than being a Muslim, are not insane.

What it comes down to, that around the world today, if there's a story about beheading, it's more than likely connected to the religion of Islam.

It's too bad you allow your PC thinking to cloud your rationality.
Interesting to see our resident pajama-clad liberal rush to the defense. Downright.....informative!
And they do it 100% of the time.

If there's any negative news story involving Islam, you can rest assured that liberals will be sprinting to their computers eagerly ready to start the defense rolling.
Anybody wanna guess the attacker's religion?

What makes you think it has anything to do with his religion?

“I could see that he had a big curved knife, about the size of an arm’s length and he was crouching as if frantically searching for something. He had a crazed look in his eyes so I closed my curtains because I was scared.

“My next door neighbour was in his garden but did not seem to realise anything was going on. I have seen him around here all the time, I think he lives on the road. I think he lives with his family. Five minutes after I heard him screaming the police knocked on my door and told me I had to get out.”

Another neighbour described seeing a man brandishing a machete and shouting about cats and said that he saw a headless cat as he watched from his window.

The man, who did not want to be named, said: “There was a scream so I went to the windows and saw a guy with a machete with blood dripping from it.

“He was standing in the garden and walking up and down shouting about cats.”

The knifeman then appeared in the witness’s garden and began swiping at plants, he said. “He started cutting roses. We were just trying to call the police.” Sue Mahadooa, 50, who saw police cars screech to a halt outside her home, said officers ran down the street shouting at people to get out.

It sounds like someone who is psychotic.
Current event in England , --- Woman beheaded in north London garden - Telegraph --- who would do such a thing ehh ??
A year or so ago, a woman who had been an actress on one of the BBC's longest running soap operas was murdered and beheaded, and dismembered, by her brother and the body parts thrown in the river. They were both white, 'Christian', English people.

Based on the history of murder in the UK, it is not unusual for the victim to be beheaded and dismembered. So, who would do such a thing? Lots of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

In another case, also a couple of years ago, in the Spanish island of Tenerife, a man followed a woman in a shopping are, chased her down and cut off her head. He was Spanish, 'Christian.' There was also the case of the man on the bus in Canada who cut someone's head off.

These people are crazy people, mentally ill people. It is not a Muslim thing: it is a crazy person thing.

This thread is ridiculous and disgusting because it attempts to be a Muslim bashing thread. You are pathetic.

I still despise Islam. It asserts a fascistic, theocratic form of govenment. What do you have to say about that?
I see. One Christian beheading is the equivalent of at 5,000 Muslim ones.
5,000? Please cite the source of this 'fact.' Also, if you researched the history of murder in the UK, you would find hundreds of victims, where the murderer was an English person (usually a man), whose heads were cut off. yep
OK, 4,999.
Hundreds beheaded in the UK? Color me skeptical but I believe there are English Muslims, no?

. . . give or take.

Anybody wanna guess the attacker's religion?

What makes you think it has anything to do with his religion?

“I could see that he had a big curved knife, about the size of an arm’s length and he was crouching as if frantically searching for something. He had a crazed look in his eyes so I closed my curtains because I was scared.

“My next door neighbour was in his garden but did not seem to realise anything was going on. I have seen him around here all the time, I think he lives on the road. I think he lives with his family. Five minutes after I heard him screaming the police knocked on my door and told me I had to get out.”

Another neighbour described seeing a man brandishing a machete and shouting about cats and said that he saw a headless cat as he watched from his window.

The man, who did not want to be named, said: “There was a scream so I went to the windows and saw a guy with a machete with blood dripping from it.

“He was standing in the garden and walking up and down shouting about cats.”

The knifeman then appeared in the witness’s garden and began swiping at plants, he said. “He started cutting roses. We were just trying to call the police.” Sue Mahadooa, 50, who saw police cars screech to a halt outside her home, said officers ran down the street shouting at people to get out.

It sounds like someone who is psychotic.

Psychotic yes, but isn't it interesting he chose to behead someone, instead of simply stabbing or slashing them. It's an Islamic extremeist thing to do, so insane or not, I think his religion was very relevant.

Think of it this way, had it been been a psychotic Christian, he probably would have nailed the old lady to a cross.

Oh wait, even a person who is Christian and is insane hasn't done such a thing, nor have any of them beheaded anyone lately. That's certainly a statement you cannot say about Muslim's.
Anybody wanna guess the attacker's religion?

What makes you think it has anything to do with his religion?

“I could see that he had a big curved knife, about the size of an arm’s length and he was crouching as if frantically searching for something. He had a crazed look in his eyes so I closed my curtains because I was scared.

“My next door neighbour was in his garden but did not seem to realise anything was going on. I have seen him around here all the time, I think he lives on the road. I think he lives with his family. Five minutes after I heard him screaming the police knocked on my door and told me I had to get out.”

Another neighbour described seeing a man brandishing a machete and shouting about cats and said that he saw a headless cat as he watched from his window.

The man, who did not want to be named, said: “There was a scream so I went to the windows and saw a guy with a machete with blood dripping from it.

“He was standing in the garden and walking up and down shouting about cats.”

The knifeman then appeared in the witness’s garden and began swiping at plants, he said. “He started cutting roses. We were just trying to call the police.” Sue Mahadooa, 50, who saw police cars screech to a halt outside her home, said officers ran down the street shouting at people to get out.

It sounds like someone who is psychotic.

Psychotic yes, but isn't it interesting he chose to behead someone, instead of simply stabbing or slashing them. It's an Islamic extremeist thing to do, so insane or not, I think his religion was very relevant.

Think of it this way, had it been been a psychotic Christian, he probably would have nailed the old lady to a cross.

Oh wait, even a person who is Christian and is insane hasn't done such a thing, nor have any of them beheaded anyone lately. That's certainly a statement you cannot say about Muslim's.

Actually, beheading is a time honored tradition that spans continents and religions (for example, there have been a number of decapitations conducted by the drug cartels in Mexico and they sure as hell aren't Muslim - they're likely Catholic). I guess if he were Christian he would have taken a gun and blown people's heads off.

In the end, the religion is utterly irrelevant to the act and the people are just as dead regardless of method.
Due tell, sounds like a desperate excuse. Anyone chop off anyone's head's lately? Absurd. Totally a waste.Isis is like the KKK, a bunch of psychopaths in hoods. Realy.
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beheading in Mexico is probably santaria or old Aztec religion .

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