Woman falls in love with robot ( you mean a lunatic)

If this woman is depraved enough to imagine she loves another woman, she can love a mechanical person.

The only ones who will see a robot as a " PERSON" are the indoctrinated taught to think they are a person.

Would you save a robot first or a human first gawd don't even answer that.
Save? From what? Robots are not alive and consequently can't be saved.

I would rather have the companionship of a robot than a person.

This is what our ROBOT love is going to get you, Not every human has a problem relating to other humans. One needs to look within themselves and find their own problem rather than blaming their lack of social skills on humans in general. Robots are not Superior to humans.

Is human dignity incompatible with posthuman dignity?
Human dignity is sometimes invoked as a polemical substitute for clear ideas. This is not to say that there are no important moral issues relating to dignity, but it does mean that there is a need to define what one has in mind when one uses the term. Here, we shall consider two different senses of dignity:

  1. Dignity as moral status, in particular the inalienable right to be treated with a basic level of respect.
  2. Dignity as the quality of being worthy or honorable; worthiness, worth, nobleness, excellence. (The Oxford English Dictionary[7])
On both these definitions, dignity is something that a posthuman could possess. Francis Fukuyama, however, seems to deny this and warns that giving up on the idea that dignity is unique to human beings – defined as those possessing a mysterious essential human quality he calls “Factor X”[8] – would invite disaster:

Denial of the concept of human dignity – that is, of the idea that there is something unique about the human race that entitles every member of the species to a higher moral status than the rest of the natural world – leads us down a very perilous path. We may be compelled ultimately to take this path, but we should do so only with our eyes open. Nietzsche is a much better guide to what lies down that road than the legions of bioethicists and casual academic Darwinians that today are prone to give us moral advice on this subject.[9]

The new species, or “posthuman,” will likely view the old “normal” humans as inferior, even savages, and fit for slavery or slaughter. The normals, on the other hand, may see the posthumans as a threat and if they can, may engage in a preemptive strike by killing the posthumans before they themselves are killed or enslaved by them. It is ultimately this predictable potential for genocide that makes species-altering experiments potential weapons of mass destruction, and makes the unaccountable genetic engineer a potential bioterrorist.[6]

There is no denying that bioterrorism and unaccountable genetic engineers developing increasingly potent weapons of mass destruction pose a serious threat to our civilization. But using the rhetoric of bioterrorism and weapons of mass destruction to cast aspersions on therapeutic uses of biotechnology to improve health, longevity and other human capacities is unhelpful. The issues are quite distinct. Reasonable people can be in favor of strict regulation of bioweapons while promoting beneficial medical uses of genetics and other human enhancement technologies, including inheritable and “species-altering” modifications.

Human society is always at risk of some group deciding to view another group of humans as fit for slavery or slaughter. To counteract such tendencies, modern societies have created laws and institutions, and endowed them with powers of enforcement, that act to prevent groups of citizens from enslaving or slaughtering one another. The efficacy of these institutions does not depend on all citizens having equal capacities. Modern, peaceful societies can have large numbers of people with diminished physical or mental capacities along with many other people who may be exceptionally physically strong or healthy or intellectually talented in various ways. Adding people with technologically enhanced capacities to this already broad distribution of ability would not need to rip society apart or trigger genocide or enslavement.

The assumption that inheritable genetic modifications or other human enhancement technologies would lead to two distinct and separate species ..........................................

In Defense of Posthuman Dignity

This is the bs dreamed up to DEFEND transhumanisim/Robots etc.
Woman Falls In Love With Robot
A bizarre story is being reported by the New York Post regarding the new CNNgo series called “Mostly Human featuring Laurie Segall” who investigates the darker, and creepy ways modern technology is affecting our relationships. The six-part show explores some weird and downright disturbing stories.

The only ones who would and will fall in love with a freaking robot are leftist loons.
And if you arer not a leftist loon well then you still have issues some where because then it turns into a control case.
LOL it's just rambling for the hell of writing something here.

On the serious side they are airing this type of bs to acclimate the public when it becomes reality .
If falling in love means becoming addicted to something that makes you feel good, then people have been falling in love with inanimate things forever. Chocolate, cars, phones, TV shows, a favorite dress or designer, etc. How is falling in love with a robot much different from falling in love with a video game ? MindWars

If you " FALL IN LOVE" with anything you mentioned you just proved the point.

You don't " Fall in love" with a fkn robot, a pillow, a lamp, a robot

might want to look into your definition of falling in love.
It's called objectophilia and it is the same kind of abberant behavior as necrophilia, bestiality or homosexuality. If anyone does not harm or hurt anyone else it is the objectophiliac.

When we start to put the love of a robot before human life there's a problem there.

That is right where the elites are pushing this robot bs., This is also why they are pushing to give Robots RIGHTS.............it will spin a web of dangerous waters which will surely make situations of putting those robots before a human life.
You might not like it but humanoid robots are coming and human beings will prefer their company to other humans.

