Woman Forced to Leave Texas for Abortion

If you have any doubts about Republicans trying to force births… even when there is no possibility of the fetus surviving this is it

Hundreds of innocent Americans get killed every day by the illegal aliens Biden has invited into our country and nothing is said by the media. One lady has to go out of state to get an abortion and Democrats are making a federal case out of it. But everyone knows the score. Democrats need to fabricate an issue to ride into this election on, even though it is bullshit. This is just the next Russian collusion hoax or Ukrainian phone call or poor COVID response. Democrats need to fabricate bullshit because they have no valid positions worth running on, and they're really counting on making a mountain out of a molehill out of abortion. MAGA
Abortion is virtually the only card they have to play in 2024. It certainly isn't Biden.
People can simply give their baby up for adoption or better yet foster care. It's not even a difficult process for the mother. But in this extreme case not allowing the exception had no moral standing.
I think Texas law allows abortion when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. if not, post the statute banning it.

On paper. But as this case proves in spades, no woman will ever get an exception approved.

When she received her court order, Ken Paxton, whose mistress got a legal abortion when he knocked her up, warned her doctors and the hospitals where they have admitting privileges that they would be prosecuted for performing the surgery, and there is still a question as to whether her husband and doctors will be sued for helping her obtain and abortion, under the Texas law.
Of course libs advocate a free anything goes lifestyle

it goes back many generations and is the basis of their toward Christians and Christian standards of morality

Of course 13 is too young to get married and have a baby

Adults failed that young girl long before she started having sex

And the father too who is probably not much older than she is

But infanticide is not the answer

That's bullshit. It's not "anything goes". The 13 year old was raped by her uncle. You not only made a LOT of false assumptions about this child, and her family - all based on the right wing stereotypes being fed to you by the anti-abortion movement.

Republicans keep trying to make abortion a "moral issue". It is NOT a moral issue. It's an economic and medical issue. The majority of women seeking abortions are not young, unmarried or immoral. They are mostly over 25, married with one or more children, and poor. The can't afford to bear or raise another child.

Infanticide is the murder of a baby. Abortion is neither murder, nor is the zygote a "baby" until it draws it's first breath.

One in four American women will have an abortion by the time they're 40 - either as a medical treatment for miscarriage, because they are not able to have a(nother) child for whatever reason.

If God has a problem with it, that's between the woman and God, when she gets to the Pearly Gates. It's certainly NONE of your concern.
There MUST be an exception for rape however. At least morally. It would be immoral to force a rape victim to have the child.
There have been school shootings all over the country not just in Texas
But only Teaxass teabaggers think it's a good idea to increase the killing of children.
By selling more guns........to children.

Texas gun laws are loosened by GOP lawmakers after ...​

The Texas Tribune
https://www.texastribune.org › 2022/05/24 › texas-gu...

May 24, 2022 — Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republican leaders signaled an openness to some gun restrictions after recent mass shootings.
I think Texas law allows abortion when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. if not, post the statute banning it.

On paper. But as this case proves in spades, no woman will ever get an exception approved.

When she received her court order, Ken Paxton, whose mistress got a legal abortion when he knocked her up, warned her doctors and the hospitals where they have admitting privileges that they would be prosecuted for performing the surgery, and there is still a question as to whether her husband and doctors will be sued for helping her obtain and abortion, under the Texas law.

Even more disgusting, Texas AG Ken Paxton had no problem telling his mistress to get an abortion, when she got pregnant. Do as I say, not as I do, is always the Republican way.

People can simply give their baby up for adoption or better yet foster care. It's not even a difficult process for the mother. But in this extreme case not allowing the exception had no moral standing.

People can simply - says the guy who will never be in that position.

How can you "simply have the child" with no medical insurance and getting fired from your low wage job because you're pregnant, and no way of keeping a roof over your head?

It's not just the baby, it's the pregnancy. Having a baby is nasty, danger and expensive, and you're never the same afterward. I swore after the first one I would never do THAT again. It was the worst experience of my entire life - 9 months of morning sickness, barely able to get out of bed, physical discomfort, followed by hours of pain and labour. It takes a woman 2 years to physically recover from pregnancy.

It's a miracle any of us have more than one child. If not for unintended pregnancies, the human race would have died out long ago.

As for adoption - only if they're white and healthy. No "imperfect" baby stands a chance for adoption. And foster care. I'd rather be dead than grow up in foster care. Not to mention there aren't enough homes for the children already in the system, and with drug abuse and mental health challenges faced by many families, the need is increasing.

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