Woman defies driving ban in Saudi Arabia

From what I heard, Islam was at a crossroads in the 19th century regarding faith - and the Saudi brand, Wahabi won out over the others, not to mention was heavily financed by the House of Saud. I can see how that brand of fundamentalism could well be Islam's worst enemy.

The creator of Wahhabism (Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab) is a jewish descent person and wahhabism was established with the support of England (according to many sources and ottoman sources) also some muslim intelligence services says the same . Today Saudi is a puppet of Western countries . They cant decide for anything , they just apply what western say them .
Aha, it's the "Jewish blood" in him that caused this!

You are truly sick, and indicative of the disgusting mentality permeating the Muslim world today.

As far as being of Jewish descent, it's just more garbage and lies. This is what dealing with Islamists is like, you can't get an ounce of honesty and decency out of them:

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab is generally acknowledged[7] to have been born in 1703[8] into the Arab tribe of Banu Tamim[9] in 'Uyayna, a village in the Najd region of the modern Saudi Arabia.[8][10] ( note: Banu Tamim is not a nomadic bedouin tribe).[citation needed]
He was thought to have started studying Islam at an early age, primarily with his father, ʿAbd al-Wahhab[11][12] as his family was from a line of scholars of the Hanbali school of jurisprudence.[13]
Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab spent some time studying with Muslim scholars in Basra (in southern Iraq)[11][14] and it is reported that he travelled to the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina to perform Hajj and study with the scholars there.[15][16][17]
In Mecca, the Hanbali mufti, Ibn Humaydi, perceived Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab to be a poor student, and arrogant and defiant with his teachers, which upset his father. Consequently, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab did not complete his studies (with this particular teacher but he indeed did finish his studies later on with other scholars) but whether he was expelled or dropped out is unknown.[18]
In Medina, he studied under Mohammad Hayya Al-Sindhi, to whom he was introduced by an earlier tutor.[19] According to Voll, it was Muhammad Hayyat who taught Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab to reject the popular veneration of saints and their tombs.[19] Nonetheless, almost all sources agree that his reformist ideas were formulated while living in Basra. He returned to 'Uyayna in 1740.
Following his early education in Medina, Abdul Wahhab traveled outside of the peninsula, venturing first to Basra. He then went to Baghdad, where he said to have got married to a woman of Najdi origin and settled down for five years.
After his return home, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab began to attract followers, including the ruler of 'Uyayna, Uthman ibn Mu'ammar. With Ibn Mu'ammar's support, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab began to implement some of his ideas for reform. First, citing Islamic teachings forbidding grave worship, he persuaded Ibn Mu'ammar to level the grave of Zayd ibn al-Khattab, a companion of Muhammad, whose grave was revered by locals. Secondly, he ordered that all adulterors be stoned to death, a practice that had become uncommon in the area. Indeed, he personally organised the stoning of a woman who confessed that she had committed adultery.[20]
These actions gained the attention of Sulaiman ibn Muhammad ibn Ghurayr of the tribe of Bani Khalid, the chief of Al-Hasa and Qatif, who held substantial influence in Najd. Ibn Ghurayr threatened Ibn Mu'ammar that he would not allow him to collect a land tax for some properties that he owned in Al-Hasa if he did not kill Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab. Although Ibn Mu'ammar declined to do so, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab was still forced to leave.[21]
From what I heard, Islam was at a crossroads in the 19th century regarding faith - and the Saudi brand, Wahabi won out over the others, not to mention was heavily financed by the House of Saud. I can see how that brand of fundamentalism could well be Islam's worst enemy.

The creator of Wahhabism (Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab) is a jewish descent person and wahhabism was established with the support of England (according to many sources and ottoman sources) also some muslim intelligence services says the same . Today Saudi is a puppet of Western countries . They cant decide for anything , they just apply what western say them .

In the Moslem psyche, there's always a Jew lurking about somewhere .