Not if we get a nice EMP attack they won't be creating chit and it will be the best thing for humanity the idiots will die off, and technology will be brought to a stand still.
You might not like it but humanoid robots are coming and human beings will prefer their company to other humans.

I already do ...

Don't get all confused over post humans. This isn't creating a new culture. It's a way for those people tired of accommodating others to have a simple companionship. I don't want to listen to another person.
Don't get all confused over post humans. This isn't creating a new culture. It's a way for those people tired of accommodating others to have a simple companionship. I don't want to listen to another person.

No I'm just posting about Transhumanisim because that is the stage we are getting to .

There are a lot of ppl who aren't even aware of T. H.
Woman Falls In Love With Robot
A bizarre story is being reported by the New York Post regarding the new CNNgo series called “Mostly Human featuring Laurie Segall” who investigates the darker, and creepy ways modern technology is affecting our relationships. The six-part show explores some weird and downright disturbing stories.

The only ones who would and will fall in love with a freaking robot are leftist loons.
And if you arer not a leftist loon well then you still have issues some where because then it turns into a control case.
LOL it's just rambling for the hell of writing something here.

On the serious side they are airing this type of bs to acclimate the public when it becomes reality .
If falling in love means becoming addicted to something that makes you feel good, then people have been falling in love with inanimate things forever. Chocolate, cars, phones, TV shows, a favorite dress or designer, etc. How is falling in love with a robot much different from falling in love with a video game ? MindWars

There is a difference between being in love and loving something, so you can love your car for example, but you are not in love with your car.
Woman Falls In Love With Robot
A bizarre story is being reported by the New York Post regarding the new CNNgo series called “Mostly Human featuring Laurie Segall” who investigates the darker, and creepy ways modern technology is affecting our relationships. The six-part show explores some weird and downright disturbing stories.

The only ones who would and will fall in love with a freaking robot are leftist loons.
And if you arer not a leftist loon well then you still have issues some where because then it turns into a control case.
LOL it's just rambling for the hell of writing something here.

On the serious side they are airing this type of bs to acclimate the public when it becomes reality .
If falling in love means becoming addicted to something that makes you feel good, then people have been falling in love with inanimate things forever. Chocolate, cars, phones, TV shows, a favorite dress or designer, etc. How is falling in love with a robot much different from falling in love with a video game ? MindWars

If you " FALL IN LOVE" with anything you mentioned you just proved the point.

You don't " Fall in love" with a fkn robot, a pillow, a lamp, a robot

might want to look into your definition of falling in love.
It's called objectophilia and it is the same kind of abberant behavior as necrophilia, bestiality or homosexuality. If anyone does not harm or hurt anyone else it is the objectophiliac.

When we start to put the love of a robot before human life there's a problem there.

That is right where the elites are pushing this robot bs., This is also why they are pushing to give Robots RIGHTS.............it will spin a web of dangerous waters which will surely make situations of putting those robots before a human life.
You might not like it but humanoid robots are coming and human beings will prefer their company to other humans.

You cannot procreate with a robot.
Woman Falls In Love With Robot
A bizarre story is being reported by the New York Post regarding the new CNNgo series called “Mostly Human featuring Laurie Segall” who investigates the darker, and creepy ways modern technology is affecting our relationships. The six-part show explores some weird and downright disturbing stories.

The only ones who would and will fall in love with a freaking robot are leftist loons.
And if you arer not a leftist loon well then you still have issues some where because then it turns into a control case.
LOL it's just rambling for the hell of writing something here.

On the serious side they are airing this type of bs to acclimate the public when it becomes reality .
If falling in love means becoming addicted to something that makes you feel good, then people have been falling in love with inanimate things forever. Chocolate, cars, phones, TV shows, a favorite dress or designer, etc. How is falling in love with a robot much different from falling in love with a video game ? MindWars

There is a difference between being in love and loving something, so you can love your car for example, but you are not in love with your car.

I think some motor heads might argue that point. :D
Woman Falls In Love With Robot
A bizarre story is being reported by the New York Post regarding the new CNNgo series called “Mostly Human featuring Laurie Segall” who investigates the darker, and creepy ways modern technology is affecting our relationships. The six-part show explores some weird and downright disturbing stories.

The only ones who would and will fall in love with a freaking robot are leftist loons.
And if you arer not a leftist loon well then you still have issues some where because then it turns into a control case.
LOL it's just rambling for the hell of writing something here.

On the serious side they are airing this type of bs to acclimate the public when it becomes reality .
If falling in love means becoming addicted to something that makes you feel good, then people have been falling in love with inanimate things forever. Chocolate, cars, phones, TV shows, a favorite dress or designer, etc. How is falling in love with a robot much different from falling in love with a video game ? MindWars

If you " FALL IN LOVE" with anything you mentioned you just proved the point.

You don't " Fall in love" with a fkn robot, a pillow, a lamp, a robot

might want to look into your definition of falling in love.
Yep MindWars that's what I mean.
Look at what people mean when they say they've fallen in love.

By that looser interpretation, you could say I'm "in love" with everyone here! You and Pogo included. Just can't get enough. You just stimulate my brain, and generate feel good chemical releases....
Woman Falls In Love With Robot
A bizarre story is being reported by the New York Post regarding the new CNNgo series called “Mostly Human featuring Laurie Segall” who investigates the darker, and creepy ways modern technology is affecting our relationships. The six-part show explores some weird and downright disturbing stories.

The only ones who would and will fall in love with a freaking robot are leftist loons.
And if you arer not a leftist loon well then you still have issues some where because then it turns into a control case.
LOL it's just rambling for the hell of writing something here.

On the serious side they are airing this type of bs to acclimate the public when it becomes reality .
If falling in love means becoming addicted to something that makes you feel good, then people have been falling in love with inanimate things forever. Chocolate, cars, phones, TV shows, a favorite dress or designer, etc. How is falling in love with a robot much different from falling in love with a video game ? MindWars

If you " FALL IN LOVE" with anything you mentioned you just proved the point.

You don't " Fall in love" with a fkn robot, a pillow, a lamp, a robot

might want to look into your definition of falling in love.
Yep MindWars that's what I mean.
Look at what people mean when they say they've fallen in love.

By that looser interpretation, you could say I'm "in love" with everyone here! You and Pogo included. Just can't get enough. You just stimulate my brain, and generate feel good chemical releases....

If this woman is depraved enough to imagine she loves another woman, she can love a mechanical person.

The only ones who will see a robot as a " PERSON" are the indoctrinated taught to think they are a person.

Would you save a robot first or a human first gawd don't even answer that.
Save? From what? Robots are not alive and consequently can't be saved.

I would rather have the companionship of a robot than a person.

And Fukuyama’s answer? Transhumanism, “a strange liberation movement” whose “crusaders aim much higher than civil rights campaigners, feminists, or gay-rights advocates.” This movement, he says, wants “nothing less than to liberate the human race from its biological constraints.”

More precisely, transhumanists advocate increased funding for research to radically extend healthy lifespan and favor the development of medical and technological means to improve memory, concentration, and other human capacities. Transhumanists propose that everybody should have the option to use such means to enhance various dimensions of their cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being. Not only is this a natural extension of the traditional aims of medicine and technology, but it is also a great humanitarian opportunity to genuinely improve the human condition...........................

"This movement, he says, wants “nothing less than to liberate the human race from its biological constraints.”

There it is, the reason we all knew, it's about stopping people like us from breeding.

Thank goodness this will fail and only social misfits and general weirdos will want to fuck a robot as opposed to being like normal people for thousands of years and have sex with other humans and breed.

The Transhumanism types should be rounded up and put into Special Institutions and the equally insane ones who have developed these robots deserve nothing less than throwing into dungeons where society can be safe from their insanity and new crazed level of wanting to disrupt normal human behaviour with their abnormal Social Engineering.
If falling in love means becoming addicted to something that makes you feel good, then people have been falling in love with inanimate things forever. Chocolate, cars, phones, TV shows, a favorite dress or designer, etc. How is falling in love with a robot much different from falling in love with a video game ? MindWars

If you " FALL IN LOVE" with anything you mentioned you just proved the point.

You don't " Fall in love" with a fkn robot, a pillow, a lamp, a robot

might want to look into your definition of falling in love.
It's called objectophilia and it is the same kind of abberant behavior as necrophilia, bestiality or homosexuality. If anyone does not harm or hurt anyone else it is the objectophiliac.

When we start to put the love of a robot before human life there's a problem there.

That is right where the elites are pushing this robot bs., This is also why they are pushing to give Robots RIGHTS.............it will spin a web of dangerous waters which will surely make situations of putting those robots before a human life.
You might not like it but humanoid robots are coming and human beings will prefer their company to other humans.

You cannot procreate with a robot.

That would be the point.
Don't get all confused over post humans. This isn't creating a new culture. It's a way for those people tired of accommodating others to have a simple companionship. I don't want to listen to another person.

So when are you going to get one? :D Would it matter to you if it looked human or not?
I imagine that these robots are super expensive. There is probably some kind of maintenance cost involved too.

I don't know about the whole sex with robots things. Kind of creepy if you ask me. Who knows if the thing would malfunction and hurt you? I don't think I would really trust a robot any more than I trust most people!
Don't get all confused over post humans. This isn't creating a new culture. It's a way for those people tired of accommodating others to have a simple companionship. I don't want to listen to another person.

So when are you going to get one? :D Would it matter to you if it looked human or not?
They aren't quite that sophisticated yet. They are certainly made to look human and can look like anyone. Be programmed with any personality. I don't see a thing wrong with it.
Don't get all confused over post humans. This isn't creating a new culture. It's a way for those people tired of accommodating others to have a simple companionship. I don't want to listen to another person.

So when are you going to get one? :D Would it matter to you if it looked human or not?
They aren't quite that sophisticated yet. They are certainly made to look human and can look like anyone. Be programmed with any personality. I don't see a thing wrong with it.

Well, I was asking what you would prefer. Would you rather it look like a human or a robot?

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