Talk about having a tantrum! :lmao:

Ha Ha Ha! This guy is so obsessed with himself and his 'fellow' Jews! LOL
Nox you really have some nerve bitching about the Kingdom, plenty of Saudis went to Chechnya to fight the Russians and alot of the Islamic schools in your country were built and funded by Saudi Riyals.
You'd think the idiot would know that. Just one of many things she's totally ignorant about.
From what I heard, Islam was at a crossroads in the 19th century regarding faith - and the Saudi brand, Wahabi won out over the others, not to mention was heavily financed by the House of Saud. I can see how that brand of fundamentalism could well be Islam's worst enemy.

The creator of Wahhabism (Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab) is a jewish descent person and wahhabism was established with the support of England (according to many sources and ottoman sources) also some muslim intelligence services says the same . Today Saudi is a puppet of Western countries . They cant decide for anything , they just apply what western say them .

In the Moslem psyche, there's always a Jew lurking about somewhere .

In the Christian psyche, there's always a Muslim lurking about somewhere.
The creator of Wahhabism (Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab) is a jewish descent person and wahhabism was established with the support of England (according to many sources and ottoman sources) also some muslim intelligence services says the same . Today Saudi is a puppet of Western countries . They cant decide for anything , they just apply what western say them .

In the Moslem psyche, there's always a Jew lurking about somewhere .

In the Christian psyche, there's always a Muslim lurking about somewhere.
From what I heard, Islam was at a crossroads in the 19th century regarding faith - and the Saudi brand, Wahabi won out over the others, not to mention was heavily financed by the House of Saud. I can see how that brand of fundamentalism could well be Islam's worst enemy.

The creator of Wahhabism (Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab) is a jewish descent person and wahhabism was established with the support of England (according to many sources and ottoman sources) also some muslim intelligence services says the same . Today Saudi is a puppet of Western countries . They cant decide for anything , they just apply what western say them .

I can't find anything to substantiate that - sounds like conspiracy theory. But Wikipedia does state: Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As with the early Salafi's, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab was criticised for disregarding Islamic history, monuments, traditions and the sanctity of Muslim life.[18] His own brother, Sulayman, was particularly critical, claiming he was ill-educated and intolerant, classing Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab's views as fringe and fanatical.[18]

The list of scholars, along with names of their books and related information, is quoted from the Islamic scholar Muhammad Hisham[33][List of books that refutes Wahhabi teachings]

Which indicates that this was relatively modern (and ultimately damaging) movement in Islam's evolution.
Nox you really have some nerve bitching about the Kingdom, plenty of Saudis went to Chechnya to fight the Russians and alot of the Islamic schools in your country were built and funded by Saudi Riyals.
You'd think the idiot would know that. Just one of many things she's totally ignorant about.

Either that or she's just biting the hand that feeds her.
Islam=many different interpretations of the Koran.

Deeply religious moslems find justification for all manner of base acts including denigration of the infidel and mass murder of other moslems.

You must have a Koran that differs from the Koran of the pious moslems who practice an Islam different than yours.
This Noxious character is a Chechen Mooslem, who hasn't the slightest clue about Islam. She's making up shit about Islam that doesn't exist. She seems to have picked up on the violence and hatred that Islam espouses pretty quickly though. LOL

She is an expert on the hatred and violence part, everything else not so much.
Yup. She must be one of the honor students at her nightly Koran studies class. LOL
Thats the whole point, Islam is not supposed to change because the date is different. You can speak to any Muslim if you don't believe me. Saying Saudi Arabia is the "enemy of Islam" is a lie and makes no sense, the Kingdom is the birth place of Islam and the cradle of the Quran.

However Islam HAS changed over the centuries and has numerous sects within it. It does change and continues to change and there is no sign it will stop changing. That's why it seems a bit foolish to claim it suddenly isn't going to change.

I think Muslims know more about their own religion then non-Muslims.

I think that completely depends, the things we are arguing about here are in Black and white, anyone regardless of religion can read them and debate the issue. Saying the Kingdom is an enemy of Islam is a complete utter black faced lie.

I disagree.

Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Islam, but the Saudi Arabia of then is not the Saudi Arabia of now. The rise of the Wahabi tradition is said to be what effectively ended Islamic exploration into the sciences and education as well as forcing a very radical view of Islam on Muslim countries worldwide. The fact that that tradition became dominant and sprang out of Saudi Arabia does give truth to the claim that Saudi Arabia is the enemy of Islam because Wahabiism has certainly been responsible for a great deal of ignorance and destruction including the destruction of great Islamic artifacts and the artifacts of other religions.

It's not so black and white because it's not an unchanging thing.
Nox you really have some nerve bitching about the Kingdom, plenty of Saudis went to Chechnya to fight the Russians and alot of the Islamic schools in your country were built and funded by Saudi Riyals.
You'd think the idiot would know that. Just one of many things she's totally ignorant about.

Either that or she's just biting the hand that feeds her.
I think she scrambles and makes up shit, and then realizes she just put her foot in her mouth for the thousandth time.
However Islam HAS changed over the centuries and has numerous sects within it. It does change and continues to change and there is no sign it will stop changing. That's why it seems a bit foolish to claim it suddenly isn't going to change.

I think Muslims know more about their own religion then non-Muslims.

I think that completely depends, the things we are arguing about here are in Black and white, anyone regardless of religion can read them and debate the issue. Saying the Kingdom is an enemy of Islam is a complete utter black faced lie.

I disagree.

Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Islam, but the Saudi Arabia of then is not the Saudi Arabia of now. The rise of the Wahabi tradition is said to be what effectively ended Islamic exploration into the sciences and education as well as forcing a very radical view of Islam on Muslim countries worldwide. The fact that that tradition became dominant and sprang out of Saudi Arabia does give truth to the claim that Saudi Arabia is the enemy of Islam because Wahabiism has certainly been responsible for a great deal of ignorance and destruction including the destruction of great Islamic artifacts and the artifacts of other religions.

It's not so black and white because it's not an unchanging thing.

You need to look deeper, Saudi Arabia is the mother of Islam. Billions of dollars of Saudi money goes to fund Islamic schools and madrassas around the world, including here. Millions of Muslims go to the Kingdom every year to make the pilgrimage to Hajj, lets not even mention all Muslims pray in the direction of the Kingdom every day!!!!!!!
I think that completely depends, the things we are arguing about here are in Black and white, anyone regardless of religion can read them and debate the issue. Saying the Kingdom is an enemy of Islam is a complete utter black faced lie.

I disagree.

Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Islam, but the Saudi Arabia of then is not the Saudi Arabia of now. The rise of the Wahabi tradition is said to be what effectively ended Islamic exploration into the sciences and education as well as forcing a very radical view of Islam on Muslim countries worldwide. The fact that that tradition became dominant and sprang out of Saudi Arabia does give truth to the claim that Saudi Arabia is the enemy of Islam because Wahabiism has certainly been responsible for a great deal of ignorance and destruction including the destruction of great Islamic artifacts and the artifacts of other religions.

It's not so black and white because it's not an unchanging thing.

You need to look deeper, Saudi Arabia is the mother of Islam. Billions of dollars of Saudi money goes to fund Islamic schools and madrassas around the world, including here. Millions of Muslims go to the Kingdom every year to make the pilgrimage to Hajj, lets not even mention all Muslims pray in the direction of the Kingdom every day!!!!!!!

We're like two ships passing in the night here HG - you're not hearing what I said...

Edited to add:

The region called Saudi Arabia gave birth to Islam over 1300 years ago.

The tradition called Wahabi is what made Saudi Arabia what it is today and that came about in the 18th century - a few hundred years ago.

It's the Wahabi's who are pooring all that money into spreading Wahabi around the world. Is Wahabi the mother of Islam? No. Is Saudi Arabia the sacred center of Islam? Not the nation per se.
However Islam HAS changed over the centuries and has numerous sects within it. It does change and continues to change and there is no sign it will stop changing. That's why it seems a bit foolish to claim it suddenly isn't going to change.

I think Muslims know more about their own religion then non-Muslims.

I think that completely depends, the things we are arguing about here are in Black and white, anyone regardless of religion can read them and debate the issue. Saying the Kingdom is an enemy of Islam is a complete utter black faced lie.

I disagree.

Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Islam, but the Saudi Arabia of then is not the Saudi Arabia of now. The rise of the Wahabi tradition is said to be what effectively ended Islamic exploration into the sciences and education as well as forcing a very radical view of Islam on Muslim countries worldwide. The fact that that tradition became dominant and sprang out of Saudi Arabia does give truth to the claim that Saudi Arabia is the enemy of Islam because Wahabiism has certainly been responsible for a great deal of ignorance and destruction including the destruction of great Islamic artifacts and the artifacts of other religions.

It's not so black and white because it's not an unchanging thing.
Blaming all the ailments of islam on Wahhabism is being ignorant. Iran practices a Shi'ite version of Islam (which according to Ayatollah Khomieni is the "true Islam") that is even more radical in my opinion than Wahhabism. The truth is, something is seriously wrong with Islam.
Again you miss the point. The DNA of Islam is such that it cannot change or reform in order to adapt, and coexist in a global modern world. And that's exactly why there are so many problems with the Muslim world.

There is no point to miss. The claim is pointless. Islam has changed and is changing, slowly. Simply because it's late to change in adaptation to global society doesn't mean it isn't or can't. Most reformations are slow and bloody because religion is inherently irrational. Islam is no different.
Well, as of now Islam seems to be going backwards, and trying to take the whole world back there with them, by any means, including violence. Clearly that is the case. Let me know when that changes.
I don't see Islam changing in ways that will make it compatible with 21st century societies. The worship of a 7th century warlord will always conflict with ideas such as compassion, cooperation and ruke of law.

There is nothing in Islamic sharia law to allow for even the consideration of the tolerance and pluralism found in Western liberal democracies. And besides, in Islam, democracy is exemplary of the most heinous of all sins: shirk, which is elevating anyone or anything as a challenge to muhammud's (swish) authority, as delineated in the koran and sunnah. There is little sufferance in the Religion of Peace™ for challenging 7th century norms.
I disagree.

Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Islam, but the Saudi Arabia of then is not the Saudi Arabia of now. The rise of the Wahabi tradition is said to be what effectively ended Islamic exploration into the sciences and education as well as forcing a very radical view of Islam on Muslim countries worldwide. The fact that that tradition became dominant and sprang out of Saudi Arabia does give truth to the claim that Saudi Arabia is the enemy of Islam because Wahabiism has certainly been responsible for a great deal of ignorance and destruction including the destruction of great Islamic artifacts and the artifacts of other religions.

It's not so black and white because it's not an unchanging thing.

You need to look deeper, Saudi Arabia is the mother of Islam. Billions of dollars of Saudi money goes to fund Islamic schools and madrassas around the world, including here. Millions of Muslims go to the Kingdom every year to make the pilgrimage to Hajj, lets not even mention all Muslims pray in the direction of the Kingdom every day!!!!!!!

We're like two ships passing in the night here HG - you're not hearing what I said...

I guess not.
I disagree.

Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Islam, but the Saudi Arabia of then is not the Saudi Arabia of now. The rise of the Wahabi tradition is said to be what effectively ended Islamic exploration into the sciences and education as well as forcing a very radical view of Islam on Muslim countries worldwide. The fact that that tradition became dominant and sprang out of Saudi Arabia does give truth to the claim that Saudi Arabia is the enemy of Islam because Wahabiism has certainly been responsible for a great deal of ignorance and destruction including the destruction of great Islamic artifacts and the artifacts of other religions.

It's not so black and white because it's not an unchanging thing.

You need to look deeper, Saudi Arabia is the mother of Islam. Billions of dollars of Saudi money goes to fund Islamic schools and madrassas around the world, including here. Millions of Muslims go to the Kingdom every year to make the pilgrimage to Hajj, lets not even mention all Muslims pray in the direction of the Kingdom every day!!!!!!!

We're like two ships passing in the night here HG - you're not hearing what I said...

Edited to add:

The region called Saudi Arabia gave birth to Islam over 1300 years ago.

The tradition called Wahabi is what made Saudi Arabia what it is today and that came about in the 18th century - a few hundred years ago.

It's the Wahabi's who are pooring all that money into spreading Wahabi around the world. Is Wahabi the mother of Islam? No. Is Saudi Arabia the sacred center of Islam? Not the nation per se.

It would seem that you are the one who is about 2 barrels short of a tanker load.

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